15:05:09 -!- itnet7_ [~itnet7@] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
15:05:09 [Users #ubuntu-meeting]
15:05:09 [ asanchez  ] [ FFEMTcJ  ] [ JanC       ] [ MenZa    ] [ Seveas    ] [ Yos] 
15:05:09 [ azzeddine ] [ Flare183 ] [ keffie_jayx] [ Pendulum1] [ tjfontaine] 
15:05:09 [ BunixTux  ] [ Hassan_NL] [ kindyroot  ] [ phanatic ] [ WaVeR     ] 
15:05:09 [ czajkowski] [ itnet7_  ] [ LjL        ] [ popey    ] [ weasel    ] 
15:05:09 -!- Irssi: #ubuntu-meeting: Total of 21 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 21 normal]
15:05:10 -!- Channel #ubuntu-meeting created Tue Dec 15 13:34:15 2009
15:05:10 -!- Irssi: Join to #ubuntu-meeting was synced in 1 secs
15:05:22 < azzeddine> السلام عليكم hello 
15:05:35 < keffie_jayx> :D
15:05:39 < itnet7_> finally 
15:05:41 < itnet7_> lol
15:05:45 < keffie_jayx> I hoping anyone could start :D
15:05:50 < WaVeR> Hello azzeddine 
15:05:51 < keffie_jayx> I need to run on the hour
15:05:56 < WaVeR> Hello folks
15:06:12 < czajkowski> keffie_jayx: your two items are up 
15:06:19 < keffie_jayx> Great
15:06:20 < kindyroot> Good evening, I'm Islam Abou El Ata and I'm here to represent the Ubuntu Morocco Team
15:06:31 < keffie_jayx> kindyroot:  awesome you could make it
15:06:35 < itnet7_> kindyroot: welcome and thanks!
15:06:49 < czajkowski> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MoroccanTeam/ApprovalApplication  
15:06:53 < czajkowski> is your application 
15:06:56 < kindyroot> thank you
15:07:01 < kindyroot>  The Ubuntu Moroccan Team was created more than two years ago and focuses mainly on organizing events, release parties and other coming-togethers.
15:07:33 -!- Amjahed [~Amjahed@dynamic.rabat2-111-236-12-196.wanamaroc.com] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
15:07:36 < kindyroot> another field where we put a lot of efforts is raising our gouvernement's awareness abbout opensource  software and open standards. 
15:07:45 < kindyroot> <czajkowski> yes exactly
15:08:09 < kindyroot> Our wikipage is : https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MoroccanTeam
15:08:21 < kindyroot> many of us are present here
15:08:46 < WaVeR> like Amjahed azzeddine  BunixTux  Hassan_NL  and me 
15:08:57 < kindyroot> WaVeR, Azzedine, Hassan_NL, BunixTux, and Amjahed
15:09:21 < WaVeR> ^^
15:09:49 < BunixTux> And more are joined use in our private channel
15:10:08 -!- Flannel [~flannel@cpe-66-74-197-104.san.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
15:10:10 < kindyroot> we think that we have come a long way already and that the time has come to bring our efforts to a higher level
15:10:40 < kindyroot> and seek official recognition from Ubuntu
15:10:50 < czajkowski> kindyroot: why have you stopped using launchpad for your mailing list and switched to Mailing lists managed by Moroccan LUGs  ?
15:11:09 < WaVeR> It was my decision czajkowski 
15:11:21 < WaVeR> I want to have something like all other team
15:11:21 < czajkowski> WaVeR: ok, why have you done the above so ?
15:11:24 < WaVeR> So I ask for it 
15:11:51 < czajkowski> WaVeR: I don't understand, most other teams are using launchpad?
