{{{ 03:02 mdz good morning 03:02 JaneW hi mdz 03:03 mdz Kamion: thanks for the call; lunch ran late 03:03 Kamion no problem === infinity waits for JaneW to wag a finger at mdz. 03:03 BenC someone has to :) 03:03 JaneW *little wag* 03:03 mdz BenC: ready? 03:03 BenC Dapper Kernel Status: Bugs have mostly been caught up with. Major updates since last week: 03:03 BenC - SPARC Niagara support courtesy of DaveM, and much effort from Fabbione. 03:03 BenC - IPW2200 1.1.1 synced. This should fix a lot of firmware error bugs (will be in -18.28) 03:03 BenC - Lots of sound fixes merged from alsa, coutesy of Daniel T. Chen (crimsun) 03:03 BenC - cPad driver update (now known as synaptics-usb). Most people were seeing a crash from this driver. 03:03 BenC Major bugs still needing fixes: 03:03 JaneW infinity really wants to go first 03:03 BenC - ACPI-PnP: Loss of functionality. Matthew Garrett (mjg59) is looking into isolating the patch from ACPI-git to fix this problem. - PPC Sound: Tumbler is still in regression since my fixes to get 03:03 BenC Toonie working. I think I am just going to revert the Tumbler portions of this for dapper. Working with BenH to get the over-all patch fixed for Tumbler as well. - Odd crash with some x86 machines running -686 kernel. Seems SMP 03:04 BenC related. Other distros are experiencing this. Working with lkml folks to resolve it. 03:04 BenC - Crash with amd64 systems running x86 kernels. 03:04 mdz JaneW: ok, he's next - powernow-k8 seems to not be working for people with x86 kernels. 03:04 BenC Some people even report it not working with amd64 kernels. This is working for me with exact same CPU as at least one other person reported having the problem on. Investigating. 03:04 infinity JaneW: No, no, it's okay. I was being sarcastic. :) 03:04 BenC - Various regressions on rare peripherals. Working on these as I can. 03:04 mdz BenC: we seem to have a collection of interesting laptop-related bugs at the moment === suodla [n=dous@efreet.edu.ms] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 03:04 mdz BenC: e.g., mvo's laptop hibernating when he disconnects the power 03:04 infinity BenC: Does that ipw2200 merge include an ipw2100 merge as well? 03:05 BenC mdz: yeah, those are on the list too 03:05 infinity BenC: And the 3945 stuff? (so I can do the LRM side of that) 03:05 BenC infinity: it will, but 2200 was more important 03:05 pitti BenC: I deem broken capabilities as not too unimportant, too 03:05 mvo BenC: if I can help you debugging it let me know 03:05 BenC mvo: I'll email to schedule some time, if that's ok 03:05 Keybuk BenC: the PNP stuff is (unsurprisingly) causing problem for everyone 03:06 mvo BenC: sure, that's fine. best is next week when I'm back from the sprint 03:06 Keybuk personally I blame mjg59, as his Mactel is the only i386 around *without* PNP :p 03:06 BenC infinity: 3945 needs a tester so we don't dump stuff in blind like I did with rtl81xx junk 03:06 infinity BenC: Yeah, I think we're waiting on someone (anyone) to actually get one in the mail. 03:06 BenC Keybuk: yeah, me too :) 03:06 infinity BenC: I'd love to see a T60 before release. 03:06 BenC I have PCIE, but not mini-PCIE 03:06 mdz BenC: did you get much feedback from the most recent Flight? 03:06 kbrooks may I ask a question? 03:07 BenC and I can't find a adapter board 03:07 pitti kbrooks: you just did :) 03:07 BenC mdz: it seems we are getting a lot more testing now 03:07 mdz BenC: do we have a handle on where we stand as far as regressions? 03:07 kbrooks so I'm allowed. OK. 03:07 BenC mdz: I think so 03:07 Keybuk I think it'd be worth blessing the next Flight (or even 5) with a "ready for large-scale testing" label 03:07 Kamion kbrooks: if it's on-topic for this team meeting; otherwise please use a different channel BenC: That's to be expected as we near release. Sadly, most 03:07 infinity regressions get found within a month or less of release, which will put you in hardcore crunch mode for a while. 03:08 mdz Keybuk: indeed, and explicitly random hardware testing 03:08 mdz right, we need to move on 03:08 mdz BenC: thanks 03:08 BenC I agree, things are ramping up, and odd bugs are being found 03:08 mdz dholbach: ? 03:08 BenC now it's in time, but later it will be too late 03:08 dholbach mdz: not infinity? :) 03:08 kbrooks hibernation: i think we should show a progress bar for it. 03:08 dholbach example-content: another version uploaded, flat directory structure 03:08 dholbach icon-mission: prioritisation ongoing, community efforts are planned, will setup buildsystem today 03:08 dholbach this week (done): GNOME 2.14.0, started triaging HUGE bug backlog 03:08 dholbach this week (todo): icon-mission, bug triage, HUG DAY on Friday! 03:08 dholbach next week: (bug triage)++ 03:08 mdz dholbach: he said he wasn't serious 03:08 dholbach right 03:08 kbrooks thatis all. 03:08 infinity Sarcasm is lost on this group. 03:09 BenC kbrooks: off-topic... -devel mailing list would be best 03:09 mdz dholbach: example-content is looking good 03:09 mdz dholbach: GNOME 2.14.0 seems a bit rough around the edges 03:09 mdz what's your assessment? 