Resolving LoCo Problems


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Although the vast majority of LoCo teams run smoothly and resolve conflict and issues internally, occasionally problems can occur with a team. To resolve these issues, you should follow three core steps - first resolving it privately, then publicly, and then if all else fails, getting in touch with Jono Bacon, the Ubuntu Community Manager.

This document identifies the kind of things you should do to try to resolve a complaint about a team. Before you even think about filing a complaint, we really encourage that you try to resolve issues with the team internally. This helps reduce the number of complaints and also helps to get issues solved as quickly as possible.

Remember, always observe the Code of Conduct when dealing with problems. There is never an excuse for rude, impolite, offensive discussion - always keep discussion fair, honest and on-topic.

Step 1: Resolving issues directly

We always recommend that you try to resolve issues directly with the people who you believe to be problematic. Follow these steps:

If these steps fail, move on to Step 2.

Step 2: Resolving issues publicly

If the problem cannot be resolved privately, it needs to be discussed publicly. You should only ever discuss issues publicly if the issue is suitable for public discussion. Never discuss issues publicly about sensitive or private information.

Follow these steps:

Hopefully the issue should be resolved by now. Ensure you are diplomatic and try to solve the core issues, always attempting to make progress. Remember, solving problems is about negotiation and reasoning - both sides will need to make compromises.

If you get this far and still have not resolved the issue, follow to Step 3.

Step 3: Reporting the issue externally

If you are considering this step, you should have spent an exhaustive amount of time trying to resolve the issue with the steps above. This step is an absolute last resort and should be used very rarely.

In this step you should contact the LoCo Council, add your issue to the LoCoCouncilAgenda for the next LoCo Council meeting.

You should add the following informations to the LoCo Council Agenda:

Private issues can be handled at the LoCo Council Mailinglist under The archive of this mailinglist is not public so that your privacy is maintained.


LoCoResolvingProblems (last edited 2009-02-12 08:52:47 by i59F761DF)