10:07   j1mc    great!  looks like we have a good group here.
=== hyper_ch wonders what he is doing here
=== lando [n=lando@adsl-225-119-22.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
10:08   j1mc    i put up an agenda at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Meetings
10:08   j1mc    but i'm not married to it, as usual.
10:08   Jester45        o yea i here
10:09   j1mc    if you weren't at the last meeting, please review the meeting minutes from the last meeting.
10:09   Admiral_Chicago j1mc: add one more...spreading out developers meeting
10:09   Admiral_Chicago you want to add to the agendaor should I?
10:09   j1mc    Admiral_Chicago, go ahead.
10:09   j1mc    you can add it.
10:11   j1mc    ok... shall we get started?
10:12   j1mc    "why, yes, j1mc . . .  why don't you get us started."
10:12   j1mc    ok
10:12   Admiral_Chicago lets
10:12   vidd    question....can we include some kind of FTP program, and is there going to be SOME kind ISO burner?
10:12   j1mc    Admiral_Chicago and i are working on documentation, and ...
10:12   Jester45        lets start
10:12   Admiral_Chicago i'm helping...
10:12   j1mc    at the last meeting we talked about different ideas for hosting the documentation.
=== hyper_ch [n=hyper@84-75-93-168.dclient.hispeed.ch] has left #ubuntu-meeting ["Konversation]
10:13   Admiral_Chicago j1mc: you want to talk about it or should I? I'll let you take the floor
10:13   j1mc    like yelp, or the welcome center, or firefox...
=== hyper_ch [n=hyper@84-75-93-168.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
10:13   j1mc    is we would prefer to use a modified version of the welcome center.
10:14   Admiral_Chicago currenly yelp is about 3404
10:14   j1mc    we just need to finalize that with the three people who have done the most work on the welcome center...
10:14   Admiral_Chicago and the footprint for the welcome center is about the same
10:14   j1mc    none of whom are here today.  :(
=== vidd thinks having it in firefox...with a hard added bookmark
10:14   j1mc    vidd, firefox is still an option, but it's just slow to load.
10:15   j1mc    and people tend to skip the docs when they can just search google.
10:15   Admiral_Chicago the advantages are: speed, no gnome-depends..
=== vidd thinks that even if we DO have something else, it should STILL be available via firefox...even if it is slow to load
10:15   Admiral_Chicago any other one's j1mc ?
10:15   j1mc    any other what, Admiral_Chicago ?
10:16   sacater hmm
10:16   sacater someone directed me here
10:16   sacater explain
10:16   Admiral_Chicago any other advantages for having a doc center
10:16   Admiral_Chicago sacater: Xubuntu developers meeting...
10:16   j1mc    sacater, this is a xubuntu devel meeting
10:16   sacater ah
10:16   sacater well I am not official developer
10:16   Admiral_Chicago sacater: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Meetings <--agenda
10:16   sacater but hey I may as well take part
10:17   j1mc    well, the two main advantages are speed and singularity of focus.  less distractions....
10:17   Admiral_Chicago sacater: join us anywaysm we always need help
10:17   Admiral_Chicago also, the GUI seems to be flexible and something we may want to do
10:17   sacater Admiral_Chicago: well something that xubuntu could use
10:18   sacater https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BulletProofX <-- if this ever gets done properly, should xubuntu use it?
10:18   sacater @schedule
10:18   ubotu   Schedule for Etc/UTC: Current meeting: Xubuntu Developers | 31 May 15:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 31 May 21:00: Kubuntu Developers | 05 Jun 19:00: Technical Board | 06 Jun 20:00: Edubuntu | 07 Jun 20:00: Ubuntu Development Team
10:18   crimsun sacater: that's transparent to whatever derivative is underneath.
10:18   sacater crimsun: hmm
10:18   crimsun as long as the X Window System is used, it will be present if implemented.
10:18   sacater okies
10:19   Admiral_Chicago i'm uploading a screenshot of the welcome center, it look a lot more polished in xubuntu though...
10:19   Admiral_Chicago http://img501.imageshack.us/img501/4281/welcomead8.png
10:19   j1mc    so... we do have support from people for the documenation center... we just need to confirm with the builders of the original welcome center that they can do it.
10:20   sacater Admiral_Chicago: lots of tabs :P
10:20   j1mc    the three primary people involved with that project are maxamillion, somerville32, and TheSheep.
10:20   Admiral_Chicago we can use the buttons as topics as we are doing Topic based help
10:20   Admiral_Chicago so what do you all think?
