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This is the ## Regular Meeting of the NewYorkTeam, starting at 6:00 PM EST and finishing at 7:30 EST When adding new agenda items please "sign" them, place @SIG@ (without the escape - marks) after each of your items. If you won't be in attendance, please describe your item and wishes in detail otherwise those items may not be effectively discussed.


The meeting will start off with an Introduction of Members where we will welcome people to the meeting. The following Topics will then be discussed.



IRC Logs

(06:13:40 PM) yharrow_mobile: looks like my nick went zombie on me
(06:13:42 PM) yharrow_mobile: sorry about that
(06:13:49 PM) psychoneil: what i read before sounds good to me.  and i cant imagine any changes we might make tonight would be bad
(06:13:57 PM) samiam010203: no problem yharrow
(06:14:22 PM) yharrow_mobile: ok , we have 8 sections of the bylaws that we need to review
(06:14:28 PM) yharrow_mobile: and perhaps a ninth one too
(06:14:35 PM) yharrow_mobile: I don't know how much of it we will be able to cover
(06:14:41 PM) yharrow_mobile: but we will do our best.
(06:15:27 PM) yharrow_mobile: ausimage: do you think it is fair to allocate a certain amouint of time for discussing each bylaw?
(06:15:33 PM) yharrow_mobile: or at least each section?
(06:15:50 PM) ausimage: Would you like me to do this ?
(06:16:06 PM) yharrow_mobile: lead the meeting?
(06:16:13 PM) ausimage: lead this section
(06:16:18 PM) yharrow_mobile: ok sure
(06:16:20 PM) yharrow_mobile: go ahead
(06:16:23 PM) ausimage: cool...
(06:17:06 PM) yharrow_mobile: ajour reknowned bylaw expert dr ausimage will be leading this part of the meeting ;)
(06:17:07 PM) ausimage: alright
(06:17:34 PM) ausimage: then... I lead a committe to write the team bylaws....
(06:18:02 PM) ausimage: the results have been linked in emails to the list and are here  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewYorkTeam/503c/bylaw
(06:18:30 PM) ausimage: Lets review each section... making sure there are no outstanding issues
(06:18:50 PM) yharrow_mobile: ok
(06:19:19 PM) ausimage: With Article I anyone see anything needing discussion yet?
(06:19:56 PM) ausimage: everyone looking at the bylaws as well ??
(06:20:02 PM) samiam010203: yes
(06:20:07 PM) ausimage: K
(06:20:32 PM) ausimage: seeing none... lets look at Section 2... any thing here ?
(06:20:33 PM) yharrow_mobile: small grammar error i think
(06:20:40 PM) ausimage: where ?
(06:20:52 PM) yharrow_mobile: it shall be at *the* leadership's
(06:20:59 PM) yharrow_mobile: sectoin 3
(06:21:14 PM) yharrow_mobile: 3c
(06:21:20 PM) ausimage: fixed :)
(06:21:31 PM) yharrow_mobile: cool
(06:21:35 PM) ausimage: anything with Section 2
(06:22:18 PM) yharrow_mobile: btw how do we know what is required of us a 201a or 501c3 organization?
(06:22:37 PM) ausimage: umm... let me get the links...
(06:23:37 PM) yharrow_mobile: 501c3 and 201a in the wiki should link to informative links
(06:23:48 PM) yharrow_mobile: informative pages*
(06:23:49 PM) ausimage: http://www.dos.state.ny.us/corp/nfpguide.htm 
(06:24:12 PM) ausimage: it describes state types about paragraph 4
(06:24:27 PM) yharrow_mobile: ok
(06:24:28 PM) ausimage: the titles tile actual paragraphs
(06:24:29 PM) yharrow_mobile: cool
(06:24:53 PM) yharrow_mobile: when we say that someone needs to agree to the Ubuntu COC
(06:25:01 PM) yharrow_mobile: does that mean they need to formally do so?
(06:25:06 PM) samiam010203: yes
(06:25:15 PM) yharrow_mobile: by signing with a key and everything
(06:25:19 PM) samiam010203: no
(06:25:31 PM) samiam010203: just by agreeing to it
(06:25:41 PM) rory|zzz left the room (quit: Connection timed out).
