11:16 Riddell     so let's start
   === toma is Tom Albers
   === Riddell is Jonathan Riddell
   11:16 pygi        imbrandon, I as well? :)
   === Hobbsee is asleep.
   === Tonio_ is Anthony Mercatante
   === pygi is Mario Danic
   === Lure is Luka Renko
   === imbrandon is Brandon Holtsclaw
   === kmon javier
   === linuxmonkey is Terry Jacob (Tired.Staying up too late helping people with raid)
   === Keybuk [n=scott@quest.netsplit.com] has left #ubuntu-meeting [""]
   11:17 Riddell     agenda is at https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Meetings
   11:17 Riddell     and kmon has the first item
   11:17 imbrandon   pygi: add your self to the agenda with a link to your wiki page then ;)
   === Hobbsee is actually Sarah Hobbs
   11:18 pygi        imbrandon, nah, edubuntu one tommorow
   11:18 pygi        Don't wanna bother people with 2 thingies :)
   11:18 kmon        ok, my first point is an idea to centralise unofficial packages for kubuntu dapper
   === goldenear is Nicolas Le Guen
   11:18 kmon        and to do it in a way to avoid replication
   11:18 claydoh     claydoh is Clay Weber
   11:18 Riddell     I think this is handled by the last item at the tech board
   11:18 Riddell     and new packages should be in backports
   11:18 kmon        maybe give uploading priviledges to people in kubuntu.de to kubuntu.org
   11:19 kmon        ok
   11:19 Riddell     what's on kubuntu.de at the moment?
   11:19 Tonio_      I wanted to say the same Riddell
   11:19 Lure        Riddell: so kde, amarok will go to backports soon?
   11:19 kmon        amarok which is a duplicate
   11:19 Tonio_      we don't really make usage of backports repository...
   11:19 kmon        kaffeine 0.8
   11:19 kmon        which is new
   11:19 pygi        Tonio_, we can make Kubuntu backports team
   11:19 kmon        k3b
   11:19 kmon        and other few
   11:19 toma        (rsibreak)
   11:20 imbrandon   kmon: yea centralized in -backports, kubuntu.org is more for early adopters and testers that know whats going on
   11:20 Tonio_      imbrandon: I agree
   11:20 Riddell     we can't backport things until edgy is open so that's made a gap, but the tech board was saying that edgy-backports will be open as soon as edgy closes for upstream version freeze
   11:20 pygi        Riddell, indeed
   11:20 Tonio_      Riddell: good news
   11:20 Hobbsee     Riddell: when is UVF for edgy
   11:20 Riddell     I did try to backport all of KDE but backports was broken at the time so it never happened
   11:20 toma        good
   11:21 Riddell     Hobbsee: timetable will be set at the paris summit
   11:21 Hobbsee     that's what i thought
   11:21 linuxmonkey cool
   11:21 ogra        we might not have UVF in edgy :)
   11:21 kmon        and how about giving priviledges to upload to the kubuntu.org package archive?
   11:21 Tonio_      Riddell: I think there was an issue with breezy-backports
   11:21 Tonio_      since packages don't have to be changed from the +1 version and the change to debhelper5
   11:21 pygi        ogra, that would be joy :)
   11:21 Riddell     kmon: I can't do that, it's a canonical server
   11:22 kmon        ok
   11:22 Riddell     kmon: but the packages on kubuntu.org are KDE and KDE projects only to get the KDE developers liking kubuntu
   11:22 ogra        pygi, its an official proposal so it might be discussed
   11:22 Tonio_      that will not happen with dapper/edgy so make usage of backports should be easier
   11:22 imbrandon   kmon: or maybe not package archive as they are currently signed with Riddell key but as Hobbsee said people.kubuntu.org/~imbrandon/ etc
   11:22 pygi        ogra, we would get more uptodate packages, but lot less bugfixes
   11:23 Riddell     imbrandon: wait for that agenda item :)
   11:23 Hobbsee     imbrandon: apparently that's cannonical staff only...
   11:23 ogra        pygi, thats the plan (but OT in here now)
   11:23 kmon        then maybe a wiki page or something like that so people can coordinate efforts and avoid duplication
   11:23 kmon        and for users to have a single point to check out for newver software
   11:23 kmon        since dapper is going to be here for a long time
   11:23 imbrandon   kmon: that sounds alot more feasable , so kubuntu.org and kubuntu.de can work togather
   11:23 Riddell     kmon: backports is that point
   11:24 kmon        ok
   11:24 imbrandon   kmon: but also kubuntu.org IS unofficial repos , thus only ealy adopters untill it hits backports
   11:24 Hobbsee     and Czessi.net, for that matter
   11:24 kmon        so the answer is wait for backports?
   11:25 Lure        kmon: I think it is clear now: kubuntu.org is primarily for KDE releases (same day as announcement), while backports is when those are ready for wider testers
   11:25 imbrandon   basicly , yes , think of kubuntu.org repos as pre-backports ;)
   11:25 Tonio_      Riddell: is mez still responsible for the backports ?
