Ubuntu LoCo HOWTO

打造 LoCo 團隊是令人振奮、值得挑戰、充滿回報的體驗。有了成功的 LoCo 團隊,你就有能量在你所在區域進一步推廣 Ubuntu 並發展,讓更多人使用 GNU+Linux 和自由軟體。

雖然是從頭開始,設立 LoCo 團隊看起來卻很簡單,過程中真正有挑戰、困難的地方通常是要讓團隊成功上路並持續運作。LoCo 團隊的運作不只需要驅使他人加入團隊的溝通互動技巧,還需要有能力激勵團隊成員向前邁進、張羅和組織事務、必要時解決發生的衝突等。設立和領導 LoCo 團隊並非只是湊一些人,然後告訴大家要做什麼而已 ─ 更重要的是構築出一個能激勵大家來做大事的群體。


當你決定要在你的地區建立 LoCo 團隊時,你應該要先決定團隊的明確地域範圍。在你繼續下一步之前,請先看一下同個地區是不是已經有成立團隊了。請見 完整 LoCo 團隊清單,並查看是否你的所在地區有其他團隊了。

一般來說 LoCo 團隊的地區涵蓋範圍都很大。所以,就拿 UK LoCo Team,即英國 LoCo 團隊來說,整個國家都包在一個群體中。這是因為英國並不是一個很大的國家。即使只有一個英國團隊,同個國家下還是可以有更小型一點的區域會議,但全都落在 UK LoCo Team 的管轄之下。至於領土較大的國家,例如以美國 USA 而言,通常會以州 (State) 為單位有不同的 LoCo 團隊 ─ 因為國家範圍較大(聯邦式國家)以致於必須有多個 LoCo 團隊。

各個 LoCo 團隊都致力於支持所有的 Ubuntu/Kubuntu/Edubuntu 等官方分支版本。如果你想要單獨為某個分支版設立專門小組,你應該將之設立在既有的 ubuntu-* 團隊之下。

每個團隊都需要至少一位「團隊聯絡人」(Team Contact),他們是介於全球性 Ubuntu 社群和地方性團隊之間的溝通橋樑。請見 LoCoTeamContact 頁面瞭解詳細狀況。



請閱讀 LoCoTeamRegions 瞭解團隊的命名原則。



要讓團隊成功運行的重點事項之一,就是要確保人們可以 (壹) 參與其中、(貳) 彼此溝通。這需要一些團隊資源才能達成,我們接下來會討論如何設置並運行。


IRC 頻道

IRC 是讓團隊能即時討論群組事務的好方法。你應該在 freenode IRC 網路上註冊一個對應頻道:

  1. 在 freenode 上註冊你的暱稱

  2. 開設頻道 (請依據 頻道命名規約 命名)

  3. 請確保 頻道協調管理 工作盡可能簡單。

如果你想要紀錄頻道內容,我們都建議 IRC 會議要紀錄下來,你應該聯絡 ubuntu-EU 管理團隊 (信箱是 admin@ubuntu-eu.org) 來取得 LoCoBot (一隻 irc.freenode.org 上的機器人)。請他們將你的頻道加到列表中。

其他 IRC 資源:


ScribesTeam (#ubuntu-scribes on freenode) 是致力於讓您的會議紀錄讓一般社群大眾更易明瞭的團隊。當您即將有會議時,請見 https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScribesTeam/SubmitMeeting 以便製作會議摘要。

該團隊也有隻機器人可以紀錄頻道來讓摘要作業變得更簡單,並取得更佳的成果。請和 ChrisOattes 聯絡來讓 MootBot 加入您的頻道。


When starting your team, we recommend you create a page on wiki.ubuntu.com which can act as your homepage. See the excellent Massachusetts Team page for an example a great looking page. Ensure you use a sensible name for the page such as http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UKTeam for the UK team or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AustralianTeam for the Australian team. For United States Teams, please use the full state name, and not the two-character state code (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KentuckyTeam for the Kentucky Team).

The aim of the wiki is to store details about the LoCo group and the different aspects of the group. Feel free to add a number of pages to spread your content out.

Your wiki homepage should have the following details:

It's not a good idea to translate Ubuntu's Wiki pages directly into other languages, because they change often.

We have registered a common set of domain names (ubuntu-CC.org) so that people can find their local resources quickly. When starting a new team it is recommended to redirect the domain to your wiki page. For those communities which don't map easily to country or language codes, we will of course set up additional domains.