15:12:09 < WaVeR> But there's functionality missing 
15:12:15 < JanC> actually no, most teams use ubuntu mailman
15:12:15 < WaVeR> Not yet approved like mailman 
15:12:23 < czajkowski> JanC: ok
15:13:16 < Flannel> czajkowski: Launchpad's mailing list functionality is pretty bad
15:13:19 < keffie_jayx> WaVeR: I woul suggest moving to the ubuntu hosted services in the near future
15:13:34 < keffie_jayx> it is not easy 
15:13:35 < kindyroot> I think it doesn't matter much as long as we have everyone in the same place ^^
15:13:38 < keffie_jayx> but consider it
15:13:44 < WaVeR> Why not. We should be official teamfirst ツ 
15:14:09 < keffie_jayx> kindyroot:  it does, in venezuela a lug and the Ubuntu LoCo Team in Venezuela fell out and we lost our mailing list ;)
15:14:09 < Hassan_NL> sure we'll  discuss this during our next team meating
15:14:10 < kindyroot> I think everyone would love to
15:14:21 < keffie_jayx> but take your time
15:14:26 < JanC> you don't need to be an officially approved team to get a list on lists.ubuntu.com
15:14:38 < keffie_jayx> you just need patience 
15:14:39 < keffie_jayx> :D
15:14:41 < kindyroot> keffie_jayx: I see
15:15:01 < WaVeR> JanC>  yep that's why I have asked to be moved to lists.ubuntu.com
15:15:01 < popey> you dont need patience any more
15:15:11 < popey> they're pretty quick now
15:15:17 < popey> and I know who to poke to make it happen :)
15:15:28 < popey> however, I don't think it's a massive issue
15:15:29 < kindyroot> perfect
15:15:30 < keffie_jayx> kindyroot:  there you go
15:15:41 < keffie_jayx> not eighter, just a suggestion
15:15:45 < popey> sure
15:15:57 < popey> I'm impressed with the events your team have organised/attended
15:16:06 < kindyroot> we will notify everyone as soon as it's ready
15:16:11 < azzeddine> popey, more to come 
15:16:36 < czajkowski> azzeddine: great to hear, are there any picturs of your events, looking at the links I can't see any 
15:16:37 < Hassan_NL> having the official loco team status will open more doors for us and allow us to do even more
15:16:44 < popey> some of the links are broken
15:17:11 < WaVeR> popey>  yep, but there's pictures of event on other links 
15:17:26 < kindyroot> many pictures fell unfortunately offline, I think I still have many of the software freedom day party
15:17:31 < azzeddine> czajkowski, unfortunately not at the moment 
15:17:39 < WaVeR> http://blog.asher256.com/gnu-linux-days-agadir-maroc-compte-rendu-bilan-interviews-conferences-ateliers/
15:17:45 < WaVeR> this one for example 
15:18:09 < kindyroot> I have some pics of an ubuntu install party from last year
15:18:11 < popey> tell me about that event WaVeR 
15:18:12 < kindyroot> 2 secs
15:18:29 < itnet7_> How many Ubuntu-ma members show when you attend events just on average?
15:18:32 < WaVeR> popey>  I was not on this event. ^^
15:18:48 < popey> anyone here who was?
15:18:54 < BunixTux> I was on the last Ubuntu party
15:19:01 < popey> BunixTux: what did you do at the party?
15:19:18 -!- phanatic [~phanatic@catv-80-99-179-52.catv.broadband.hu] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
15:19:31 < BunixTux> It's was organise whit the help one of our Sponsor, after the publication of the 8.10
15:19:32 < czajkowski> kindyroot: ok, I'll wait :)
15:19:52 < BunixTux> We began whit a presentation of ubuntu for the newbies
15:20:01 < kindyroot> BunixTux was in the install party of which I am looking up the photo gallery
15:20:21 < BunixTux> Yes Sure
15:20:49 < itnet7_> What kind of conferences are held monthly? Are they install fests? Presentations?
15:20:53 < czajkowski> WaVeR: how many people turn up to your Saturday conferences?
15:21:07 < BunixTux> We had to an debat around the place of Ubuntu in Morocco and Who we can help it
15:21:18 < WaVeR> czajkowski> I'm in Switzerland 
15:21:22 < azzeddine> czajkowski, in late 2004 we (AMALL association) invited RMS : in morocco ! here is a post about his trip to Marrakech city http://www.fsf.org/blogs/rms/entry-20050105 
15:21:27 < BunixTux> I'm the organizator of the Ubuntu Party
15:21:49 < WaVeR> So I help them with my experience, and I push them to create this team 
15:22:09 < kindyroot> hczajkowski: there you go http://www.nextma.com/index.php?option=com_expose&Itemid=20
15:22:13 < WaVeR> I visit them when I go for holidays to see my family 
15:22:13 < keffie_jayx> ok
15:22:36 -!- forestpiskie [~elfy@host217-44-86-126.range217-44.btcentralplus.com] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
15:22:41 < czajkowski> WaVeR: ok, 
15:22:59 < kindyroot> you need to click on Nextma Album, then Ubuntu install party
15:23:04 < kindyroot> sorry it's in flash
15:23:09 < popey> :)
15:23:12 < czajkowski> who goes to the saturday conferences??