(06:25:47 PM) yharrow_mobile: ok, we will then need to make membership restricted and tell ppl that by joining the group they are agreeing to the COC
(06:25:50 PM) yharrow_mobile: that should work
(06:25:53 PM) ausimage: just agreeing it helps govern the behavior of the team
(06:26:29 PM) yharrow_mobile: sagreed
(06:27:27 PM) yharrow_mobile: section 2c Additional membership information may be asked of prospective members
(06:27:40 PM) yharrow_mobile: Additional membership information may be *requested from* prospective members
(06:28:17 PM) yharrow_mobile: I think that sounds better
(06:28:29 PM) ausimage: that sounds good
(06:28:35 PM) yharrow_mobile: ausimage: do you think we should open up a gobi session?
(06:28:50 PM) yharrow_mobile: or whatever that editing program was called
(06:29:00 PM) ausimage: if all we have are little ones I think I can manage
(06:29:11 PM) yharrow_mobile: ok
(06:29:22 PM) ausimage: anything else with section 2
(06:29:30 PM) ausimage: er article 2
(06:30:04 PM) ausimage: K.... Art 3
(06:30:15 PM) yharrow left the room (quit: Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)).
(06:30:18 PM) yharrow_mobile: i think that it should  more closely define the process of clicking the button and then sending an email or filling out a form
(06:30:39 PM) yharrow_mobile: right now it says that they will click the button and then leadership will decide whether or not to accept the memeber
(06:30:47 PM) ausimage: I wanted it to stay simple...\
(06:30:59 PM) yharrow_mobile: ok, I guess it will work for now.
(06:31:02 PM) ausimage: we can specify elsewhere the details
(06:31:28 PM) ausimage: the less detail the fewer changes later to the bylaws
(06:32:04 PM) ausimage: Do we have concerns with section 2?
(06:32:13 PM) ausimage: er article 3 I mean
(06:32:32 PM) ***ausimage his brain is not cooperating :S
(06:32:58 PM) ausimage: This a longer one I know...
(06:33:07 PM) yharrow_mobile: ok
(06:33:12 PM) yharrow_mobile: lets read through it
(06:33:17 PM) yharrow_mobile: btw who is still with us?
(06:33:19 PM) ausimage: it defines the leadership and the specific roles
(06:33:21 PM) samiam010203: here
(06:33:27 PM) yharrow_mobile: psychoneil: you there?
(06:34:10 PM) ausimage: are samiam010203 and yharrow_mobile the only ones participating?
(06:34:57 PM) ausimage: this is such an important document :S
(06:35:28 PM) hal14450: i'm here i just haven't had a chance to look over the bylaws and given i just joined 2 days ago i figured i'd just sit and watch
(06:35:45 PM) ausimage: Well of those who are listening, how many have read them? 
(06:35:53 PM) ausimage: ok hal14450 understood
(06:36:01 PM) yharrow_mobile: hal14450: feel free to jump in and get wet ;)
(06:36:16 PM) hal14450: thanks ;-)
(06:36:27 PM) yharrow_mobile: hal14450: everybody's opinoin has weight around here :)
(06:36:29 PM) ausimage: I move to make the final vote by the email list....
(06:36:40 PM) hal14450: from waht i've read so far it looks fine to me
(06:36:49 PM) yharrow_mobile: ausimage: final vote on the laws?
(06:36:58 PM) yharrow_mobile: or membership?
(06:37:02 PM) rory|zzz [n=NotATarp@wikipedia/Rory096] entered the room.
(06:37:03 PM) yharrow_mobile: i mean leadership
(06:37:03 PM) ausimage: yeah... there are more on the list....
(06:37:12 PM) ausimage: than in the channel at this point
(06:37:35 PM) ausimage: allow a week to reply acking or not the bylaws...
(06:37:46 PM) yharrow_mobile: ok , that works
(06:37:53 PM) yharrow_mobile: what about in the forum?
