
Revision 2 as of 2008-08-06 16:15:54

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   04:02 mdz        texted Keybuk, let's get started
   04:02 mdz        seb128: ready?
   04:02 Riddell    mdz: I think kwwii will have a report too
   04:02 seb128     This week: GNOME 2.14.1, some bug triage, patches review, fixed a bunch of issues on the desktop
   04:02 seb128     .
   04:02 seb128     next week: keep triaging bugs and fixes issues on the desktop, trying candidates for dapper beta CD
   === Keybuk [n=scott@syndicate.netsplit.com] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
   04:03 mdz        is 2.14.1 done, or is there more to go?
   04:03 pitti      hey Keybuk
   04:03 seb128     mdz: still gdm to upload, out of that it's done
   04:03 mdz        great
   04:03 mdz        seb128: any bugs which should be on the radar for beta/
   04:03 mdz        ?
   04:03 seb128     no, no blocker
   04:03 seb128     rather a list of annoyances which would be nice to fix for dapper
   04:04 seb128     but no stopper
   04:04 mdz        ok, if you come across any (for beta or final), go ahead and set a 6.06 milestone so that I see it
   04:04 seb128     I've used milestone quite often in fact
   04:04 mdz        ok
   04:05 seb128     but I use it as a "we should look at that for dapper"
   04:05 seb128     not "we have to fix it"
   04:05 mdz        I've used it for both nice to fix and for blockers
   04:05 doko       mdz: milestones for RC reports only?
   04:05 mdz        we can distinguish by severity I suppose
   04:05 seb128     right
   04:05 mdz        doko: I see it as a sort of "relevant to the release" tag at this point, so it's more than just RC
   04:06 mdz        also small stuff which may not be a showstopper, but should definitely be looked at for the release
   04:06 doko       ok
   04:06 mdz        e.g., cosmetic issues which are easy to fix but might otherwise be forgotten
   04:06 mdz        thanks seb128
   04:06 mdz        Riddell: next?
   04:06 Riddell    done: KDE Espresso
   04:06 Riddell    also: fixes to kpdf, kaffeine, openoffice. testing CUPS and kdeprint
   04:06 Riddell    blocked: anyone want to help me get scim/skim working so can test doko's fix on amd64?
   04:06 Riddell    todo: kde espresso: add map widget page, quite a few fixes to qt parted.  looking good for beta release
   04:07 Riddell    s/page//, the page is fine, it's just missing a pretty map
   04:07 mdz        Riddell: I need for you to spend some solid time in malone before beta, to check for bugs which may need attention for beta
   04:08 Riddell    mdz: I agree but so far I've treated espresso as my priority
   04:08 mdz        right, if it's in good functional shape for  beta, the polish can wait until after beta
   04:09 mdz        the rest of the system needs attention also
   04:09 mdz        if there is someone we can recruit to help you with that, talk with me
   04:09 Riddell    true, I'll try and get espresso into a shape I'm happy with by end of tomorrow so I can do bug fixes next week
   04:09 Riddell    help with bugs or espresso?
   04:10 mdz        but the bug list is huge and I'm concerned there may be some surprises lurking there
   04:10 mdz        Riddell: either way, to get more attention on bugs
   04:10 mdz        Riddell: mvo has familiarized himself with scim and may be able to help there
   04:11 Riddell    people with kubuntu, debconf and pykde knowledge are very rare.  bug fixers I can think of though
   === Yagisan [n=jamie@60-240-68-200-nsw-pppoe.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
   04:11 mvo        Riddell: can we talk about scim/skim after the meeting?
   04:11 mdz        Riddell: ok, thanks
   04:11 Riddell    mvo: sure, please
   04:11 mvo        Riddell: it should work (after the latest uploads) out of the box on kubuntu again
   04:12 Kamion     I expect the level of debconf knowledge required now is a bit less than was required when we were building the infrastructure
   04:12 mdz        kwwii: Riddell mentioned that you might have something prepared to present here?
   04:12 kwwii      mdz: yepp, might not be so impressive, but here goes
   04:12 kwwii      I have touched up the wallpaper (made it a bit lighter) and am working on a color scheme to fit well with the new wallpaper.
