09:58 bddebian    Hey folks
   09:58 mdz         morning
   09:58 Bluekuja    hello mdz,bddebian
   09:58 ogra        hey
   09:58 teckfatt    mdz: morning
   09:58 bddebian    Morning?  It's 4:00pm ;-)
   09:58 mjg59       Evening
   09:58 mdz         somewhere
   09:58 bddebian    Hi Bluekuja
   09:59 teckfatt    9pm at UK
   09:59 pygi        hey hey Andrea
   09:59 mdz         Keybuk: ping
   09:59 highvoltage hi bddebian, mdz, Bluekuja, ogra, mjg59, teckfatt and pygi :)
   09:59 bddebian    Heh, hi highvoltage
   09:59 Bluekuja    pygi: hello mario :)
   09:59 mdz         danger, danger!
   09:59 ogra        heh, hey highvoltage
   === ogra ducks
   09:59 Bluekuja    highvoltage: hello jon :)
   09:59 pygi        mdz, nuclear power plant is exploding? :)
   09:59 ogra        (instinctively)
   09:59 teckfatt    highvoltage: hello
   10:00 imbrandon   danger will robinson ?!?
   10:00 pygi        bddebian, you came ;)
   10:00 zul         watchout radioactive man the sun is exploding again!
   10:00 bddebian    pygi: Yeah, I figure what the he** :-)
   10:01 bddebian    All they can do is laugh at me :-)
   10:01 mdz         crimsun: here?
   10:01 crimsun     mdz: yes
   10:01 mdz         I think you're first on the agenda
   10:01 mdz         welcome, all, etc.  let's get started ;-)
   10:02 mdz         crimsun: so you're applying for -core-dev?
   10:02 Keybuk      mdz: yup
   10:02 ogra        oh ? you arent already ?
   10:02 crimsun     mdz: yes. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DanielTChen (top section) has some words on what I'd like to do for main.
   10:03 bddebian    Crimsun wasn't already?
   === ogra thought with all the alsa fixes that wouldnt be possible to do through a sponsor
   10:03 mjg59       Guys? Could we have a litle less background chatter?
   10:03 bddebian    Sorry
   10:03 mjg59       It makes it trickier to pick out the important stuff
   10:03 mdz         crimsun: so you plan to implement this troubleshooting tool?
   10:04 crimsun     mdz: yes, but certainly not alone
   10:04 crimsun     mdz: there are a fair number of clueful people who can assist, and I value their contributions (trappist and dolson come to mind)
   10:04 mdz         crimsun: it seems to me that it would be sensible to incorporate additional troubleshooting functionality into ogra's hwdb-client rather than add a new tool
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   10:05 crimsun     mdz: point taken, given that hwdb-client already has the needed info
   10:05 ogra        which should see a (partial) rewrite anyway (and if only for front/backend splitting to make kde happy)
   10:05 mjg59       crimsun: You'd be happy with that?
   10:05 mdz         crimsun: and a primitive audio test
   10:05 crimsun     ogra: yes, and hopefully for Xfce, too?
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   10:06 ogra        crimsun, yeah
   10:06 crimsun     mjg59: avoiding unnecessary code duplication? very much so.
   10:06 mjg59       crimsun: Has your MOTU work included much packaging?
   10:06 Keybuk      https://launchpad.net/people/crimsun/+packages
   10:06 crimsun     mjg59: of new source packages? not terribly much is in the archives. I've done mostly maintenance work, though I'm fairly familiar with packaging.
   10:07 mjg59       Ok, yeah, good point
   10:07 mdz         mjg59: crimsun is a regular contributor to our kernel tree as well, if I'm not mistaken
   10:07 mjg59       crimsun: My only vague concern is that working in main may involve you doing more packaging from scratch
   10:07 mjg59       But my experience of your work is that you're sufficiently responsible that I doubt that would cause any sort of problems
   10:08 crimsun     mjg59: I'm quite comfortable with packaging from scratch, as I'm pretty active in assisting others in #-motu
   10:08 mjg59       crimsun: Ok, sounds good
   10:08 mdz         crimsun: was it the development of this troubleshooting tool which motivated you to apply for upload rights to main?