=== vidd likes it
10:21   Admiral_Chicago i'm all for switching the welcome center to a doc center (if it can be done by the maintainers of the center)
10:21   sacater Admiral_Chicago: i Like
10:21   sacater tis good
10:21   Admiral_Chicago +1 from j1mc ?
10:21   Admiral_Chicago crimsun: what do you think
10:21   j1mc    +1  from me of course . . .
10:22   hyper_ch        anyone has seen that "welcome center/howto use thingy" in DSL?
10:22   Admiral_Chicago hyper_ch: thoughts? and no i haven't
10:22   j1mc    hyper_ch: no, i haven't seen it.
10:22   crimsun (loading png)
10:23   Jester45        its like the welcome center now but with dillo right? and its auto started
10:23   hyper_ch        as it is DSL it's very light (no clue what it actually is) and it has the basic modus of operation described in it... if you are looking for something lightweight maybe that can help?
10:23   Admiral_Chicago Jester45: afaik, its written from scratch in python.
10:23   crimsun well, having a doc center instead of a "welcome center" possibly integrates [more]  nicely with the rest of -doc
10:23   hyper_ch        is it dillo? no clue
10:23   Admiral_Chicago not sure, you can check out the bazaar branch...
10:24   crimsun which means the project can use Ubuntu's -doc bzr/svn and whatnot
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10:24   Admiral_Chicago j1mc: do you have the bazaar branch to check out Welcome Center's code
10:24   crimsun I'm definitely in favor of not reinventing the wheel, per se
10:25   j1mc    i don't have it directly, but here is the launchpad page: https://launchpad.net/xubuntu-welcome-centre
10:25   j1mc    you can find the bzr link through there.
10:25   Admiral_Chicago crimsun: with TBH, we have to do a lot of reinventing
10:25   j1mc    TBH?
10:25   Admiral_Chicago so switching to a nice neat center would benefit i think
10:25   Admiral_Chicago topic based help j1mc
=== lando [n=lando@adsl-225-119-22.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
10:26   j1mc    i think what crimsun was referring to was the application, though . . .   using the welcome center would not require us to reinvent too much
10:26   Admiral_Chicago ah yes. no it wouldn't.
10:27   crimsun (apparently I misunderstood the "conversion" into docbook)
10:27   j1mc    i think that we're thinking that the welcome center would make a good app for our docs.  because cody and the rest of the welcome center devs aren't here, i'll send a note out to the mailing list about this.
10:27   j1mc    they can give their feedback that way.
10:27   j1mc    no matter what app / approach we take, we will still use docbook xml for the actual documentation.
10:28   crimsun right, that's clear now
10:29   j1mc    any other discussion on this matter for now?
10:29   j1mc    :)  ok... what else do we have to discuss?
10:29   vidd    sounds like a "no" to me
10:30   nixternal       ooh, a meeting!
10:30   vidd    yes...can we include an ftp program by default?
10:30   Admiral_Chicago nixternal: Xubuntu only. get back to KDE...
10:30   nixternal       crimsun: stop typing!
10:30   Admiral_Chicago or your vista machine actually...
10:31   Admiral_Chicago j1mc: pick something from the last meeting
10:31   j1mc    ( Admiral_Chicago, nixternal and I are in the same loco...)
10:31   nixternal       well I noticed you were talking docs
10:31   nixternal       if you needed some help clarifying for the meeting, I am here for a few minutes
10:31   Admiral_Chicago yea, it looks like we are converting welcome center to a doc center. no yelp, straight python
10:32   Admiral_Chicago nixternal: did you see a screenshot?
10:32   nixternal       yup, looks like a wheel reinvented..but I haven't researched it all that much
10:32   j1mc    items from the last meeting were all assigned to people who aren't here today... https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Meetings
10:33   Admiral_Chicago j1mc nixternal: do you see a problem with getting docbook and Xml to play nice with all this
=== finalbeta [n=gggggggg@d54C6865D.access.telenet.be] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
10:33   nixternal       Admiral_Chicago: it isn't a problem getting docbook/xml to play nice, this app should play nice with docbook/xml
10:33   Admiral_Chicago very good, that was my one concern....
10:33   j1mc    good news . . .
10:34   nixternal       docbook is the dtd, xml is the markup..been in existance forever, it is up to the devs to get the app to parse it correctly
10:34   Admiral_Chicago j1mc: i have something to discuss...bazaar.
