
Differences between revisions 1 and 2
Revision 1 as of 2009-03-29 16:03:06
Size: 499
Editor: host-181-59-107-208
Revision 2 as of 2009-03-29 16:17:06
Size: 686
Editor: host-181-59-107-208
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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As an Ubuntu member, you are entitled to be a part of our LinkedIn group. This group allows LinkedIn users to show that they are an official member of the Ubuntu community. Linked``In is a tool for helping build your career. This is not just a social networking site like Facebook. There are groups on Facebook for Ubuntu users.
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LinkedIn Group: As an Ubuntu member, you are entitled to be a part of our Linked``In group. This group allows Linked``In users to show that they are an official member of the Ubuntu community.

Linked``In Group:
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 * Create a LinkedIn account - [[ | here ]]  * Create a Linked``In account - [[ | here ]]
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If you use your alias, you will not need to wait to be manually verified. If you use your [[ UbuntuEmail | ]] alias, you will not need to wait to be manually verified.

LinkedIn "Official Ubuntu Members" Group

LinkedIn is a tool for helping build your career. This is not just a social networking site like Facebook. There are groups on Facebook for Ubuntu users.

As an Ubuntu member, you are entitled to be a part of our LinkedIn group. This group allows LinkedIn users to show that they are an official member of the Ubuntu community.

LinkedIn Group:

To Join:

  • Create a LinkedIn account - here

  • Apply to join the group

If you use your alias, you will not need to wait to be manually verified.

Membership/LinkedIn (last edited 2014-12-27 09:03:26 by CPE-58-174-16-242)