Revision 1 as of 2009-11-11 16:31:39

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  • Review ACTION points from previous meeting
  • UDS: server track planning
  • Merging
  • Assigned and to-be-assigned bugs
  • Weekly SRU review (mathiaz)
  • Open Discussion
  • Agree on next meeting date and time


Review ACTION points from previous meeting

ACTION: nurmi to help investigate/validate/fix bugs 455625, 460085 and 461156

  • Daviey to investigate spamassassin status in lucid: Done

  • mathiaz to update the fridge: Done

UDS: server track planning

mdz will schedule the server track before the end of the week. To make sure he doesn't miss your blueprint, please name it server-lucid-* and set him as approver. There can be two parallel sessions in the server track (as with other tracks), so you should subscribe to the blueprints you are interested in to try to avoid scheduling conflicts.

Merging, merging, merging

Lucid is open for merging, which is a great way to learn packaging for starters. Since compiling a list of easy merges seemed to help last time, mathiaz will compile it again this time and blog about it.

ACTION: mathiaz to compile a list of easy merges for publication

Open Discussion

nijaba mentioned bug 450044, which allowed to spot that ubuntu-server was not a bug contact for euca2ools (now fixed). Most of the crew is expected to enjoy the great(?) texan winter in Dallas next week.

Agree on next meeting date and time

Next week is UDS Lucid, so next meeting will be on Wednesday, November 25th at 14:00 UTC in #ubuntu-meeting.