15:23:18 < JanC> I see you'll have a Karmic party on December 27th
15:23:23 < WaVeR> czajkowski>  I already push ubuntu switzerland to be official team. So now it's time to give a kick to ubuntu-ma. I was waiting almost 3 years for this moment
15:23:28 < BunixTux> Waver supervise too our communication structure
15:24:16 < popey> WaVeR: great mentoing 
15:24:30 < kindyroot> he rocks ^^
15:24:39 < WaVeR> thanks popey 
15:24:46 < WaVeR> ツ
15:25:04 < azzeddine> czajkowski, many of us live in europe we help with organizing big events (invite speakers and ask for sponsoring...)
15:25:07 < czajkowski> great to see this activity
15:25:40 < kindyroot> We have had RMS here in 2004 or so
15:25:58 < WaVeR> for example, I take some Ubuntu CD from Ubuntu Switzerland and send it back to Morocco. We can't receive CD if we're not official 
15:26:25 < czajkowski> Ok folks ready to vote:
15:26:35 < JanC> well, you can get them for large events
15:26:35 < kindyroot> :)
15:26:36 < azzeddine> czajkowski, we already have an active community (Ubuntu and other distributions) I personally run a gnu/linux portal where i put moroccan and arab events 
15:26:41 < keffie_jayx> +1
15:26:42 < czajkowski> +1 great to see you guys active, keep up the work 
15:26:48 < popey> +1 also
15:26:49 < itnet7_> +1
15:26:49 < azzeddine> czajkowski, linux-maroc.org
15:26:52 < JanC> +1
15:26:55 < itnet7_> Good job!!
15:26:59 < WaVeR> thanks ツ
15:27:06 < czajkowski> welcome aboard 
15:27:18 < WaVeR> thank you folks ツ
15:27:21 < Hassan_NL> thanks guys
15:27:25 < azzeddine> thanks everyone 
15:27:27 < kindyroot> thank you so much ツ
15:27:37 < BunixTux> Thanks, i hope we will add an value at the ubuntu Comunitie
15:27:40 < Hassan_NL> we'll make sure to do our best in promoting Ubuntu in Morocco
15:27:55 < WaVeR> Big hug for Ubuntu-ma and the loco council  ツ
15:28:10 < itnet7_> We all look forwarding to seeing great things from all of you in the future :-)
15:28:23 < czajkowski> Anyone from Honduras here?
15:28:25 < kindyroot> I want to take a photo, say cheeeese :)
15:28:44 < popey>   ____ _                         _ 
15:28:44 < popey>  / ___| |__   ___  ___  ___  ___| |
15:28:44 < popey> | |   | '_ \ / _ \/ _ \/ __|/ _ \ |
15:28:44 < popey> | |___| | | |  __/  __/\__ \  __/_|
15:28:44 < popey>  \____|_| |_|\___|\___||___/\___(_)
15:28:45 < Hassan_NL> :)
15:28:46 < popey>                                    
15:28:46 < keffie_jayx> VIVA MOROCCO
15:28:55 < kindyroot> :)
15:28:56 < keffie_jayx> popey: fail! :P
15:29:16 < WaVeR> ^^
15:29:16  * keffie_jayx runs
15:29:20 < popey> :)
15:29:36 < czajkowski> Honduras??
15:29:38  * kindyroot wishes good luck to the honduras team
15:29:39 < keffie_jayx> popey: that thing doesn't work does it?
15:30:23 < keffie_jayx> no honduras it seems
15:30:37 < keffie_jayx> let's move along to other toics and we can get back to them
15:31:08 < popey> "Diego Turcios I will be 20 minutes late
15:31:35 < keffie_jayx> he is already a bit more than that, but we can always leave them till the end
15:31:36 < czajkowski> popey: aye. 
