
Revision 8 as of 2007-05-25 04:33:58

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Contact Information

Mariano Mara (marplatense)

Where in the world: Córdoba, Argentina

Email: MailTo(mmara AT SPAMFREE fibertel DOT


Ubuntu Forums:

IRC: marianom @, channels: #ubuntu-ar, #bzr, #ubuntuforums

  • marplatense @, channel: #grulic

Ubuntu Contribution

* I'm using Ubuntu since Dapper. I have previous experience with GNU/Linux as server administrator but I decided to be an active member of Ubuntu community because of the amazing people you can find here.

* I'm currently contributing as moderator in the Argentina Team's subforum in the UbuntuForums. We have the most active LoCo Team forum over there and, since I need to be sure the CoC and the forum's rules are always observed, I read every post.

* I'm moderating our irc channel (#ubuntu-ar): we have a little group there all day long. They're really nice people so it's a pleasure to hang there.

* I'm one of Argentina's Loco Mailing list administrator: I perform the common tasks: reject spam, check that everybody is following the CoC, help users when they have trouble with the mailing list, etc.

* I also get the messages people send to the contact form in out Loco Team Site: I welcome them, help with their questions, introduce them to our communication's channels, forward their messages to our mailing list and everything I can just to be sure newcomers find the great Argentinean community Ubuntu has to offer.

* I'm member of launchpad beta testing team.

* I'm a member of Ubuntu Support Team and I try to help people with their doubts: you can check my activity in Launchpad's Answers. I think that there's a lot of action going on over there and all volunteers are giving their best to answer every question, however I wish it become a more organized team: there's a long way to walk but I think we are on the right path.

* I'm helping with translations whenever I can: right now my main focus is getting bzr fully translated to castilian: I translated the Bazaar Configuration GUI utility an I'm waiting to translate Olive and bzr. Hope this can be done really soon. I'm using bzr at work and it's amazing.



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