03:09 kbrooks dholbach, icion-mission: i'm unfimilar with it. what is it, anyway? and i might participate in the bug triaging 03:09 dholbach mdz: to be honest I don't have an overview yet... i have 1705 unread desktop bugs mails 03:10 doko mdz: can I make example-content make depend on openoffice.org? (pictures show up in the OOo gallery ...) 03:10 Keybuk infinity: it's not lost, it just fades into the general background of sarcasm 03:10 dholbach kbrooks: I don't think we have the time to elaborate here, let's chat after the meeting 03:10 kbrooks dholbach, all right. 03:10 dholbach kbrooks: but I'm happy if you join the bug efforts :) 03:10 mdz doko: can you conditionalize it so that they're added to the gallery if ooo is installed, otherwise do nothing? 03:10 kbrooks dholbach, where? :) 03:11 doko mdz: I'll have a look, or mabe a new binary package 03:11 mdz doko: ok 03:11 mdz dholbach: do you need help with the bug day? 03:11 mdz now would be the time to round it up, if so 03:11 dholbach mdz: I'd be happy if somebody joined seb and me === A4-tje [n=ernst170@adsl-dc-3c4c8.adsl.wanadoo.nl] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 03:12 dholbach you can add yourself and your tasks to: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugDay 03:12 doko dholbach: can do that for 1/2 day dholbach: I'd be happy to pop in and dump FTBFS bugs on everyone as I 03:12 infinity go through build logs tomorrow, but I can't promise much help with mentoring/sponsorship type stuff. 03:12 dholbach nice, thanks 03:12 pitti dholbach: since now I'm in real bug fixing mood, I'll join 03:12 mdz Kinnison: would you do a bug day sortie as well? === ogra adds a screensaver task to the page 03:12 dholbach i plan to do them every 2nd week from now on 03:13 JaneW mdz: Kinnison isn't here yet, we are pinging him 03:13 mdz are we missing anyone else? 03:13 JaneW everyone else is accounted for - except sivang 03:13 doko iwj 03:13 JaneW iwj is on leave 03:13 dholbach but he's on vacation 03:13 seb128 doko: he's on VAC 03:13 mdz right 03:13 JaneW fabbione is prepping for funeral 03:13 mdz thanks dholbach 03:13 mdz doko: ? 03:13 JaneW and jbailey said he isn;t needed 03:14 kbrooks funerals suck... :) - toolchain-roadmap: final versions in the archives for all 03:14 doko architectures (v8 on sparc), java problems on hppa (not that critical for main), lamont not yet happy, infinity starts feeling better. 03:14 doko - toolchain-roadmap-ng: blocked - openoffice.org: results from the OOo sprint last weekend in the 03:14 doko archive (closed about 120 reports for things fixed in 2.0.2, fixed another 15 at the weekend or later), more complete report today to ubuntu-devel. 03:14 doko - other: uploads and bug fixed on OOo related packages, OOo & l10n and OOo & font discussions 03:14 mdz JaneW: correct 03:14 mdz doko: how was the sprint? 03:14 doko too much pizza 03:14 mdz (overall, I'll wait for your report) 03:14 mdz productive? 03:14 doko but anyway, we finished many things, yes! 03:15 infinity doko: You forget to mention the ia32-libs-dev purge I see in my INBOX right now. === sivang is here now kbrooks: hibernation> this isn't the place for random bug reports or 03:15 Kamion wishlist ideas, I'm afraid; please take those elsewhere. This is a status meeting to establish what distro team hackers have done this week and what they're planning to do next week. 03:15 mdz doko: hopefully it will make it easier to continue collaboration online as well 03:15 doko infinity: ahh yes 03:15 doko mdz: I think so, it was a good start. 03:15 mdz doko: thanks 03:15 mdz heno: anything to report? * example-content: implemented. Some updates and tweaks to individual 03:16 heno files will continue to be made. mdzzzz.ogg is no longer the default video :) 03:16 infinity Shame. 03:16 mdz heno: something a bit longer? 03:16 pitti mdzzzzzzzz ;) 03:16 dholbach yes a recorded desktop session 03:17 mdz oh, interesting 03:17 mdz will check it out after the upgrade 03:17 Mithrandir heno: it's a fresh video from the latest sprint instead? 03:17 heno a video of the dsktop in action, but it needs to be redone with the new look 03:17 nhaines What a shame. :) 03:17 mdz thanks heno 03:17 mdz infinity: next last week buildd: Finish with sparc and ia64 catching up, lit up hppa buildds and began the long, hard road to hppa catching up 03:17 infinity again. Went through every failed build log I could find in the last two weeks and did judicious fixes/give-backs to try to sort what I could. last week distro: Helped Colin and Tollef release Flight-5, upated 03:17 infinity LRM for new fglrx and AVM Fritz, random bugfixes in packages that were either FTBFS or causing others to fail. next week buildd: Taking another hack day or two (already approved by 03:17 infinity mdz) to work with cprov on soyuz buildd shortcomings, trying to finish the hppa backlog, and going further back in time with failed build logs, fixing or bugfiling where appropriate. next week distro: Bug triaging and fixing in just about everything I 03:17 infinity pseudo-maintain, focussing first on crucial bugs in initramfs-tools. Testing and uploading pkgbinarymangler to replace pkgstriptranslations and do Maintainer field mangling. 