The times are UTC+3.

20:30 * charlie-tca waves
20:31  knome: o/
20:31  knome: let's wait for other to arrive
20:31  knome: cody-somerville, will you be the chair?
20:33  j1mc_: hi all
20:33  j1mc_: i'll brb
20:33  charlie-tca: Hello, j1mc_
20:33  knome: hi jim
20:34  knome: ok
20:34  charlie-tca: knome: did you ping cody-somerville
20:34  knome: yes, on jabber also
20:35  knome: i can be the chair if he doesn't show up
20:37  j1mc_: hi all
20:37  knome: hi jim
20:37  knome: i suppose we should just start
20:37  knome: is that ok by everyone?
20:37 » j1mc_ is now known as j1mc
20:38  JPohlmann: Sure
20:38  charlie-tca: Let's do it.
20:38  j1mc: knome: sure
20:38  knome: #startmeeting
20:38  MootBot: Meeting started at 12:38. The chair is knome.
20:38  MootBot: Commands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]
20:38  knome: [TOPIC] Review last meetings action items
20:38  MootBot: New Topic:  Review last meetings action items
20:38  j1mc: it's been a while since i looked at the meeing notes from the last meeting
20:39  knome: [LINK]
20:39  MootBot: LINK received:
20:39  knome: There's a lot of action items for Cody.
20:40  knome: We haven't worked much on the wiki and the website with Jim.
20:40  charlie-tca: team calendar is on google now
20:40  knome: charlie-tca, did you set up a 5-a-day xubuntu team?
20:40  knome: charlie-tca, link?
20:40  charlie-tca: let me find it.
20:41  knome: JPohlmann, have you "filed bugs against packages in xfce to indicate out-of-date documentation"?
20:41  charlie-tca: I don't think we can set up a 5-a-day team after reading all the information. I think we have to do it as individuals and loco's instead
20:41  knome: charlie-tca, right.
20:42  knome: do we agree on this? :)
20:42  JPohlmann: knome: Uh, no.
20:42  charlie-tca: Here is the google calendare link:
20:42  knome: JPohlmann, no problem. :)
20:42  charlie-tca:
20:42  knome: ouch
20:42  charlie-tca: I think?
20:42  TheSheep: wheeee
20:43  j1mc: they have modified how 5-a-day is done.  they did it just before the global bug jam.  it is more integrated into launchpad now.
20:43  j1mc: hi TheSheep
20:43  charlie-tca: Yes, j1mc. But individuals are still not being updated
20:43  knome: [LINK]
20:43  MootBot: LINK received:
20:43 * nhandler arrives
20:43  j1mc: charlie-tca: correct.  i think it has a bit less functionality now.
20:43  j1mc: it's still a work-in-progress
20:44  TheSheep: "The one time calendar access transfer key is invalid"
20:44 * charlie-tca thinks "a bit?"!
20:44  knome: should we try to create the xubuntu group or try to get people working with their loco's?
20:44  j1mc: i don't even really know the status of it now.
20:44  knome: TheSheep, d'oh
20:44  TheSheep: you need to copy the other link
20:44  knome: TheSheep, works for me.
20:44  TheSheep: not the 'one time' one
20:44  charlie-tca: knome: delay it for now, until they get 5-a-day working again
20:44  TheSheep: knome: apparently you were first :)
20:45  charlie-tca: the tiny url link works
20:45  knome: [AGREED] Delay setting up Xubuntu 5-a-day team until 5-a-day is working correctly again.
20:45  MootBot: AGREED received:  Delay setting up Xubuntu 5-a-day team until 5-a-day is working correctly again.
20:45  charlie-tca: or did I send my own calendar out?
20:47  knome: [TOPIC] Team updates
20:47  MootBot: New Topic:  Team updates
20:47  j1mc: packaging?
20:47  j1mc: start there?
20:47  knome: a new topic? :)
20:48  j1mc: no, start with the packaging team update.  or whoever wants to start first. :)
20:48  charlie-tca: who is packaging? mr_pouit ?