   04:12 kwwii      Finishing work on new buttons for the window decoration
   04:12 kwwii      My goal for next week for Kubuntu is to finish all three of these things, since they rely so heavily on another, and get them packaged so that they can be tested.
   04:12 kwwii      After that I'll touch up the KDM theme to match (2 buttons, bg color, etc.)
   04:13 Riddell    (kwwii is Ken Wimer, doing the Kubuntu Dapper artwork and some ubuntu artwork for those who don't know)
   04:13 kwwii      in addition to all that, we need to finish the Usplash stuff for *buntu
   04:13 mdz        kwwii: with a goal of having them in place for beta?
   04:13 kwwii      mdz: when exaclty is the deadline? but, yes, that was my idea
   04:14 mdz        kwwii: we'll start rolling candidates on Tuesday
   04:14 kwwii      cool, I should have something by then
   04:14 kwwii      all up to the kdm theme, unless I get a lot of time on the weekend :-)
   04:14 ogra       kwwii, are you also responsible for the edubuntu artwork ?
   04:15 mdz        kwwii: I don't know if Jane or Mark already discussed this wih you, but we'd like to have the text 'beta' sprinkled around so that it shows up in press screenshots, etc., and avoids confusion about the nature of this release
   === No1Viking [n=Viking@h-83-140-104-3.ip.cust.port80.se] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
   04:15 kwwii      mdz: great idea, I will add that to the pic
   04:15 mdz        kwwii: usplash, login background, login splash, etc., the stuff which is likely to be screenshotted
   04:16 mdz        kwwii: great, thanks
   04:16 kwwii      ogra: not responsible, no, but I have talked to some people to try and help a bit :-)
   === mgalvin [n=mgalvin@ubuntu/member/mgalvin] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
   04:16 mdz        pitti: next?
   04:16 kwwii      mdz: who can tell me what info is corret?
   04:16 kwwii      wait!
   04:16 kwwii      pone second
   04:16 kwwii      :-)
   04:16 kwwii      one
   04:16 JaneW      kwwii: that would be nice if we could get some edubuntu help
   04:16 kwwii      https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Usplash/Artwork
   04:16 kwwii      is that info right?
   04:16 mdz        kwwii: we have a very tight time table for this meeting and 17 people need to present; we can't spend more than a few minutes with anyone
   04:17 kwwii      JaneW: cool, I'll do what I can
   04:17 mdz        kwwii: I'll look at it after the meeting, ok?
   04:17 kwwii      mdz: ok, sorry
   04:17 kwwii      mdz: sure, thanks :-)
   04:17 mdz        pitti: ?
   04:17 pitti      reducing-duplication: got rid of some gtk1.2 dependencies, but some are still there; no other progress
   04:17 pitti      general stuff done this week:
   04:17 pitti      * security updates
   04:17 pitti      * bug triage and bug fixing
   04:17 pitti      * cupsys: had much fun with preparing 1.2rc2 packages, requested testing them on u-devel before asking to put it into dapper; also improved cooperation with Debian a lot to reduce our delta and maintain it sanely in revision control now; my plan is to get this into dapper ASAP and then fix the remaining bugs in 1.2rc2 to get help from upstream
   04:17 pitti      * KDE printing: got a friend of mine to look into the issue; he found a number of issues in kdeprint which break stuff; sent a preliminary patch to Riddell to make printing with our cups work at all, more stuff to come
   04:17 pitti      * new language packs
   04:17 pitti      * espresso testing (I declare myself as Kamion's official test suite - if it will finally work for me, it must work everywhere :) )
   04:17 pitti      plan for next week:
   04:17 pitti      * huge security update: ffox 1.0.8 and friends; iwj agreed to help me with that
   04:17 pitti      * making baby jesus cry harder about cups and its bugs
   04:17 pitti      * attempt to fix some long-standing ALSA related bugs
   04:17 pitti      * look into other bugs (dhcp3 needs some love, too)
   04:17 pitti      * catch up with bug triage
   04:18 mdz        pitti: did you and iwj look at gs?
   04:18 pitti      mdz: not yet, sorry; I was just swamped
   04:18 mdz        no worries
   04:18 pitti      mdz: your idea is to get rid of gs-gpl and just keep -esp or so?