   10:08 mdz         or anything else additionally?
   10:08 mjg59       mdz: He is, and he's been invaluable in helping us keep track with upstream alsa
   === imbrandon can definately vouch for crimsun helping new packagers in #-motu
   10:08 crimsun     mdz: to be honest, it was moreso to avoid having to ask pitti to upload alsa* changes
   10:09 Keybuk      I was about to say, crimsun is one of the rare people who seems to not mind touching ALSA
   10:09 mjg59       Our sound support would be much worse otherwise
   10:10 mjg59       I don't think I've got any more questions. You guys?
   10:10 mdz         Keybuk: any questions for crimsun before voting?
   10:10 Keybuk      I have no questions
   10:11 mdz         votes?
   10:11 Keybuk      +1
   10:11 mdz         +1 and hearty thanks for your contributions to date
   10:11 mjg59       +1
   10:11 crimsun     thank you very much, and I look forward to making post-6.06 LTS rock even harder :)
   10:11 dholbach    congratulations, crimsun!
   10:11 mjg59       crimsun: Congrats!
   10:11 mdz         crimsun: congratulations and welcome
   === ogra applauds crimsun ecstatically
   10:11 zul         crimsun: yay!
   10:12 jpatrick    crimsun: congrats
   10:12 mjg59       Who's up next?
   10:12 highvoltage whohoo!
   10:12 imbrandon   congrats
   10:12 bddebian    w00t crimsun
   10:12 pygi        congrats crimsun ;)
   10:12 Keybuk      bddebian, I believe?
   10:12 Bluekuja    mjg59: Its me for dev
   10:12 mdz         is JAMIL AHMED present?
   10:12 siretart    congratulations, crimsun! :)
   10:12 Keybuk      mdz: he isn't a member of -dev yet
   10:12 mdz         Keybuk: indeed
   10:12 Keybuk      so needs a dholbach love letter
   10:12 mdz         dholbach: have you contacted him?
   10:13 mdz         Bluekuja: indeed, it appears you are next
   10:13 ogra        mdz, bddebian ?
   10:13 bddebian    ogra: ?
   10:13 dholbach    mdz: I contacted all of them, but not my-sweet-leader and bluekuja (they're still in my inbox)
   10:13 ogra        bddebian, you are on the Applied for membership list for core-dev
   10:14 bddebian    ogra: Aye, just waiting my turn :-)
   10:14 mdz         bddebian: oh, you applied before the previous meeting
   10:14 Keybuk      mdz: we didn't have a TB meeting two weeks ago, so bddebian didn't get processed
   10:14 mdz         right-o
   10:14 Keybuk      so bddebian has actually applied since the last TB meeting that took place
   10:14 mdz         bddebian: in that case you are next
   10:15 bddebian    OK.  Well I don't have as fancy of a wiki as crimsun :-)
   10:15 bddebian    In fact mine is severely out of date
   10:15 mdz         bddebian: indeed, your wiki link from launchpad is broken :-)
   10:15 bddebian    It is?
   10:15 bddebian    Hmm
   10:15 bddebian    https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BarrydeFreese
   10:16 mdz         it links to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bddebian
   10:16 highvoltage https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BddebianIsAGod ?
   10:16 mdz         which does not exist
   10:16 mdz         however, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BddebianIsAGod does
   10:16 bddebian    Scary
   10:16 ogra        lol
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   10:16 mdz         bddebian: what has motivated you to apply for -core-dev?
   10:17 bddebian    Several things but probably the largest is bug fixes for some of the "less loved" packages
   10:17 bddebian    I was hoping to help out with X but I don't think that is going to be feasable
   10:17 Keybuk      do you have particular bug fixes in mind?
   10:17 bddebian    Anything and everything I can get my hands on
   10:18 mdz         bddebian: do you have any specific goals or areas where you plan to work?