20:48  knome: cody, ncommander maybe, mr_pouit 
20:48  knome: There's a lot of reporting from last month, but none yet from April.
20:49  knome: ah, there is some.
20:49  knome: it's mainly cody done some things.
20:49  knome: [ACTION] Team leaders will update Team Report before 22th April.
20:49  MootBot: ACTION received:  Team leaders will update Team Report before 22th April.
20:49  knome: [LINK]
20:49  MootBot: LINK received:
20:50  knome: any discussion about team updates?
20:50  charlie-tca: yes
20:50  nhandler: I would just like to say that for karmic, I hope to be able to help out with packaging for xubuntu
20:50  charlie-tca: The next two mondays are ISO testing days
20:51  knome: [ACTION] Next two mondays are ISO testing days.
20:51  MootBot: ACTION received:  Next two mondays are ISO testing days.
20:51  charlie-tca: Since we release the RC on April 16 and Final on April 23, we need them tested
20:51  JPohlmann: I remember Cody was hoping to get Xfce 4.6.1 into jaunty.
20:51  charlie-tca: On Mondays, we smoke test as much as possible,
20:51  knome: JPohlmann, me too.
20:51  JPohlmann: We're currently in the process of releasing it but it might take a few days.
20:52  JPohlmann: Is anyone able to tell how long packaging it would take?
20:53  knome: didn't ncommander package it the last time?
20:53  JPohlmann: Together with mr_pouit, yeah.
20:53  charlie-tca: yes, he did
20:54  JPohlmann: Though that was an update from 4.4.x to 4.6.0. 4.6.0 to 4.6.1 is a different thing but I suppose it'll take less time ;)
20:54  j1mc: right
20:55  j1mc: JPohlmann: Jérôme Guelfucci is making good use of in providing updates about xfce progress.  I picked up his release of Gigolo 0.3 from there.
20:56  knome: right.. anything else about the team reports?
20:56  j1mc: any other packaging updates?
20:57  j1mc: for documentation, i'm importing the translations.
20:57  JPohlmann: j1mc: I read your mail about The way I see it it's just a matter of which channel to use in order to push information about updates out to the world. It doesn't really matter whether it's, a mailing list or a weblog.
20:57  knome: j1mc, from where?
20:57  knome: lp?
20:57  j1mc: JPohlmann: to some extent, yes, but there are some people who may only find out about somehting like that through just one of those channels.
20:58  charlie-tca: I am compiling a list of Jaunty critical bugs for Xubuntu that will be posted to the wiki
20:58  j1mc: knome: rosetta / launchpad.  matthew east and Adi Roiban are helping me.
20:59  JPohlmann: j1mc: True. Therefor we have official channels like the xfce-announce and xfce mailinglist.
20:59  JPohlmann: But it's nice if someone takes care of another well-known one. We can't support everything obviously ;)
20:59  j1mc: JPohlmann: right.  i certainly don't see updates as a "must have," just a "nice to have"
20:59  knome: j1mc, charlie-tca: i updated the team report for you.
21:00  charlie-tca: thanks
21:00  knome: any other updates or discussions?
21:00  j1mc: knome: yes
21:00  knome: go on :)
21:01  j1mc: are we just doing team reports stuff about current status, or are we also discussing other plans?
21:01  SiDi: jlmc whats the latest deadline for doc translations ?
21:01  j1mc: SiDi: they should be in now, but because we are in universe, mdke says we're ok.
21:02  j1mc: i'll get them in this weekend.
21:02  knome: j1mc, there is an agenda item for things relevant to finalizing 9.04
21:02  SiDi: j1mc, ok, thanks, cause we're a  bit late with french doc
21:02  j1mc: knome: ok, let's move on then.
21:02  j1mc: SiDi: hurry. :)
21:02  knome: j1mc, and an item for specs and blueprints for jaunty.