   04:18 mdz        pitti: please wait until after beta freeze for the new cups unless there are showstopper bugs for beta
   04:19 pitti      mdz: wrt kde and printing, would you be fine if that friend of mine claims the bounty if he fixes some stuff?
   04:19 mdz        pitti: only if we arrange in advance; there is no posted bounty
   04:19 pitti      mdz: yes, of course; I thought I have the new cups tested for some days, and upload it right after beta release
   04:20 mdz        pitti: ok, you did say ASAP ;-)
   04:20 pitti      mdz: sure, we'll prepare a writeup
   04:20 mdz        pitti: how do the numbers look on the new langpacks?
   04:20 pitti      mdz: yes, I don't consider it a good idea to upload it for beta :)
   04:20 mdz        are the rosetta exports more complete?
   04:20 pitti      mdz: still merging with my buildd data; rosetta still lags, mainly wrt KDE
   04:21 mdz        pitti: please find out from carlos if we can get better exports for beta
   04:21 pitti      mdz: a bit, but not significantly still around 30% coverage
   04:21 pitti      yep, will do
   04:21 mdz        ok, thanks pitti
   04:21 mdz        ogra: next?
   04:21 ogra       * general:  g-s-s flickering hunted down and fixed. worked on the ltsp-client-builder.udeb progress reporting (sadly the fifo lets ltsp-build-client die, i'm still investigating, seems the frontend is to slow). further edubuntu and ltsp doc stuff. more small bugs killed. cleaning up malone from fixed but unclosed bugs on my list
   04:21 ogra       * next-week: bughunt. getting edubuntu and ltsp documentation into the default edubuntu install. still waiting for artwork from the design company. making the last changes to ltsp and the ltsp-client-builder.udeb (i.e. making dhcpd.conf not a conffile to not break on upgrades). final xscreensaver stuff. preparing edubuntu for beta release
   04:22 mdz        ltsp-client-builder progress reporting?
   04:22 mdz        was that part of a feature speC?
   04:22 ogra       nope, thats was a leftover from breezy
   04:22 ogra       currently the progressbar has only 3 steps
   04:23 ogra       i can leave it like that, doesnt hurt, but i'd prefer to have it proper for dapper
   04:23 mdz        what's involved?
   04:23 ogra       having a proper fifo pipe from ltsp-build-client to the UI
   04:23 mdz        ack
   04:23 mdz        that's pre-featurefreeze sort of stuff
   04:23 ogra       apparently the pipe dies before the reading starts
   04:24 mdz        please defer to post-dapper and concentrate on bugs
   04:24 ogra       i'll do it anyway in the devel branch, if you dont want it in, we can postpone, as i said its only ugly
   04:24 ogra       ok
   === teolemon [n=famille@car75-5-82-234-128-149.fbx.proxad.net] has left #ubuntu-meeting []
   04:25 mdz        ogra: who is your contact for the edubuntu artwork? silbs?
   04:25 ogra       yep
   04:25 mdz        and she doesn't return until tuesday, hrm
   04:25 ogra       i had a preview of the artwork and adjusted the other ui elements accordingly
   04:25 mdz        she said she could accept calls, though, I'll try her
   04:25 ogra       but then she said they would probably change the whole colouring, which i'm not really fond of
   04:26 mdz        ogra: any beta blocker bugs for edubuntu, ensure that they have a 6.06 milestone set
   04:26 ogra       sine then i havent heard anything
   04:26 mdz        ogra: I'll call her
   04:26 JaneW      but we weren;t really given a date for the final stuff...
   04:26 JaneW      beyond the deadlines
   04:26 ogra       no blockers
   04:26 mdz        ogra: including any which turn up over the next days ;-)
   04:26 mdz        ogra: thanks
   04:26 ogra       :)
   04:26 mdz        mvo: next?