03:18 mdz infinity: what sort of issues are afoot with initramfs-tools? 03:18 infinity The worst being that if /tmp or /boot run out of space, it just blindly carries on and you end up with an unbootable system. :) 03:18 infinity (Yes, that bug's been there isnce breezy) 03:18 infinity since, too. 03:18 mdz sweet 03:18 infinity doko tried to hurt me earlier today for that one, so it's time I fixed it. 03:19 infinity There are other poorly (or non) handled failure cases that are slightly less severe, I'll go through a bunch. 03:19 doko heh, why do have _I_ find these things as the first person? :-/ 03:19 mdz doko: because you fill your disks with openoffice builds? 03:19 infinity doko: You weren't the first, just the scariest / most German. 03:19 mdz thanks, infinity 03:19 ogra infinity, did bddebian file a bug for you? seems cpqarray doesnt end up in the initramfs recently 03:20 doko mdz: not my /boot partiton ;p 03:20 mdz we have no iwj? 03:20 mvo on vac 03:20 seb128 mdz: he's on VAC this weel 03:20 seb128 week 03:20 mdz right, of course 03:20 infinity ogra: He caught me on IRC. It's mentally filed. 03:20 ogra oki 03:20 mdz Kamion: next 03:20 Kamion ue-gnome-ui: Identification page totally reworked; several other small UI changes. ue-partitioning-tool: Partitioning committal moved to the main 03:20 Kamion installation progress bar. Some gparted bugs are currently blocking me from testing part of this properly, though. 03:20 Kamion ubuntu-express: Internationalisation support on its way, now that I've implemented the escape capability in debconf. misc: Little spec progress this week, since I had about half the week 03:20 Kamion eaten by the installer security vulnerability in Breezy. We're going to release updated Breezy CD images at some point, although they won't make the last shipit batch. next-week: Integrate Fabio's disk selector (really). Finish 03:20 Kamion internationalisation. Deal with various partitioning bugs that have been reported. Start on updated Breezy CD images. === cameron [n=cameron@cpc1-kirk1-0-0-cust631.renf.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 03:21 mdz Kamion: is the wiki todo up to date? 03:21 Kamion yes === j_ack [n=nico@p508D99E3.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu-meeting === ilkappa [n=ilkappa@81-208-36-80.ip.fastwebnet.it] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 03:22 mdz it's still a bit distressingly long 03:23 JaneW Kamion: can you do %'s again? 03:23 mdz Kamion: of those items, the partman commit (for usability) and localisation (for the benefit of translators) look to be priorities 03:23 Kamion I could do with help on UI bits, which account for a lot of the length; hope Kinnison can do that when he's finished launchpadding 03:23 mdz Kamion: ok, will see who I can get for you 03:24 Kamion mdz: the partman commit is IMHO not a huge deal now that most of it's been moved to the final progress bar 03:24 Keybuk UI is possibly something I can help with 03:24 JaneW ok fabbione sent the following 03:24 mdz Kamion: hmm, ok, haven't done an install since last week 03:24 mdz Kamion: thanks 03:24 Kamion it's only starting up partman a couple more times, is all fabbione * server-candy: Missing/buggy: apache2 for "central snakeoil 03:24 JaneW SSL setup" and kernel -server as default from CD install. Added rc.local support on mdz/sabdfl request. fabbione * ubuntu-cluster: Waiting ocfs2-tools release for new 03:24 JaneW userland to sync with the kernel that will allow (finally) full desync later. fabbione * last week: Finished with partman-auto core modifications to present disk-selector and later how to trash a disk. Patch is in 03:24 JaneW Kamion hands for string love. Bug fixing. Started looking into some X stuff. No don't start asking me when bug foo will be fixed because I have no idea. 03:24 JaneW fabbione * next week: hw upgrade at the office, bug fixing and more bug fixing. 03:24 Kamion mdz: that only went in about twenty minutes ago anyway 03:24 heno does UI require coding or will testing and advice help? 03:24 mdz Keybuk: please dive in then; coordinate with Kamion 03:24 Kamion heno: code 03:24 heno oki :) 03:25 JaneW and iwj asked me to reminder everyone of his request for LP feedback 03:25 JaneW (as sent to warthogs) I mean, testing and advice won't hurt, but we do have rather a lot of 03:25 Kamion that piled up already and I think it might help to clear this lot of feedback away first before getting another pile 03:25 JaneW s/reminder/remind/ === hunger [n=tobias@p54A61836.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 03:25 heno yep, np 03:25 mdz yes, please do ensure that your most critical launchpad needs/feedback are sent to iwj 03:25 mdz Keybuk: next? 03:26 Kamion er, fabbione and I obviously miscommunicated, I didn't realise he was expecting me to finish off the partman-auto disk selector patch 03:26 Keybuk udev: some minor bugs fixed, including one that affected Installer. 