[14:02] <ttx> #startmeeting
[14:02] <MootBot> Meeting started at 08:02. The chair is ttx.
[14:02] <MootBot> Commands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]
[14:02] <ttx> Today's agenda:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/Meeting
[14:02] <ttx> [TOPIC] Review ACTION points from previous meeting
[14:02] <MootBot> New Topic:  Review ACTION points from previous meeting
[14:03] <ttx> ACTION: kirkland to add a recipe covering virsh to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KVM/VirtManager
[14:03] <ttx> kirkland left a note about that on the meeting agenda
[14:03] <ttx> Done -- https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KVM/VirtManager and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KVM/Virsh
[14:03] <ttx> ACTION: nurmi to investigate bug 455625
[14:03] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 455625 in eucalyptus "Eucalyptus Loses Public IP Address" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/455625
[14:03] <ttx> I don't think nurmi is around
[14:04] <ttx> I'll add two more two his list, since absents are always wrong...
[14:05] <ttx> [ACTION] numri to help validation/fixing bugs 460085 and bug 461156
[14:05] <MootBot> ACTION received:  numri to help validation/fixing bugs 460085 and bug 461156
[14:05] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 460085 in eucalyptus "memory leak; rampart_context not freed (memory leaked per connection)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/460085
[14:05] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 461156 in euca2ools "User data is not parsed correctly by Eucalyptus in some cases" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/461156
[14:05] <ttx> smoser: no progress on that last one ?
[14:05] <soren> o/
[14:05] <smoser> no. i've not gotten around to digging there, and have sent irc pings but no response.
[14:05] <ttx> ok
[14:05] <ttx> ACTION: Daviey to investigate spamassassin status in lucid
[14:06] <ttx> Daviey sent an update about this on ubuntu-server ML
[14:06] <soren> He said he'd sent somethign to the...
[14:06] <soren> right.
[14:06] <ttx> ACTION: mathiaz to update the fridge
[14:06] <mathiaz> ttx: sent an email to news teeam
[14:07] <ttx> mathiaz: change is not effective yet ?
[14:07] <mathiaz> ttx: it is actually
[14:07] <ttx> good :)
[14:07] <ttx> [TOPIC] UDS: server track planning
[14:07] <MootBot> New Topic:  UDS: server track planning
[14:08]  * nijaba waves
[14:08] <ttx> mdz is not around, but he should work on scheduling the server track before the end of the week.
[14:08] <ttx> If you want to make sure he doesn't miss your blueprint, please name it server-lucid-* and set him as approver.
[14:09] <ttx> There can be two parallel sessions in the server track (as with other tracks)
[14:10] <ttx> so you should subscribe to the blueprints you are interested in to try to avoid scheduling conflicts
[14:10] <ttx> Any questions ?
[14:10] <zul> nope
[14:11] <zul> mdz is leading the tracks?
[14:11] <ttx> stgraber: some of yours are close to some others
[14:11] <ttx> zul: yes
[14:11] <ttx> server-lucid-desktop-cloud and server-lucid-nx
[14:11] <ttx> server-lucid-contextualization and server-lucid-non-accel-virt
[14:11] <ttx> Those might get scheduled on the same slot, I don't really know.
[14:11] <stgraber> ttx: right, I guess some of them weren't visible on LP at the time I added mine
[14:12] <ttx> stgraber: they probably were, but blueprint search is not so good :)
[14:12] <ttx> ok, moving on...
[14:12] <ttx> [TOPIC] Merging, merging, merging
[14:12] <stgraber> well, for the NX one, I guess we can discuss the big picture at one and the specific of getting NX in at the other
[14:13] <ttx> stgraber: right
[14:13] <MootBot> New Topic:  Merging, merging, merging
[14:13] <ttx> Lucid is open for merging, which is a great way to learn packaging for starters
[14:13] <stgraber> the other doesn't mention contextualization but alternate virtualization technologies, that's quite different (at least from my point of view)
[14:14] <ttx> stgraber: ok
[14:14] <ttx> mathiaz: do you think we should compile a list of easy merges ?
[14:14] <mathiaz> ttx: we could
[14:14] <mathiaz> ttx: it seems to have helped last time
[14:15] <ttx> mathiaz: do you have time to do that ?
[14:15] <mathiaz> ttx: I can have a look at it
[14:15] <ttx> + the relevant blogging publicity ?
[14:15] <ttx> ok
[14:15] <mathiaz> ttx: sure
[14:15] <ttx> [ACTION] mathiaz to compile a list of easy merges for publication
[14:15] <MootBot> ACTION received:  mathiaz to compile a list of easy merges for publication
[14:16] <ttx> mathiaz: note that there are quite a few easy Java library merges, however we are trying to commit to debian-java in parallel, so it might make sense to keep those alone
[14:17]  * mathiaz oks
[14:17] <ttx> Comments on the subject of merging ?
[14:17] <zul> there is a couple of syncs already taken care of as well
[14:17] <ttx> does the MoM output update ?
[14:18] <mathiaz> ttx: it should
[14:18] <ttx> It didn't reflect my merging so far
[14:19] <ttx> looks stuck at Nov 9
[14:19] <zul> yeah it looks like it hasnt been updated
[14:19] <mathiaz> ttx: yeah - Keybuk kicked off a new instance of MoM
[14:19] <mathiaz> ttx: as it used to sync from unstable
[14:20] <ttx> mathiaz: ...
[14:20] <mathiaz> ttx: it may take some time to do the first round of merges of testing
[14:20] <ttx> ok
[14:20] <ttx> [TOPIC] Assigned and to-be-assigned bugs
[14:20] <MootBot> New Topic:  Assigned and to-be-assigned bugs
[14:20] <mathiaz> ttx: so I don't know how usefull MoM is for now
[14:21] <ttx> http://qa.ubuntu.com/reports/team-assigned/canonical-server-assigned-bug-tasks.html