(06:38:07 PM) ausimage: that could work but I don't use them :S
(06:38:16 PM) yharrow_mobile: and sending out a notice about the poll
(06:38:24 PM) yharrow_mobile: the only advantage i can think of is that on the mailing list we konw what everyone thinks, and we can discuss it
(06:38:33 PM) rory|zzz is now known as rory096
(06:38:52 PM) ausimage: let us do a combination then ???
(06:39:05 PM) yharrow_mobile: ok, lets stick to making the finall desicion on the list
(06:39:10 PM) yharrow_mobile: but we will give it about 7 days of discussion on the list
(06:39:18 PM) yharrow_mobile: no, i think it will get too complicated with both
(06:39:23 PM) yharrow_mobile: then again
(06:39:30 PM) yharrow_mobile: there are ppl who never use the list
(06:39:33 PM) yharrow_mobile: and cant figure it out
(06:39:40 PM) psychoneil: yharrow i told the rest that im semi-here but im good with whats already on the page
(06:39:41 PM) yharrow_mobile: ok, heres a compromise
(06:39:50 PM) yharrow_mobile: psychoneil: ok :)
(06:39:52 PM) yharrow_mobile: thanks
(06:39:59 PM) ausimage: cool psychoneil
(06:40:16 PM) yharrow_mobile: here: lets setup a poll on the forums, and then discuss the bylaws on the list for 7 days
(06:40:20 PM) yharrow_mobile: starting form today
(06:40:24 PM) yharrow_mobile: from*
(06:40:32 PM) ausimage: that sounds good...
(06:40:34 PM) yharrow_mobile: the list will have a url to the poll
(06:40:54 PM) ausimage: you want to send it to the list?
(06:41:10 PM) ausimage: I will make sure those with emails and not on the list get cc'ed
(06:41:16 PM) yharrow_mobile: send what?
(06:41:16 PM) samiam010203: i thought we were voting today though ?
(06:41:45 PM) ausimage: samiam010203: is it worth voting with mostly the same people that made them????
(06:41:47 PM) yharrow_mobile: samiam010203: we were going to but ausimage pointed out how few ppl have attended this meeting
(06:42:00 PM) samiam010203: yup
(06:42:02 PM) samiam010203: ok
(06:42:35 PM) ***ausimage reminds that I did email the list... and the wiki has stated BYLAWS today... :(
(06:42:43 PM) yharrow_mobile: ausimage: actually, it may be better this way. because the team will have to get aquainted with the laws and read through them.
(06:43:29 PM) yharrow_mobile: I think that it might be better for us to take a retroactive postion
(06:43:33 PM) yharrow_mobile: where we vote now and if ppl find mistakes they let us know
(06:43:38 PM) yharrow_mobile: and we can make a revision later
(06:43:39 PM) ausimage: yeah... lets agree that you notify the list about the vote on the forum poll and I will cc the straglers on the mailing list... vote to last 7 days
(06:43:41 PM) yharrow_mobile: or amendment
(06:44:08 PM) yharrow_mobile: very well then
(06:44:14 PM) ausimage: all agree to my motion???
(06:44:18 PM) samiam010203: ok sounds fine
(06:44:20 PM) samiam010203: :)
(06:44:32 PM) yharrow_mobile: ok but by the end of 7 days we need to get this submitted
(06:44:46 PM) yharrow_mobile: if there are no major errors
(06:44:50 PM) yharrow_mobile: which i think there arent
(06:45:08 PM) yharrow_mobile: ok about the leader ship article
(06:45:22 PM) yharrow_mobile: if yo uare president you can only hold that postion?
(06:45:44 PM) ausimage: yes since it is supposed to be a very demanding position
(06:45:45 PM) yharrow_mobile: whereas a vice president can be secretrary as well?
(06:45:47 PM) yharrow_mobile: ok
(06:45:50 PM) yharrow_mobile: that makes sense
(06:45:55 PM) samiam010203: i think we should vote in new leadeer ship once a year
(06:46:14 PM) jk__ [n=jknight@ARennes-352-1-160-99.w86-214.abo.wanadoo.fr] entered the room.