15:32:36 < czajkowski> keffie_jayx: so re approval process and LoCo week 
15:32:44 < czajkowski> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoCouncil/LoCoTeamReApproval
15:33:27 < keffie_jayx> wow
15:33:31 < czajkowski> ok so popey has added a chunk to this
15:33:38 < keffie_jayx> that is a start
15:33:41 < czajkowski> and I sent over some ideas today as I didn't get a chance to add to it 
15:33:54 < popey> I'll have it finished by the end of the week
15:34:08 < popey> and a draft email we will send out to teams
15:34:39 -!- Flare183 [~Flare183@adsl-71-163-250.gsp.bellsouth.net] has quit [Quit: Like the wizard, I can too disappear.]
15:34:42 < czajkowski> popey: so they can ad to it? 
15:35:08 < popey> feel free to add to that wiki page yeah!
15:35:18 < popey> the draft email can go there too
15:35:22 < popey> as an appendix at the bottom
15:35:29 < keffie_jayx> popey: the list is double checked then?
15:35:33 < popey> not yet
15:35:38 < keffie_jayx> ok
15:35:50 -!- DiegoTc [~diego@] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
15:35:53 < popey> also i filed a bug in launchpad
15:35:53 < DiegoTc> hi
15:36:01 < keffie_jayx> once that is set it is down to assigning 5 to each of us and following that
15:36:03 < popey> there seems to be a problem with adding teams to -approved
15:36:08 < popey> yes keffie_jayx, end of the week
15:36:14 < keffie_jayx> awesome
15:36:45 < itnet7_> Welcome DiegoTc !
15:36:49 < DiegoTc> hi
15:36:59 < keffie_jayx> ok
15:37:00 < DiegoTc> sorry i am late i am coming from worjk
15:37:02 < DiegoTc> work
15:37:04 < keffie_jayx> that is great progress
15:37:15 < itnet7_> DiegoTc: let us finish this topic
15:37:19 < itnet7_> really quick
15:37:19 < DiegoTc> okay
15:37:24 < itnet7_> then we'll be ready for you!
15:37:27 < itnet7_> Thanks 
15:37:41 < itnet7_> keffie_jayx: sounds good to me
15:38:06 < czajkowski> keffie_jayx: any other thouhts to the wiki page ?
15:38:07 < WaVeR> bye folks
15:38:09 -!- WaVeR [~Cobra@84-73-105-43.dclient.hispeed.ch] has left #ubuntu-meeting [There's no place like]
15:38:17 < azzeddine> Bye and thanks
15:38:23 -!- azzeddine [~azzeddine@jau31-3-82-239-23-221.fbx.proxad.net] has left #ubuntu-meeting [Leaving]
15:38:33 -!- Hassan_NL [~hassan@212-123-182-6.ip.telfort.nl] has left #ubuntu-meeting [Leaving]
15:38:36  * DiegoTc 1 second to drink water
15:38:56 -!- Amjahed [~Amjahed@dynamic.rabat2-111-236-12-196.wanamaroc.com] has left #ubuntu-meeting [Quitte]
15:39:06 < czajkowski> DiegoTc: take your time it's ok
15:39:07 < keffie_jayx> I think it is a great start
15:39:30 < keffie_jayx> I coould add some flavor text for context, like why we are doing this 
15:39:33 < keffie_jayx> and the like
15:39:45 < keffie_jayx> but it has what it needs
15:40:03 < keffie_jayx> so end of this week we shall see move movement...
15:40:06 -!- Silver-Fox- [~silver-fo@cpc2-hink4-2-0-cust470.8-2.cable.virginmedia.com] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
15:40:09 < keffie_jayx> awesome work czajkowski and popey
15:40:20 < keffie_jayx> ok
15:40:22 < JanC> +1 on adding the reason
15:40:28 < popey> keffie_jayx: feel free to edit it :)
15:40:32 < Flannel> "same approval process" includes a formal approval application sort of thing?