   04:27 mvo        Did:
   04:27 mvo        - update-manager updates (added --check-dist-upgrades), various bugfixes
   04:27 mvo        - gksu/update-manager breezy-backport uploaded, fixing a few remarks from kamion (will upload again right after the meeting)
   04:27 mvo        - CJK+thai work (input methods uploads, ff with better libthai support)
   04:27 mvo        - fixed some startup-notifcation releated problems
   04:27 mvo        - general bugtriage + bugfixing (notitication-daemon size-miscacluations, gksu passes http_proxy on now, etc)
   04:27 mvo        Will do:
   04:27 mvo        - more bugfixing/bug triage (still lacking behind)
   04:27 mvo        - dist-upgrade tool work (make it more robust)
   04:27 mvo        - looking into the state of apt (open patches etc)
   04:27 mvo        Blocked:
   04:27 mvo        - sysadmin setup for the auto-dist-upgrade
   === Fracture [n=Fracture@dsl-202-173-191-84.qld.westnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
   04:27 mdz        mvo: please prepare instructions for doing a breezy->dapper upgrade using the tool, for inclusion in the beta release announcement
   04:27 mdz        mvo: we'll do a major call for upgrade testing there
   04:28 mvo        mdz: ok, it's just "update-manager -d"
   04:28 mvo        but I'll write up something more appropriate
   04:28 mdz        mvo: speaking of startup-notification, espresso really needed that the last time I looked
   04:28 mdz        it takes a long time to load from the live CD and there was no feedback
   04:28 mvo        mdz: ok, I can talk to kamion about it
   04:28 mdz        thanks
   04:28 mvo        cheers
   04:29 JaneW      Mithrandir
   04:29 JaneW      misc: vacation, polished the live cds, fixing bugs in casper, bug
   04:29 JaneW      triage on xkb problems, other general bug triage. Started
   04:29 JaneW      looking at popcon
   04:29 JaneW      next week: more vacation, fix popcon, beta release
   04:29 JaneW      blocked: no
   04:29 mdz        ok
   04:29 mdz        is he on holiday?
   04:29 JaneW      yes today, fri and monday
   04:29 JaneW      he was working this morning though
   04:30 mdz        ok, back tues
   04:30 mdz        thanks
   04:30 mdz        Kinnison: online?
   04:30 Kinnison   yep
   04:31 Kinnison   gnome-power-manager: Preparing 2.14.1 (bugfixes from upstream), not finished it yet
   04:31 Kinnison   launchpad: Got test suite merged for soyuz upload checks. Helped cprov track down issue with duplicated origs. Manually got python-vte into main in breezy-updates. (solves the immediate issue in 36022). Got dist-upgrader signing merged.
   04:31 Kinnison   publisher: d-i pocket support is done, I need to get it merged.
   04:31 Kinnison   general: Lots of bug work on random bugs assigned to me. Various uploads made to correct as many of them as I can.
   04:31 Kinnison   lp-ongoing: Merge d-i pocket support (trivial). Finish the resolution of the duplicated orig.tar.gzs, need to talk with Kamion about this once I have the info.
   04:31 Kinnison   distro-ongoing: Still need to try and resolve gparted ui bug. Continue squashing the bugs handed to me in general. Get g-p-m 2.14.1 in and continue finding cherrypicks for upstream.
   04:31 Kinnison   bug-status: I have a large buglist for gnome-power-manager which could do with some serious love. Hopefully I'll have a block of time to dedicate to this next week.
   04:31 Kinnison   [end]
   04:32 mdz        when is the next bug day? today? tomorrow?
   04:32 seb128     today
   04:32 Kamion     any particular gparted UI bug, or do you mean the UI bug called gparted? :-)
   04:32 mdz        Kinnison: ubuntu-laptop would be a good theme for a bug day, though it'll have to be after beta
   04:32 Kinnison   Kamion: "the ui bug" is the "not refreshing properly" one
   04:32 Kamion     ah yes
   04:32 Kinnison   mdz: Aye it would.
   04:32 Kinnison   dholbach: can you and I talk about that?
   04:32 mdz        Kinnison: coordinate with dholbach on that
   04:32 dholbach   i'll prepare an announce for next time
   04:33 mdz        ;-)
   04:33 mdz        dholbach: what's today's theme?
   04:33 dholbach   KERNEL HUGS!
   04:33 mdz        how is that working out?
   04:33 dholbach   there has been some clean up going on, but people were a bit uncoordinated due to lack of kernel people
   04:33 mdz        are people basically working from the kernel team's +subscribedbugs?