10:34   nixternal       you shouldn't have to write the documentation for the help app at all
10:34   j1mc    go ahead, Admiral_Chicago
10:35   Admiral_Chicago well there was much discussion about moving *buntu docs to bazaar from SVN
10:35   nixternal       not *much*, a little...and it isn't happening
10:35   nixternal       anytime soon at least
10:35   Admiral_Chicago fine what nixternal said.
10:36   nixternal       we are going to wait for some more plugins to be implemented (re laserjock) before looking at it again
10:36   vidd    j1mc, i have an item as well
10:36   Admiral_Chicago anywyas, I was thinking that we could move our docs to a bazaar branch in one of our names temporarily
10:36   Admiral_Chicago vidd: add it to the agenda
10:36   nixternal       Admiral_Chicago: you do realise doing that requires you to move way more than just ~/xubuntu
10:37   Admiral_Chicago that way, jim and I can branch from each other (and anyone else interested) and merge back in
10:37   nixternal       it requires you to move everything except for edubuntu, ubuntu, and kubuntu
10:37   j1mc    Admiral_Chicago: are you thinking of doing that just because we're changing the fundamental layout of xubuntu docs?
10:38   Admiral_Chicago nixternal: hmm, i just want a way for jim and I to see each other's code without committing all the tiem
10:38   nixternal       plus seperating it from the "Documentation Project" may not be acceptable to community leaders..need to check there first (i.e. mdke)
10:38   Admiral_Chicago j1mc: yep
10:38   nixternal       Admiral_Chicago: ahhh
10:38   hyper_ch        (btw, that DSL getting started thing is Dillo)
10:38   nixternal       ok then, create a repo, to submit your code to, but I would still work out of the svn repo so you can validate your code
10:38   nixternal       otherwise you are asking for validation nightmares
10:39   j1mc    nixternal: i think we'll have to talk to you about how it works.  we'll have to take it offline or something.
10:40   j1mc    hyper_ch: DSL uses the dillo web browser to display documentation?
10:40   Admiral_Chicago nixternal: the goal is not to switch Xubuntu docs to bzr.
10:40   nixternal       meeting in a few weeks anyways, great time to do it then maybe..easier than trying to show you online possibly
10:40   hyper_ch        j1mc: yes
10:40   Admiral_Chicago nixternal: doc team?
10:40   nixternal       Admiral_Chicago: I know that now, but validation nightmares will haunt you when you go to send me a patch and it won't validate, then I hunt you down on the southside and inflict damage ;)
10:40   nixternal       Admiral_Chicago: Ubuntu Chicago :)
10:41   Admiral_Chicago nixternal: ah yes..
10:42   j1mc    ok....  the "hows" we'll have to figure out.  but we know what we have to do.  Admiral_Chicago I'm still not totally convinced we need a separate repo.  I still want to talk with Cody or another member of the Xubuntu docs team.
10:43   Admiral_Chicago is that problem? i thought there were ways to switch between svn and bzr...well okay maybe we can hold off on that
10:43   j1mc    ok...
10:43   Admiral_Chicago j1mc: neither am I, but I want a way for us to share work...
10:43   j1mc    agreed...
10:43   Admiral_Chicago either way, let's hold off on it, i don't want nixternal to break my legs.
10:43   j1mc    heh
10:44   Admiral_Chicago okay wahts up on the agenda?
10:44   j1mc    giving us more time between meetings...
10:44   j1mc    right now we have meetings scheduled every week and a half.  that's too frequent, i think.
10:45   crimsun 2 or 3 weeks is more reasonable
10:45   j1mc    i think every three weeks would be ok...  yeah, crimsun ...
10:45   vidd    Admiral_Chicago, how do i add to the agenda?
10:45   j1mc    vidd: edit the /Xubuntu/Meetings wiki page
10:46   Admiral_Chicago vidd: look near the top
10:46   j1mc    let's say every three weeks, and we can always add a special meeting if we need to . . .
10:46   j1mc    does that sound ok?
10:47   Admiral_Chicago +1 for me. every 3 weeks
10:47   Knightlust      +1
10:48   j1mc    any others?
10:48   vidd    if we are going for less frequent meetings, can we pick a time that is more convienent?
10:48   vidd    but yeah...+1 here
10:48   j1mc    vidd . . . i think we'd move our meetings to sundays.
10:49   j1mc    typically we've been alternating between sunday and wednesdays, but we'd just skip the wednesday ones.
10:49   vidd    hmmm.....that dont work for me....but i guess i can contribute via the mailing list
10:49   j1mc    http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event lists the dates.