21:02  knome: *karmic
21:02  j1mc: knome: coolness.
21:02  j1mc: i'm ok to move on if others are
21:02  knome: [TOPIC] Xubuntu plans for Ubuntu Open Week
21:02  MootBot: New Topic:  Xubuntu plans for Ubuntu Open Week
21:03  knome: there was some discussion about the xubuntu session
21:03  knome: on the mailing list mostly
21:03  charlie-tca: I have signed up for April 27 at 2100 UTC
21:03  knome: [LINK]
21:03  MootBot: LINK received:
21:03  charlie-tca: Are we doing more than one session?
21:04  knome: we might do two consecutive.
21:04  knome: charlie-tca, how much stuff do you have about Xubuntu QA in minutes?
21:05  charlie-tca: I don't know. Last time I thought I had 30 minutes, but it was only 10
21:05  charlie-tca: I did q & a for 20 minutes
21:05  knome: right.
21:06  charlie-tca: This time I have time to prepare, and can do an hour, if needed
21:06  knome: ok, so maybe we should go for two sessions
21:06  knome: i think the mail you sent was great.
21:06  charlie-tca: I want us out there. This is for the non-developers to find out how good we are!
21:07  j1mc: charlie-tca: i liked your email to the list, too.
21:07  charlie-tca: Thanks, but what are we going to do for more involvement through open week?
21:07  knome: [AGREED] We need to show off how good Xubuntu is to non-developers at Open Week
21:07  MootBot: AGREED received:  We need to show off how good Xubuntu is to non-developers at Open Week
21:08  knome: maybe we could do some slides to show
21:08  knome: and prepare as a group
21:08  charlie-tca: Keeping in mind, this is on IRC
21:08  knome: sure.
21:08  knome: i don't remember if it was openweek or developer week, but i saw a session with some slides
21:09  knome: and they were really great.
21:09  knome: they really supported the session
21:09  charlie-tca: If it works, let's do it
21:09  knome: well, we have to think about it
21:09  knome: shall we have a meeting about openweek later on?
21:09  charlie-tca: We have exactly two weeks
21:09  knome: yeah.
21:10  knome: next friday?
21:10  charlie-tca: If we are going to do that, should we grab the slot on thur right after training
21:10  charlie-tca: ?
21:10  charlie-tca: Should be lots of people around then
21:10  knome: right, let's do that
21:10  knome: will you sign up for that?
21:10  charlie-tca: Will do!
21:11  knome: [ACTION] Charlie signs up for another session at Ubuntu Open Week
21:11  MootBot: ACTION received:  Charlie signs up for another session at Ubuntu Open Week
21:11  knome: thanks
21:11  knome: so, should we have a team/community planning meeting about these session??
21:11  knome: *sessions
21:12  j1mc: i think that would be helpful
21:12  j1mc: perhaps outline something via a google doc or gobby?
21:12  knome: any suggestions for date?
21:12  knome: sure
21:12  knome: gobby sounds good
21:12  SiDi: What about advertising the week on the irc channel ?
21:13  knome: [ACTION] Keep a meeting about the Open Week sessions and outline things on Gobby
21:13  MootBot: ACTION received:  Keep a meeting about the Open Week sessions and outline things on Gobby
21:13  knome: SiDi, sure.
21:14  knome: [ACTION] Everybody advertises Open Week on #xubuntu from now to eternity.
21:14  MootBot: ACTION received:  Everybody advertises Open Week on #xubuntu from now to eternity.
21:14  SiDi: even once its finished ? :)
21:14  j1mc: :)
21:14  knome: SiDi, there is always next one
21:14  nhandler: Blog posts on the planet might also help
21:15  knome: nhandler, about the xubuntu sessions?
21:15  knome: nhandler, or about open week?