   10:18 bddebian    What I run into a lot of times are small bug fixes (ie kscd) that I have fixes for
   10:18 mjg59       bddebian: Which less loves packages do you think are currently in main, and do you have your eye on any in particular?
   10:19 bddebian    This is going to sound cheesy, but no.  I kind of like hitting all the packages that don't see a great deal of attention.  Kind of the Ubuntu QA Group :-)
   10:19 Keybuk      bddebian: have you been making patches for those fixes and attaching them to the bug in Malone?
   10:19 bddebian    Yes
   10:19 Keybuk      do you have any examples?
   10:19 mdz         bddebian: have you made uploads to main through a sponsor?
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   10:20 bddebian    Ack, what is up with LP
   10:21 bddebian    https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/kscd/+bug/37963
   10:21 Ubugtu      Malone bug 37963 in kscd "[patch]  song title partially hidden" [Normal,Confirmed]
   10:21 bddebian    https://launchpad.net/people/bddebian/+packages
   10:22 bddebian    mdz: I'm not sure I can say that "officially", no
   10:23 mdz         bddebian: what do you mean?
   10:23 bddebian    I mean I don't know that someone officially sponsered a main upload for me
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   10:24 mdz         bddebian: so to date, you haven't had cause to upload a package to main?
   10:24 bddebian    Other than bugfixes, no
   10:25 mjg59       bddebian: How do you think core-dev membership would significantly increase your workflow?
   10:26 bddebian    Well one of the things that I find frustrating is having to bother people for simple fixes for things.  Let me clarify this a little.
   10:26 mdz         bddebian: if you have contributions to make to main, the first logical step would be to have them reviewed and uploaded by an existing -core-dev member
   10:26 Keybuk      bddebian: a lot of your changes so far have been relatively minor bug fixes.  core-dev often involves quite major changes to packages, or even packaging new software.  Do you have any examples of packages you created from scratch, or patches you've written for particularly deep bugs in the source?
   10:27 bddebian    mdz: That would be provided I could find someone with the time
   10:27 mdz         bddebian: has that been a problem for you in the past?
   10:27 mjg59       bddebian: As we've seen, other people appear to manage this
   10:28 bddebian    mdz: Yes
   10:28 bddebian    mjg59: Aye and maybe I just irritate people I don't know.  I've tried to understand that
   10:28 mjg59       bddebian: Ok. It would be good to hear from people who've reviewed your patches to stuff in main
   10:28 bddebian    Keybuk: Probably not significantly enough no
   10:29 mdz         bddebian: have you approached someone for assistance with an upload and been declined?
   10:30 bddebian    mdz: No, not outright that I can think of
   10:31 bddebian    Well it appears that we are wasting peoples time, so no worries, I can try harder for Edgy I suppose.
   10:32 mdz         bddebian: I think that a good first step would be to work with someone to review and upload your packages to main.  If you need help in finding someone, I can help with that
   10:33 mjg59       bddebian: What would help a great deal is having people who are willing to comment on the quality of your work so far in main
   10:33 bddebian    mjg59: Well to Keybuk's point, I suppose none of them have been significant enough.
   10:33 mdz         bddebian: you have made a substantial contribution to universe and that is appreciated, but it would be best to start working in main before applying for direct upload rights
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   10:34 Keybuk      indeed, I'd like to second mdz's comment that your work in universe is very much appreciated!  keep it up
   10:35 bddebian    Is there any chance of at least getting a Universe archive admin so we don't have to bother core-devs with syncs and removals?
   10:35 mdz         bddebian: if you have any fixes for main, I'd be happy to help you get them reviewed and uploaded
   10:36 bddebian    OK, thanks folks.
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   10:37 Keybuk      bddebian: the trouble with that is that the only difference between main and universe from a LP point of view is just a field in the database.  So there's no way to separate them via access control for the dedicated tools at this time
   10:37 Keybuk      once the Web UI exposes syncs and removals, it should be trivial
   10:37 Keybuk      I believe that is on the cards
   10:37 bddebian    OK, thanks
   10:37 Keybuk      we literally just use tools that muck around with SQL at the moment
   10:37 mjg59       Ok. Is that it for core-dev?