   11:25 kmon        then can I suggest a kaffeine package in kubuntu.org?
   11:25 Riddell     Tonio_: yes, and jdong, but at tech board just now other people said they'd sign up to it
   11:25 Lure        kmon: I think we need more a wiki page for latest-and-greatest releases so that not 5 people package kopete
   11:26 kmon        Lure: that's my main point
   11:26 Hobbsee     Lure: hehe.  i think i only counted 4
   11:26 Riddell     kmon: kaffeine always has bugs in its releases
   11:26 Lure        but when package is ready, Riddell can put it on kubuntu.org
   11:26 Tonio_      Riddell: would be interesting to have one of the backports maintainers here for next meetings, to get technical informations, and policy informations too
   11:27 imbrandon   Lure: kmon , thats some of what nixternal linuxmonkey and me are trying to do with the current wiki and buntudot.org ( orginise the kubuntu related stuff )
   11:27 Hobbsee     also, are these packages to go on kubuntu.org going to be put thru the same QA as the stuff to go into the repos?
   11:27 Riddell     Tonio_: policy is any package in edgy archive that compiles in dapper can be backported I think
   11:27 Lure        Tonio_: there will be wiki howto for backports (done by siretart)
   11:27 Tonio_      Riddell: no modifications allowed I presume ?
   11:27 Lure        Tonio_: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ReinhardTartler/BackportsProposal is what was discussed today on TB
   11:28 Tonio_      Lure: thanks ;) I missed this TB.....
   11:28 Riddell     Tonio_: yes (although looking at tech board discussion that may change in limited cases)
   11:28 Riddell     Hobbsee: that's why I don't want lots of packages on there
   11:28 Tonio_      okay
   11:28 Hobbsee     mmm ok
   11:29 Riddell     Hobbsee: does this cover your next agenda item too?
   11:29 Hobbsee     Riddell: i think so
   11:29 Riddell     any more questions on the topic?
   11:29 Riddell     kmon: your item, wiki pages
   11:29 kmon        ok, me again
   === ..[topic/#ubuntu-meeting:Ubugtu] : Current meeting: Kubuntu | Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/ | 07 Jun 13:30 UTC: Xubuntu | 07 Jun 20:00 UTC: Edubuntu | 08 Jun 08:00 UTC: Ubuntu Development Team | 14 Jun 12:00 UTC: Edubuntu | 14 Jun 13:30 UTC: Xubuntu
   11:29 kmon        the wiki is messy
   === Hobbsee added to the documentation last night :P
   11:30 kmon        kubuntu wiki page is full of pages about everything
   11:30 kmon        helping users, packaging, testing
   11:30 imbrandon   kmon , thats some of what nixternal linuxmonkey and me are trying to do with the current wiki and buntudot.org ( make the kubuntu related stuff pretty )
   11:30 imbrandon   instead of mixed with ubuntu that gets confusing
   11:30 imbrandon   to new users
   11:30 linuxmonkey :)
   11:31 kmon        imbrandon: interesting
   11:31 Riddell     kmon: how would you like the "Kubuntu" page to be?
   11:31 imbrandon   yes the current wiki needs cleaned up and i do think there should be a kubuntu-wiki team
   === Hobbsee is wary of splitting the two wiki sites - as a lot of the pages are not DM specific
   11:31 linuxmonkey Alot of stuff in wiki is version specific, what I think we  want to do is take all the kubuntu stuff and make it simple for users to find/use
   11:31 kmon        More like ubuntu front page
   === nixternal is available for kubuntu-wiki team help...as well as kubuntu documentation if needed
   11:32 Hobbsee     imbrandon: you've misspelled cannonical.
   11:32 nixternal   lol
   11:32 kmon        more organised
   11:32 imbrandon   whoops , i'll fix it after the meeting
   11:32 Riddell     sounds like we have a number of people interested in helping :)
   === linuxmonkey says I second that.
   11:32 Hobbsee     imbrandon: in fact, just generally proofread it - i saw two errors in one line :P
   === goldenear can also help
   === jaims [n=jaims@61.Red-80-33-128.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has left #ubuntu-meeting ["Konversation]
   11:33 imbrandon   there is only one line currently ;)
   11:33 Lure        in general it would be good to separate User stuff from Community/Developers stuff
   11:33 kmon        Lure: yes
   11:33 nixternal   i have aided with documentation in the form of reviews, articles, and how-to's for various sites over the past years...writing is a hobby and somethine i enjoy..only tech writing though ;)
   11:34 linuxmonkey even if there are parts of the wiki that are not DM specific, the sections that do have DM specific stuff should be kept seperate as users get confused
   11:34 Lure        and inside that have version specific stuff that can get easily hidden (not linked) when new release is out
   11:34 Riddell     DM?