21:15  j1mc: the xubuntu sessions, of course
21:15  nhandler: knome: Both. Blog about Open Week and mention the Xubuntu sessions
21:15  knome: lol
21:15  j1mc: perhaps outlining what we'll cover
21:16  nhandler: You can also blog about it afterwards for people who missed the session
21:16  knome: i will add that as idea, as i don't know who will do it
21:16  charlie-tca: Somebody gonna teach me how to make gobby work?
21:16  j1mc: cody-somerville and i are ok with the bloggings
21:16  nhandler: charlie-tca: They might have some docs from the last UDS
21:16  knome: [IDEA] Blog about (Xubuntu) Open Week (Sessions) before and after (preferably at Ubuntu Planet)
21:16  MootBot: IDEA received:  Blog about (Xubuntu) Open Week (Sessions) before and after (preferably at Ubuntu Planet)
21:16  charlie-tca: I couldn't make it work then, either
21:16  knome: charlie-tca, i can teach.
21:17  j1mc: charlie-tca: it took me a bit, too.  there are some really great gobby session notes available from the last UDS.
21:17  knome: j1mc, i don't have ubuntu membership yet, so i can't write to planet.
21:17  j1mc: charlie-tca: "from" the last uds.  not really how to use gobby, but gobby being used to keep notes
21:17  knome: anything else about open week?
21:17  j1mc: knome: that will have to be remedied. :)
21:17  knome: we have items to cover
21:18  charlie-tca: I know that. I couldn't follow nothing though, because I could not get gobby to work
21:18  j1mc: ok, let's move on
21:18  j1mc: charlie-tca: yeah :/
21:18  charlie-tca: Gobby notes suck if you can't work gobby
21:18  knome: [TOPIC] Discuss any issues relevant to finalizing the 9.04 release
21:18  MootBot: New Topic:  Discuss any issues relevant to finalizing the 9.04 release
21:18  nhandler: charlie-tca: has a section on Gobby
21:18 * knome gets something to drink.
21:20  knome: JPohlmann, so will you investigate getting xfce 4.6.1 in jaunty with the packaging team?
21:21  JPohlmann: There's not much to do about it other than to get 4.6.1 out as soon as possible. I'll bug our release manager again.
21:21  knome: [ACTION] Jannis bugs Xfce release manager in getting 4.6.1 out as soon as possible.
21:21  MootBot: ACTION received:  Jannis bugs Xfce release manager in getting 4.6.1 out as soon as possible.
21:21  j1mc: i don't know what kind of time crunch we are under to get these items in.
21:22  j1mc: i guess cody would know
21:22  nhandler: j1mc: The sooner the better
21:22  JPohlmann: Right
21:22  j1mc: nhandler: right
21:22  knome: [ACTION] Jannis talks with Cody about including 4.6.1.
21:22  MootBot: ACTION received:  Jannis talks with Cody about including 4.6.1.
21:22  knome: JPohlmann, no objections! :P
21:22  knome: any other issues?
21:22  knome: oh
21:22  nhandler: j1mc: The archive is frozen and we are 2 weeks from Final Freeze:
21:22  knome: [ACTION] Charlie is compiling a list of critical bugs in Jaunty.
21:23  MootBot: ACTION received:  Charlie is compiling a list of critical bugs in Jaunty.
21:23  knome: nhandler, cody can get final freeze exceptions
21:23  knome: nhandler, and he's *really good* in that.
21:23 * j1mc nods
21:23  knome: [ACTION] Jim is importing documentation from Rosetta/Launchpad with help from Matthew East and Adi Roiban.
21:23  MootBot: ACTION received:  Jim is importing documentation from Rosetta/Launchpad with help from Matthew East and Adi Roiban.
21:24  nhandler: I personally would be hesitant to push a new version of xfce during final freeze. Read
21:24  knome: anything else we have to discuss about 9.04?
21:24  j1mc: as a note, it's the documentation translations :)
21:24  knome: right...
21:24  j1mc: :)
21:25  knome: [ACTION] Jim is importing documentation translations from Rosetta/Launchpad with help from Matthew East and Adi Roiban.