   04:33 dholbach   old needsinfo bugs were cleaned out this morning
   04:34 dholbach   +packagebugs is a bit more comprehensive
   04:34 dholbach   i hope all the kernel guys pop in soon and give directions
   04:34 Seveas     urgh, so far I failed to attend all hug days
   04:35 ogra       Seveas, there are bugs between the hugdays ;)
   04:35 dholbach   #ubuntu-bugs now! everybody! :-)
   04:35 BenC       I didn't know you needed any one :)
   04:35 mdz        BenC: now that we have daytime in the US, please spend time there
   04:35 mdz        should be a great opportunity to get help asking for more info on bugs, and trying to confirm
   04:36 mdz        Kinnison: thanks
   04:36 mdz        Keybuk: next?
   04:36 Keybuk     * lots of bug fixing
   04:36 Keybuk     * have rookery finding packages relying on /var/run/* and /var/lock/*; as well as using obsolete directories like /etc/hotplug
   04:36 Keybuk     * doing main uploads to fix those myself, and going to do a mass-filing on universe
   04:36 Keybuk     * started ftp admin work after getting lessons from colin
   04:36 Keybuk     * dpkg 2 docs
   04:36 BenC       yeah, so far the help has been really great
   04:36 Keybuk     * bad bug found in udev that should be fixed before release: calls ifup with the old interface name after renaming it
   04:36 BenC       the trivial bugs is what is slowing me down
   04:36 mdz        BenC: trivial impact or trivial to fix?
   04:37 mdz        BenC: for the former, downgrade them and prioritize the rest
   04:37 BenC       it's the perusing of those trivial bugs that slows me down
   04:37 BenC       I still have to read them :)
   04:37 mdz        Keybuk: is the /var/run search still running?
   04:37 Kamion     Keybuk: I'd appreciate help on the openssh bug about /var/run - it seems to be real (had several reports now), and might only happen during the upgrade, so might be an upgrade ordering bug
   04:38 Kamion     Keybuk: bug 38921 et al
   04:38 Ubugtu     Malone bug 38921 in openssh openssh-server "Breezy->dapper upgrade missing /var/run/sshd" [Normal,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/38921
   04:38 Keybuk     mdz: no, I have a list for that one now
   04:38 Keybuk     Kamion: ok, I'll look into that for you
   04:38 Kamion     thanks
   04:38 Kamion     AFAICT the init script is sane
   04:39 mdz        Keybuk: please also search malone for any /var/run bugs which haven't been tended yet...unfortunately I think the quirks of malone searching make that tricky right now, maybe confer with #launchpad
   04:39 Keybuk     mdz: all the easy fixes have been uploaded, there's a small few which don't have init scripts but rely on /var/run subdirs
   04:40 Seveas     Keybuk, should you be subscribed to all /ver/run bugs?
   04:40 mdz        cf. bug #29227
   04:40 Ubugtu     Malone bug 29227 in malone "Searching for "pmu" doesn't find "/dev/pmu"" [Critical,In progress]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/29227
   04:40 mdz        the full text indexing breaks up words in unexpected ways sometimes
   04:41 Keybuk     Seveas: if they're in main, yes
   04:41 mdz        indeed
   04:41 mdz        Keybuk: what's the bug# for the udev issue, and is its milestone set?
   04:42 Keybuk     milestone is set
   04:42 mdz        ok, I'll see it then
   04:42 mdz        thanks Keybuk
   04:42 mdz        Kamion: next?
   04:42 Kamion     ubuntu-express-base-system: Keyboard selection now propagated to installed system. choose-mirror/apt-setup done. Selected country propagated to locale selection. I'm calling this implemented now.
   04:42 Keybuk     ubuntu 38787
   04:42 Kamion     ue-gnome-ui: Now displays selected country. Hostname defaults improved per discussion at UI sprint. I believe the only thing remaining in this specification is getting a reasonable icon; I've asked the art team for help with that.
   04:42 Keybuk     bug 38787 even :)
   04:42 Kamion     ubuntu-express-copy-filesystem: Belatedly marked implemented; had been wrongly marked as awaiting deployment for a while.