When the team is fully active and up and running, it may make sense to move away from the wiki and set up a dedicated website. See LoCoCreatingWebsite for details on hosting options and how to get started. Only fully active teams are recommended to set up a dedicated website - new teams should use wiki.ubuntu.com until fully up and running.


Ubuntu Forums has offered to host LoCo forums, see LoCoCreatingForum for more information. If you wish to create seperate forums, see the ubuntu-es.org forum as a great example of Drupal technology. If you plan to set up your own site, please contact trademarks@ubuntulinux.org before registering a domain.

You should have your full state name or country name in the url for the forums, as to be clear and distinct for the community. If using Ubuntuforms for your subforum hosting, please provide either your full country name or full U.S. state name in the url (http://georgia.ubuntuforums.org for the GeorgiaTeam).

翻譯 (Rosetta 平臺)

各團隊協調翻譯工作的最佳方式就是採用 Rosetta 平臺,它是一種網路翻譯的入口站。請查看 https://launchpad.ubuntu.com/rosetta 上的內容;並且如果想要設置你的語言,或是申請新翻譯項目時,請和 DafyddHarries 聯絡。

讓團隊列在 LoCo Team Portal 中

LoCo Team PortalLoCo 團隊之間分享消息的新社群工具。若要讓您的新團隊列在 LoCo Team Portal 中,請確定您的團隊已是 Launchpad 平臺上的 Ubuntu Local Community Teams 的團隊成員。LoCo Team Portal 應該會自動處理剩下的事,並分享您的團隊資訊。若想深入瞭解 LoCo Team Portal,請參考它的 about 頁面


群組的經營雖充滿挑戰但有趣,若要有效經營,您必須確保營造出開放的氣氛,不要試著用單一的處世思維管理社群。參與 LoCo 團隊的人都是志工,每個人都覺得能幫上什麼忙。經營團隊不只涉及協助領導讓團隊向前邁進,更要解決問題、關照新成員、鼓勵既有成員、協助讓群組中的大家能保持熱情並覺得有興趣。


領導權一直是備受爭議的議題。有些團隊即使沒有正式的領導者也能良好運作;有些團隊則會遴選他們的領導者;其餘團隊還找不出適合他們團隊的組織架構。最重要的事情是團隊整體必須能對目前的團隊領導狀況覺得安適、Ubuntu 社群議會(Community Council)能對該團隊可擔負責任成為整體 Ubuntu 社群中一份子而感到高興。

有時候,能創立 LoCo 團隊並帶領團隊起飛的「對的人」,不見得同時也是團隊持續成長超過特定規模後適合管理團隊的「對的人」。我們提請 LoCo 團隊要隨著團隊成長,持續關注對適當領導的需求。

您可以在 LoCoTeamLeader 頁面上找到更多相關資訊。


LoCo 團隊是整體 Ubuntu 社群中的重要專案,因此您的團隊應該提供非常簡要的每月摘要報告,描述該團隊所主辦之所有活動。這些報告對於構成 Ubuntu 社群之不同團隊間的溝通交流而言很有用處。

若想瞭解更多團隊報告的相關內容,請參見 BuildingCommunity/TeamReporting


每個 LoCo 團隊偶爾都會遇到一些問題,而那些遇到非瑣事議題的所有成員都應該遵照 LoCoResolvingProblems 頁面上的建議處理。


In the vast majority of countries the country is geographically too large for there to be a single meeting that everyone can attend. With this in mind, we really recommend that regional meetings are organised. These regional sub-groups are organised so that it is geographically easier for people to attend the meetings. These sub-groups can also advocate Ubuntu to people in that specific area.

Importantly, all regional groups should be a part of the bigger Loco team. So as an example, the Northwest regional team in the UK team should be part of ubuntu-uk. As such, everyone is in the same larger LoCo team (e.g. ubuntu-uk) but certain groups of members are in regional sub-groups.

It is recommended that you have a 'Meetings' page on your wiki pages in which members can create regional meeting pages with details of where and when people will meet.