   11:34 Hobbsee     Riddell: display manager, i think
   11:34 linuxmonkey my bad
   11:34 linuxmonkey yea
   11:34 kmon        it should be DE :P
   11:35 goldenear   Also it may be nice to organize the pages function of the user skill (eg beginer pages, advanced user pages, administrator pages, dev pages)
   11:35 linuxmonkey meaning KDE/Gnome etc..
   11:35 Riddell     kmon, imbrandon, nixternal, linuxmonkey and goldenear should chat about this when they can and work out how to tidy the wiki pages
   === cassidy [n=cassidy@f1-pc174.ulb.ac.be] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
   11:35 Riddell     there's lots of things on there that are now obsolete or need updating
   11:35 Lure        can somebody write a spec what should be done - otherwise it will be hard to allign the efforts of many people...
   11:35 kmon        Riddell: yes
   11:35 Hobbsee     as is the case with a lof of wiki pages, of course
   11:35 imbrandon   sure Lure
   11:35 toma        but i would not like to see a split to buntudot.org that would not help any user
   11:35 Riddell     I think it just needs going over all the pages and working out which ones need to be linked from the Kubuntu page and in what sane order
   === nixternal is available all the time...except during sleep of course
   11:36 kmon        and maybe talk to the ubuntu documentation team and ask for help
   11:36 imbrandon   toma no not split thats a whole diffrent ball game
   11:36 toma        oki
   11:37 Riddell     shall we move on?
   11:37 Riddell     Hobbsee: your item
   11:37 imbrandon   more clean up the current wiki and make sure there is kubuntu instructions for everything, as currently there is mostly only gnome specific stuff and screen shots etc
   === Hobbsee is surprised that she has an item
   11:37 linuxmonkey lol
   11:37 Hobbsee     Is it possible to get upload space or something on kubuntu.org? eg, kubuntu.org/people/~hobbsee? Would it be useful? Who would we give it to?
   11:37 Hobbsee     although i heard later that that's cannonical people only...
   === linuxmonkey hands Hobbsee a pillow, there's your item
   11:38 Riddell     short anwer is no, canonical doesn't give out server space to non-employees
   11:38 Lure        I heard that new LP will have private repos - but not sure for whom...
   11:38 Hobbsee     is there some sort of equivalent place that we can upload to, or just use REVU, and say "do not review"?
   11:38 Riddell     and people.ubuntu.com is badly named, it was named before ubuntu was public
   11:38 Riddell     however if you read daniel silverstone's interview on behindubuntu you'll see they're planning personal archives on launchpad
   11:39 Riddell     so you can upload your source packages and they'll get compiled (at low priority) and put into your personal archive
   11:39 kmon        then we need another kde employeed :P
   11:39 toma        ok
   11:39 imbrandon   Hobbsee: for the time being i can give you server space on my server and a shell account if thats what your needing atm
   === Lure has abused Tonio_'s repos... ;-)
   11:39 kmon        s/kde/kde dev
   === pips1 [n=philipp_@] has left #ubuntu-meeting []
   11:39 Hobbsee     hehe, cool
   11:39 Tonio_      Lure: hehe
   11:39 Riddell     also the supermirror may one day actually happen and at that time you can push your bzr source archives onto it
   11:40 imbrandon   nice
   11:40 Hobbsee     cool, okay
   11:40 toma        certificate
   11:40 imbrandon   that would be good considering then they could be compiled for more than i386 or whatever is used by the dev
   11:40 imbrandon   like sf.net compilefarm
   === crimsun [i=crimsun@pdpc/supporter/silver/crimsun] has left #ubuntu-meeting ["presentation"]
   11:40 Hobbsee     certificate...mmm...please someone fix it...
   11:40 Riddell     in the mean time ask around and probably somebody can give you an account on their server
   11:41 Hobbsee     Riddell: okay
   11:41 Riddell     I put in a request to sysadmin to fix the certificate
   11:41 Riddell     no reply yet
   11:41 imbrandon   Hobbsee: after the meeting pm me and i'll set ya up
   11:41 Hobbsee     Riddell: excellent!
   11:41 Hobbsee     my upload limit is pretty slow anywya, but thanks
   11:41 Riddell     you could try very gently asking one of the sysadmins but I suspect it's low priority for them
   11:41 Hobbsee     well yeah
   11:41 Lure        Riddell: I doubt it will be easy fix - our IT has same problems with certificates ;-)
   11:42 Riddell     "now that we're between releases"  releases don't really affect it
   11:42 Riddell     toma: your item
   11:42 toma        anyone using keytouch? I installed it a couple of days ago and was impressed. It just works. (see my blog) Sime approached me and mentioned that it could go into guidance when I adjust it. I wanted to know your opinions
   11:42 Riddell     what is it?
   11:42 toma        i contacted upstream and he is very helpfull
   11:43 kmon        toma: can you give a link to the blog?