   04:42 Ubugtu     Malone bug 38787 in udev "add action uses wrong interface name in 85-ifupdown.rules" [Major,In progress]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/38787
   04:42 Kamion     ubuntu-express-bootloader: Tested and fixed yaboot support. Espresso now finally works on powerpc (after I make today's upload)! Implemented.
   04:42 Kamion     ubuntu-express: Fixed debconf to notice write errors when saving its databases, which totally wedged espresso if the live CD ran out of memory and was probably the underlying cause of a lot of database corruption bugs.
   04:42 Kamion     server-candy: Added preseeded kernel override facility to base-installer, which should keep Fabio happy. :-)
   04:42 Kamion     misc: Uploaded Thai console support patches. Fixed up oem-config a bit so that it at least vaguely works again, but I need to allocate some time post-beta to clean this up some more.
   04:42 Kamion     next-week: If I have time before beta, I want to fix espresso's reboot step, clean up a few strings, and possibly execute the proposed rename to ubiquity. Vacation from Friday to Tuesday inclusive. Beta preparation on Wednesday and Thursday.
   04:43 mdz        Kamion: sounds like things are coming together for beta
   04:44 Kamion     yeah, it's not too bad, still concerned about some partitioning bugs but I think general fixes I've made may have cleared up more of those than is immediately obvious
   04:44 Kamion     worst problem is basically poor error handling in places
   04:44 mdz        my primary UI concern the last time I used espresso was that there are several points where there is a lag between the user action and the completion of drawing the next page
   04:45 mdz        is it possible to get a busy cursor from the time the button is clicked until, e.g. the list of languages is filled?
   04:45 Kamion     yeah, tricky to fix but I agree that should be addressed for release
   04:45 Kamion     that should be possible, I just don't want to rock that boat for beta now
   04:45 mdz        ok. startup-notification would also make a big difference there
   04:45 Kamion     I may be able to get a busy cursor in places but not completely
   04:45 mdz        right, agreed
   04:45 ogra       you can also do ugly things with gtktimeout and gtk_main iteration to keep it "fake responsive"
   04:45 Kamion     should I do the ubiquity rename before beta or after?
   04:45 ogra       as a last resort
   04:46 Kamion     ogra: it's not a UI thread being blocked problem
   04:46 ogra       ah, k
   04:46 Kamion     (i.e. is Mark going to turn up on Wednesday and say "why didn't you rename it?" :-))
   04:46 mdz        is it really that common to run out of space on the live CD? are people using it on low-memory systems?
   04:46 mdz        Kamion: after beta, please ;-)
   04:46 Kamion     the tmpfs is only half of memory so it's easy enough if you're doing other stuff
   04:47 ogra       define low memory :)
   04:47 mdz        Kamion: if that does happen, please refer him to me
   04:47 ogra       there are people running the liveCD on 256M
   04:47 Kamion     happens to me a fair bit when building espresso on the live CD and then running it
   04:47 Kamion     mdz: ok, thanks
   04:47 Kamion     (with 512MB of memory)
   04:47 mdz        thanks Kamion
   04:47 mdz        JaneW: no note from iwj, right?
   04:47 JaneW      nope
   04:48 mdz        infinity?
   04:48 JaneW      sy fixes have been uploaded, there's a small few which don't have init scripts but rely on /var/run subdirs
   04:48 JaneW      Seveas Keybuk, should you be subscribed to all /ver/run bugs?
   04:48 JaneW      oops sorry wrong paste
   04:48 JaneW      infinity
   04:48 JaneW      last week buildd: Continued hunting down build failures, got elmo to set up dapper-autotest, which should light up shortly. Investigated some livefs speedups, and livefs build issues on ia64.
   04:48 JaneW      last week distro: Finished off the mysqlclient transition, including resolving several new build failures, uploaded a glibc with some bugfixes, did some X bugfixing and triaging, new NVIDIA drivers, new Samba.
   04:48 JaneW      next week buildd: Babysit dapper-autotest and start fixing build failures and/or filing bugs, get livefs up to speed on all architectures in time for beta.