03:26 Keybuk netbase: still a strange bug where for no apparent reason, wifi cards cause "Configuring network interfaces" to stop on boot network-manager: have been investigating 0.6 and would like to recommend that we look at shipping that in dapper, along with 03:26 Keybuk wpa_supplicant -- with the extended release cycle it would still get more testing than I was expecting 0.5 to get. It also fixes a lot of damned irritating problems. n-m on livecd: generally response has been good, except for casper 03:26 Keybuk seeding /etc/network/interfaces badly -- haven't had a response from Tollef yet about that. 03:26 Kamion I thought I had already told him my views and that he would finish it off 03:26 Keybuk next week: going to grep every binary for /var/run, /etc/hotplug, etc. and fix them all. 03:26 Keybuk other: I'd like to help out with ftp archive/cd building/etc. do we need more people for this? 03:26 mdz Kamion: ok, please follow up via email 03:26 Mithrandir Keybuk: huh? I haven't seen anything about that from you? 03:26 Keybuk Mithrandir: are you /dev/null'ing your Malone mail? 03:26 Keybuk or is Malone just sulking 03:26 Mithrandir Keybuk: no, not ttbomk Keybuk: not much with CD building now that Mithrandir and infinity 03:26 Kamion are up to speed on it, but I'm the only active archive admin at present 03:26 pitti Keybuk: _ion is already working on 0.6 packages and ported much of our changes, are you aware of that? 03:27 Keybuk pitti: yup, I'm going to merge his work with mine 03:27 Kamion which chews up more of my time than I would like 03:27 mdz Keybuk: when you have 0.6 in hand, let's revisit whether to add it to desktop 03:27 Keybuk Kamion: I'd be happy to learn that and take some of the work from you 03:27 infinity Kamion: I have ftpmaster rights, but have not been abusing them out of deference to others. 03:27 Keybuk Mithrandir: k, let's go over it after meeting 03:27 Mithrandir Keybuk: 'k 03:27 infinity Kamion: If you need more help in that area, just holler. 03:27 Kamion mdz: opinion on ftpmastery? 03:28 mdz Kamion: is elmo still helping out there? 03:28 Kamion if Keybuk's keen, I see no reason not to 03:28 Riddell Keybuk: are there packages for n-m 0.6 yet? 03:28 Kamion mdz: not since the switch to Soyuz 03:28 Kamion which I think is more a matter of time than policy 03:28 Kamion (since he's busy with the tools) 03:28 mdz Kamion: ok, please help Keybuk get up to speed then Kamion: There are certainly times when doing buildd stuff that I'd 03:29 infinity like to NEW things on my own, etc, but don't, as I don't want to to step on toes. 03:29 Kamion Keybuk: please mail RT to get access 03:29 Kamion I also don't object to infinity being able to smooth his own path 03:29 mdz Keybuk: please munge Kamion's teachings into a wiki page for the next time around (and for me) 03:29 Kamion Keybuk: let me know when that's done and I shall dispense runic wisdom or something 03:29 mdz infinity: feel free to deal with binary NEW yourself 03:30 mdz Keybuk: I'll try to remember to tap elmo when I see him later today 03:30 mdz Keybuk: thanks 03:30 infinity Keybuk: You need to be added to the "lp_archive" group for ftpmastery (make that explicit in your RT ticket) 03:30 mdz Kinnison: here? 03:30 pitti speaking of archive tools, if I sat down and wrote a tool that does syncs, would anyone hurt me? 03:31 mdz pitti: I spoke to kiko about this yesterday, and he said that josie has been ported to soyuz already 03:31 Kamion pitti: I understand that elmo's part-way through such a tool, but you could talk to him 03:31 mdz /srv/launchpad.net/codelines/current/scripts/sync-source.py --help 03:31 pitti oh, neat 03:31 infinity elmo's tool is stalled on him having some anger management issues with his tools, apparently. 03:31 mdz Kamion: in lp_queue's home there is a HOWTO-SYNC file 03:31 Kamion mdz: can you get a definitive answer out of elmo on whether that's definitely OK to use? 03:32 mdz Kamion: not at the moment; try it and see? 03:32 Kamion I don't like using tools that look finished but might not be blessed yet 03:32 pitti I pile up new requests every day, and doing them later doesn't help to make UVF exceptions better 03:32 Kamion been bitten by that already 03:32 infinity Kamion: Last I heard, it was still somewhat unhappy. 03:32 mdz infinity: once the tool is sorted, would you own syncs going forward? 03:32 infinity Kamion: Or, in his words, "I though it was working, then it broke again" 03:32 infinity mdz: Sure thing. === mdz_ [n=mdz@] has joined #ubuntu-meeting mdz: If you can chase up elmo on the status of said tool, that'd be 03:33 infinity cool, since you'r ein the same town. If not, I'll bug him when we cross paths. 03:33 JaneW I'll mail Kinnison 03:34 mdz_ infinity: once the tool is sorted, would you own syncs going forward? 03:34 infinity mdz: And if you missed my previous message: 03:34 mdz_ Kamion: I'll follow up with kiko/elmo 03:34 mdz_ JaneW: thanks 03:34 infinity 07:32 < infinity> mdz: Sure thing. 