{{{ 05:00 cjwatson let's get started, then 05:01 cjwatson hope you all had a good Christmas break 05:01 cjwatson and that everyone is now plugging away towards feature freeze :-) 05:01 cjwatson which is disturbingly soon 05:01 cjwatson we'll go in wiki page order 05:02 cjwatson BenC: you're first 05:02 BenC ... 05:02 BenC :: Specs 05:02 BenC * driver-device-manager: Kernel patched with disable-auto-binding capability sent to Keybuk for udev integration. UI being worked on. 05:02 BenC * driver-backports: Empty linux-backports-modules-2.6.20 uploaded. Empty packages being built for all kernels on all arches. Next linux-meta upload will have the linux-image-* meta packages depending on these so all systems will download it. 05:02 BenC * ubiquity-driver-updates: NO PROGRESS. 05:02 BenC :: Work for past week 05:02 BenC * 2.6.20-rc4 went in for Herd 2. 05:02 BenC * 2.6.20 bug reports are increasing gradually, hopefully a sign of increased testing and not increased instability. Lots of the bug reports are retests of ones already reported in prior releases, so aren't regressions. Also, 2.6.20 seems to be closing quite a few bugs from edgy/dapper. 05:02 BenC * Testing of paravirt-ops with VMI patches. 05:02 BenC :: Work for next week 05:02 BenC * Get decent driver-device-manager UI ready for sprint demo. 05:02 BenC * ubiquity-driver-updates needs progress. === doko just noticed that the atheros driver isn't working 05:03 cjwatson did I remember to ask you about linux-kernel-crash-dump when we spoke yesterday? 05:03 cjwatson I didn't seem to take notes about it if I did :-( 05:03 BenC yeah, and I forgot to add it 05:04 BenC not much to say 05:04 BenC I need to get the userspace ready, and I have the scripts for it, just need time 05:04 cjwatson ok 05:04 cjwatson Keybuk: is the udev integration in your update, or can you comment on it now? 05:05 Riddell Keybuk said he was having a light IRC day today 05:05 cjwatson he's around 05:05 Keybuk cjwatson: udev integration will be done at the sprint 05:06 Keybuk it's not much work, and would greatly benefit from having people around to help with 05:06 BenC Keybuk: is the patch doing what it needs to do? 05:06 Keybuk BenC: I have no idea 05:06 Keybuk I haven't tested it yet 05:06 cjwatson there are specs depending on that, aren't there? 05:06 Keybuk cjwatson: no specs as such, just a general desire to have it 05:06 BenC Keybuk: driver-device-manager depends on it 05:06 BenC the UI can't really do what it needs as spec'd without the changes to udev/kernel 05:07 BenC otherwise I just have a mod-param editor :) 05:07 Riddell BenC: are you keeping any kind of UI independence in mind when writing driver-device-manager? 05:08 BenC Ridell: I (ab)used hal-driver-manager as a base, which is pygtk...the core functions are a python class though, so the UI is independent 05:09 Riddell that sounds sane, I have a kde-hal-device-manager so a potential future KDE frontend wouldn't be too hard 05:09 cjwatson ok, let's move on and take the rest to #ubuntu-devel 05:09 cjwatson next is me 05:09 cjwatson ubiquity-advanced-partitioner: Initial version merged just before Christmas; invokable with 'ubiquity --new-partitioner'. See ubuntu-devel@ for caveats (not pretty, slow, etc.). Please test. 05:09 cjwatson ubiquity-release-notes: Implemented. 05:09 cjwatson ubiquity-automation: Started looking at switching over to GtkAssistant, which obsoletes a lot of the most horrible stuff in ubiquity.frontend.gtkui. Unfortunately glade-3 crashes a bit too much in the presence of this widget. Sent a patch to gtk+ upstream; waiting until that's released before proceeding. 05:09 cjwatson misc: Recruitment, management/HR intro meeting in London, chatting with folks I manage, and lots of other stuff. 05:10 cjwatson also spent a pile of today cleaning up unexpected Herd 2 issues 05:10 sfllaw cjwatson: Thanks for the HR followup. I had a friend say he was finally re-contacted after a few months. 05:11 Mithrandir cjwatson: do we know who'll be taking over your installer work? 05:11 BenC Mithrandir: are you volunteering? :) 05:11 ogra would you mind holding a little 1-2h workshop in oslo about it ? 05:11 ogra (it == d-i) 05:11 Mithrandir BenC: I'm doing release management and archive admin, so no. === fabbione removes installer bits from his report 05:12 Riddell cjwatson: what's the status of ubiquity slideshow and migration assistant? 