   04:48 JaneW      next week distro: Get in some critical bugfixes before beta for initramfs-tools, and scrape some Thunderbird branding (been fighting with this off and on) in just under the UI freeze wire.
   04:49 JaneW      and I have fabbione's too
   04:49 JaneW      fabbione
   04:49 JaneW      server-candy: Missing/buggy: apache2 for "central snakeoil SSL setup" and kernel -server as default from CD install. Big cleanup of the install CD's.
   04:49 JaneW      * ubuntu-cluster: Fixed one pending bug. No other progresses.
   04:49 JaneW      * last week: bug squashing.
   04:49 JaneW      * next week: bug squashing.
   04:49 mdz        ok
   04:49 Kamion     fabbione's server-candy blocked list is out of date; see my report
   04:50 mdz        fabio emailed that earlier in the week I think
   04:50 mdz        thanks JaneW
   04:50 Seveas     (there are new ati drivers, infinity will be thrilled about all bugreports to come</sarcasm>)
   04:50 mdz        heno: next?
   04:50 heno       * winfoss: started work on the kubuntu version. It needs a distinct look and some new apps. See: http://people.ubuntu.com/~henrik/winfoss/dapper/kubuntu/
   04:50 heno       * accessibility: Tested the newly landed setting on the Live CD today. Some configurations still need some adjustment.
   04:50 heno       * xorg: triaging bugs. Got help from Seveas to prepare a script that simplifies the collection of debugging info, esp. on Live CDs
   04:51 mdz        Kamion: are we already equipped for different winfoss for kubuntu, as far as building CD images?
   04:51 Riddell    heno: looking nice there
   04:51 mdz        I didn't realize that was in the works
   04:51 Riddell    mdz: yes, that happened in breezy
   04:51 Kamion     mdz: yes
   04:51 heno       mdz: we've done that each time so far
   04:51 mdz        shows how often I've put a kubuntu CD into a windows machine ;-)
   04:51 Riddell    heno: I should give you the version of the logo we're using in dapper
   04:51 Keybuk     "what's a kubuntu CD?" :)
   04:51 Kamion     heno: send me a mail with the URL when it's ready, please
   04:51 heno       Riddell: cool, thanks
   04:51 JaneW      Keybuk: I have one
   04:52 heno       Kamion: right
   04:52 mdz        heno: I've been subscribing the accessibility team to a11y bugs as I come across them
   04:52 Riddell    heno: did you look at scribus and speedcrunch?
   04:52 mdz        they are starting to become more common now that the work is more visible
   04:52 heno       mdz: good, yes I get those
   04:52 heno       Riddell: only briefly
   04:52 heno       Riddell: but the plan is to include them, yes
   04:52 mdz        heno: is fabio going to get that script added to the packages?
   04:53 heno       mdz: the sript is just something the users download to collect debug info
   04:53 kwwii      heno: I could give you the new version of the logo I made for dapper, for those winfoss screens
   04:53 heno       no need to include it anywhere
   04:53 mdz        heno: it would be even more efficient if it were in the package and they only needed to run it...something to talk with fabio about
   04:53 Seveas     mdz, I hope not - it's not ready for that yet
   04:54 mdz        heno: thanks
   04:54 mdz        doko: next?
   04:54 doko       - openoffice.org: dapper: waiting for removal of rosetta data before next upload, breezy backport builds now, needs packaging adjustments. 5 new OOo locales integrated, bug fixes.
   04:54 doko       - toolchain-ng: no progress
   04:54 doko       - font: made the Nimbus family an alias for the Adobe standard families again
   04:54 doko       - printing: cupsys fixes, new ppd layout, updates of driver packages, bug fixes, currently pending approval: foomatic-filters-ppds, foomatic-db-hpijs, hplip.
   04:54 doko       - other: bug fixes in mcpp, xrdb, fontforge, toolchain, some syncs.
   04:54 doko       - got a pointer from debian-printing to attend #printing-summit on irc, very short note (seems to be a meeting every six months, this time in Atlanta, interesting things: have a printing gui independent of a toolkit, ppd reorganization)
   04:54 heno       people were reporting crashed X on the live CD and then were stuck in how to get the files uploaded
   04:54 doko       - some support stuff with mdy and elmo
   04:54 doko       - blocked: OOo, printing upgrades, toolchain-ng
   04:54 mdz        doko: removal of rosetta data?