21:25  MootBot: ACTION received:  Jim is importing documentation translations from Rosetta/Launchpad with help from Matthew East and Adi Roiban.
21:25  j1mc: nothing else to talk about concerning 9.04 from me.
21:25  knome: anybody else?
21:26  knome: the artwork is in a quite good shape
21:26  knome: the gdm background is now converted from svg to png buildtime.
21:26  knome: ok right, let's go on
21:26  j1mc: +1
21:27  knome: [TOPIC] Specifications and blueprints for (UDS) Karmic
21:27  MootBot: New Topic:  Specifications and blueprints for (UDS) Karmic
21:27  knome: i've registered two specs
21:27  knome: [LINK]
21:27  MootBot: LINK received:
21:27  knome: [LINK]
21:27  MootBot: LINK received:
21:27  knome: we need more specs
21:29  j1mc: knome: do you think that the wiki mention of wiki pages should go under it's own spec?
21:29  j1mc: "We also should discuss about how to make the Xubuntu wiki pages etc. look consistent with each other and not look totally outdated compared to the new artwork."
21:29  j1mc: it seems like that is a separate item
21:29  knome: right
21:30  j1mc: [Agreed] We need more specifications from the Xubuntu team
21:30  knome: it kind of is, but there's no reason to have another spec for it.
21:30  knome: [AGREED] We need more specifications from the Xubuntu team.
21:30  j1mc: hrm. mootbot is not listening to me
21:30  MootBot: AGREED received:  We need more specifications from the Xubuntu team.
21:30  knome: of course not, because i'm the chair :P
21:30  j1mc: :)
21:30  charlie-tca: A lot of those specs will come from UDS, too, though
21:31  knome: sure
21:31  j1mc: we should look at what specs got implemented for 9.04, revisit those specs
21:31  j1mc: at least *also* do that
21:31  j1mc: and look forward
21:32  knome: [AGREED] Look at old specifications and whether they are implemented and revisit or mark superseded.
21:32  MootBot: AGREED received:  Look at old specifications and whether they are implemented and revisit or mark superseded.
21:32  j1mc: JPohlmann: I will bug the one guy who wrote about putting the xfce documentation on the wiki.
21:32  j1mc: I think that's a good idea.  Xfce needs updated docs
21:32  knome: [AGREED] Xfce needs updated documentation.
21:32  MootBot: AGREED received:  Xfce needs updated documentation.
21:32  JPohlmann: j1mc: You mean Nick?
21:33  j1mc: JPohlmann: Mike Massonnet brought it up last
21:33  JPohlmann: The main problem might be to find a suitable wiki system that supports generating nice offline documentation.
21:34  knome: sorry guys, but let's leave open discussion for the end and get forward in the agenda, shall we? :)
21:34  j1mc: knome: sure
21:34  nhandler: JPohlmann: Why not go the other way. Aren't there docbook->moin tools?
21:34  JPohlmann: j1mc: Okay ... I guess it's best if we discuss that on the xfce4-dev mailinglist.
21:34  knome: [TOPIC] Brainstorm ideas
21:34  MootBot: New Topic:  Brainstorm ideas
21:34  knome: #
21:35  knome: # Uncheck "Save session for future logins" in Quit dialog by default
21:35  knome: [LINK]
21:35  MootBot: LINK received:
21:35  JPohlmann: nhandler: Because docbook is kind of a high barrier. And offline docs are painful to maintain.
21:35  knome: folks! concentratE!
21:36  j1mc: :)
21:36  knome: is there any updates on saving session thing?
21:36  j1mc: knome: i don't have any updates
21:36  knome: JPohlmann?
21:37  j1mc: let's table that one.
21:37  knome: [LINK]
21:37  MootBot: LINK received:
21:37  knome: "Update Xubuntu artwork on the live cd boot screen"
21:37  knome: for Karmic.
21:38  knome: i update the karmic artwork spec to include live cd artowrk
21:38  j1mc: cool :)
21:38  knome: charlie-tca, you here? :]
21:38  charlie-tca: Shouldn't that be the same artwork as GDM?