05:13 iwj How about holding a kind of d-i induction thingum at the sprint ? 05:13 cjwatson sure, I can try === ogra would like to know more about d-i and probably take some small responsibilities ... but surely not the maintenance of it all 05:13 cjwatson Riddell: slideshow> no progress, migration-assistant> Evan says it should be mergeable soon 05:13 iwj cjwatson: You could count me in too. 05:13 cjwatson I'll add it to the agenda 05:14 cjwatson sfllaw: we're gradually cranking through the backlog 05:14 cjwatson phone; somebody go next 05:15 dholbach i guess that's me 05:15 dholbach wiki order? 05:15 ogra wiki order :) 05:15 sfllaw dholbach: Go. 05:15 dholbach Done 05:15 dholbach * GNOME 2.17.5 05:15 dholbach * catching up with loads of mails 05:15 dholbach * bug triage 05:15 dholbach * artwork packaging coaching - first user! 05:15 dholbach * work on the art-builder 05:15 dholbach * worked on bughelper (holiday hacking) 05:15 dholbach To do 05:15 dholbach * finish prio 1 goals for art-builder and help write some documentation 05:15 dholbach * more bug triage 05:15 dholbach * work on bughelper and finish the new file format (and write documentation on how to use it) 05:16 Riddell dholbach: what's bughelper? 05:16 dholbach bughelper will be a tool that hopefully everybody in the bugsquad will empty his/her brain in to 05:16 sfllaw *plop* 05:16 Riddell bit harry potter that :) 05:16 dholbach so that you can run bughelper and it gives out messages on certain bugs 05:17 dholbach like bugs they might be dups of, general questions you might want to ask, etc 05:17 ogra so its an xml-rpc client for malone ? 05:17 dholbach atm it does HTML 05:17 dholbach but we hope to get xml dumps soon 05:17 cjwatson expediency++ 05:17 dholbach thanks a lot heno for starting it 05:18 mvo empty brain? its strong liquor? 05:18 heno just did the first brain dump :) 05:18 ogra cjwatson, was that a name suggestion ? 05:18 dholbach Riddell: we'll have harry potter release names for it - thanks for the suggestion :-) 05:19 dholbach https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugHelper 05:19 sfllaw dholbach: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spells_in_Harry_Potter 05:19 dholbach sfllaw: I know them all ;-) 05:19 dholbach sfllaw: seb128 too :) 05:19 sfllaw OMG. 05:19 seb128 cjwatson: can I go next? my update is quite similar to Daniel's one, and I've to go around 16:45utc, not sure that will be my turn before 05:19 cjwatson seb128: yes 05:19 cjwatson dholbach: thanks (and thanks for bughelper, I continue to hope to use it soon :-)) 05:19 cjwatson seb128: go 05:19 seb128 Done: 05:19 seb128 GNOME 2.17.5 05:19 seb128 started bugs and mails catching up 05:19 seb128 gstreamer updates for easy-codec-installation 05:19 seb128 . 05:19 seb128 Next week: 05:19 seb128 keep catching up with bugs and mails 05:19 seb128 work on tab-consistency 05:20 seb128 work on easy-codec-insallation 05:20 seb128 review compiz patches and update to the new version 05:21 mvo seb128: what is that plan with tab-consitency? will you try to push some api changes upstream? 05:21 seb128 mvo: let me look at it before pushing things upstream, but yes, I would not like to have to keep distribution specific changes for it === mvo nods 05:22 seb128 mvo: we can have a look at it during the sprint if you are interested ;) 05:22 cjwatson the API in the spec doesn't look totally un-upstreamable 05:22 mvo seb128: I am 05:22 cjwatson has GTK upstream API-frozen yet? 05:22 cjwatson if so we should at least try to agree it with them for the future ... 05:22 seb128 cjwatson: GNOME 2.18 will ship with GTK 2.10.n and I doubt they will change that for 2.10 05:23 seb128 we can keep patches until 2.12 though 05:23 seb128 yeah, I'll speak with them before doing anything 05:23 cjwatson oh, of course, GTK 2.10 has already finished, right 05:24 cjwatson seb128: thanks 05:24 cjwatson fabbione: next 05:24 fabbione Done: 05:24 fabbione * sparc64-installer: implemented. fixed 2 bugs after archive freeze that didn't make the cd. Need to test one more installation case that did occour to my head only today and requires to download some Solaris iso's. 05:24 fabbione * streched my wings on -certification/-support procedures. LP privileges and stuff like that. 05:24 fabbione * sparc64-stabilization: spent a day debugging parted_server crash on Niagara. 