   04:54 doko       - plan for next week: have all printing packages updated to let people test with recent printer descriptions
   04:54 doko       - OOo uploads, OOo breezy build
   04:55 mdz        doko: any feedback on the font change?  have you searched for relevant bugs in malone?
   04:55 doko       mdz: same thing as last week, we need to kill all OOo imports, and the start again
   04:55 doko       mdz: just one per #irc for now
   04:55 mdz        doko: go ahead with foomatic-filters-ppds and foomatic-db-hpijs
   04:55 mdz        doko: remind me about hplip after beta
   04:55 doko       mdz: ok, what about hplip 0.9.7?
   04:56 mdz        I don't want to change it during beta freeze unless there is a blocker for beta
   04:56 mdz        I'll more easily find time to test it after beta
   04:57 doko       well, it works, not just for me, but anyway
   04:57 mdz        doko: is carlos handling the rosetta stuff?
   04:57 doko       mdz: stub and carlos, yes
   04:57 mdz        doko: yes, I understand, but we are in beta freeze
   04:58 mdz        doko: is there an ETA?  are any of the blocked ooo changes targeting beta?
   04:58 doko       mdz: it would be nice to have translations from rosetta in a -l10n build
   04:58 mdz        ok, thanks doko
   04:58 mdz        dholbach: next?
   04:58 dholbach   icon-mission: regular updates to tangerine, wrote another call for help to ubuntu-art - looks good; Mark pinged Dave about Icons Tuesday - will compile a list of bugs against the icons for him
   04:58 dholbach   bugs: HUG DAY today, introduced weekly bug goals for the Desktop Team, (with the help of volunteers and upstream people) we start catching up slowly, although it's a daily battle to stay on top and lots of old bugs need cleaning and updating
   04:58 dholbach   universe: announced ssl (0.9.{7,8}) transition,  will mass-file bugs (for unmet dependencies as well), to have a list and good overview
   04:58 dholbach   this week (done): gnome 2.14.1, bug triage, hug day
   04:58 dholbach   this week (todo): bug triage, hug day
   04:59 dholbach   next week: bug triage, cd testing, universe lists
   04:59 mdz        a reminder, everyone should be participating in bug days at this point in the release
   05:00 dholbach   mdz: shall we switch to weekly bug days now?
   05:00 mdz        most of you are primarily working on bugs anyway, and doing this within the context of a bug day helps others learn to help as well
   05:00 JaneW      dholbach: yes, I think so...
   05:00 dholbach   normally i'd do them every two weeks
   05:00 mdz        dholbach: possibly, if we can avoid conflicting with milestone releases
   05:00 dholbach   ok
   05:00 dholbach   i'll talk to Kinnison about the next one
   05:00 mdz        we'll get better participation from the full team if there isn't a flight going on at the same time
   05:00 dholbach   and get all the laptop testers reactivated
   05:01 JaneW      dholbach: can we do them mid-week?
   05:01 mdz        thanks dholbach
   05:01 mdz        BenC: last up
   05:01 BenC       Kernel bugs: Sifting through them still. Finally have some outside help going through the trivial bugs (closing old inactive ones, finding dupes, requesting testing with latest kernels, etc). Should be caught up and settled down to the critical bugs by next week.
   05:01 dholbach   JaneW: why mid-week? - I always thought friday was good choice.
   05:01 mdz        BenC: any beta-relevant bugs on your list?
   05:02 BenC       nothing that's a showstopper for beta, no
   05:02 JaneW      dholbach: the distro team is tired on a friday, they want to wrap up their week and would rather do this during the week
   05:02 mdz        ok, we're over time already
   05:02 mdz        thanks BenC
   05:02 JaneW      dholbach: that's the feedback I have got
   05:02 dholbach   JaneW: ok... everybody ok with laptop hugs on wednesday?
   05:03 mdz        I'll be off the rest of today, but reachable by phone
   05:03 mdz        and will likely check email in the evening
   05:03 Kinnison   dholbach: fine by me
   05:03 mdz        thanks, everyone
   05:03 mdz        adjourned