(06:46:31 PM) yharrow_mobile: I do too
(06:46:34 PM) yharrow_mobile: I think it should be 1 year
(06:46:36 PM) ausimage: hmm  what an LP poll instead of the forums
(06:46:50 PM) yharrow_mobile: since this kind of team is so dynamic
(06:47:02 PM) yharrow_mobile: it changes quickly
(06:47:09 PM) ausimage: 1 yr would only be four meetings... not enough really to be effectiv
(06:47:29 PM) ausimage: the leader can always resign
(06:47:32 PM) yharrow_mobile: we are going to have 4 meetings a year?
(06:47:47 PM) samiam010203: i thought we were going to have 2
(06:47:54 PM) ausimage: Leadership Meetings: (a) Leadership shall meet at least quarterly
(06:47:58 PM) yharrow_mobile: i think 4 makes sense though
(06:48:04 PM) jk__: hello all just joined to listen in on the meeting
(06:48:09 PM) ausimage: they can be IRC though
(06:48:12 PM) yharrow_mobile: even though it may be more difficult to attend.
(06:48:15 PM) yharrow_mobile: oh ok
(06:48:20 PM) yharrow_mobile: so 2 in person and 2 irc?
(06:48:26 PM) samiam010203: sounds good
(06:48:32 PM) ausimage: if that is what the leadership chooses
(06:48:53 PM) yharrow_mobile: jk__: hi welcome to the team! :), glad to have you with us. feel free to chime in at any time ;)
(06:49:08 PM) yharrow_mobile: ok
(06:49:20 PM) jk__: thanks.  I've been horribly inconsistent, but I'm def. always interested in ny ubuntu.
(06:49:35 PM) psychoneil: what was decided in the elections meeting a couple weeks back?  1st election in october this year and december every year after?
(06:49:39 PM) ausimage: lets move forward... what is the official agreement about how to get the bylaws approved?
(06:50:00 PM) ausimage: that sounds right pyschoniel
(06:50:00 PM) samiam010203: poll should work fine and mailing list tally
(06:50:18 PM) ausimage: which poll forum or LP?
(06:50:22 PM) samiam010203: forum
(06:50:26 PM) ausimage: OK
(06:50:28 PM) samiam010203: no one realy hangs on LP
(06:50:35 PM) yharrow_mobile: psychoneil: yes
(06:50:49 PM) psychoneil: k
(06:50:53 PM) ausimage: that is fine then I will need to ack seperately somehow :S
(06:51:33 PM) yharrow_mobile: onto section 4?
(06:51:43 PM) yharrow_mobile: article iv i mean
(06:51:47 PM) ausimage: yharrow_mobile:  do you want to state for the record the next step decided and move to the next item
(06:51:55 PM) psychoneil: methinks we should set up some calendar to get a better idea of everyones free time for our irc meetings.  gotta get attendance up here
(06:52:17 PM) jk__: is there a list of items? ("next items")
(06:52:18 PM) jk__: link?
(06:52:33 PM) samiam010203: i think we should do our meetings on the weekends
(06:52:43 PM) ausimage: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewYorkTeam/Meetings/20070821
(06:52:58 PM) psychoneil: maybe something can be imported to korganizer etc
(06:53:00 PM) yharrow_mobile: and rotate with the various designated regions. ---> and *may* rotate with the various designated regions.
(06:53:11 PM) yharrow_mobile: section 2c
(06:53:14 PM) yharrow_mobile: article IV
(06:53:17 PM) ausimage: next item would be conference 2008 report
(06:53:45 PM) yharrow_mobile: actually make that "and *may* rotate *within*
(06:54:03 PM) ausimage: yharrow we another 5 points that should be touched on the next half hour :S
(06:54:24 PM) yharrow_mobile: i dont know if my grammar is correct
(06:54:24 PM) yharrow_mobile: but i think it should say may because it may not rotate everytime
(06:54:25 PM) infinityxi [n=sday@cpe-66-65-97-95.nyc.res.rr.com] entered the room.
(06:54:36 PM) ausimage: *5 items on the agenda besides the bylaws that is
(06:54:56 PM) ausimage: yharrow_mobile: we can go over your suggestions after the meeting
(06:55:00 PM) yharrow_mobile: i didnt think we would cover it all in one day.