03:34 Kamion thanks 03:34 mdz_ infinity: cool 03:34 pitti thanks 03:34 dholbach yeah, cool :) 03:34 mdz_ Mithrandir: next? misc: keyboards. Korean keyboard handling is getting there, 03:34 Mithrandir espresso's keyboard handling is getting there and I'm getting bored of keymaps. Also done some small fixes to gdm, evolution and the clock applet for pet peeves. Also: released flight-5 03:35 Mithrandir next week: More keyboard stuff, possibly flight-6 (end of next week), possibly popcon.u.c 03:35 Mithrandir blocked: no 03:35 mdz_ Mithrandir: what remains on espresso keyboard stuff? 03:36 Mithrandir mdz_: it doesn't actually apply any of the settings yet. 03:36 Mithrandir it needs a map from installer keymaps to X keymaps and do immediate-apply of those 03:36 infinity (Does Mithrandir get bonus points for visiting the Korean embassy just to get a keyboard?) 03:36 mdz_ infinity: yes 03:36 sivang heh mdz_: it's "almost there", but I keep being distracted with stuff 03:37 Mithrandir like the korean keyboards and such, which is why it's moving slower than I'd like. 03:38 mdz_ Mithrandir: however, espresso is still very high priority, so don't let the Korean keyboard become too much of a time sink 03:38 Kamion (the map is easy, BTW, we just lift it out of xserver-xorg.config) 03:38 mdz_ that can land later, needs less testing 03:38 mdz_ Mithrandir: thanks 03:38 mdz_ mvo: next? 03:38 mvo Did: 03:38 mvo - ui-sprint: 03:38 mvo * new notification-bubbles design in the archive 03:38 mvo - i18n-sprint: 03:38 mvo * build/uploaded a bunch of thai support packages 03:38 mvo * worked on a general input-method solution (uploaded, only zh_HK missing) 03:38 mvo * banged my head against fontconfig for CJK (it's all pretty horrid) 03:38 mvo - misc: 03:38 mvo * various update for update-manager, g-a-i, update-notifier, fonts 03:38 mvo * a bit of work on the dist-upgrade tool (little, I need my usual setup to properly work/test stuff) 03:38 mvo * finished the backport of the tools for the dist-upgrader 03:39 mvo Will do: 03:39 mvo - get hold of infinity to get the auto-dist-upgrade test chroot setup 03:39 mvo - get the upgrade tool into the archive - try to get promotion to main for the backported python-vte in 03:39 mvo breezy-updates (from universe to main) if that is possible (for the dist-upgrade-tool) 03:39 mvo - catchup with the stuff that I wasn't able to do due to sprinting (my todo list is pretty long currently :( 03:39 mvo - see if the OFL font license is suitable for main (seems so) 03:39 Kamion ug, don't know whether we can promote stuff just in breezy-updates 03:39 mdz_ mvo: any hope for fontconfig? 03:39 mvo Kamion: it would be nice otherwise people need to add breezy-updates universe 03:40 Kamion I can try, I guess; will need to clone off an anastacia setup for breezy+breezy-updates to make sure the world remains sane 03:40 mdz_ mvo: please send me your todo list via email; I'll give you a hand with prioritization 03:40 pitti mdz_: we had a pretty nice discussion with Abel some hours ago, will have another round after the meeting I guess mdz_: very hard problem, unfortunately we have no real expert here. 03:40 mvo we will probably send configs for the languages that need special treatment 03:40 doko mvo: OFL? 03:41 mdz_ mvo: if you can find someone upstreamish, I'm happy to fund a bounty to get what we need 03:41 mvo mutl-languages font configuration is a big problem in general, that's for sure 03:41 mvo mdz_: thanks, I'll try 03:41 mvo doko: open font license 03:41 ogra doko, open foint license ? 03:41 mdz_ mvo: I don't think we can target multi-language configurations for Dapper; focus on getting each language right first 03:41 mvo mdz_: the current plan is to ship configs in language-selector (fontconfig snippets) 03:42 mvo mdz_: that are selected based on the default language (if they are required) === pitti tries not to make sounds of anger and pain 03:42 mdz_ eek 03:42 mvo doko: http://scripts.sil.org/OFL 03:42 pitti mvo: so you discarded the 'let's chop fonts' approach? 03:42 mdz_ mvo: how will we get it set up correctly at install time? === olemke [n=olemke@iup.physik.uni-bremen.de] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 03:43 mvo the trouble is that zh_CN and zh_TW have different preferences for fonts and we can't easily put that in language-{support,pack} 03:43 doko mvo: one nice unicode font is there ... 03:43 mvo doko: which one? 03:43 mvo pitti: that solve only part of the problem 03:44 mvo mdz_: we need to work that out 03:44 pitti mvo: right, but better one part solved and one open than two open :) === mgalvin [n=mgalvin@ubuntu/member/mgalvin] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 03:44 pitti the other problem is an intrinsic font design problem that we can't solve 03:44 doko mvo: Gentium 03:45 mdz_ mvo: ok, thanks 03:45 mdz_ we can continue the fontconfig discussion after the meeting 03:45 mdz_ ogra: next? 03:45 mvo daf had a idea what we could try to solve one problem without chopping * general: flight 5 preparation and testing, fixed ltsp-update-sshkeys to copy the keys even if sshd isnt running, other small ltsp fixes, hunted the gnome-screensaver GL hacks flicker, 03:45 ogra found the reason, working on a fix. fixed the "two menu entries for screensaver preferences" bug (upload pending (will happen today)), worked on dirtributor-icon inclusion for edubuntu-artwork, no edubuntu-docs work yet. prepared and moved the complete hwdb dataset 03:45 ogra (~4.5G) to the DC. next-week: poke gnome-screensaver harder, get the flickering fixed (make sure GL screensavers are displayed in a GL visual by 03:45 ogra gnome-screensaver), more edubuntu-artwork stuff, more edubuntu-docs work, look into progressbar handling of ltsp-client-builder.udeb now that UI freeze slided, more small ltsp fixes. 