   11:43 toma        it is an app to make your multi media keys work
   11:43 imbrandon   yes i've used / using keytouch right now, its a very nice piece of soft
   11:43 imbrandon   very clean
   11:43 Tonio_      toma: very interesting :)
   11:43 Riddell     how does it work?
   11:43 linuxmonkey url? cause i'll want to get that
   11:43 toma        kmon: http://www.omat.nl/drupal/?q=node/79
   11:43 kmon        toma: oh, nevermind. I remeber reading that on the planet
   11:43 Riddell     it may be interesting for https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuLaptopButtons
   11:44 toma        Riddell: i believe it works with a kernel module and a daemon, but i have to look into that. Not sure about the module
   11:44 imbrandon   the nice thing about it is keyboards that arent supported out of the box are trivial to add
   11:44 Lure        Riddell: can be, but we want something more hardcoded for Ubuntu laptop keycodes
   11:44 toma        it has a separate gui, so easily fits in guidance.
   11:44 Riddell     toma: I'll take a look at it and we'll consider it at the Paris summit for that spec
   11:44 toma        imbrandon: indeed
   11:45 toma        making unsupported keyboards work is easy
   11:45 linuxmonkey thats a good thing
   11:45 Lure        Riddell: it more fixes the problem of X keyboard layouts not being updated fast enough
   11:45 Riddell     kernel module sounds a bit scary though
   11:45 pygi        Riddell, if anybody is interested in implementing that Guidance for Grub, I am willing to provide assistance
   11:45 pygi        (me is sorry for interupting)
   11:46 Riddell     toma: your item again
   11:46 toma        Riddell: ok. The current kde interface is bad imho. and if you have an unsupported kayboard, you have to make your own mapping somewhere in X.
   11:46 Tonio_      toma: as long as the kernel recognises the keys, which doesn't work on my vaio....
   11:46 toma        that is scary ;-)
   11:46 toma        Tonio_: not sure.
   === Riddell puts Tonio_ down for the vaio testing team
   11:47 Tonio_      Riddell: I was thinking to do it :) I bought it yesterday, so gimme a moment plz ;)
   11:47 toma        Tonio_: we need to check later, ok?
   11:47 Tonio_      toma: sure ;)
   11:47 Lure        Tonio_: your vaio should be suppported by hotkey-setup
   11:47 toma        my next item was pretty good described in the wiki.
   11:47 Lure        and kernel driver
   11:47 toma        i really have had it with all those mediaplayers
   11:48 Riddell     "Instead of having totem/xine/codeine/kmplayer & kaffeine"
   === lucas [n=lucas@d213-103-78-234.cust.tele2.fr] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
   11:48 toma        why don't we ship 1 which works
   11:48 toma        and the rest optional
   11:48 Tonio_      Lure: I use fsfn + sonypi but we'll discuss this later :)
   11:48 imbrandon   afaik kaffeine is the only kubuntu default
   11:48 Riddell     because none work in all situations?
   11:48 Riddell     imbrandon: we ship kaffeine, kmplayer and amarok
   11:48 Riddell     if we removed amarok we'd be lynched
   11:48 toma        because its confusing imho
   11:48 Hobbsee     Riddell: sure about kmplayer?
   11:49 imbrandon   what does kmplayer do that kaffeine dosent ?
   11:49 Riddell     and kmplayer is plugin only, which we added because kaffeine plugin is unstable
   11:49 imbrandon   and kmplay i dont think is dafualt
   === Hobbsee doesnt seem to have kmplayer in her kmenu
   11:49 imbrandon   ahh
   11:49 Lure        imbrandon: does not crash konqueror
   11:49 Hobbsee     oh
   11:49 Riddell     we don't install the kmplayer app by default
   11:49 Tonio_      Riddell: I would vote for kmplayer only since it's only default is the UI which is in the work actually
   === imbrandon always installs mozilla-mplayer right away anyhow
   11:49 toma        besides deciding which app, would we go with that scenario?
   11:49 goldenear   I'm currently with koos on the successor of kmplayer named oskar
   11:50 Riddell     toma: which scenario?
   11:50 Tonio_      toma: I personnaly don't like audio/video players
   11:50 Riddell     goldenear: what's that all about?
   11:50 Tonio_      I like when they are separate
   11:50 toma        Riddell: ship one which works
   11:50 Tonio_      toma: since the needs are different between audio and video
   11:50 Riddell     toma: sure, when you make one that works
   11:50 Lure        Tonio_: +1
   11:50 linuxmonkey Tonio_: your like me I run XMMS for audio and something else for video
   11:50 imbrandon   or ship the best one and fix it ;)
   11:51 kmon        Tonio_: and amarok is the best audio app out there
   11:51 toma        we can work closely with upstream to make it do what we want
   11:51 goldenear   oskar will be the nex version of kmplayer... it's intented to have all the power of kmplayer (and the nice embedded feature) but also a much better UI for the standalone player
   11:51 Tonio_      toma: but I agree it is not very nice to ship a standalone player and another for the konqueror part.........