21:38  knome: [TOPIC] Increased tests for Live CD session 
21:38  MootBot: New Topic:  Increased tests for Live CD session
21:38  charlie-tca: I got lost
21:38  knome: charlie-tca, sure. but also the live cd boot menu
21:39  j1mc: i think the issue was that xubuntu had the same colored backgroupd as ubuntu during the install.
21:39  knome: charlie-tca, the usplash-like menu
21:39  j1mc: the usplash menu, too.
21:39  charlie-tca: I have expanded the testing page. I will be splitting the short test into desktop/live cd and installed testing
21:39  j1mc: not sure how this will work with xubuntu being in universe.
21:39  knome: whatever the issues are, we will fix them in karmic
21:39  knome: charlie-tca, can you provide links again?
21:40  charlie-tca: This is what we have:
21:40  charlie-tca: I need to split it so it is not so long
21:40  knome: [ACTION] (Brainstorm ideas) Live CD boot screen/artwork graphics will be fixed in Karmic.
21:40  MootBot: ACTION received:  (Brainstorm ideas) Live CD boot screen/artwork graphics will be fixed in Karmic.
21:40  knome: [LINK]
21:40  MootBot: LINK received:
21:41  knome: [ACTION] Charlie to work on the Testing wiki pages and split them to be shorted and readable.
21:41  MootBot: ACTION received:  Charlie to work on the Testing wiki pages and split them to be shorted and readable.
21:41  knome: *shorter :P
21:41  charlie-tca: :-)
21:42  knome: do we need to review the items?
21:42  j1mc: The Ubuntu documentation team is pretty active lately.  I'm not sure of all of the changes that we'll be making, but we should have better documentation for 9.20.
21:42  knome: 9.10 :)
21:42  j1mc: heh, yes.  9.10
21:42  knome: [AGREED] We should have much better documentation for Karmic.
21:42  MootBot: AGREED received:  We should have much better documentation for Karmic.
21:43  j1mc: If you could set an action item to update the css for the Xubuntu documentation, I will be adding that as a spec
21:43  knome: [ACTION] Pasi to bug about people about joining the Xubuntu Team and write documentation.
21:43  MootBot: ACTION received:  Pasi to bug about people about joining the Xubuntu Team and write documentation.
21:43  knome: [ACTION] Pasi to update the CSS for the Xubuntu documentation with Jim.
21:43  MootBot: ACTION received:  Pasi to update the CSS for the Xubuntu documentation with Jim.
21:44  knome: [ACTION] Jim adds a specification about branding and reworking the Xubuntu documentation artwork and looks.
21:44  MootBot: ACTION received:  Jim adds a specification about branding and reworking the Xubuntu documentation artwork and looks.
21:44  j1mc: This release we tried to use yelp, and it didn't work out, so I spent time toward the end of the cycle converting things to the older format rather than writing a lot of new stuff.
21:44 * SiDi is fine with CSS, if help is needed there.
21:45  j1mc: SiDi: cool - are you on the xubuntu-devel mailing list?
21:45  SiDi: yes
21:45  knome: there is nothing like [INFO] :(
21:45  SiDi: there should be a [LOVE] one.
21:46  knome: [ACTION] SiDi helps knome and Jim with the documentation CSS if needed.
21:46  MootBot: ACTION received:  SiDi helps knome and Jim with the documentation CSS if needed.
21:46  knome: right.. that wasn't particularly logical.
21:46  knome: [ACTION] Steve (SiDi) helps Pasi and Jim with the documentation CSS if needed.
21:46  MootBot: ACTION received:  Steve (SiDi) helps Pasi and Jim with the documentation CSS if needed.
21:47  knome: charlie-tca, anything else about the tests for live cd session?
21:47  charlie-tca: Not right now. If anyone thinks something else should be included in testing, let me know.
21:47  charlie-tca: Please!