15:40:36 < keffie_jayx> popey: I will
15:40:43 < popey> Flannel: there is a link
15:41:00 < popey> in the first line
15:41:28 -!- weasel [~weasel@weasel.noc.oftc.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 600 seconds]
15:41:37 < popey> probably should link to that in the process section though, you're right
15:41:41 < Flannel> popey: I just think clarification might be good.  "Criteria" could be read as 'being active, etc, etc'
15:42:03 < czajkowski> Flannel: draft so we'll add these items during the week 
15:42:05 < popey> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoCouncil/TeamApprovalGuidelines
15:42:10 < popey> have you seen that?
15:42:20 < czajkowski> Flannel: it's also linked to the main criteria to become a loco 
15:42:21 < popey> its linked from the first line
15:42:27 -!- mib_3nudr7 [be35ca05@webchat.mibbit.com] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
15:42:43 < popey> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoGettingApproved also
15:43:05 < keffie_jayx> ok
15:43:06 < keffie_jayx> so 
15:43:10 < keffie_jayx> on to LoCo Docs day
15:43:19 < keffie_jayx> I am organizing it
15:43:21 < Flannel> popey: I haven't.  On that page, "Wiki page" (first bullet point) should be "application" (since wiki page is also what teams refer to their wiki site as, room for confusion there)
15:44:18 < Flannel> I'm all for keeping approval apps up to date, I just see those pages as benefiting from the clarification.
15:44:42 < popey> i still dont quite get where you want the clarification
15:44:48 < czajkowski> keffie_jayx: is this what jcasto mentoned the last time ?
15:44:55 < keffie_jayx> yes
15:44:58 < popey> if you could specify a url and specific issues I can sort it
15:45:04 < keffie_jayx> I am not sure what it means
15:45:10 -!- weasel [~weasel@weasel.noc.oftc.net] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
15:45:14 < popey> Flannel: feel free to drop me a mail if that's better
15:45:16 < keffie_jayx> but there hasnt been one in two cycles
15:45:23 -!- BunixTux [29fad248@webchat.mibbit.com] has left #ubuntu-meeting []
15:45:28 < keffie_jayx> and we obviously need one
15:45:34 < Flannel> popey: I'll just chat with you later, yeah.  It's minutiae
15:45:38 < popey> ok
15:45:40 < popey> ta
15:45:43 < keffie_jayx> adding need docs to the wiki
15:45:57 < keffie_jayx> documenting our work in the LoCo Council
15:45:58 < czajkowski> keffie_jayx: can we perhaps get jcastro to mail us like he said he would
15:46:04 < czajkowski> about the event so we know what it's about 
15:46:05 < DiegoTc> ping forestpiskie 
15:46:24 < keffie_jayx> czajkowski:  I can do that for all, and see if he responds
15:46:43 < keffie_jayx> I have asked jono to explain what a LoCo Week is
15:46:49 < keffie_jayx> no clue... 
15:46:50 -!- You're now known as itnet7
15:46:52 < czajkowski> keffie_jayx: aye just remind him he said he'd send it on, as tbh I've not got a clue about it and would lke to know more about it 
15:47:12 < keffie_jayx> I have participated in previous,
15:47:27 < keffie_jayx> but a good thing to do is have a list of docs to review that day
15:47:53 < JanC> I guess it's something like the other "Weeks" but about locoteams?
15:48:03 -!- PabloRubianes [~chatzilla@r190-135-215-120.dialup.adsl.anteldata.net.uy] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
15:48:05 < keffie_jayx> so that is also an action for this docs day, and encourage teams to search their wikis and update anything
15:48:16 < keffie_jayx> JanC: but talks given by loco teams?
15:48:17 < itnet7> check them for relevancy, etc
15:48:25 < keffie_jayx> itnet7:  exactly
15:48:49 -!- hollman_ [be9020bc@webchat.mibbit.com] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
15:48:51  * DiegoTc anxious
15:48:58 < keffie_jayx> ok
15:49:00 < keffie_jayx> that is it
15:49:18 < hollman_> hello all
15:49:29 < czajkowski> ok so moving to the Honduras team https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HondurasTeam/Honduras_ApprovalApplication
15:49:35 < hollman_> ..
15:49:40 < czajkowski> hollman_: aloha 
15:49:48 < itnet7> DiegoTc: are  you the guy with the Ubuntu Beanie?? :-)
15:49:57 < DiegoTc> whats Beanie??
