Agenda from the Meeting:





Topics Discussed




[20:55] <paultag> sorry I'm late, guys
[20:55] <paultag> Oh wait, I'm not
[20:55] <paultag> I think this is the first meeting I've been on-time for.
[20:56] <czajkowski> paultag: you're early you special lad!
[20:56] <pleia2> just a reflex to apologize for being late? :)
[20:56] <paultag> pleia2: yeah!
[20:56] <czajkowski> not sure the others may remember though.. no mail was sent out till um about 4 mins ago
[20:57] <leogg> thank you for the reminder czajkowski :)
[20:58] <czajkowski> not sure we actualy have a meeting tbh folks
[20:58] <czajkowski> one thing on the agenda
[20:58] <czajkowski> and that was dealt with via email
[20:58] <pleia2> thank you for all your awesome work, loco council! :)
[20:58] <paultag> pleia2: :)
[20:59] <leogg> pleia2: :)
[20:59] <czajkowski> :)
[20:59] <popey> o/
[21:00] <paultag> Well, since we're all here
[21:00] <paultag> anyone have anything to say?
[21:00] <czajkowski> II've mailed team re re approvals
[21:01] <czajkowski> this cycle we only have a few
[21:01] <czajkowski>    so we could do with picking a few from early next cycle as that list is massve
[21:01] <czajkowski> just a thought...
[21:01] <czajkowski> also paultag mentioned about coming up with some policies to help teams which would be ideal given the last few months with helping teams
[21:01] <leogg> yes, that's a great idea
[21:02] <paultag> I can formalize a few of them. Do we have any kind of RFC process for loco-contacts?
[21:02] <czajkowski> we have the guidelines page which is great
[21:03] <czajkowski> but I am noticing a good few teams having issues and I'd love to do more to help
[21:03] <czajkowski> but it'd be nice if we had something written down so we can get it translated
[21:03] <paultag> +1
[21:04] <czajkowski> simple things like if you're struggling come to us we cna help, for team elections if you need mediate  perhaps have 2 or 3 leaders if you cant reach a vote or if the team is small
[21:04] <czajkowski> share the roles/tasks
[21:04] <czajkowski> but some teams go the other extrme and that I do worry as it seems to end up with them in lots of hassle
[21:04] <czajkowski> aka unapproved or inhouse fighting
[21:05] <huats> eveing everyone
[21:05] <paultag> 'lo huats
[21:05] <paultag> huats: just chatting, making use of this chance where we're all online
[21:05] <huats> oh realy ?
[21:06] <czajkowski> the facotid in here is helping btw
[21:06] <czajkowski> *factoid
[21:06] <huats> hello czajkowski
=== ian_brasil____ is now known as ian_brasil
[21:09] <czajkowski> leogg: paultag popey any comments?
[21:09] <czajkowski> if not I'm going to go back to dyingsick here!
[21:09] <paultag> czajkowski: hahaha
[21:09] <paultag> I have a comment --
[21:09] <paultag> If I can't dance, I don't want to be part of your revolution.
[21:09] <popey> nope
[21:10] <leogg> :)
[21:10] <paultag> Oh, on topic? this sounds great, and I think we should move forward with it
[21:10] <czajkowski> right love you and leave you all nn
[21:11] <paultag> night! I'll stay on if anyone comes about. Don't think we need logs or anything, aye?

LoCoCouncil/Agenda/20110118 (last edited 2011-06-16 01:40:42 by 94)