## page was renamed from MeetingLogs/Accessibility 2006-02-15 == Summary == 1. Live CD boot parameters. See: Accessibility/LiveCDsettings 1. Updating Accessibility/Documentation for Dapper 1. Writing a quick intoduction to Ubuntu AT (describing the features on the Live CD and how to upgrade) 1. Live CD testing -- UbuntuExpress should be ready for testing this week. == Log == {{{ 08:05 TheMuso Do you know whether anybody else is coming? 08:05 heno No. Anybody here? :) 08:06 heno we might be able to catch dholbach 08:06 dholbach hello 08:06 Seveas don't drop him 08:07 dholbach i thought the meeting was thursday :) 08:07 heno Jason was writing on the list earlier today. What's his nick? 08:07 heno dholbach: it's thursday fror TheMuso 08:07 TheMuso jgrieves I think, but he is not currently online. 08:08 heno ah, ok. well, we can keep it short 08:08 TheMuso At approx 6:10 AM. :) 08:08 heno I think things are comming together fairly well, technically 08:09 dholbach sorry, was just on the phone 08:09 heno we even have an agenda: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Accessibility/Team/MeetingAgenda 08:09 dholbach rock n roll! :) 08:10 dholbach i suppose it's too late for jsgotangco :) 08:10 heno I keep pushing on about the Live CD, but I think it's very important 08:10 dholbach (tried to remember who else attended our meetings the last times) 08:10 TheMuso mhz, kjcole I think it was. 08:10 dholbach heno: I think it'S important as well. 08:10 dholbach TheMuso: right. 08:11 heno It's the main vehicle for distribution now, and so it's 100% mainstream 08:11 heno (to the extent Linux is mainstream ...) === mruiz [n=mruiz@www.3ie.cl] has joined #ubuntu-meeting === TheMuso is burning the latest daily atm. 08:11 heno I think if we get this one right we will attract lots of users and contributors for the next cycle === mvo [n=egon@p54A64D4A.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 08:12 TheMuso I agree. 08:12 heno It may not be scratching each of our personal itches perfectly, but I think strategically is is key 08:12 dholbach I just had a look at the LiveCD page, what is the flite reader? 08:13 dholbach Oh, I never realized we had that one. 08:13 heno dholbach: we had to go with flite instead of Festival due to disc space === lucasd [n=lucas@ubuntu/member/lucasd] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 08:13 heno 8mb vs 40mb 08:13 dholbach Right. :-) 08:13 TheMuso Flite is an alternate speech synthesizer which is smaller than festival. However, it can not be used with gnopernicus and gnome-speech at this time, unless someone writes a driver for it. 08:14 TheMuso Unless there is something I don't know about. 08:14 heno TheMuso: really? gah! it doesn't work with gnopernicus? 08:14 heno that's bad news 08:14 TheMuso No. There is no flite driver in gnome-speech. 08:14 TheMuso We could get it to work if we were to add the latest speech-dispatcher release, as well as the speech-dispatcher gnome-speech driver, which could use flite that way. 08:15 heno And I assume it's not a 2-day job 08:15 dholbach I keep trying on getting gnome-orca in, but python-at-spi didn't hit the archive yet. :/ 08:15 TheMuso No, I certainly don't hink so, as the gnome-speech drivers are not very simple. 08:16 TheMuso dholbach: Maybe were should leave that for another release, as it is still being developed, and IMO it needs a better user interface before it can be considered an option. 08:16 dholbach Althought I'm not sure, how much better orca would be or if it'd do the job we wanted it to. 08:16 dholbach TheMuso: ok. 08:16 heno So, that's a fly in the ointment. How big are the speech dispatcher things? 08:16 dholbach TheMuso: I'll still try to get it in, it can't hurt to have it in Universe and people testing it. 08:17 TheMuso dholbach: True. 08:17 heno Orca is the future I guess though. So Dapper+1 should be good 08:17 TheMuso heno: Speech dispatcher is not very big as far as I know, but we need the 0.6 branch, as well as the gnome-speech driver, which as far as I know, should be in GNOME CVS. 08:17 dholbach TheMuso: On the NewSoftware page you pointed out you were working on some other packages - do you want me to look at those? 08:18 TheMuso ? 08:18 Mithrandir heno: can we touch bases at some point wrt accessability and the live cd? I know I should do something to enable it, but I can't remember what. 08:18 heno so it might be fairly instable stuff, and it's getting late in the cycle ... 08:18 TheMuso dholbach: Packages? 08:18 TheMuso heno: Yeah. 08:18 TheMuso I know. 08:18 dholbach TheMuso: wiki.ubuntu.com/Accessibility/NewSoftware 08:19 heno Mithrandir: sure. Press F4 for a start 08:19 dholbach TheMuso: "Speech Dispatcher" and "gnome-speech driver for speech-dispatcher" 08:19 Mithrandir heno: tomorrow, possibly? 