05:24 fabbione * sparc64-64-bit-apps: fixed glibc sparc64 libpthread linking. SRU is waiting QA and the usual 7 days staging in -proposed. 05:24 fabbione * ubuntu-feisty-ha-cluster: updated openais. redhat-cluster-suite pending archive re-opening. GFS1 is still doomed. Upstream is not porting to .19/.20 yet because it's a royal mess but they will have to do it. 05:24 fabbione * sparc64-niagara-ssl-accelerator: needs reassignment. 05:24 fabbione * integrity-check: needs reassignment. 05:24 fabbione * tested different kernel bits. (HI BEN! :)) 05:25 fabbione TODO 05:25 fabbione * test ubuntu-feisty-ha-cluster. cleanup redhat-cluster-suite init scripts a bit. tons of init updates from upstream needs merging. 05:25 fabbione * prepare for Oslo. 05:25 cjwatson Keybuk: reassignment's probably within your team, unless the niagara stuff belongs with kernel folks? 05:25 fabbione cjwatson: niagara -> kernel 05:26 Keybuk cjwatson: it's a kernel thing; but we haven't yet discussed who it would be perfect for 05:26 cjwatson fabbione: does anyone in the team other than you have the hardware? 05:26 Keybuk obviously that person would need the Niagara hardware 05:26 fabbione cjwatson: Montreal has 2 Niagara 05:26 cjwatson kylem: are you interested? 05:26 fabbione and there is no need to have hw in place. remote access is fine 05:27 cjwatson I don't think it would be high priority for Kyle, but if he has a bit of time ... 05:27 kylem cjwatson, i've not looked into it since uds, so can i say something non-committal, like "tentatively"? :) 05:27 fabbione kylem: no changes since. 05:27 cjwatson kylem: sure, I won't hold you to it 05:27 cjwatson kylem: but if you could investigate and let me know roughly how much work you think it would be, that would be good 05:28 kylem ok. 05:29 cjwatson fabbione: thanks 05:29 cjwatson heno: next 05:29 heno * multi-lingual-speech -- good progress on the gnome-speech eSpeak driver 05:29 heno * gdm-accessibility -- Upstream testers report Orca sworking with GDM 05:29 heno * a11y-other -- gnome-mag should be rebuilt with composite 05:29 heno * a11y-future -- started working with a group at TU Karlsruhe that has just received govt. funding to improve a11y in Ubuntu 05:29 heno * forum-based ISO testing - 40-odd people have 'signed up' to test, though only 2 ISO test has come in so far. The fast turnover of testing may be a problem. Post-release testing has it's value too at this early release, so I'll encourage that to help build a team. See: http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=201 05:29 heno * forum-other -- I attended to first Forum Council meeting and continue to work with the Forum Ambassadors team. 05:29 heno * launchpad-contact - If you haven't done so already, please add you favourite small LP bugs to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DevelTeamLPWishList -- I've also invited matthewrevell along today for Q&A 05:30 matthewrevell Hello 05:30 dholbach heno: I'll have a look at gnome-mag 05:30 cjwatson I'm hoping to review the ISO testing work after Herd 2 is out 05:31 cjwatson I think time is probably too short to familiarise myself with it first, this time round 05:31 heno cjwatson: I'm sure it will need some tweaking 05:31 cjwatson though I'll have a glance in case there's anything obvious 05:31 heno I would expect a gradual start 05:31 cjwatson Karlsruhe> I have an item on the distro sprint agenda to make contact with them while we're all there 05:32 heno I'm keeping my eye on new reports coming in 05:32 cjwatson we should make an effort to draw them into our development community 05:32 heno cjwatson: perhaps two days after their meeting, that will be a very busy time for them 05:32 heno they are still figuring out what to do 05:33 heno My father will make a presentation on my behalf there 05:33 cjwatson heno: feel free to CC me on discussions with them; I'd like to keep informed on that 05:33 heno cjwatson: cool, will do 05:34 cjwatson matthewrevell: we'll get through the usual updates, and come to you at the end, if that's ok 05:34 matthewrevell cjwatson: Yeah, that sound s great 05:34 cjwatson heno: thanks 05:34 cjwatson iwj: next? 05:34 Keybuk I have a paste from iwj, if he's not here? 05:35 cjwatson Keybuk: go ahead, for speed 05:35 pitti Hi. I'll try to keep at least half an eye on here ... <= not enough eyes, apparently 05:35 Keybuk Done: gnome-app-install-codecs - this is now pretty much implemented but it needs to be properly deployed and integration tested. mvo is reviewing my changes. Thanks also to Tim Mueller and seb for their work on easy-codec-installation (the upper of the two layers in this linked pair of specs). 