
I am a php/mysql web developer by trade and I've lived in 3 countries. Currently I live in California.

I began playing with livecds in 2005 and I've been using Linux, primarily Ubuntu since approximately July 2005.

I've been an ordinary member on the Australian national Linux user body Linux Australia and was the Secretary of the Sydney local LUG, Sydney Linux Users Group.

Launchpad: https://launchpad.net/people/melissa

IRC(freenode): el

IRC(oftc): el

Email: melissa [at] meldraweb [dot] com




IRC Council Nomination 2019-2021

As a long time member of the IRC team and Council I have valuable historical knowledge of the Ubuntu IRC ecosystem and the challenges we've faced over the years. I am proud of the self-sufficient channels that we've fostered in freenode's ubuntu namespace that are self-moderating and rarely need to call in reinforcements.

I believe that volunteer contributors benefit from a hands-off approach with minimal bureaucracy but management that is proactive when necessary, is accessible, and negotiates empathetically when issues arise but that is also willing to make tough calls to rectify problems.

The next IRCC should ideally recommence occasional meetings as schedules allow and evaluate our operators lists and if deemed necessary recruit some new ones.

MelissaDraper (last edited 2019-09-23 17:53:31 by melissa)