03:45 mvo doko: we have it in multiverse currently (can probably go to universe/main) 03:45 mdz_ ogra: what's the reason for the flickering? 03:45 ogra mdz_, g-s-s uses the default visual of the screen 03:46 ogra it must use the GL visual 03:46 doko mvo: yes, was on my TODO list, now on your's ;p === mvo kicks doko 03:46 ogra xscreensaver has handling for that in the daemon 03:46 mdz_ ogra: good, should be straightforward from here. thanks for tracking it down 03:46 ogra my job, eh ? ;) 03:47 mdz_ indeed 03:47 mdz_ pitti: next? 03:47 pitti educing-duplication: 03:47 pitti * status: no progress last week; gnutls transition is ready on primary arches, SCCs need to catch up; * plan: sort out SCCs for gnutls12, finish libgd demotion, discuss 03:47 pitti libsqlite0 demotion with infinity (php5-sqlite is the only package that needs to be changed) general stuff done this week: security updates, new langpacks, tons 03:47 pitti of bug triage and fixing, annoyed Kamion with lots of espresso bug reports, lots of font discussion for the l10n sprint 03:47 pitti next week: bug fixing, CD testing 03:47 pitti s/^/r/ :) 03:47 Kamion I demoted some of libgd yesterday 03:47 pitti I think it needs a rebuild of *desktop to get the python-gdchart out of it 03:48 pitti should be mostly brainless stuff 03:48 infinity pitti: I'm babysitting the SCCs with gnutls, I'll ping you when it's ready. 03:48 pitti thanks 03:48 infinity pitti: And we can discuss sqlite at another time. 03:48 mdz_ pitti: looks like the main inclusion queue is back down to a reasonable size 03:48 pitti the only serious issue is sqlite, the rest is straightforward 03:48 pitti mdz_: I tried hard, but I still shy away from things like asterisk... 03:49 Kamion anastacia isn't too bad at the moment either 03:49 sivang asterisk to be brought in main? interesting. 03:49 pitti I did some cleanup yesterday, will do a followup on that next week 03:49 mdz Kamion: indeed, looking much more manageable 03:49 mdz thanks, both of you 03:49 Kamion there's some noise from hppa which will go away once it's caught up 03:49 pitti some stuff in it needs packaging fixes 03:49 mdz seb128: next? This week: GNOME 2.14.0, fixed firefox so GNOME stuff build again, 03:49 seb128 fixed xorg cursor theme use, played with new xkeyboard-config that fixes GNOME xkb issues which are a frequent user complain, update menu item names and tooltips with changes pointed by mail 03:49 seb128 Tomorrow: bug day Next week(century?): bugs catching up and fixing (went from 10 unread 03:49 seb128 bug mails before UI sprint to 400 and that's with keeping one mail unread by bug usually...lot of backlog to work on) 03:50 Kamion silbs tells me that the ops team is ready to go with promoting Xubuntu, so I may do that pretty soon 03:50 Kamion ops/support that is 03:50 mdz seb128: mmm, would be good to get GNOME+xkb sorted 03:50 janimo \o/ 03:50 seb128 mdz: updating xkeyboard-config from 0.6 to 0.8 would do it 03:50 seb128 mdz: Mithrandir is looking on it 03:50 mdz janimo: ;-) 03:51 Keybuk . o O { it'd be nice if GNOME/X could get the right bloody key for PrintScreen } 03:51 seb128 according to daniels there should be no issue with the upgrade 03:51 seb128 (and works fine for me) 03:51 mdz seb128: what can we do to help you and dholbach process the desktop bugs faster? any low-hanging fruit we could change in malone? 03:51 pitti seb128: for french keyboards :) 03:52 seb128 mdz: nothing obvious no, the issue is the quantity of bugs coming atm ... 03:52 kbrooks Keybuk, isnt that discussion offtopic here 03:53 seb128 mdz: would be nice to have the search non returning closed bugs though 03:53 pitti seb128++ 03:53 seb128 but bradb knows about it 03:53 sivang seb128++ 03:53 pitti that's utterly annoying 03:53 seb128 atm it takes ages to find a bug due to that 03:53 mdz seb128: is there a controversy over whether it should be changed? 03:53 mdz or is it to be fixed? 03:53 seb128 to be fixed 03:53 mdz good 03:54 Keybuk I sat down with bradb a couple of weeks ago and gave him the spec for a "bugs I need to fix" page 03:54 mdz I'm not going to make it over to the LP sprint before I leave, but they're charging ahead over there 03:54 Keybuk I think the reason it isn't done is that LP would struggle to produce it in time 03:54 Keybuk so hopefully with the performance upgrades they've been doing, we'll see it soon 03:54 mdz Keybuk: is it written up? I'd like to see it 03:54 seb128 extending the number of bugs by page would be nice too 03:55 mvo seb128++ 03:55 pitti right, even if it's just manually changing batch_end (but that doesn't work ATM) 03:55 seb128 because having to browser 10 pages to browse the nautilus bug is really subobtimal 03:55 Keybuk mdz: I didn't, I'll find out whether he