   10:38 mdz         there doesn't seem to be a backlog on ubuntu-archive at the moment
   10:38 mdz         bddebian: thank you, and please do get in touch with me if you need any assistance
   10:38 bddebian    Sure
   10:39 mdz         is Fred Chu here?
   10:40 mdz         if not, Bluekuja is up for ubuntu-dev
   10:40 mjg59       Let's go with Bluekuja and then we can come back if necessary
   10:40 Bluekuja    I've made a lot on some packages related to irc and bittorrent(it would be great to maintain some of them in universe), they are v2strip , anope, cog, gtorrent-viewer, ctorrent(gtorrent, anope are still in revu, soon others). I'm working with sfllaw (and chistoph Hass) that advocates me also for debian, where I'm developing gtorrent.(he reviews my packages)
   10:40 Bluekuja    I'm an uploader also in fedora extras repositories, there are already some of mine packages inside( gtorrent, and v2strip) and right now I'm building eggdrop, another irc bot.
   10:41 mdz         Bluekuja: it looks like you're interested in edubuntu?
   10:41 Bluekuja    mdz: exactly, I work for the edubuntu italian team
   10:41 Bluekuja    with advocacy in schools and meetings
   10:41 ogra        mdz, Bluekuja is active with documentation transalations and stuff in edubuntu since a while
   10:42 Bluekuja    ogra: thanks :)
   10:42 mdz         ogra: have you sponsored uploads for him?
   10:42 ogra        nope
   10:42 Bluekuja    mdz: i work on packages with simon law
   10:42 mdz         sfllaw: ping?
   10:42 sfllaw      Pong.
   10:42 sfllaw      So...
   10:43 sfllaw      I've looked at Bluekuja's gtorrentviewer package.
   10:43 sfllaw      And we've gone through it over a couple of iterations.
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   10:43 sfllaw      It's good enough to get into universe, I think.
   10:43 mdz         Bluekuja: is that your first package?
   10:44 Bluekuja    mdz: nope, I've made also a lot of other packages that have to be reviewed
   10:44 ogra        have you got anything on revu ?
   10:45 Bluekuja    ogra: gtorrent-viewer, anope
   10:46 mdz         Bluekuja: anope is a new package?
   10:46 Bluekuja    mdz: what do you mean? new version or new package?
   10:47 mdz         Bluekuja: the description for it is not very clear; what does it do?
   10:47 mdz         Bluekuja: I mean new package
   10:47 Bluekuja    mdz: it's one of the most famous irc services
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   10:47 Bluekuja    that supports all big servers
   10:47 Bluekuja    like ircd-hybrid etc
   10:48 mdz         Bluekuja: what does it do?
   10:48 ogra        looks like a bot collection
   10:48 Bluekuja    it provides chanserv, nickserv, hostserv
   10:48 Bluekuja    opserv
   10:48 Bluekuja    and botserv
   10:48 mdz         Bluekuja: that means nothing to people who do not already know what those terms mean :-)
   10:48 Bluekuja    mdz: sorry for the desc, I'll fix it as soon as possible :)
   10:49 mdz         Bluekuja: the description also needs to be wrapped; it's a single line of hundreds of characters
   10:49 Bluekuja    mdz: i work in irc stuff and so I'm really familiar
   10:49 Bluekuja    ok perfect, It will be fixed
   10:50 Bluekuja    i'm working right now on eggdrop
   10:51 Bluekuja    that is an irc bot, that supports tcl scripts and c modules
   10:51 mdz         Bluekuja: what are you doing with it?
   === ogra wonders why lintian didnt complain about the lenght ... but thats OT
   10:51 Bluekuja    ogra: yeah exactly
   10:51 mdz         ogra: submit@bugs.debian.org
   10:51 ogra        :)
   10:51 Bluekuja    mdz: :D
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   10:51 mdz         Bluekuja: hmm?