(06:55:00 PM) infinityxi: hey guys
(06:55:05 PM) yharrow_mobile: we have 2 options
(06:55:22 PM) yharrow_mobile: we can continue the meeting for 30 minutes longer
(06:55:26 PM) yharrow_mobile: or hold another meeting next week
(06:55:40 PM) yharrow_mobile: I rather hold another meeting next week
(06:55:55 PM) yharrow_mobile: anyways, lets see what we can cover
(06:55:55 PM) ausimage: yharrow the bylaws discussion and vote ==> LIST and FORUM POLL ;)
(06:56:11 PM) ausimage: 7days to decide on approval 
(06:56:23 PM) yharrow_mobile: ausimage: we need to do it like this first. then we will do the list
(06:56:44 PM) yharrow_mobile: ausimage: having everyone in one spot is  better for discussion imo
(06:56:49 PM) ausimage: We have MONTHS of discussions on the bylaws
(06:56:52 PM) yharrow_mobile: as few ppl as it may be
(06:57:00 PM) yharrow_mobile: we have the dynamic of a meeting
(06:57:14 PM) yharrow_mobile: well this is the final discussion by meeting
(06:57:26 PM) yharrow_mobile: then we will have the list discussion
(06:57:26 PM) yharrow_mobile: and the forum vote
(06:57:31 PM) yharrow_mobile: or forum discussion
(06:58:02 PM) samiam010203: yharrow what do you meen?
(06:58:06 PM) yharrow_mobile: actually lets just keep everything in the forum
(06:58:07 PM) yharrow_mobile: send out notice of it to the list and disucss the bylaws in the forum
(06:58:23 PM) ausimage: I prefer email :S
(06:58:25 PM) samiam010203: i thought we were done with the bylawss and decided to post a poll on the forums and LP
(06:58:47 PM) ausimage: that was my motion :S
(06:58:47 PM) yharrow_mobile: samiam010203: yeah, but there will still need to be discussion if ppl disagree with some point
(06:58:59 PM) samiam010203: what dont you agree with then ?
(06:59:02 PM) ausimage: yharrow_mobile: they have had months to disagree
(06:59:11 PM) infinityxi left the room (quit: Remote closed the connection).
(06:59:15 PM) samiam010203: at some point we have to finaliz this document
(06:59:28 PM) ausimage: I have been sending emails to list on them for some time and even blogged about them
(07:00:00 PM) yharrow_mobile: the truth is i dont know why we need a vote
(07:00:05 PM) samiam010203: yharrow, if people disagreed they would ahve been here to say something would they not ?
(07:00:06 PM) yharrow_mobile: what are we voting for?
(07:00:18 PM) samiam010203: to finaliz the bylaws
(07:00:19 PM) samiam010203: :)
(07:00:23 PM) ausimage: We need an official approval for the bylaws to effective
(07:00:32 PM) samiam010203: to say yes there good or no there not good
(07:00:48 PM) ausimage: These bylaws were ### at a meeting of membership and leadership by a 2/3(two-thirds) majority vote on ###
(07:01:13 PM) yharrow_mobile: but if they are not good ppl have to provide a reason, so in effect it will come down to discussion
(07:01:35 PM) samiam010203: yes but we have beeen having meetings about them already for over  3 months now
(07:01:35 PM) ausimage: All we are looking for is a yeah or neah 
(07:01:36 PM) yharrow_mobile: ppl can disagree with it cause they dont want to follow the coc
(07:01:45 PM) samiam010203: discusions have been made already
(07:02:07 PM) ausimage: do we want them if they can't handle the COC a vary fair and reasonable doc?
(07:02:14 PM) ausimage: *very
(07:02:30 PM) samiam010203: yharrow
(07:02:36 PM) yharrow_mobile: i think we should just have the final review and vote at either this meeting or another meeting held iwthin a week if we cant cover everything here
(07:02:39 PM) samiam010203: the coc is what ubuntu is built on top of
(07:02:44 PM) yharrow_mobile: yes
(07:02:51 PM) samiam010203: so if they dont want to follow it we dont need them then
(07:03:05 PM) ausimage: Have read the COC yharrow_mobile??????