05:35 Keybuk To do: automated-testing-deployment - just picked this up today again. Thanks to mvo for helpful contributions regarding integration with apt. 05:35 Keybuk Blocked: winmodem-support - Decision needs to be made (by Tech board?) about nonfree drivers. (Please let us not go down the binary driver rathole on this one!) 05:35 Keybuk Unchanged since before Christmas: consistent-login-screen. 05:37 Keybuk iwj: the decision about non-free drivers has already been made 05:37 pitti what was the outcome? 05:37 Keybuk where there is no free alternative, we will ship non-free drivers and/or firmware in restricted 05:38 cjwatson s/will/may/ 05:38 ogra as we always did ? 05:38 cjwatson the decision was that we will decide on a case-by-case basis 05:38 cjwatson (if that makes sense) 05:38 cjwatson we didn't take a blanket decision to ship all possible non-free drivers for which there is no free alternative 05:39 cjwatson at least, that's my fairly clear memory from the call ... 05:39 cjwatson we can take the drivers discussion elsewhere, I suppose, for when iwj gets back 05:39 cjwatson iwj: thanks 05:40 cjwatson Riddell: next 05:40 Riddell done: herd 2 ready to go 05:40 Riddell kubuntu-update-manager: started, progressing well, although not got to the more tricky parts yet 05:40 Riddell kubuntu-feisty-ubiquity: qt 4 port complete and working well 05:40 Riddell todo: kubuntu-update-manager 05:40 mvo Riddell: is there anything to look at/merge for kubutnu-update-manager yet? 05:40 Riddell mvo: not yet, probably after the weekend though 05:41 mvo Riddell: nice! we should have a session at oslo together too 05:41 Riddell definately 05:42 cjwatson Riddell: thanks 05:43 cjwatson kylem: next 05:43 kylem Done: 05:43 kylem * Merged backports into the -proposed kernels 05:43 kylem * linux-source-2.6.17 ( uploaded to edgy-proposed 05:43 kylem * linux-source-2.6.15 (2.6.15-50.60) uploaded to dapper-proposed 05:43 kylem * sky2 patches for {edgy,dapper}-security 05:43 kylem * scsi-scan patch for dapper-security 05:43 kylem In Progress: 05:43 kylem * MODULE_FIRMWARE annotations for drivers in ubuntu/ 05:43 kylem Todo: 05:43 kylem * Merge dapper-security into dapper-proposed kernels and re-upload 05:43 cjwatson (is kwwii still attending these meetings?) 05:43 cjwatson hmm, I should check that Soyuz will be able to handle -proposed >> -updates 05:44 cjwatson in terms of versions 05:44 Mithrandir cjwatson: I have a RL meeting in about 15 minutes, can I go after Kyle? 05:44 Riddell cjwatson: no kwwii at the moment, but may well be again soon 05:44 cjwatson Mithrandir: yes 05:44 cjwatson Riddell: ok 05:45 cjwatson Mithrandir: if you could review the -proposed uploads at the next convenient time, that would be good 05:46 cjwatson kylem: thanks 05:46 cjwatson Mithrandir: next 05:46 Mithrandir network-roaming: poked at it, simple enough, got preempted by herd 2 05:46 Mithrandir changelog-closes-bugs: to be done at sprint 05:46 Mithrandir grub2: to be given to iwj; no progress 05:46 Mithrandir misc: herd 2 almost there, source NEW almost completely emptied 05:46 Mithrandir there's a bunch of archive stuff to do; I'll do that once I'm done with herd 2. 05:46 kylem Mithrandir, ignore the one in dapper-proposed, i need to upload a new one b/c i forgot the security. 05:46 cjwatson $beer{Mithrandir}++ for source NEW 05:46 Riddell Mithrandir: ETA for herd 2? 05:46 Mithrandir Riddell: tonight, assuming I can find somebody to test ppc desktop CD. 05:46 Mithrandir else, tomorrow 05:47 Riddell Mithrandir: I'll download it now, I want to get this thing out :) === pitti will test it as soon as it arrives 05:47 Mithrandir kylem: ignore or reject? 05:47 Mithrandir Riddell: yay, thanks. 