10:49   j1mc    and times
=== vidd cant access the "edit this page" for the agenda....just says "waiting...."
10:51   j1mc    vidd: it is difficult to find times for everyone to meet . . .   :(  i sent a note out to the list at the start of the gutsy cycle, and the sunday time was ok with most people.
10:51   j1mc    vidd:  np.  what do you want to discuss?
10:51   vidd    including an FTP app and ISO burning support
10:51   j1mc    ok... go ahead...
10:52   crimsun I presume you mean a "gui X Window System-based FTP app" :)
10:52   hyper_ch        vidd: xfburner does burn ISOs
10:52   j1mc    hyper_ch: correct . . .   vidd, what did you want to say?
10:53   vidd    crimsun, yes.... hyper_ch xfburn only makes frisbees on my system....i must need a tut to set it up right
10:53   vidd    *systems
10:54   hyper_ch        vidd: I mostly use k3b but have also used a few times xfburn and it worked fine with my BenQ dvd-rw drive
10:54   j1mc    as for the ftp program, . . .  seems like it is easy enough to add it to the system for those who need a separate ftp app.
10:54   j1mc    i don't think that ubuntu or kubuntu come with an ftp program out of the box.  (correct me if i'm wrong)
10:54   vidd    in regards to a gui ftp app...what options are there that will fit with xubuntu theme?
10:54   Admiral_Chicago j1mc: kubuntu does not
10:55   vidd    so we cant include apps that ubuntu and kubuntu dont?
10:55   hyper_ch        well, moste people don't know what ftp is... so I think it is not necessary... those who konw what ftp is will be able to get one
10:56   j1mc    i'm just not sure if we need it to be installed by default.
10:56   j1mc    i agree with hyper_ch
10:57   Admiral_Chicago i think an FTP app is far too specialized for to be in a base install for a desktop
10:57   j1mc    as for xfburn . . .  i have to admit that i don't use it.  i just burn files from the cli.
10:57   j1mc    i should give it a try, though...
10:58   j1mc    vidd: that would be more likely to be up for replacement than adding an ftp program.
10:58   j1mc    (in my opinion, anyway).
10:58   vidd    about xfburn...everytime i mention my issues in the help room...i get comments like "we know use [xyz]  instead
10:59   j1mc    yeah...  what do others think?
10:59   j1mc    do you all have problems with xfburn?
10:59   hyper_ch        well, I can't tell... for me Xfburn, gnomebaker and k3b have worked fine whenever I used them
10:59   j1mc    is it too buggy?
10:59   Admiral_Chicago j1mc: give me a second to pull up a list of bugs in xfburn
11:00   vidd    regular data works...just iso'S DONT WORK
11:00   j1mc    thanks, Admiral_Chicago
11:00   Admiral_Chicago Xfburn is not the package name..
=== vidd has had this issue on every machine...it is the app, not the 'puter
11:01   Admiral_Chicago let me check..
11:02   vidd    the executable is xfburn
11:02   Admiral_Chicago this is a KNOWN issue
11:02   Admiral_Chicago give me a second and i'll put up the output of bughelper
11:03   Admiral_Chicago http://pastebin.ca/523640
11:03   hyper_ch        the package is xfburn
11:04   Admiral_Chicago hyper_ch: got it...capitalization...
11:04   hyper_ch        :) apt-file search :)
11:04   Admiral_Chicago vidd: you are correct, ISOs do not burn
11:05   Admiral_Chicago Xfburn is a CD burning app...but to be fair the description is "Description: CD burning tool for Xfce A graphical tool for simple CD authoring related tasks.
11:05   vidd    so can we get something lite that DOES burn iso's as well as data disks?
11:05   j1mc    hmmm...  i don't know what other options are out there, other than gnomebaker and k3b...
11:05   Admiral_Chicago i think this discussion could go in to the ML
11:05   j1mc    this could be something to bring up with the list... (1) i think we should see about fixing the ISO bugs.
11:06   Admiral_Chicago it's a very valid issue...
11:06   j1mc    yeah . . .
11:06   Admiral_Chicago so take it to the ML right?
11:06   Admiral_Chicago any objections?
11:07   vidd    none here...+1 for move to ML
11:07   j1mc    i'm not sure what kind of development is being done on xfburn.  it looks like we used the same 0.2 build for edgy and feisty.
11:07   j1mc    sure, send it out to the ML
11:08   Admiral_Chicago yea perhaps replace it with something under active development
11:08   j1mc    any other topics?
11:08   hyper_ch        yes
11:08   hyper_ch        I got a topic :)
11:08   j1mc    sure... go ahead.