(07:03:10 PM) yharrow_mobile: all that im saying is that if we let random ppl from our team vote down the bylaws without reason
(07:03:12 PM) samiam010203: yharrow
(07:03:15 PM) yharrow_mobile: what is the point of a voe
(07:03:17 PM) yharrow_mobile: vote*
(07:03:31 PM) samiam010203: do you remeember when we did the cd hand out i said we should have people sign the coc ?
(07:03:32 PM) yharrow_mobile: ausimage: i read and signed it.
(07:03:50 PM) ausimage: what can anyone really object to in the COC
(07:04:03 PM) ausimage: it is mostly common sense...
(07:04:10 PM) ausimage: and good manners
(07:04:15 PM) psychoneil: for what its worth i say final bylaw vote tonight.  anyone who doesnt agree with them is welcome to the group anyways but doesnt have a leadership vote
(07:04:31 PM) yharrow_mobile: ausimage: i have no idea. I'm just putting forth a reason why it may not be a good idea to give someone from the team a chance to vote down the bylaws without providing a reason
(07:05:01 PM) ausimage: how many do nay sayers do think are really going to vote?
(07:05:20 PM) samiam010203: here is what were going to do
(07:05:24 PM) ausimage: psychoneil: from my calculations the bylaws are passed....
(07:05:29 PM) samiam010203: and this is FINAL
(07:05:33 PM) ausimage: based on a vote tonight
(07:05:51 PM) samiam010203: we are going to have our regulaer meeting on the 4th of sep
(07:06:04 PM) samiam010203: at that meeting u will have to say yes or no to the by laws
(07:06:17 PM) ausimage: no discussions ?
(07:06:26 PM) samiam010203: betrween now and then we will send out mailins telling people to read the bylaws
(07:06:27 PM) yharrow_mobile: ausimage: he said its final
(07:06:29 PM) yharrow_mobile: so i guess not
(07:06:30 PM) samiam010203: and come to that meeting
(07:06:37 PM) samiam010203: if on that date they dont vote
(07:06:42 PM) samiam010203: they dont have a vote
(07:06:44 PM) samiam010203: thats that
(07:06:49 PM) ausimage: K
(07:06:55 PM) ausimage: sounds fine
(07:06:57 PM) psychoneil: agreed
(07:07:12 PM) samiam010203: cool
(07:07:14 PM) yharrow_mobile: onto section 5 ?
(07:07:19 PM) samiam010203: now we can forge ahead :)
(07:07:23 PM) yharrow_mobile: section 4
(07:07:24 PM) yharrow_mobile: sorry
(07:07:36 PM) ausimage:  Conference 2008 in Syracuse [Report Only]
(07:07:40 PM) ausimage:  Moderate LP List...
(07:07:40 PM) psychoneil: GET OUT THE VOTE!!!
(07:07:46 PM) samiam010203: hahaha
(07:07:49 PM) ausimage:  Should we build Regional Leadership and operate more regionally
(07:07:56 PM) ausimage:  Inquired about partnering with Potsdam Team 
(07:08:02 PM) ausimage:  Meetups.com -- linux.meetups.com have very few meetups in state
(07:08:09 PM) ausimage: the rest of the agenda
(07:08:20 PM) samiam010203: i will be doing to linux meetups by the end of the week ausimage
(07:08:28 PM) ausimage: awesome ]
(07:08:31 PM) samiam010203: cool
(07:09:08 PM) ausimage: I can say Conference 2008 is going good...
(07:09:20 PM) samiam010203: so ausimage, you send out the mailing tonight directing people to the by laws and telling them they HAVE to vote on the 4th of sep and then thats that ok ?
(07:09:31 PM) yharrow_mobile: ausimage: what is the quorum?