你的 LoCo 團隊可以做的事

LoCo 團隊主要功能在於執行有趣的事務,包括推廣、教育、支援、翻譯、或其他事項等。您應該隨時要有些事情可以讓成員參與,並試圖整理出一份有各種不同領域的事務清單列表,方便讓任何有興趣的人都能投入。後面列出一些可行的建議。

讓你的 LoCo 團隊和地方的 GLUG (GNU/Liunx 使用者群組) 一同合作

LoCo teams that get involved with their area GLUG groups expand their base and garner goodwill in the open source community. GLUGs need help and we can give it, and we can do it in a way that will further promote Ubuntu. GLUGs are non specific of distros usually, but they have a desire to promote open source computing. They generally lack the resources, and organizational skills of the LoCos, and that is where we can be most effective. Co-hosting events such as release parties and installfest allows both groups to pool their expertise for a more effective result. Just because it's a co-hosted event doesn't mean we can't advocate for Ubuntu, it just means we can do it better. Some events to consider are release parties and installfest. See LoCoWorkingWithOtherGroups


Digital Freedom,以及 GNU/Linux、Ubuntu、自由軟體,和 自由格式等,仍亟需大量行動表達。ActivismGuide 指南能協助您遊說政府、取得媒體和出版業關注、影響公司機構……等。

推廣 Ubuntu

Computer-related fairs and exhibitions can certainly benefit from an Ubuntu presence! The LoCoComputerFairHowto suggests ways to organize a booth, volunteer staffing, et al. Canonical can help with CDs, and in the future hope to have a conference pack with posters and related materials.

Release Parties held after each Ubuntu release is a great way to share with others! The LoCoRunningReleaseParty describes how a release party works, how to prepare for it, how to plan it. A release party is a great way to celebrate Ubuntu.

Another possibility for advocacy is to help ensure that Ubuntu gets coverage in your regional press. There are Linux magazines all over the world that highlight and review distributions in every issue, sometimes even distributing CDs. Help us get Ubuntu in the magazines you read! Those magazines also sometimes want to interview local people who are using the distribution - share your success stories.

UbuntuFriendlyHardwareSuppliers describes how you can organize contacting and listing PC suppliers in your area, asking if they supply Ubuntu friendly (or even preinstalled!) hardware.

Find out about more LoCo Team Activities in the LoCoTeamKnowledgeBase


若想納入您的國家象徵和語言特定的相關處理等,最簡單的方法就是在主要 Ubuntu 散佈版中打造一個對應的軟體包,但我們同時也鼓勵大家創制自己的 Ubuntu 版本。和大多數散佈版不同,我們有些工具可以方便您處理客製版。我們絕對樂意讓各個國家的團隊改動 Ubuntu 的任何層面,包括名稱、品牌和(吸一口氣並繼續說)桌面的配色方案。您可以自行修改並更新成您覺得合適的樣子。

專門 LoCo 團隊

Edubuntu 和 Kubuntu 兩者都有大量的推廣者和使用者,我們也歡迎您設置「專門」的、對應 Ubuntu 家族中特定散佈版的 LoCo 團隊。我們非常需要互相交疊的 LoCo 團隊間有最高等級的協同合作,因此請確定您明瞭其他 LoCo 團隊設立的目的,並且找出和他們合作的方式。

Ubuntu 散佈點

也許讓每個國家都有個地區 CD 散佈站來收取寄運的 CD 是個好作法,這樣能讓 shipit 系統減輕一些負擔;我們甚至可以讓各地區自己在當地製作 CD,好省下一些運費。



我們很樂意納入專屬的地方象徵、桌面映像檔,或其他特定社群專屬的其他文件等。您可以在 CommunityCouncilAgenda 中隨時發起。然而,我們不會處理爭議性的國家相關象徵,例如具爭議的領土範圍宣告這類。這類事務還請參考「衍生散佈版」。


LocalCustomisation 頁面描寫自訂當地 Ubuntu 版本的客製化方法。


最重要的事情之一,就是要讓最適合您語言和字集的「輸入法」能夠正常運作。將這項資訊加到您的網站或 wiki 中方便您語言的使用者參考,如果主要 ubuntu 散佈版中還需要更新一些地方才能讓它良好運作,請不吝讓我們知道。我們非常樂意加入其他輸入法以方便支援所有語言的使用者。這項事務的相關最佳聯絡人是 BenjaminMakoHill


Ubuntu LoCo 團隊概分成兩類:

To become approved you should first decide upon a team contact for the team. This person will act as a point of contact between the team and the rest of the Ubuntu project. This person does not necessarily need to be a leader, but just someone who is happy to act as a point of contact for the team. For more details on becoming a team contact, see the LoCoTeamContact page. Importantly, the contact should become a member of the loco-contacts mailing list. Check the ideas and good-practice information from other teams, on the LoCoTeamRunning page.

若想取得認證,請參考 LoCoGettingApproved ,以及 FAQ 問答集 中的 Approval Process 問題。




LoCoTeamHowto/zh-tw (last edited 2017-01-14 16:06:23 by localhost)