   11:51 Tonio_      this should be one only application
   === imbrandon agrees with Tonio_
   11:51 Riddell     goldenear: that sounds lovely
   11:51 Lure        Tonio_: can we configure kaffeine to use kmplayer kpart ;-)
   11:51 toma        Tonio_: yes, and one for audio and one for video is of course fine
   11:52 Tonio_      the problem is that kaffeine-part may never work correctly
   11:52 goldenear   Also koos would need some help from an experienced kde dev
   11:52 toma        goldenear: why? he is one
   11:52 claydoh     I like kmplayer, as its plugin works for konq, for one thing
   11:52 Riddell     koos is an experienced kde dev!
   11:53 Riddell     interesting question for edgy will be the xine/gstreamer debate again
   11:53 Tonio_      since according to upstream the crash is due to konqueror, so he doesn't want to go the way kmplayer does (playing in a separate xsession and binding the video output to the konqueror window)
   11:53 goldenear   but he would need help to work on the "cosmetic" on the UI
   11:53 toma        goldenear: did he say that?
   11:53 goldenear   (I'm speaking about kmplayer)
   11:54 goldenear   Yes, I had a discussion with koos on the irc
   11:54 Lure        Tonio_: but kmplayer's way is just better imho anyhow
   11:54 goldenear   we spoke about some improvement needed for the kmplayer standalone player
   11:54 Tonio_      Lure: I agree, but kaffeine's upstream doesn't want to make it work that way........
   11:54 goldenear   also we chose a new name for the project: oskar
   11:55 Riddell     kmplayer does get very confusing
   11:55 Riddell     as a name
   11:55 Tonio_      Lure: btw, kaffeine is now becoming a mess with those audio features that dupplicate amarok/konqueror/kaudiocreator
   11:55 goldenear   kmplayer sounds too much like a mplayer frontend only. (kmplayer can also use xine, gstreamer... and soon phonon :) )
   11:55 Riddell     goldenear: what is Koos' IRC nick?
   11:55 Tonio_      Riddell: the name is gonna change to oskar
   11:55 goldenear   Riddell: koos
   11:55 imbrandon   yea it would be nice to look at just oskar for edgy
   11:55 Riddell     don't think I've seen him on IRC
   11:56 toma        me neither
   11:56 Tonio_      imbrandon: I would agree with this approach
   11:56 linuxmonkey yeah imbrandon i agree with that too
   11:56 toma        ++
   11:56 Lure        ++
   11:56 goldenear   here is a mockup for oskar I've done : http://goldenear.online.fr/oskar/oskar_mockup.jpg
   11:56 imbrandon   well oskar ++ amarok ;)
   11:57 Riddell     if oskar is ready in time for edgy it sounds like a good candidate replacement for kaffeine
   11:57 Tonio_      Riddell: true ;)
   11:57 goldenear   also the playlist an the left is ugly (but it's how it currently looks)
   11:57 toma        else kmplayer?
   11:57 Riddell     goldenear: arg!  multiple level trees!
   11:57 Hobbsee     Riddell: dont you just love them?  *ducks*
   11:57 goldenear   Riddell: the playlist is ugly and will be change...
   11:57 Tonio_      Riddell: yes, the UI really needs polishing :)
   11:58 goldenear   this is juste a mockup made from different screenshots
   11:58 Riddell     maybe we can get ellen to come up with good interface at Paris
   11:58 toma        yes
   11:58 toma        good idea
   11:58 Riddell     ok, I'll make a spec for that and we'll see what comes of it
   11:58 Tonio_      Riddell: kaffeine could give ideas ! it's UI is really nice (the problem is behind ^^)
   11:58 imbrandon   whom is the main dev on amarok ?
   11:58 toma        Riddell: else i can ask Tina to help us
   11:58 kmon        talking about paris... are the kde people invited to go to paris involved in writting specs now
   11:59 goldenear   If somebody could work with koos on the interface (especialy for adding the left sidebar) it would be great :)
   11:59 Riddell     kmon: I'll send out an e-mail to them
   === Beineri [n=Beineri@kde/binner] has left #ubuntu-meeting ["CARRIER]
   11:59 kmon        Riddell: their responses could be a nice inclusion in next ubuntu newsletter ;)
   11:59 Riddell     so, talking of specs, the ones I have so far are listed at https://launchpad.net/people/jr/+specs
   12:00 Riddell     all the "Undefined" ones
   12:00 Riddell     please add any comments you have to their wiki pages
   12:00 Riddell     and did everyone read the first ubuntu newsletter?
   === Hobbsee did. another mailing list
   12:01 Hobbsee     what was in it?
   === kmon did
   12:01 imbrandon   what mailing list ?