(07:09:41 PM) yharrow_mobile: for a normal meeting
(07:09:49 PM) ausimage: I have contacted some locations and are waiting for the responses
(07:10:35 PM) yharrow_mobile: change ubuntu-ny to ubuntu-newyork
(07:10:42 PM) ausimage: um the quorum hmmm ... 2/3 of of those at the next meeting
(07:11:06 PM) samiam010203: we already made the switch yharrow
(07:11:07 PM) samiam010203: :)
(07:11:32 PM) ausimage: yharrow_mobile: bylaws ==> after meeting
(07:12:09 PM) ausimage: The conference committe should get together again 
(07:12:20 PM) samiam010203: yes whats a good date ausiamge
(07:12:31 PM) samiam010203: yharrow r u on the commity ?
(07:12:47 PM) ausimage: he is.. anyone who wants to show up is
(07:12:56 PM) samiam010203: cool
(07:13:41 PM) ausimage: lets do it the 28th at 9 pm for an hour only...
(07:13:55 PM) samiam010203: cool
(07:14:01 PM) ausimage: sound good?
(07:14:40 PM) samiam010203: sounds grate :)
(07:15:08 PM) ausimage: Good for those listening Conference Committe Meeting 28th at 9 pm
(07:15:25 PM) ausimage: the moderate LP topic....
(07:15:40 PM) jk__: thanks ausimage
(07:15:41 PM) ausimage: I think is going to occur... am I correct?
(07:15:48 PM) ausimage: sure jk__
(07:16:30 PM) ausimage: samiam010203: ?
(07:16:54 PM) samiam010203: yes
(07:17:01 PM) ausimage: K
(07:17:34 PM) ausimage: The point on Potsdam is essentially the team is defunct.... 
(07:17:42 PM) infinityxi [n=sday@cpe-66-65-97-95.nyc.res.rr.com] entered the room.
(07:17:49 PM) ausimage: I could not get a reply from them....
(07:18:09 PM) Dave123: potsdam is well..... cold
(07:18:11 PM) infinityxi: ahh finally on my good hard drive
(07:18:32 PM) ausimage: I think the point on Building Regional Leadership is important...
(07:19:12 PM) ausimage: but I think it important to start thinking amongst ourselves on how we can accomplish this within our State Team 
(07:20:06 PM) Dave123: if you need help in roc let me know
(07:20:15 PM) ausimage: awesome Dave123
(07:20:33 PM) ***hal14450 seconds that
(07:20:33 PM) ***Dave123 is always up for a good linux chat over a pint
(07:20:46 PM) ausimage: we may call on you all to help....
(07:21:03 PM) ausimage: I would not mind getting together in Victor sometime ;)
(07:21:14 PM) Dave123: yep
(07:21:37 PM) hal14450: that's close to me as well
(07:21:56 PM) ausimage: Rochester is a strong area.... but we have people around Albany and Syracuse, Buffalo and few other areas...
(07:22:59 PM) Dave123: ausimage, the only problem with victor is us west siders
(07:23:07 PM) ausimage: I hope every can agree on good regional leadership and events are important...
(07:23:24 PM) ausimage: yeah but I am coming from further east ;)
(07:23:24 PM) Dave123: sorry for the tangent though ;)
(07:24:16 PM) ausimage: actually if Rochester wants we could hold seperate meetings on the channel for Rochester I would think....
(07:24:49 PM) ausimage: samiam010203: do you think that is OK?
(07:25:03 PM) ausimage: provided those meetings do not conflict?
(07:25:05 PM) samiam010203: that shoul;d be fine but i would also talk to yharrow about it as well
(07:25:31 PM) ausimage: OK... is yharrow_mobile still around?
(07:25:43 PM) samiam010203: no he just called me hes on the city bus in FL
(07:27:05 PM) ausimage: cool... Time is winding down for this meeting....
(07:27:10 PM) samiam010203: yes
(07:27:18 PM) samiam010203: its about time to end it :)
(07:27:20 PM) ausimage: do we have anything to add
(07:28:34 PM) ausimage: those from rochester could start discussing the possibilities  I guess
(07:28:56 PM) ausimage: hearing nothing... I move to close this meeting :D
(07:29:08 PM) samiam010203: cool
(07:29:12 PM) ausimage: meeting adjourned  then

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