08:20 TheMuso Yeah I see it. Trouble is, that the newer driver is probably in GNOME cvs now. 08:20 heno Mithrandir: sure that'd be good 08:20 dholbach TheMuso: which gnome module is that? 08:20 TheMuso gnome-speech 08:20 heno btw, there is a screenshot here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GreatFeaturesOfUbuntu?action=AttachFile&do=view&target=AT-boot-menu.png 08:20 dholbach TheMuso: i make a note to look at it 08:21 TheMuso dholbach: I am going to check the latest gnome-speech source in dapper as well, and then check CVS. 08:21 dholbach TheMuso: cool 08:23 heno So, you guys who know this better TheMuso, dholbach what are the chances we can get a screen reader working on the CD for dapper? 08:23 dholbach I'll try to have a look at the other packages on NewSoftware too, because we'll have to have them in for Feature Freeze (Feb 23rd) 08:23 heno Do we need a backup plan? heno: I am thinking we might, because there is a chance that others won't agree in firstly 08:24 TheMuso pushing a new release of a universe package up to main, and then requesting the addition of what seems to be only CVS code at the moment. 08:24 dholbach What are screen reader alternatives we have? 08:25 TheMuso For GNOME, none really. It is the gnome-speech package that is giving us these problems at the moment. 08:26 TheMuso dholbach: I am just checking gnome-speech out of CVS now. 08:26 TheMuso As it is not in the latest dapper package. 08:26 heno The good new is that if the software isn't perfect it doesn't affect a large number of people 08:26 mjg59 Fixing gnome-speech to use a sensible TTS would also help dasher 08:26 TheMuso There is a chance that the GNOME devs may hold off including it in gnome-speech for a while anyway. 08:26 heno if you see what I mean. It's not the kernel 08:26 TheMuso I know what you mean. We will still certainly be able to fulfill the other profiles. 08:26 heno mjg59: so you will help :) ? 08:26 TheMuso dholbach: What is the story on the XDamage extension bug for gnome-mag that I submitted? 08:27 TheMuso I don't remember seeing anything about it being added. 08:27 mjg59 We're not bound by upstream decisions. If there's a compelling functionality reason to include unreleased upstream code, we should do so 08:27 mjg59 heno: I'm short on time right now, I'm afraid 08:27 dholbach TheMuso: The problem was, that for some video drivers it made gnome-mag completely unusable 08:27 mjg59 (And have to go for food now, back later) 08:27 dholbach TheMuso: i can check it with a new version again 08:28 dholbach TheMuso: daniels said that it surely might be an X problem 08:28 TheMuso dholbach: That might be a good idea, as it makes it work much better. 08:28 dholbach Ok 08:28 dholbach I'll do that 08:29 TheMuso Looks like the speech-dispatcher driver is indeed in CVS. === jbailey [n=jbailey@modemcable139.249-203-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu-meeting === TheMuso is checking out new live CD now. 08:29 dholbach TheMuso: that sounds promising 08:29 dholbach hi jbailey :) 08:30 jbailey =) 08:30 jbailey Sorry I'm late. =) OK, so in reference to this page: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Accessibility/LiveCDsettings that 08:30 heno means there there is still full uncertainty about #3, but we should be able to settle the other 5 quite easily 08:30 heno jbailey: hi :) 08:30 TheMuso heno: That sounds about right,. 08:31 heno So in my last testing of the Live CD it didn't actually do any AT stuff 08:31 TheMuso Right. 08:32 heno that depends on us completing that page and communicating it to Kamion 08:33 heno Shall we skip to point #3? 08:33 heno It's related to the CD 08:33 heno It would be helpful to have some introductory info on it 08:33 heno for those who are using these features 08:33 TheMuso heno: I also think we need something about just what is possible with the accessibility tools, as there will be people who haven't used them before. 08:34 heno I've made a start here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Accessibility/doc/Intro 08:34 dholbach heno: a "start"! That looks good! :-) 08:35 heno right. I think it should be clearly divided though into 'What is currently available on the CD you are using" 08:35 heno and "What can be istalled later" 08:35 TheMuso Yeah. 08:35 dholbach yeah, that sounds good 08:35 dholbach heno: you think we should talk to the doc team to get this into ubuntu-docs as well? 08:35 TheMuso One thing I am not sure about in relation to flite, is whether flite itself is multilingual. 08:35 TheMuso ...I don't think it is, but I could be wrong. 08:35 heno dholbach: That's probably a good idea 08:36 heno TheMuso: AFAIK it's not 08:36 TheMuso I understand about size, but how will that help non-english speakers while installing? 08:36 heno https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Accessibility/doc/Guide is much more detailed, but also needs more work 08:37 heno it needs to be updated for dapper and fleshed out 08:37 heno that is where doc vteam help would be most useful 08:37 dholbach I'll talk to mdke about it 08:38 heno How many languages does festival have? 8-10? 