   10:52 Bluekuja    mdz: i was saying that I'm currently developing some bots
   10:52 Bluekuja    of course related to the irc world
   10:52 Bluekuja    i want to provide a lot of packages for universe
   10:53 mdz         Bluekuja: I think it would be beneficial to spend more time working with MOTU and others to have your work reviewed and gain more experience with packaging before making unsupervised uploads
   10:53 mdz         Bluekuja: I'm sure sfllaw will gladly continue to give you feedback on your work
   10:53 Keybuk      mdz++
   10:53 Bluekuja    mdz: ok perfect
   10:54 mdz         Bluekuja: ogra always welcomes Edubuntu contributions as well :-)
   10:54 ogra        :)
   10:54 Keybuk      I agree; continue working with sfllaw, and work a bit more with the MOTU, and you should gain the necessary experience in no time
   10:54 sfllaw      That he does.
   10:54 ogra        indeed ! :)
   10:55 Bluekuja    mdz,keybuk: ok great
   10:55 mdz         Bluekuja: feel free to contact me if you have any questions or need assistance
   10:55 mdz         Bluekuja: and thanks for your work so far
   10:56 Bluekuja    mdz: ok, thanks very much, I'll try to gain more experience in this weeks
   10:56 mdz         Bluekuja: great!
   10:56 mdz         is there anyone else here who is newly applying for membership in ubuntu-{core-,}dev?
   10:56 Bluekuja    mdz: ;) , i have to go now, have a good evening
   10:57 Bluekuja    cya guys
   10:57 highvoltage bye Bluekuja
   10:57 ogra        ciao Bluekuja
   10:57 mdz         \sh is on the agenda, but not here?
   10:57 ogra        looks like
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   10:57 mdz         ok, perhaps at the next meeting then
   10:58 mdz         siretart: you wanted to discuss backports?
   10:58 siretart    mdz: yes
   10:58 siretart    mdz: first, I wanted to ask if there is currently a problem with -backports
   10:58 siretart    there hasn't been any request processed since quite some time, jdong told me
   10:58 mdz         siretart: this proposal sounds familiar
   10:59 mdz         I believe we talked about it before
   10:59 mdz         I support the idea of -core-dev being able to upload new source to backports
   10:59 Keybuk      can core-dev not do that today?
   10:59 mdz         Keybuk: as a matter of policy, to date we have limited backports to syncs
   10:59 mdz         and indeed, diverging source for backports should be avoided as much as is practical
   10:59 Keybuk      I guess there's no LP queue for "unapproved backports"
   11:00 mdz         siretart: when soyuz was first deployed, there was a delay before syncs could be processed, but as far as I know, syncs to backports should be working fine
   === ..[topic/#ubuntu-meeting:Ubugtu] : Current meeting: Kubuntu | Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 07 Jun 13:30 UTC: Xubuntu | 07 Jun 20:00 UTC: Edubuntu | 08 Jun 08:00 UTC: Ubuntu Development Team | 14 Jun 12:00 UTC: Edubuntu
   11:00 mdz         siretart: requests should be made to ubuntu-archive, rather than elmo, though
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   11:00 LaserJock   one thing I've found frustrating was there was at least one package I wanted backported but a couple of the deps had been renamed
   11:00 mdz         siretart: can you communicate that to jdong?
   11:01 siretart    mdz: well, I imagined 'syncs' to backports arn't really syncs, because they involve fiddling with debian/changelog
   11:01 siretart    mdz: I told him that syncs are now handled via launchpad and ubuntu archive, but I havn't seen him forwarding bugs yet.
   11:01 mdz         siretart: if there are any outstanding backport requests, they should be filed in Malone and ubuntu-archive subscribed, as  with other archive requests
   11:01 siretart    mdz: I'll tell him again, no problem
   11:02 siretart    ok, what about 'manual' uploads of -core-dev's to -backports?
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   11:02 mdz         siretart: <mdz> I support the idea of -core-dev being able to upload new source to backports
   11:02 mdz         however: <mdz> and indeed, diverging source for backports should be avoided as much as is practical
   11:03 ogra        didnt we discuss that in montreal already ?