   12:01 Riddell     ubuntu-news
   12:01 Lure        Hobbsee: Kubuntu section ;-)
   12:01 imbrandon   i get 3k messages a day so i WILL read it but not as of yet
   12:01 Hobbsee     Lure: i remember that much - just not what was in it :P
   12:01 goldenear   I would also add Kubuntu ACPI
   12:01 nixternal   imbrandon...bugs?
   12:01 Riddell     goldenear: covered by laptop-buttons and power-management
   12:02 Lure        Hobbsee: just release announcement and paris KDE invited devell
   12:02 Hobbsee     oh that's right...
   12:02 Riddell     if you have items for the next newsletter please add them to the wiki page
   12:02 Riddell     ok, do we have any member candidates here?
   12:02 goldenear   Edgy would need good ACPI support not only for laptops... I would like to be able to suspend my *desktop* computer too (Gnome can do it)
   12:03 toma        linuxmonkey: PING you are now!
   12:03 Tonio_      goldenear: isn't kpowersave able to do that ?
   === linuxmonkey wakes up
   12:03 Lure        goldenear: your problem is that klaptop is too smart and then too dumb - it does /proc/acpi reading and assumes laptops - it should use hal
   12:04 Lure        Tonio_: powersave may help, but then it will not use Ubuntu base.... :-(
   12:04 Hobbsee     linuxmonkey: i dont think you're supposed to admit that you were asleep
   12:04 linuxmonkey Hi my name is Terry Jacob and I want to apply to membership as to be able to work with a great bunch of people and become more dedicated to kubuntu
   12:04 goldenear   I already explained that on the devel channel: kpowersave can suspend my computer... but the computer then hangs during wake-up :(
   12:04 Tonio_      Lure: yes I know that..........
   12:04 Riddell     linuxmonkey: do you have a wiki page?
   12:05 linuxmonkey yes
   12:05 Tonio_      Lure: kpowersave in kubuntu is quite frustrating
   12:05 linuxmonkey https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Linuxmonkey
   12:05 imbrandon   Riddell: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Linuxmonkey
   12:05 Riddell     linuxmonkey: what have you done to help Kubuntu?
   12:06 linuxmonkey well I help out as much as I can in #kubuntu as well as I have started to design Display Pictures for people to use to be able to show their support for Kubuntu
   12:07 Tonio_      linuxmonkey: what are your plans for future contributions ?
   === imbrandon can speak for linuxmonkey in that i have seen him help new users esp in #kubuntu and dosent stray from the CoC when I've been arround to notice him ( we are on diffrent schedules )
   === Hobbsee hasnt seemed to notice linuxmonkey before - not sure why though...
   12:08 linuxmonkey well I plan to help fix up the docs for kubuntu and keep supporting out vast user base
   12:08 Tonio_      imbrandon: I can confirm I saw him beeing quite active on #kubuntu
   12:08 imbrandon   Hobbsee: me and you are awake at diffrent times than linuxmonkey
   12:08 Riddell     linuxmonkey: have you spoken to jjesse or robotgeek?
   12:08 Hobbsee     imbrandon: fair enough
   12:08 toma        linuxmonkey: how long are you around helping people?
   12:09 linuxmonkey well id have to say a few months atleast, i had a 1 month vacation about 2 months ago
   12:09 Tonio_      linuxmonkey: did you get a launchpad account and signed the code of conduct ?
   12:10 Hobbsee     Tonio_: yeah, there's one there, nothing on it
   12:10 Riddell     seems to be active on irc from 27th May
   12:10 imbrandon   i have realy noticed him about the last 1 months personaly , but then again i'm on a diffrent schedule than him
   12:10 Lure        Tonio_: yes - https://launchpad.net/people/linuxmonkey/
   12:10 Hobbsee     27th of may...a week and a half ago, or os
   12:10 Hobbsee     *so
   12:11 linuxmonkey yes ive signed the codes of conducts 1.0 and couldnt sign 1.0.1 yet since there's a bug on LP
   12:11 linuxmonkey ive been here longer
   12:11 toma        not subscribed to any bugs?
   12:11 toma        or filed any?
   12:11 Hobbsee     the zero karma is a little odd...
   12:11 linuxmonkey not yet no, and was having an issue filling a few
   12:11 Riddell     gosh, quite a grilling we give :)
   12:12 Riddell     linuxmonkey: you should talk to jjesse and robotgeek about helping with docs, that would be great
   12:12 Tonio_      Hobbsee: well I was still 0 karma when I became member :) packages don't bring points for example ;)
   12:12 linuxmonkey I shall do that
   12:12 Lure        Riddell: you have to keep the standards..;-)
   12:12 Riddell     and see if you have ideas for the spec jjesse started https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuDocs/Edgy
   12:12 Hobbsee     hehe - i saw that the CC was doign the same for the memberships a few days ago
   12:12 Hobbsee     Tonio_: true, they do show in launchpad though
   12:13 Tonio_      Hobbsee: true :)
   12:13 Riddell     linuxmonkey: but I think we need more visible contributions before making you a member
   12:13 linuxmonkey thats cool
   12:13 Riddell     linuxmonkey: but don't let this put you off, #kubuntu needs all the helpers it can get and docs do too
   12:13 Riddell     so come back soon and you should be in
   12:13 Tonio_      linuxmonkey: agree with Riddell... We appreciate your willing to become a member and help, but that needs more visible and concrete stuff
   12:14 linuxmonkey no worries, I will
   12:14 Riddell     anyone else for membership?