did 03:56 dholbach and make sorting work not across the 20 bugs displayed, but across the whole set 03:56 mdz seb128: agreed === mgalvin [n=mgalvin@ubuntu/member/mgalvin] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 03:56 pitti these issues are mainly a db problem 03:56 seb128 dholbach: you can edit the URL for that 03:56 pitti it's not that it's wanted that way 03:56 mdz dholbach: really, does it not sort the full list? 03:56 mdz I see 03:56 pitti no, just the displayed batch 03:57 Mithrandir the sorting is useless due to that, IMO 03:57 dholbach mdz: the last time I tried not... from that time on, I only used advanced searches with handpicked bug statuses 03:57 seb128 mdz: no, they dropped the option from the UI, and clicking on the column acts on the page 03:57 seb128 mdz: but you can add the parameter by hand to the URI as a workaround 03:57 mdz ok, either deal with bradb/kiko directly or queue issues with iwj for next week 03:57 mdz seb128: thanks 03:57 mdz sivang: ? 03:59 sivang mdz: here 03:59 mdz sivang: you wanted to report something? 03:59 sivang mdz: had some good progress the last week, I can see the end now, approxmt. in one week from now or less 04:00 mdz sivang: ok 04:00 sivang mdz: backend are are ready, including burn and isobuilding, all left is glade and PyGTK UI hacking to finish. 04:00 sivang (including supoort for multisession for differential backups) 04:00 mdz sivang: please type your updates in advance in the future; it saves a great deal of time 04:00 sivang mdz: yes, sorry 04:00 mdz sivang: thanks 04:00 mdz Riddell: next? 04:01 Riddell done: 04:01 Riddell ui sprint artwork 04:01 Riddell flight 5 04:01 Riddell fix the main problems in flight 5, and test & upload numberous other bugfixes people have sent me 04:01 Riddell currently doing: 04:01 Riddell kdm usplash_down 04:01 Riddell next week: 04:01 Riddell kde espresso, KDE 3.5.2 packaging 04:01 sivang mdz: (a package will get uploaded soon to universe , so you could see where this is going) === irvin [n=irvin@ubuntu/member/irvin] has joined #ubuntu-meeting espresso's gtkui has moved on a fair bit; though I've tried to keep 04:01 Kamion kde-ui up to date with some of it, I couldn't manage it all, so you'll have a fair bit of catching up to do 04:02 Kamion suggestions for things that could be moved into common code are welcome 04:02 sladen * sivang pinged me about reviewing it, so I guess it's nearly there 04:02 Riddell Kamion: yep, I'll look out for that 04:02 mdz Riddell: happy to fund external work for kde espresso if you can find someone 04:02 Riddell some people from a spanish uni are helping but currently they seem to be rewriting the whole frontend, which isn't terribly helpful 04:02 mdz Riddell: how is the overall bug situation for kubuntu? 04:03 Kamion Riddell: that all sounds disturbingly familiar and should be nipped in the bud sooner rather than later 04:03 Riddell mdz: major bugs has improved a lot, CUPS is the only vital one still 04:03 Kamion people need to learn the value of incremental improvements that can be looked at piece by piece mdz: I know this has been asked a million times but what's happening 04:04 JaneW re the delay descision, has there beena special TB sitting yet, or is one scheduled? 04:04 mdz JaneW: it happened yesterday 04:04 pitti Riddell: would upgrading to 1.2beta help in any way? 04:04 Kinnison mdz: When is bug day? 04:04 mdz the decision was ratified 04:04 Kamion JaneW: already done, delay agreed - sabdfl will be writing an announcement 04:04 JaneW oic 04:04 mdz Kinnison: tomorrow I think; coordinate with dholbach 04:04 Kamion and circulating it around CC/TB before sending 04:04 JaneW ok thanks, I missed that 04:04 Riddell pitti: I doubt it would make any difference, the problem is on KDE's side 04:04 kbrooks Kamion, what the? 04:04 BenC mdz: will this affect the sprint scheduled in May? 04:04 kbrooks oh SHIT... 04:04 JaneW I assumed it would be passed 04:04 mdz BenC: yes 04:04 pitti Riddell: I know, but KDE might port to 1.2 directly === kbrooks curses at ubuntu 04:04 Kinnison mdz: I can only do that if I get agreement from stevea 04:05 mdz kbrooks: please === Kinnison will ask him now 04:05 dholbach kbrooks: calm yourself 04:05 JaneW mdz: do we know any details of new sprint dates yet? 04:05 BenC mdz: delayed, or change of priorities in the sprint? 04:05 Kamion kbrooks: this is not the place. Please refrain from deliberately disrupting our meeting. 04:05 Riddell pitti: sure, it wouldn't make things any worse certainly 04:05 mdz BenC: will be rescheduled 04:05 JaneW BenC: I asked sabdfl and he said if Dapper is delayed the sprint will be delayed till after dapper is released 04:05 mdz JaneW: no, silbs and I were discussing it today 04:05 JaneW mdz: oh 04:06 mdz but yes, definitely after Dapper 04:06 mdz tentatively mid-June 04:06 infinity mdz: Which would put it pretty close to Spain, then. Is that also affected/changed? 04:06 mdz infinity: probably will be replaced 04:07 mdz or merged 04:07 JaneW well need to sort this out soon, so that all the leave plans can get figured out again etc 04:07 seb128 bah, after GUADEC was nice === infinity agrees with JaneW. 