
Differences between revisions 1 and 2
Revision 1 as of 2007-04-30 13:40:48
Size: 520
Editor: p548AD2BF
Revision 2 as of 2007-04-30 13:50:59
Size: 1061
Editor: p548AD2BF
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Currently keeping an LTSP client chroot up to date or upgradint it to the next version requires commandline tasks from the adiminstrator. This spec shall define a way to integrate update management with the provided distro tools (for a start only integration with the gnome update manager will be discussed, but a kubuntu solution should be kept in mind while defining the implementation). Beyond security update management also dist-upgrader integration should take place so the client chroot gets upgraded to a new release automatically.


Currently keeping an LTSP client chroot up to date or upgradint it to the next version requires commandline tasks from the adiminstrator. This spec shall define a way to integrate update management with the provided distro tools (for a start only integration with the gnome update manager will be discussed, but a kubuntu solution should be kept in mind while defining the implementation). Beyond security update management also dist-upgrader integration should take place so the client chroot gets upgraded to a new release automatically.


Use Cases





Scope and Use Cases

Implementation Plan


Outstanding Issues

BoF agenda and discussion


LtspUpdateManagerIntegration (last edited 2009-07-24 03:07:22 by 201)