   12:14 jenda       sorry to disturb... how does one book this channel for a meeting? (The New User Network)
   12:14 Riddell     jenda: e-mail fridge-devel@lists.ubuntu.com
   12:14 jenda       ok
   12:14 Riddell     any other business?
   12:14 toma        yes, if we dont hang out on #kubuntu we dont see contributions
   === toma is guilty
   12:15 pygi        Riddell, well, that grub implementation stuff if you want to discuss :)
   12:15 Hobbsee     there are logs though - which can be added to wiki pages or whatever...
   12:15 Riddell     pygi: what's that?
   12:15 pygi        Riddell, that guidance module for grub configuring we were talking about?
   12:15 imbrandon   toma: irc logs ;)
   12:15 Lure        an dwe have Hobbsee
   12:15 pygi        otherwise nothing :)
   12:15 toma        k
   12:15 Lure        (irc op and stuff ;-))
   12:15 linuxmonkey lol adding logs to wiki, that be 1 very long wiki
   12:15 Hobbsee     Lure: hmmm?  only when my brain is working...
   12:15 Riddell     pygi: just takes someone to write it
   12:16 pygi        Riddell, bah,ok, nvm :)
   === slomo [n=slomo@ubuntu/member/slomo] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
   === pygi rests his case ;)
   12:16 Riddell     did we all like dapper?
   12:16 toma        pygi: you can't write?
   12:16 imbrandon   btw Hobbsee / Riddell how does one apply for the irc op team ? ya know since i spend all my time here and all ;)
   12:16 Hobbsee     Riddell: no, we hated it :P
   12:16 Lure        Riddell: of course - particularly with kde 3.5.3 ;-)
   === imbrandon loves dapper
   12:16 Riddell     imbrandon: just ask me
   12:16 Tonio_      Riddell: kubuntu dapper is nice, but kde settings sucks, really ;)
   12:17 Hobbsee     imbrandon: you run the IRC op gauntlet, and many other daunting tasks
   12:17 Hobbsee     +1 Tonio_
   12:17 pygi        toma, perhaps I might, but there are things of higher priority :)
   12:17 Tonio_      Hobbsee: hehe
   12:17 imbrandon   heh ;)
   12:17 Hobbsee     :)
   12:17 toma        pygi: oki!
   12:17 imbrandon   ohhhhhh
   12:17 kmon        Riddell: dapper rocks
   12:17 imbrandon   one last thing i forgot about on the agenda
   12:17 Hobbsee     hee
   12:17 nixternal   ummm...whats dapper?
   12:17 nixternal   ;)
   12:17 toma        I like dapper very much, although i dont like the printing affair.
   12:17 imbrandon   Riddell: what about a Systems settings module for Samba like kcontrol has ?
   12:18 Lure        toma: printing is over-rated by this blog guy
   12:18 Tonio_      the only thing we can regret copmparing to ubuntu is compiz..... and that isn't ready to change
   12:18 Riddell     imbrandon: we should look at fixing any bugs the existing one has for edgy
   12:18 toma        Lure: yes.
   12:18 Tonio_      but appart from that, the changes between breezy and dapper are hudge
   12:19 Riddell     Tonio_: well I have a spec for that, I just have zero idea how to implement it
   === claydoh got smacked on the head when his mrs had to print, and I wasn't arouind to hold her hand
   12:19 Tonio_      I don't remember another kde based distro that improved that much in only 6 month....
   12:19 Lure        toma: regular users do not have problems prinitng, while this guy wants to have the cups his way, while Ubuntu guys decided on different direction
   12:19 Tonio_      Riddell: when you know that zack tried and failed........
   12:19 Tonio_      Riddell: I just think we can wait for kde4 for compiz.....
   12:19 nixternal   i have 5 different printers and cups loves all 5...not one usb'd to my machines...all samba and tcp/ip
   12:20 toma        Lure: well, i can't print either and that hurts when i want to make invoices.
   12:20 Riddell     Tonio_: oh I don't know about that, I suspect suse will come up with something very soon
   12:20 Riddell     ok, we're getting into discussion now
   12:20 Lure        toma: really? bug#?
   12:20 Riddell     date of next meeting?
   12:20 toma        Lure: but lets not get into that, people are working on it.
   12:20 Tonio_      Riddell: as you say "I will beleive it when I see it !" ;)
   === Hobbsee will likely not be at the next meeting, depending on when it is
   12:21 Tonio_      Riddell: in 2 weeks ?
   12:21 imbrandon   6/20/2006  ?