05:48 Mithrandir publisher run is almost finished, I'll build livefs-es and the live ISOs after that. 05:48 cjwatson Mithrandir: thanks, good luck with the rest of the milestone 05:48 kylem Mithrandir, whichever. 05:48 cjwatson pitti: next 05:48 pitti Done: 05:48 pitti * bug-reporting-tool: version with manual apport file upload is in feisty; version with Launchpad cloakroom upload is ready in apport-cloakroom branch, waiting for Malone to actually get along with those blobs (Bjorn asserted that this will work by the sprint) 05:48 pitti * increase-hwdb-participation: some initial discussion with cjwatson and ogra, need more discussion with cjwatson; This is a very poor spec without any implementation bits *at all*; how did this make it to approved? 05:48 ogra i have to see how myuch time my ill dog demands from me, but if i find time i'll test as well 05:48 pitti * lots of apport refactorization and UI redesign: now it's much more robust code, ui workflow is covered by regression tests, and easily portable to other UIs (Qt/CLI/etc.) 05:48 pitti * SRU bug 59946 (gnome-system-tools): uploaded fix for regression in g-s-t to -proposed; waiting for cjwatson to accept upload Ubugtu Malone bug 59946 in gnome-system-tools "Admin tools require admin group membership" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/59946 05:48 pitti * SRU bug 72125 (tzdata): edgy is in -proposed; dapper upload done, needs to be accepted Ubugtu Malone bug 72125 in tzdata "Daylight Saving changes in Western Australia" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72125 05:48 pitti * took a look at printerdrake for making a test Ubuntu package; unfortunately the Mandrake lib is unbuildable on Ubuntu, so for redesigning the UI we need to use Mdk live CDs 05:48 pitti * lots of apport and hal bug fixing 05:48 pitti * got through my some-2000 bug emails, and went through all hal bugs, triaged them, and fixed the low-hanging fruit 05:48 pitti * herd-2 testing on amd64 and powerpc 05:49 pitti To Do: 05:49 pitti * update langpacks for stables (this was postponed due to some Rosetta bugs, but they are fixed now); I need -proposed guru love for that again 05:49 pitti * finish g-s-t and tzdata SRUs, do similar SRU for python-tz 05:49 pitti * fix broken PtP cameras in edgy-proposed 05:49 pitti * do pending security uploads while Kees is on LCA 05:49 pitti * do my share of universe merges 05:49 pitti * apport: abstract and refactor ubuntu specific bits (dpkg, malone) into separate classes, call for a discussion with Gnome, KDE, and some other distros about more widespread adoption 05:49 pitti * holiday from next Wednesday to Friday, will be on the sprint on time, though 05:50 cjwatson pitti: increase-hwdb-participation> ogra would really be a better person for further discussion; it was initially assigned to me because we thought it would be an installer spec, but it turned out not to be; ogra knows much more about the hwdb bits than I 05:51 pitti cjwatson: I know; I mainly refered to negotiating the set debconf key, figuring out which users to notify/how to set a global lock, etc. 05:51 cjwatson ah, right, sure, any time you like 05:51 ogra cjwatson, but thats only about providing a popup on new nstalls 05:51 pitti cjwatson: if we have some time at the sprint, we can do it htere 05:51 ogra hwdb-overhaul might be my terrain 05:51 cjwatson SRUs> bugger. I have the next hour free and WILL do those two then. 05:52 cjwatson pitti: sprint> sure, sounds good 05:52 cjwatson pitti: thanks === pitti hugs cjwatson for his tireless SRU processing 05:52 cjwatson doko: next 05:52 doko last and this week: 05:52 doko - openoffice.org: updates to 2.1, prepared security updates 05:52 doko for breezy, dapper (not necessary for edgy), ooo-amd64 need 05:52 doko to be done. 05:52 doko - feisty-toolchain: build binutils from FSF sources again, 05:52 doko update gcc-4.1 to current CVS. 4.1.2 will be released end 05:52 doko of January. Evaluated demoting gcc-3.4 (g77) to universe, 05:52 doko requires more work (replacing with gfortran); doesn't look 05:52 doko appropriate for feisty anymore. 