11:09   hyper_ch        just before in the xubuntu channel someone was asking for a gui file search utility
11:09   hyper_ch        so that files can be searched and deleted accross different folders
11:09   Admiral_Chicago yes. weneed one!
11:09   Admiral_Chicago we need*
11:09   j1mc    hyper_ch: any ideas as to what app to use?
11:10   hyper_ch        j1mc: nope... but maybelline mentioned some plugin in thunar?
11:10   j1mc    also, is this something you'd be willing to handle yourself, or would you need help from the core devs?
11:10   hyper_ch        I don't konw any such tool... i normally use slocate-db
=== DarkSun88 [n=Ma@ubuntu/member/darksun88] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
11:10   hyper_ch        <-- hasn't got a clue on how to get something like that up and running and how to integrate and stuff
=== Admiral_Chicago doesn't see one in the repos
11:12   j1mc    hmmm... ok.  /me is not a coder, either.
11:12   hyper_ch        I just checked the thunar page - such a plugin does not exist yet
11:12   j1mc    well, from the prior meetings, we're looking for 3-4 things to improve for gutsy.
11:12   Admiral_Chicago perhaps discuss it with the core devs...
11:12   j1mc    if you can convince them to make it one of the 3-4 things, then . . .
11:13   hyper_ch        actually there is a way:  using the thunar special plugin creator and catfish
11:13   j1mc    from our last meeting, we've been looking at better wifi support, samba integration, and what to use for documentation.
11:14   j1mc    . . . and some games stuff.
=== j1mc doesn't know about catfish, but . . . this sounds like something that would be worth bringing up with the devs.
11:14   hyper_ch        here's the thread: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=214059
11:15   Admiral_Chicago okay i'm off for now, i'll read the archives...
11:15   Admiral_Chicago good work everyone
11:15   j1mc    see you, Admiral_Chicago
11:15   hyper_ch        bye bye
11:15   Admiral_Chicago bye j1mc hyper_ch
11:15   j1mc    hyper_ch: Kalikiana  is one of the devs.  that's a good sign.
11:16   hyper_ch        j1mc: why this reference to kalikiana ?
11:17   j1mc    hyper_ch: at the top of the forum post you linked to, it says, "Many thanks go to Kalikiana for coding it."
11:18   hyper_ch        didn't see that :)
=== metres [n=metres@bas7-montreal02-1177714262.dsl.bell.ca] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
11:18   hyper_ch        oh yeah... I remember... isn't Kalikiana coding now a browser?
11:18   j1mc    ok . . .   this seems like it could be implemented, but i am not a dev.  the app looks pretty good, too.
=== j1mc is not sure what Kalikiana is coding . . .
11:19   hyper_ch        well, catfish is the search util... maybe an integration into thunar is not needed
11:19   j1mc    i think it would be preferred, though (the thunar integration)
11:19   Riddell j1mc, Admiral_Chicago: kubuntu includes konqueror which does ftp
11:20   hyper_ch        Riddell: and sftp
11:20   j1mc    thank you, Riddell
11:21   j1mc    Ok . . .   we'll send the catfish / thunar idea up.  i like it, though.
11:21   j1mc    any other comments on that?
11:21   hyper_ch        cool :)
11:21   j1mc    anything else to discuss?
11:22   vidd    j1mc, i sent the xfburn to the ML
11:22   j1mc    thanks, vidd
11:22   j1mc    ok . . .   well, it looks like we'll end things here for today.
11:22   j1mc    thanks for your time, everyone.  :)
11:23   j1mc    i'll compile the meeting minutes and such, and put them up on the meetings page, and will send out a note to the list with links to the log of our session.
11:24   j1mc    bye, all
11:25   hyper_ch        bye j1mc
=== j1mc [n=j1mc@] has left #ubuntu-meeting ["Leaving"]
=== vidd [n=vidd@static-72-86-132-241.phlapa.east.verizon.net] has left #ubuntu-meeting ["Leaving"]
11:27   DarkSun88       G'night.
11:31   Admiral_Chicago Riddell: ah right, i meant a stand alone FTP app...
11:32   Riddell Admiral_Chicago: never seen any point in that, ftp is a function that should be available to all apps along with any other network protocol
11:37   Jester45        is the meeting over?
11:47   Admiral_Chicago yes i agree. i was just under the impression that we were talking about a stand along ftp app

MeetingLogs/Xubuntu_2007-05-30 (last edited 2008-08-06 16:39:51 by localhost)