   11:03 mjg59       I have a vague query about the numbering mentioned in the proposal
   11:03 mjg59       Oh, actually, no I don't
   11:03 siretart    ogra: with what result?
   11:03 mdz         siretart: can you expand on your question about review?
   11:04 ogra        siretart, no idea i just remember a discussion there and mdz saying he'd be ok with core-dev uploading
   11:04 siretart    mdz: well, currently every upload to dapper-updates gets into a 'poket' for manual review, AIUI. do we need that for -backports as well?
   11:05 siretart    I'm not sure, and I tend to believe that we don't
   11:05 mdz         siretart: given that backports is disabled by default, and therefore opt-in, I don't think the same caution is needed
   11:05 siretart    ok
   11:05 mdz         if the only uploads are sync requests from the backports team, or uploads from -core-dev, I'm happy for them to go straight in
   11:06 siretart    ok. great
   11:06 siretart    there is another suggestion. how about opening edgy-backports after edgy's UVF?
   11:06 siretart    during processing UVF request for dapper, there were quite some requests, which didn't fit for dapper, but for dapper-updates
   11:07 siretart    users would have been happy if they could have had them there..
   11:07 mdz         siretart: I have no objection there
   11:07 siretart    s/dapper-updates/dapper-backports/ that is
   11:07 mdz         of course
   11:08 mdz         siretart: edgy-backports may even appear when edgy opens, though it wouldn't make much sense to upload to it just yet
   11:08 siretart    right. it makes only sense after UVF
   11:08 mdz         siretart: ping me at UVF if there's any blockage in uploading to edgy-backports
   11:09 siretart    mdz: will do
   11:09 siretart    is dapper-backports already open for uploads?
   11:09 mdz         siretart: do you think your proposal can be turned into a how-to document for backports?
   11:10 mdz         siretart: it should be, yes
   11:10 siretart    mdz: I can style that up and rename it to BackportsHowto, no problem
   11:10 siretart    ok. great
   11:10 mdz         siretart: excellent, thanks...presumably you'll talk it over with ubuntu-backporters as well?
   11:11 mdz         siretart: are the members of that team still active?
   11:11 siretart    mdz: ubuntu backporters is jdong, and mez AFAIK. they both seem to be rather MIA recently..
   11:11 ogra        mez did an evil upload to universe of an unreviewed package just before dapper release ... so he's still alive at least
   11:12 Riddell     mez is moving house just now
   11:12 siretart    ah. ok
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   11:12 mdz         siretart: thanks for bringing the issue to our attention; I didn't realize there was confusion about how backports requests were to be handled now
   11:12 mdz         siretart: are all of your questions answered?
   11:12 siretart    I'll apply for ubuntu-backports as well
   11:13 siretart    mdz: all questions answered. thanks!
   11:13 mdz         great
   11:13 mdz         any other business from anyone?
   11:14 ogra        lets free the room for kubuntu :)
   11:14 imbrandon   ;)
   === kmon [n=javier@217.Red-80-25-51.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
   11:14 highvoltage goodnight everyone!
   11:14 siretart    just a last question - does anyone remember how to apply for ubuntu-backports team?
   11:14 kmon        hi
   11:14 ogra        ciao highvoltage
   11:14 kmon        did the meeting started?
   11:14 mdz         siretart: it seems to be restricted
   11:14 imbrandon   kmon: TB just ending
   11:14 Lure        hi kmon - kubuntu meeting will start soon
   11:14 kmon        oh
   11:15 mdz         siretart: talk to jdong; it should probably be moderated instead
   11:15 kmon        I've just arrived home
   11:15 siretart    mdz: I'll sort that out with jdong. he seem to irc from time to time..
   11:15 toma        kmon: i just hear from reliable sources, that we will start in a minute
   11:15 ogra        he was here yesterday
   11:15 mdz         siretart: if you can't get in touch with him or mez to change it, let me know
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   11:15 siretart    ok. will do
   11:15 mdz         thanks, everyone
   11:15 mdz         adjourned

MeetingLogs/Technical_2006-06-06 (last edited 2008-08-06 16:29:46 by localhost)