
Differences between revisions 2 and 3
Revision 2 as of 2006-05-17 20:32:55
Size: 3637
Editor: 85-210-121-225
Comment: category documentation
Revision 3 as of 2006-06-19 16:07:12
Size: 53
Editor: 127
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||<tablestyle="float:right; font-size: 0.9em; width:40%; background:#F1F1ED; margin: 0 0 1em 1em;" style="padding:0.5em;">'''Contents'''[[BR]][[TableOfContents]]||

= 0. Enable the extra software repositories: =

  * Go to: System > Administration > Software Properties
  * Click on all the empty checkboxes to enable the additional software repositories

= 1. Install dependencies: =

sudo apt-get install apache2 libapache2-mod-php5 mysql-server libsnmp-perl php5-mysql libnet-telnet-cisco-perl php5-snmp php5-gd libalgorithm-diff-perl rrdtool
Note: The command listed above needs to be on one line

= 2. Setup SSL on the Apache2 webserver: =

IMPORTANT – You should always use SSL because Nedi contains a great amount of information about your network. Here is a great step-by-step tutorial on [ How to setup SSL in Ubuntu]

= 3. Download Nedi: =


= 4. Uncompress and extract the archive: =

tar -xzf nedi-1.0.w-rc1.tgz

= 5. Move Nedi directory to /opt and fix permissions: =

sudo mv nedi /opt/
sudo chgrp www-data /opt/nedi/html/log/
sudo chmod 775 /opt/nedi/html/log/

= 6. Create a link to the webserver root: =

sudo ln -s /opt/nedi/html/ /var/www/

= 7. Create a link to the configuration file: =

sudo ln -s /opt/nedi/nedi.conf /etc/nedi.conf

= 8. Create a MySQL database password: =

sudo mysqladmin -u root password "YourPasswordGoesHere"

= 9. Initialize the Nedi database: =

cd /opt/nedi/
./ -i

= 10. Answer these prompts: =

  * MySQL admin user: root
  * MySQL admin pass: <enter the password you created in step #8>

= 11. Edit /opt/nedi/nedi.conf: =

  * List your SNMP read-only passwords (one per line)
  * List your telnet usernames and passwords (one pair per line)

= 12. Optional - Edit /opt/nedi/seedlist and add your network devices: =

List the IP addresses of your devices (one per line)

= 13. Restart the webserver (Apache2): =

sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart

= 14. Run a discovery of your network and gather your device configurations =

cd /opt/nedi/
./ -cob

= 15. Login to your Nedi website: =

User: admin
Password: admin
IMPORTANT - Change the admin password NOW!

= 16. Create a script to start/stop Nedi: =

nano /opt/nedi/

= 17. Paste this text into that file: =

#start nedi from crontab. Creates logfiles
CMD="./ $opts"
cd /opt/nedi
now=`date +%Y%m%d:%H%M`
echo "#$now start # $CMD" > $LASTRUN
echo "#$now start" >> $LOGFILE
tail -8 $LASTRUN >> $LOGFILE
now=`date +%Y%m%d:%H%M`
echo "#$now stop" >> $LOGFILE
echo "#$now stop" >> $LASTRUN'

Press “Control-O” and then “Enter” to save these changes.

= 18. Make “” an executable file, and create a directory to hold Nedi log files: =

chmod +x /opt/nedi/
sudo mkdir /var/log/nedi
me=`whoami`;sudo chown $me:$me /var/log/nedi

= 19. Schedule Nedi to run periodically (every 4 hours) using cron: =

crontab -e
15 0,4,8,12,16,20 * * * /opt/nedi/ # Discover and gather device configurations

Press “Control-O” and then “Enter” to save these changes.

NediHowTo (last edited 2008-08-06 16:17:38 by localhost)