[14:21] <MootBot> LINK received:  http://qa.ubuntu.com/reports/team-assigned/canonical-server-assigned-bug-tasks.html
=== imlad|away is now known as imlad
[14:21] <ttx> Nothing needs assignment, comments on other bugs ?
[14:21] <zul> nope
[14:21] <ttx> I'll retest the eucalyptus in -proposed sometime today
[14:22] <mathiaz> ttx: great thanks
[14:23] <ttx> Moving on...
[14:23] <ttx> [TOPIC] Weekly SRU review
[14:23] <MootBot> New Topic:  Weekly SRU review
[14:23] <ttx> mathiaz: mind driving that part ?
[14:23] <mathiaz> ttx: nope
[14:23] <mathiaz> let's go ahead for the list review
[14:24] <mathiaz> http://qa.ubuntu.com/reports/ubuntu-server-team/fixedbugs.ubuntu-server.latest.html
[14:24] <MootBot> LINK received:  http://qa.ubuntu.com/reports/ubuntu-server-team/fixedbugs.ubuntu-server.latest.html
[14:24] <zul> i have 2
[14:24] <mathiaz> anything worth SRU on this list?
[14:24] <zul> bug #403775
[14:24] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 403775 in krb5 "passwd fails when kerberos server points to an IPv6 host" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/403775
[14:25] <zul> and bug #479250
[14:25] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 479250 in mysql-dfsg-5.0 "ORDER BY DESC in InnoDB not working" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/479250
[14:25] <ttx> zul:  which series is affected ?
[14:25] <zul> both are for hardy
[14:26] <Keybuk> ttx: actually merges.ubuntu.com is entirely based off testing
[14:26] <Keybuk> it's stuck at Nov 9 because that's when the first v3 source package hit testing ;)
[14:27] <ttx> Keybuk: so the reports are not regenerated with new packages uploaded to lucid ?
[14:27] <Keybuk> correct
[14:28] <ttx> Keybuk: is that a bug or a feature ? :)
[14:28] <Keybuk> that it can't process v3 packages?
[14:28] <Keybuk> it's an RT ticket
[14:28] <ttx> Keybuk: ok, thx
[14:29] <mathiaz> ok - so all nomination lists are empty
[14:29] <mathiaz> http://qa.ubuntu.com/reports/ubuntu-server-team/acceptedbugs.ubuntu-server.latest.html
[14:29] <MootBot> LINK received:  http://qa.ubuntu.com/reports/ubuntu-server-team/acceptedbugs.ubuntu-server.latest.html
[14:29] <mathiaz> ^^ list of accepted bugs that have an assignee
[14:29] <mathiaz> the eucalyptus SRU is on its way
[14:29] <ttx> zul: there is a new candidate for samba sru (again) something about winbind
[14:29] <zul> ttx: yeah I saw that this morning
[14:30] <zul> i wanted to talk to you about it first
[14:30] <ttx> bug 479955
[14:30] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 479955 in samba "winbind authentication fails after karmic upgrade" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/479955
[14:30] <mathiaz> zul: how are other SRU doing for hardy?
[14:30] <ttx> zul: ok, off-meeting
[14:30] <zul> mathiaz: good just looking for testers as usual
[14:31] <mathiaz> zul: ok
[14:31] <mathiaz> https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-server/+activereviews
[14:31] <mathiaz> is empty
[14:31] <mathiaz> zul: are you using package branches?
[14:31] <zul> mathiaz: yep just been concentrating on lucid this week
[14:32] <mathiaz> zul: great.
[14:32] <mathiaz> that's all for the weekly SRU review
[14:32] <ttx> thanks mathiaz !
[14:32] <ttx> [TOPIC] Open Discussion
[14:32] <MootBot> New Topic:  Open Discussion
[14:33] <ttx> Who will be in not-so-sunny Dallas next week ?
[14:33]  * stgraber waves
[14:33] <zul> mememememme
[14:33] <mathiaz> o/
[14:33] <mjeanson> o/
[14:34]  * zul is looking forward to wearing short
[14:34] <ttx> A texan once told me that it never rained in Texas, but apparently he lied
[14:34] <zul> shorts even
[14:34] <ttx> http://www.weather.com/weather/tenday/USTX0327?from=36hr_topnav_undeclared
[14:34] <MootBot> LINK received:  http://www.weather.com/weather/tenday/USTX0327?from=36hr_topnav_undeclared
[14:35] <ttx> Looks like... Dublin in summer.
[14:35]  * nijaba wonders in what list should 450044 appear.  Status has not changed since last week.
[14:36] <ttx> bug 450044
[14:36] <ubottu> Launchpad bug 450044 in euca2ools "euca-bundle-vol does not create essential tmpfs mounts when bundling Ubuntu images" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/450044
[14:36] <nijaba> ttx: you had agreed last week that it was SRU worthy
[14:36] <ttx> I did ?
[14:36]  * nijaba thinks so...
[14:37] <ttx> note that I wasn't present at last week meeting ...
[14:37] <mathiaz> euca2ools is not part of the packages to which the ubuntu-server team is a bug contact
[14:37] <ttx> ah-ah
[14:37] <ttx> mathiaz: it should
[14:38] <mathiaz> ttx: it is now
[14:38] <ttx> I admit some ignorance on how euca-bundle-vol should behave
[14:38] <nijaba> ttx: it is fixed in eucalyptus, according to neil soman
[14:39] <nijaba> ttx: I think it would be a good idea to allow a very common operation to work with UEC
[14:39] <ttx> nijaba: ok, adding to my list, though I'm quite busy those days
[14:40] <nijaba> ttx: I bet you are, but sometime is better than never :)
[14:40]  * ttx wonders when was the last time he was /not/ busy
[14:40]  * nijaba just wanted to make sure this bug was not forgotten
[14:40] <ttx> any other subject ?
[14:41] <zul> ttx: before you started working on ubuntu?
[14:41] <ttx> zul: no, at the very beginning, I remember having some free time.
[14:42] <ttx> [TOPIC] Next meeting date and time
[14:42] <MootBot> New Topic:  Next meeting date and time
[14:42] <ttx> We'll skip next week
[14:42] <ttx> and be back on Nov 25, probably 1400 UTC again
[14:43] <ttx> though we are still trying to better accomodate the west coast.
[14:43] <mathiaz> works for me
[14:43] <ttx> #endmeeting