05:52 doko - feisty-toolchain+1: prepared gcc-4.2 packages, gcc-4.1 05:52 doko packages without binaries built by gcc-4.2, updated gcc-snapshot, 05:52 doko prepared packages after the gcj-eclipse merge into main 05:52 doko line. 05:52 doko now needs the archive and buildd support for the test rebuilds 05:52 doko - python: prepared upgrade to python2.5 immediately after herd2 05:52 doko - other: some upstream updates for main, prepared main inclusion 05:52 doko reports for java, candidate interview 05:52 doko next week: 05:52 doko - update python to 2.5 (2.5.1 will be released end of January) 05:52 doko - update and test isdn (one of the negative things in the review 05:53 doko of the c't magazine) 05:53 Mithrandir gtg, will read backlog 05:53 ogra does python2.5 mean we'll get a last minute transition ? 05:53 doko last minute? 05:53 pitti I thought we don't need such transitions any more? 05:53 cjwatson doko: are you aware of the state of rebuild testing? I think we were supposed to have one soon 05:54 ogra doko, feature freeze is feb 8th ... 05:54 doko we change the default to 2.5, rebuild some ppackages 05:54 cjwatson if it's "immediately after herd2" that's well before FF 05:54 ogra how much is "some" ? 05:54 doko cjwatson: no; we should have one after herd2, and after that one, we did plan for a testing rebuild 05:56 cjwatson doko: thanks 05:56 cjwatson mvo: next 05:56 mvo Did: 05:56 mvo - upgrade testing (automatic, update-manager -d, apt-get) 05:56 mvo - dapper-commercial/edgy-commercial opera reivew/upload 05:56 mvo - realplay testing for edgy-commercial, needs a full testsuit run before it can enter edgy-commercial 05:56 mvo - use auto-installed information in g-a-i when applications are removed 05:56 mvo - some initial process space separation for the dist-ugprader 05:56 mvo - command-not-found fixes and uploaded new version. feels good, do we want to get it into main and enable it by default? 05:56 mvo - fixes to the automatic-dist-upgrade testing system, more runs, but still no deployment in the data-center 05:56 mvo - CommonCustomizations features added/bugs fixed (mostly in g-a-i) and trying to contact the automatix2 guys 05:56 mvo - some hacking on the apt mirror download method 05:56 mvo - synaptic hacking for the AlwaysEnableUniverseMultiverse spec 05:56 mvo - popcon sru for #51149 05:57 mvo Will do: 05:57 mvo - finish synaptic/g-a-i modifications for AlwaysEnableUniverseMultiverse 05:57 mvo - get realplayer into edgy-commerical 05:57 mvo - resolve the last open issues for CommonCustomizations 05:57 mvo - more work on dist-upgrader-fixes 05:57 dholbach command-not-found++ 05:57 cjwatson mvo: I'm not happy with command-not-found in main until https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/command-not-found/+bug/67726 is fixed ... Ubugtu Malone bug 67726 in command-not-found "wrong exit code" [High,Confirmed] 05:57 iwj mvo: Did you take a look at those g-a-i changes ? Do you want to or shall I just upload and fix them if they break ? 05:57 pitti . o O { isn't that simply a matter of sys.exit(1)? it should always fail AFAICS } 05:58 mvo cjwatson: right, that one will be fixed 05:58 cjwatson pitti: it's not difficult, but needs to be done 05:58 iwj No, exit status 127 not 1. 05:58 pitti ok, just checking whether I missed something 05:58 iwj Think `diff'./ 05:58 mvo iwj: I ahd a look yesterday, they looked good, but I didn't test them 05:58 iwj s,/,, 05:58 cjwatson yes, 127 is bash's existing exit code 05:58 mvo iwj: I'm fine with you just uploading them, we can deal with any fallout 05:58 iwj mvo: Right, OK. I've done some testing and I think we're still early enough in the cycle that a bit of minor breakage would be OK. 05:58 pitti iwj: well, right, 'some constant that matches the shell behaviour' 05:58 iwj Willdo. 05:58 iwj pitti: sys.exit(127). 05:59 mvo iwj: if you wait until tomorrow I can give it some testing tonight 05:59 iwj Sure. === cjwatson notes 127 in the bug === mvo will fix it right after the meeting 05:59 cjwatson ok, we're getting very short on time 05:59 cjwatson mvo: thanks 05:59 cjwatson ogra: next 06:00 ogra * last week: 06:00 ogra - finished jetpipe (new ltsp printserver) pondering to split out a separate pkg, seems it makes sense to have a jetdirect forwarder for other purposes as well 06:00 ogra - did some more work on edubuntu-network-auth-server 06:00 ogra - more ltsp-management gui work 06:00 ogra - gnome-screensaver fixes (switched default) 06:00 ogra - looked over power-manager and ltsp bugs 06:00 ogra - herd 2 06:00 ogra - edgy-plusone-thinclient-sound work 