== Ubuntu North Carolina LoCo Team == * akgraner and internalkernel - set up www.ubuntunc.com - still a work in progress * Call for NC LoCo Team Bloggers to send in info for links to their blogs to be added to NC LoCo Team Planet * jcg2 gave presentation on NC LoCo to [[http://www.meetup.com/Guilford-County-Linux-Users-Group/calendar/12673744/?from=list&offset=0 | GCLUG]] on March 9 * Held [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Hour | Ubuntu Hours]] in Asheville and Winston-Salem * NC LoCo Team wiki pages reorg in prep for LoCo Team Approval * Held two LoCo team IRC meetings to finalize plans on LoCo Team Approval * March 4th Meeting * March 18th Meeting * akgraner spoke at WNCLUG group about "How to encourage Non-Technical End Users (NTEU) to participate in your technical organization" * Celebrated Ada Lovelace Day * Blog post by jcg_ - [[http://ubuntunc.wordpress.com/2010/03/24/ada-lovelace-day/|AdaLovelaceDay]] * Blog post by akgraner - [[http://amber.redvoodoo.org/2010/03/women-in-near-and-around-ubuntu.html |Women In, Near, and Around Ubuntu - Celebrating Ada Lovelace Day - Part 1]]