15:50:02 < czajkowski> hat 
15:50:02 < itnet7> wool cap
15:50:07 < DiegoTc> nop
15:50:11 < DiegoTc> fedora shirt
15:50:15 < czajkowski> it;s rather funky
15:50:36 < DiegoTc> didn't have an ubuntu shirt at that moment
15:51:15 < DiegoTc> :D
15:51:20 < itnet7> :-)
15:52:09 < czajkowski> DiegoTc: who else in here from your LoCo 
15:52:18 < czajkowski> love the wiki and the pictures 
15:52:20 < itnet7> You all have been doing a lot!
15:52:25 < DiegoTc> mib_3nudr7, is here
15:52:38 < DiegoTc> her name is  tatica1 but has problems with irc meetings
15:52:45 < DiegoTc> other members are working
15:52:51 < mib_3nudr7> I am here :D
15:53:12 < czajkowski> mib_3nudr7: hi there 
15:53:37 < mib_3nudr7> sorry yes i am having trouble with irc but here i am ....... tatica1
15:53:40 < mib_3nudr7> hi
15:53:45 < DiegoTc> they will start calling at 17.00 when they get out of their jobs to see how it was the meeting
15:54:13 < keffie_jayx> great work honduras :D
15:54:15 < hollman_> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HondurasTeam/Honduras_ApprovalApplication --> hooo, U-hn absolutely have work !!!
15:54:26 < popey> thats an impressive set of testimonials 
15:54:27 < czajkowski> you seem very active
15:54:42 < czajkowski> mib_3nudr7: what do you do in your LoCo ?
15:54:47 < DiegoTc> czajkowski, we start making our roadmap for this cycle
15:55:09 < mib_3nudr7> We are working right now on visiting schools and institutes
15:55:17 < mib_3nudr7> to let them know about ubuntu
15:55:55 < czajkowski> mib_3nudr7: that's great, 
15:56:26 < itnet7> mib_3nudr7: what is your stanard irc nick?
15:56:37 < JanC> talking to school directors or to students/everyone?
15:56:40 < mib_3nudr7> we had been making some appointments with different places around Honduras, to let people know about Ubuntu with excellent acceptation
15:56:47 < mib_3nudr7> tatica1
15:56:54 < DiegoTc> JanC,  to students
15:56:57 < itnet7> sorry... saw that wasn't sure
15:56:59 < mib_3nudr7> talking to students
15:57:03 < czajkowski> mib_3nudr7: have you heard of the Ubuntu women project 
15:57:03 < czajkowski> ?
15:58:21 < czajkowski> amazing work reading the testimonials, the links to events and pictures
15:58:24 < mib_3nudr7> yes I have
15:58:36 < hollman_> mib_3nudr7 == tatica :P
15:58:43 < DiegoTc> czajkowski,  next year we have an oportunity to talk with school directors about ubuntu
15:58:52 < mib_3nudr7> :D
15:59:21 < mib_3nudr7> this year we had been focused in students
15:59:48 < popey> ok, I think this team is doing great work!
15:59:53 < popey> +1 from me
15:59:53 < mib_3nudr7> but directors are very interested about our Ubuntu project in their schools
16:00:24 < czajkowski> +1 from me, looks great!
16:00:28 < itnet7> I agree dynamate work +1
16:00:35 < itnet7> omg... can't spell today
16:00:39 < itnet7> dynamite!
16:00:43 < czajkowski> itnet7: welcome to my world :)
16:00:48 < itnet7> :-P
16:00:58 < popey> keffie_jayx: ?
16:01:14 < keffie_jayx> +1 VIVA HONDURAS ;)
16:01:19 < popey> :)
16:01:33 < hollman_> hueee, que bien honduras, saludos desde Colombia !!!
16:01:43 < mib_3nudr7> :D
16:01:49 < czajkowski> JanC: 
16:01:49 < DiegoTc> :D
16:01:50 < mib_3nudr7> thank youuuuuu!!!!!
16:01:52 < czajkowski> :D
16:01:56 < DiegoTc> Thanks :D
16:01:56 < czajkowski> well done folks 
16:02:03 < itnet7> you all have earned it awesome work!!