06:00 ogra - some edulinux stuff (that will get a lot more in the near future) 06:00 ogra * next week: 06:00 ogra - even more ltsp-manager 06:00 ogra - more edubuntu-network-auth-server 06:00 ogra - finish edgy-plusone-thinclient-sound implementation 06:00 ogra - edulinux server preparations 06:00 ogra * approved specs: 06:00 ogra - ltsp-fat-clients -no further work 06:00 ogra - edubuntu-network-auth-server - slow progress 06:00 ogra - edubuntu-network-auth-client - not started 06:00 ogra - edgy-plusone-thinclient-sound - started 06:00 ogra - ltsp-management-gui - started 06:00 ogra - student-control-panel-upgrade - started by cbx33 06:00 ogra - edubuntu-on-two-cds - not started (planned for the sprint) 06:00 ogra - ltsp-persistent-home - ... sbalneav (still waiting for code review, pitti ?) === pitti is not aware of blocking anything, can you please mail me? 06:01 cjwatson edulinux == http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/EduLinux ? 06:01 ogra pitti, will do .. probably only the LP page needs update 06:01 ogra cjwatson, https://wiki.edubuntu.org/Edulinux 06:01 ogra the name will change 06:01 cjwatson yay for name clashes 06:02 ogra eurolinux (which would be appropriate and was the old name) is taken as well 06:02 ogra name suggestions that involve the EU are welcome btw ;) 06:02 cjwatson ogra: thanks 06:02 cjwatson rodarvus: here? 06:03 ogra he will attack moodle for main the next weeks and take over ieces of edubuntu CD building 06:03 ogra *pieces 06:03 ogra (since i will travel a lot for edulinux ill have to shorten my CD testing in the future) 06:03 cjwatson ok 06:03 cjwatson Keybuk: next 06:04 Keybuk Done: 06:04 Keybuk * phone calls with team members 06:04 Keybuk * management training/intro in London 06:04 Keybuk * upstart development for replacement-initscripts 06:04 Keybuk To do: 06:04 Keybuk * LCA next week 06:04 Keybuk * udev/kernel/etc. planned for sprint 06:05 Riddell Keybuk: are you talking at LCA? 06:05 pitti Keybuk: do you expect to finish all your udev/upstart specs with your new manager duties, or do you fan them out? 06:05 Keybuk Riddell: I am, yes 06:06 Keybuk pitti: I'm intending to fan out most of the udev related ones 06:06 doko Keybuk, cjwatson: any word on the merge/sync from etch? 06:06 Keybuk there's not actually "much work" left in those, mostly just testing things 06:06 Keybuk and will be taking advantage of the sprint to do that, along with handing off some of the work 06:06 Keybuk doko: ? I don't recall that discussion 06:06 cjwatson Keybuk: mailed to distro-team I think 06:06 doko Keybuk: see my mail to distro-team 06:07 iwj Testing code is a good way to get familiar with it so farming that out is a good idea. (Oops, I seem to be volunteering.) 06:07 Keybuk ah yes, on tuesday, sorry 06:07 Keybuk doko: it's possible 06:07 Keybuk but not today 06:07 iwj s/Testing/Debugging/ really ... 06:07 Keybuk iwj: yes, that was my oh-so-cunning plan :) 06:07 Keybuk doko: the principle blocker is disk space 06:08 doko Keybuk: not our problem, file a ticket =) 06:08 cjwatson unstable and testing shouldn't be that much out of sync at the moment? 06:08 Keybuk doko: and my time, of which there's a very huge negative lack right now :-/ 06:08 cjwatson negative lack? perfect, you have lots of time === cjwatson runs away 06:09 Keybuk cjwatson: yes, integer underflow on $freetime 06:09 cjwatson Keybuk: thanks, we should keep moving - merges/syncs -> #ubuntu-devel perhaps 06:09 cjwatson sfllaw: next 06:09 sfllaw Done 06:09 sfllaw * Holiday (Happy New Year everybody!) 06:09 sfllaw * Flu 06:09 sfllaw * SRU: tzdata 06:09 sfllaw * Bug triage 06:09 sfllaw * Contracts for interns 06:09 sfllaw To do 06:09 sfllaw * Bug triage 06:09 sfllaw * SRUs 06:09 sfllaw * Get ready for interns on the 15th (computers, desks, etc.) 06:09 sfllaw * Write more wiki documentation 06:09 sfllaw * Hug day next week 06:09 sfllaw Bug stats 06:10 sfllaw * Open (20871) +139 over last week 06:10 sfllaw * Critical (20) -1 over last week 06:10 sfllaw * Unconfirmed (10631) +92 over last week 06:10 sfllaw * Unassigned (15810) +185 over last week 06:10 sfllaw * All bugs ever reported (70500) +606 over last week 06:10 cjwatson please keep me informed about what's happening with the interns 06:10 sfllaw Will do. They seem excited to show up on Monday. 