   12:21 linuxmonkey Hobbsee: you almost missed this one
   12:21 linuxmonkey lmao
   12:21 Riddell     Tonio_: 2 weeks is the summit
   12:21 Lure        before or after or from paris?
   12:21 Lure        ;-)
   12:21 Riddell     should be after summit
   12:21 Hobbsee     linuxmonkey: i'm not great with mornings :P
   12:21 Riddell     and preferably not on a tech board night
   12:21 Tonio_      Riddell: true....
   12:21 Riddell     26th?
   12:21 linuxmonkey its 7:21PM here:)
   12:21 Tonio_      in three weeks then, on thuesday ?
   12:22 Hobbsee     @schedule sydney
   12:22 Ubugtu      Schedule for Australia/Sydney: Current meeting: Kubuntu | 07 Jun 23:30: Xubuntu | 08 Jun 06:00: Edubuntu | 08 Jun 18:00: Ubuntu Development Team | 14 Jun 22:00: Edubuntu | 14 Jun 23:30: Xubuntu
   12:22 Hobbsee     linuxmonkey: ^
   12:22 Hobbsee     er, 7am here
   12:22 toma        Riddell: are you happy with dapper?
   12:22 Riddell     don't tuesdays clash with tech/community board?
   12:22 Riddell     toma: I think dapper rocks!
   12:23 Riddell     it has weaknesses like laptop support and that printing stuff, but in general I'm really proud of it
   12:23 Riddell     and the developer community we have here is the best bit
   12:23 toma        yes, you all did a great job!
   12:23 Hobbsee     heh.  i'd intended to sit back and watch dapper being created.  it didnt seem to happen that way though.
   12:23 imbrandon   cen we get kwii to get rid of the bubbles for edgy, it reminds me of kde2 ;)
   12:23 imbrandon   can*
   12:23 Riddell     any problems with monday 26th at 21:00UTC?
   12:24 Riddell     imbrandon: we'll have something different certainly, I like the bubbles though
   12:24 Tonio_      Riddell: fine with me ;)
   12:24 imbrandon   26 at 2100 is cool with me
   12:24 linuxmonkey i'll be here
   12:24 Hobbsee     er...exams will be done by them, so it should be okay
   12:24 Hobbsee     just
   12:25 imbrandon   Riddell: since Odyx isnt here want me to do the minutes ?
   12:25 toma        ok for me
   12:25 Riddell     imbrandon: that would be great
   12:25 imbrandon   kk
   12:25 claydoh     every distro's kde setup makes me love my kubuntu desktop evenn more
   12:25 linuxmonkey oh 1 other thing can we get the LP CoC 1.0.1 fixed :)
   12:25 Riddell     imbrandon: and if you could e-mail fridge-devel with the next meeting that would be great too
   12:25 imbrandon   Riddell: sure
   12:25 claydoh     really, its the little simplifications, etc i like
   12:25 Hobbsee     Riddell: i want a purple kubuntu :P
   12:25 linuxmonkey lol
   12:25 imbrandon   zomg !!!!!!111
   12:25 kmon        Hobbsee: I had mine that way
   12:25 Hobbsee     imbrandon: no, that's pink :P
   12:26 imbrandon   and PONIES !
   12:26 Tonio_      Hobbsee: bwa !!!!!!!! purple ???
   12:26 Hobbsee     yeah, purple!
   12:26 toma        oh, and i wanted to say thanks for the minutes of last meeting. they look totally cool!
   12:26 Riddell     well this is getting silly now
   12:26 Hobbsee     hehe
   12:26 Riddell     remember to review the specs https://launchpad.net/people/jr/+specs
   12:26 linuxmonkey Hobbsee: mess with your monitor settings and your should be able to turn the blue to purple fairly easely
   12:26 Hobbsee     Riddell: i'm in the meeting, do you expect it to be anything else?
   12:26 Riddell     Hobbsee: go to university and don't be late!
   12:26 Riddell     night all
   12:26 Hobbsee     Riddell: hehe!  sure i will :P
   12:26 Tonio_      nite
   === imbrandon suspecs she is already late
   12:26 kmon        bye
   12:26 Lure        night all
   === Hobbsee thinks she'll actually be on time todya
   12:26 toma        nite all
   12:27 Hobbsee     imbrandon: it starts in an hour and a half
   12:27 linuxmonkey and its 2 hours away?
   12:27 linuxmonkey hehehe
   12:27 Hobbsee     no...25min away...
   12:27 toma        time for coffee then
   12:27 Hobbsee     bleck, i dont drink coffee.
   === toma [n=toma@ip20.inbel.kovoks.nl] has left #ubuntu-meeting ["Ooh,]
   12:30 goldenear   Riddell: who are Ellen and Tania ?
   12:31 Riddell     goldenear: -> #kubuntu-devel

MeetingLogs/Kubuntu_2006_06_06 (last edited 2008-08-06 16:34:43 by localhost)