04:07 mdz JaneW: silbs is planning it 04:07 Kinnison mdz: Essentially the answer is "no" unless I can get everything done I need to before then 04:07 JaneW mdz: and the debain folk can still go to debconf? 04:07 infinity I was planning on leave around the conference, so I'd like to get some dates so I can put in requeusts and plan. :) 04:07 Kinnison mdz: We're very busy here and since they only have me for a week they're making heavy use of me 04:07 mdz seb128: yes...but we will already be short on time for dapper+1 and need to meet earlier 04:07 mdz Kinnison: right, I thought you were there next week rather than this week 04:07 mdz Kinnison: no worries 04:08 mdz JaneW: as planned 04:08 Kinnison mdz: nup, I'm back on distro next week :-) 04:08 mdz infinity: it'll go out to the lists as soon as it's finalized 04:08 infinity mdz: Excellent, danke. 04:08 infinity Are we through meeting, then? 04:08 mdz we have a backlog of bugs in Malone which no one has looked at yet 04:09 mdz i.e., bugs which aren't automatically CCed to anyone 04:09 mvo do we have a filter for "main" and "universe" now? 04:09 mdz traditionally I had trawled these, but it's grown so far beyond my available time that it's laughable 04:09 JaneW I will be bugging anypone with goald which are not yet marked 'Implemented' in the morning. Be warned. 04:09 Kamion is there a way to get a report of those? 04:09 infinity How do we find bugs without auto-CCs? 04:09 Kamion snap === seb128 tries to look quite often to new bug and grab desktopish one and reassign some 04:09 mdz seb128: yes, but you, too, are only one person ;-) 04:10 seb128 right 04:10 pitti I tried to in the past, but the flood of universe bugs makes tracking ubuntu-bugs almost impossible 04:10 Keybuk there's no main/universe filter that I'm aware of 04:10 pitti or, at least, needs too much time 04:10 mdz Kamion: was talking with kiko about that yesterday, will see what can be done 04:10 Keybuk I was told that that query is damned hard in Launchpad, and would take minutes to run 04:10 mdz for now, ubuntu-bugs is a good start 04:10 mdz mvo: not yet, but it's on the whiteboard next to me as a target for the LP sprint 04:11 mvo Keybuk: maybe it would be possible to generate a static page for this (as a workaround)? 04:11 Kinnison Keybuk: pardon? minutes? 04:11 mdz mvo: kiko said it wouldn't be too hard 04:11 sivang seb128: please CC me on g-s-t stuff that goes through you , I'll start taking look at them when I've finished with HUB. 04:11 seb128 no human is able to keep up with ubuntu-bugs traffic 04:11 Kamion Keybuk: you mean the main/universe filter would take minutes? 04:11 seb128 sivang: you know, you can subscribe to a package 04:11 Keybuk Kamion: yeh 04:11 Kamion I look at subject lines of about half the new bugs, randomly Kinnison: if you could poke a bit for us at the sprint about getting 04:11 mdz the report we need (bugs that no developer has looked at yet), that would be a great help 04:11 Keybuk Kinnison: cross-referencing all bug reports against component 04:11 mdz Kinnison: I didn't get that onto the original list 04:12 sivang seb128: oh right, will do :) 04:12 Kamion Keybuk: it could be done more easily as an X-Launchpad-Bug thing when mails go out, though, couldn't it? 04:12 Kinnison mdz: If you can produce a list of the queries we're interested in I will sit with brad and help him work out how to do it 04:12 Kamion that's simple, "is this bug filed on a package in main or universe" 04:12 Keybuk Kamion: that assumes you have every ubuntu-bugs e-mail in your mailbox ready to be filtered 04:12 Kamion I do. HAND. :-) 04:12 Keybuk Kamion: I was talking about getting a page of bug links for mass-triage purposes 04:12 seb128 Keybuk: would be nice Kinnison: in addition to "display only bugs in main" functionality 04:13 mdz (which is on the list already), we need a report which shows us bugs we haven't touched yet 04:13 Kamion actually, we already have component=main in X-Launchpad-Bug 04:13 Keybuk Kamion: we do, yes 04:13 Kamion right, might start procmailing on that then 04:13 Keybuk if you have ubuntu-bugs, the headers are useful 04:13 mdz yes, I filter on that for ubuntu-bugs === Keybuk gave up with ubuntu-bugs, it was just too much traffic 04:13 mdz there are other useful bits in the headers as well 04:13 mdz we need to wrap up here 04:13 Kinnison mdz: seriously I have no context as to what this is "in addition to" and I have only very patchy IRCness currently 04:13 pitti cool, /me will adjust his procmail settings for that 04:14 Keybuk mdz: release schedule 04:14 Kinnison mdz: mail it to me :-) 04:14 mdz revised release schedule is up here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseSchedule/Slewed 04:14 Kamion release delay is NOT AN EXCUSE for new features 04:14 mdz Kamion++ 04:14 Kamion i.e. we're still in feature freeze 04:14 mdz Kinnison: please read the log; you should know what was said here anyway 04:14 Kinnison okay, but it's gonna be tonight before I have time to trawl the log 04:15 mdz Kinnison: no problem 04:15 Kinnison okay 04:15 mdz thanks, everyone 04:15 mdz adjourned }}}