
Revision 1 as of 2009-12-08 02:17:48

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Seek out other groups in Minnesota with computing-related focus and communicate this group's existence to them and offer an invitation for collaboration where appropriate.


A lot of people in Minnesota still aren't aware of our group, but might be excited about it if they did. Also, communicating with other groups in the state will foster relationships that will be helpful for working together on common goals. For instance, at a face-to-face meeting with members of TCLUG a few months back, members were interested in our LoCo but not yet aware.


Communication Standards

We should have a pre-written script of sorts written to save people time and effort and to make sure we have a consistent message. This would apply to e-mail, letter, or phone contact.

List of Groups and contact tracking


[Location][ABBR][Web site][IRC][Mailing List][Assigned Member][Contact Status]

Website: IRC: #tclug on Other LUGs from their website: St. Cloud Area Linux Users Group

The Northfield Minnesota Linux Users Group (NORLUG)

The Linux Users Group of Rochester (K-LUG)

Mankato Area Unix Group (MAUG)

Duluth Superior Linux UNIX Users Group (DSLUUG)

Unresolved issues

This should highlight any issues that should be addressed in further specifications, and not problems with the specification itself; since any specification with problems cannot be approved.

BoF agenda and discussion

Use this section to take notes during the BoF; if you keep it in the approved spec, use it for summarising what was discussed and note any options that were rejected.