06:10 dholbach sfllaw: did you talk to the guys forming the mozillateam? 06:10 cjwatson I hope we can make good use of them 06:10 sfllaw dholbach: I did and responded to their questions. 06:10 sfllaw Same. 06:11 BenC sfllaw: Can we have one assigned to each distro team member? :) 06:11 sfllaw BenC: I only have two interns and it is likely that they won't have enough skill in the beginning to make that worthwhile. 06:11 sfllaw The third one will be working with cr3 on automated test cases. 06:12 BenC cool, that's a good place for extra man power 06:12 ogra yeah 06:12 cjwatson sfllaw: thanks 06:12 pitti sfllaw: automated test cases> I'd be interested to get in the loop in that discussions (kees and I have this package-tests bzr branch) 06:13 sfllaw pitti: All right. 06:14 cjwatson matthewrevell: is there anything you'd like to bring up, or are you primarily lurking this time round? 06:14 matthewrevell cjwatson: I'm mostly lurking, but there are three small things I'd like to mention: 06:15 matthewrevell 1. If you have any suggestions for or annoyances with Launchpad, please feel free to badger me. 06:15 cjwatson please do 06:15 matthewrevell 2. I'm compiling a weekly list of top user-affecting issues, to take to the rest of the LP team. I may ask memebers of this team if there are things you 06:15 matthewrevell you'd like to see on that list 06:16 matthewrevell 3. Fix-it Friday is a regular thing now and a great opportunity to get small fixes done quickly. 06:16 matthewrevell Cheers :) 06:16 iwj matthewrevell: bug 52766 Ubugtu Bug 52766 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/52766 is private 06:17 matthewrevell iwj: thanks, I'll take a look 06:17 iwj `Unreadable formatting of bug bodies', for those who aren't in the appropriate access group. 06:17 iwj Incidentally I think it's a mistake that that bug has been marked as private, and I'd appreciate it if you could look into and/or review that decision. 06:18 Riddell matthewrevell: bug 78434 Ubugtu Malone bug 78434 in launchpad "product page layout broken in konqueror" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78434 06:18 matthewrevell Riddell: Thanks 06:18 matthewrevell iwj: I'll raise the private issue. 06:18 iwj matthewrevell: Thanks. 06:20 iwj cjwatson: *prod*, you're being chairbeing, aren't you ? 06:25 cjwatson sorry, distracted chairbeing. yes. 06:25 cjwatson I believe we're done. Further launchpad issues => appropriate channels. 06:25 cjwatson AOB? 06:25 iwj There's the winmodem driver question from earlier. 06:25 iwj But the whole team needn't hang around for that unless they're interested. 06:25 cjwatson I think Scott and I may disagree somewhere but I think specific non-free drivers should be a TB decision. 06:25 Keybuk no, I agere 06:25 iwj Right. 06:25 cjwatson There are some free drivers that can be used in there, aren't there? At least for one piece. 06:25 Keybuk iwj: as part of that spec, you'll need to research which drivers are out there; which are free, which are binary-only and which need binary firmware blobs 06:25 iwj Yes, there is one modem supported by a free driver and I was going to look into the state there and see if we can get it included. 06:25 iwj Keybuk: Right, I did that. Only one modem supported without binary drivers, unfortunately. 06:25 iwj That is, without binary _drivers_ (as opposed to firmware blobs). 06:25 Keybuk ok, and which were supported by binary drivers? 06:25 Keybuk and which binary drivers? 06:25 cjwatson binary firmware blobs is likely to be fairly uncontroversial for inclusion given the number we already have 06:25 iwj Oh, a fair few. 06:25 Keybuk iwj: so those need to be tested, and if we can easily support them, a decision on each driver given to the TB 06:25 iwj I haven't answered that question in detail but there are around half a dozen of the proprietary drivers. 06:25 mjg59 Most modern winmodems (with the exception of Conexant chipsets) have free kernelspace drivers 06:25 Keybuk e.g. off hand, the hsfmodem daemon could probably be packaged 06:25 cjwatson I think -> #ubuntu-devel 06:25 iwj mjg59: I must have been looking in the wrong place. 06:25 mjg59 iwj: snd-intel8x0m, for instance 06:25 cjwatson thanks everyone; adjourned 06:25 mjg59 But yeah. -> -devel 06:25 iwj OK. 06:25 pitti thanks, guys }}}