08:38 TheMuso I don't know, but it has more than flite does. 08:39 heno how well do the speech engines read out other languages? Can it be grokked at all? 08:39 heno Sounds like that would need to go on a DVD? 08:40 TheMuso heno: I don't know, as I have had no reason to use other languages. 08:40 dholbach American English, British English, Italian, Castilian Spanish, general multi-lingual speech synthesis judging by apt-cache search festival 08:41 heno It is a problem, but we have to start somewhere. Operating systems need to improve on both AT and translations 08:41 TheMuso Yeah true. 08:41 dholbach Yeah. 08:41 heno but I think including what we have is what we have to do 08:42 heno we could try to make a case for the 40mb Festival of course 08:42 heno but I'm not very optimistic === dholbach neither. 08:42 TheMuso Thats understandable. 08:43 heno Of course with our own live derivative we can put whatever we want on there 08:43 dholbach at least it'll be on the DVD 08:43 heno That would be extremely easy 08:43 dholbach althought that's not going to be available via shipit 08:44 TheMuso heno: I have a few ideas for the derivative as it is. 08:44 heno just dump some WinFOSS and add Festival 08:44 heno TheMuso: cool 08:45 heno I think it's important to keep in mind that people like Kamion are spending time on this because vit's going into the main version 08:45 TheMuso Yeah 08:45 heno which makes for great features that we can then easily use other places 08:46 heno So a minimal offering may not be a bad thing i the overall picture 08:46 heno because the infrastructure gets put in place 08:47 dholbach I just had a look at "Live CD Testing" 08:47 dholbach do we have kind of a Test Plan? 08:48 heno dholbach: not explicitly, no 08:48 heno weneed to test each of those 6 features on the CD 08:48 dholbach If we had at least some things we want people to look at, I'd link it from http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing 08:49 heno we've been testing the actual apps on installed dapper systems so far 08:49 dholbach I'll forward your gok bug to upstream later. :) 08:49 heno OK, so: fire up the CD 6 times, and see if it does ABC ... 08:50 heno dholbach: did you confirm it? 08:50 TheMuso We may have to wait until the CD is more stable to do testing. I can't boot it atm. It freezes during bootup. === mruiz [n=mruiz@www.3ie.cl] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 08:50 heno dholbach: is it a gok or gnome bug? 08:50 dholbach heno: it did work for me - so I asked you back for the versions 08:50 dholbach heno: I think it'd important to get in touch with upstream asap about it. 08:50 heno dholbach: yep. I'll fit it in thanks. Latest dapper though 08:50 dholbach heno: so they'll tell us, what to test next 08:51 dholbach heno: ah ok, that suffices 08:51 heno TheMuso: hm. I guess fligh4 should be better 08:51 heno expected vthis week 08:51 TheMuso Is that due any time soon? 08:51 dholbach yes 08:51 TheMuso Ah right. 08:51 dholbach although there's no fixed date i know of 08:52 heno I'll write a simple testing plan page before then 08:52 dholbach heno: That's great 08:52 heno (unless it's in a few hours ...) 08:52 dholbach heno: I already added Testing/ to the dapper flight 4 announce, I'll make a special note about a11y additionally 08:53 heno yay! === Toadstool [n=jcorbier@maisel-gw.enst-bretagne.fr] has joined #ubuntu-meeting 08:53 heno I've added it to the flight4 info page as well and Great Features of Ubuntu 08:53 dholbach Cool. :-) 08:53 heno so it should feature on the flash demo if that gets made 08:54 heno Right. So I think we've covered some good ground 08:55 dholbach Just to check back: is there any other software I should have a look in and package? 08:55 heno there is quite a bit of stuff we should catch up on amongst ourselves, by ML, email, phone 08:55 dholbach You'd need to tell me before Feb 23rd. :-) 08:55 dholbach Yeah. 08:56 dholbach Thanks TheMuso and heno for your initiative and involvement. 08:56 heno so that means completing this page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Accessibility/LiveCDsettings is quite urgent 08:56 heno dholbach: thanks for your involvement and packing! 08:57 TheMuso The profiles look good to me, it is just the speech implementation that could be sticky as far as I can see. 08:57 dholbach I didn't do much for the a11y team in the last days, but I'm very happy about our team - the amount of subscribers to the mailing lists is still rising, so there's a lot of interest 08:58 heno There is still some work to be done in identifying the right config settings in the various files 08:58 TheMuso heno: Yeah true. 08:59 dholbach We're 35 people on the ML. 08:59 raphink still one minute to get here 08:59 heno dholbach: what's the best way to track down config flags? 08:59 raphink :) 08:59 raphink yeah 08:59 dholbach heno: config flags like what? 08:59 TheMuso heno: Do you mean gconf? 08:59 dholbach heno, TheMuso: maybe we should move to #ubuntu-accessibility 08:59 heno ok 08:59 TheMuso Fine by me. }}} CategoryAccessibilityTeam