21:48  knome: ok
21:48  j1mc: charlie-tca: will do.
21:48  knome: i think we should leave the karmic artwork brainstorm for later.
21:48  j1mc: knome: sounds good
21:49  knome: at least to some time cody is available
21:49  charlie-tca: Oh, by the way, I want to try shipping Xubuntu 9.04 cd's in north america.
21:49  charlie-tca: This is on my own, out of my own pocket.
21:49  knome: right.
21:49  j1mc: wow
21:49  knome: that would be great.
21:49  knome: i think we need to discuss that more widely.
21:49  charlie-tca: Start with North America until I can deal with customs
21:49  knome: i am willing to ship xubuntu cd's as well.
21:50  knome: charlie-tca, let's put that into the next community meeting agenda
21:50  charlie-tca: Great, knome
21:50  knome: we definitely need cody's opinion
21:50  charlie-tca: Well, we start shipping in a couple of weeks.
21:50  knome: "we" ?
21:50  knome: :)
21:50  charlie-tca: Xubuntu
21:51  knome: w00t?
21:51  knome: via what
21:51  SiDi: I think charlie-tca means we should have an agreement on this before 23
21:51  SiDi: so we can be ready to ship xubuntu at the same time than ubuntu and kubuntu
21:51  charlie-tca: Thank you, SiDi
21:52  charlie-tca: And if anyone requests it, we should be able to send out the cd
21:52  knome: oh right.
21:52  charlie-tca: No bulk shipments, one per address
21:52  knome: then let's discuss about it at the meeting with open week stuff
21:52  knome: right?
21:52  charlie-tca: Okay
21:52  knome: [ACTION] Discuss shipping Xubuntu CD's in the Open Week planning session.
21:52  MootBot: ACTION received:  Discuss shipping Xubuntu CD's in the Open Week planning session.
21:53  knome: are we done or is there any other items?
21:53  knome: [TOPIC] Open discussion
21:53  MootBot: New Topic:  Open discussion
21:53  charlie-tca: Like to thank everybody that showed up today.
21:53  j1mc: me too
21:53  knome: me too.
21:53  knome: i will set the minutes up.
21:54  j1mc: I've joined the gnome-doc mailing list, and as they look to make changes for gnome 3.0, i will try to make any new directions relatively platform independent
21:54  j1mc: at least, offer those suggestions up.
21:54  knome: [ACTION] Jim joined the gnome-dev mailing list and tries to make any new directions (relatively) platform independent
21:54  MootBot: ACTION received:  Jim joined the gnome-dev mailing list and tries to make any new directions (relatively) platform independent
21:54  charlie-tca: Oh, good.
21:55  j1mc: of course, i am just one dude, but if they are going to do something like replace yelp, why not replace it with something that can be used by something other than just gnome.
21:55  charlie-tca: One person at a time, right
21:55  knome: when was the last meeting?
21:55  knome: right, 15.2.
21:55  charlie-tca: two months ago?
21:55  j1mc: i feel like we had one in march
21:56  knome: there's no minutes up from it
21:56  j1mc: i just don't think the meeting page got updated.
21:56  knome: right
21:56  knome: i think i wasn't there
21:56  JPohlmann: j1mc: Sounds good
21:56  charlie-tca: We skipped march
21:57  j1mc: ah, ok
21:57  j1mc: ok, well... anything else?
21:58  knome: if there is anything else, please let us now in a few minutes :)
21:59  charlie-tca: Im done
21:59  j1mc: i vote to adjourn the meeting :)
21:59  knome: #endmeeting
21:59  MootBot: Meeting finished at 13:59.
21:59  j1mc: thanks, all
21:59  knome: hmm... kinky timezone
21:59  j1mc: have a good rest of your weekend!
21:59  knome: you too
21:59  charlie-tca: Thanks, everybody.

MeetingLogs/Xubuntu_2009-04-11 (last edited 2009-04-11 19:04:46 by nblzone-227-162)