16:02:08 < JanC> +1 from me too
16:02:20 < mib_3nudr7> we will keep our work to deserve being called an Uuntu team :D
16:02:32 < DiegoTc> thats true mib_3nudr7
16:02:32 < czajkowski> ok so final topic 
16:02:36 < JanC> (sorry, have another meeting with a non-profit that I'm on the board of ;) )
16:02:37 < czajkowski> DKcross 
16:02:46 < czajkowski> JanC: can I interview them for NGO :D 
16:03:10 < czajkowski>  DKcross
16:03:10 < czajkowski> I
16:03:11 < czajkowski> Ubuntu-sv issues update 
16:03:38  * DiegoTc don't forget to put us approved team on the loco directory
16:03:39 [Users #ubuntu-meeting]
16:03:39 [ asanchez  ] [ Flannel     ] [ JanC       ] [ MenZa        ] [ popey      ] [ weasel] 
16:03:39 [ czajkowski] [ forestpiskie] [ keffie_jayx] [ mib_3nudr7   ] [ Seveas     ] [ Yos   ] 
16:03:39 [ DiegoTc   ] [ hollman_    ] [ kindyroot  ] [ PabloRubianes] [ Silver-Fox-] 
16:03:39 [ FFEMTcJ   ] [ itnet7      ] [ LjL        ] [ Pendulum1    ] [ tjfontaine ] 
16:03:39 -!- Irssi: #ubuntu-meeting: Total of 22 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 22 normal]
16:03:50 < popey> :)
16:01:43 < mib_3nudr7> :D
16:01:49 < czajkowski> JanC: 
16:01:49 < DiegoTc> :D
16:01:50 < mib_3nudr7> thank youuuuuu!!!!!
16:01:52 < czajkowski> :D
16:01:56 < DiegoTc> Thanks :D
16:01:56 < czajkowski> well done folks 
16:02:03 < itnet7> you all have earned it awesome work!!
16:02:08 < JanC> +1 from me too
16:02:20 < mib_3nudr7> we will keep our work to deserve being called an Uuntu team :D
16:02:32 < DiegoTc> thats true mib_3nudr7
16:02:32 < czajkowski> ok so final topic 
16:02:36 < JanC> (sorry, have another meeting with a non-profit that I'm on the board of ;) )
16:02:37 < czajkowski> DKcross 
16:02:46 < czajkowski> JanC: can I interview them for NGO :D 
16:03:10 < czajkowski>  DKcross
16:03:10 < czajkowski> I
16:03:11 < czajkowski> Ubuntu-sv issues update 
16:03:38  * DiegoTc don't forget to put us approved team on the loco directory
16:03:39 [Users #ubuntu-meeting]
16:03:39 [ asanchez  ] [ Flannel     ] [ JanC       ] [ MenZa        ] [ popey      ] [ weasel] 
16:03:39 [ czajkowski] [ forestpiskie] [ keffie_jayx] [ mib_3nudr7   ] [ Seveas     ] [ Yos   ] 
16:03:39 [ DiegoTc   ] [ hollman_    ] [ kindyroot  ] [ PabloRubianes] [ Silver-Fox-] 
16:03:39 [ FFEMTcJ   ] [ itnet7      ] [ LjL        ] [ Pendulum1    ] [ tjfontaine ] 
16:03:39 -!- Irssi: #ubuntu-meeting: Total of 22 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 22 normal]
16:03:50 < popey> :)
16:03:53 < mib_3nudr7> ;)
16:03:55 < itnet7> DiegoTc: no problem
16:04:15 < popey> I have to disappear
16:04:16 < hollman_> jeje
16:04:24 -!- hollman_ [be9020bc@webchat.mibbit.com] has quit [Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client]
16:04:26 < popey> 2 hours on the pc immediately after getting in... unhappy wife
16:04:35 < DiegoTc> we can request the karmic cds?
16:04:54 < czajkowski> DiegoTc: yes
16:04:59 < czajkowski> popey: okie dokie nn 
16:05:11 < itnet7> bye popey thanks!
16:05:22 < czajkowski> ok think that's us over for this meeting 
16:05:29 < mib_3nudr7> thanks
16:05:44 < czajkowski> itnet7: I've to dash here for a few mins, can you grab the log of this mins please 
16:06:03 < itnet7> czajkowski: yes... I will
16:06:10 < czajkowski> itnet7: *hugs*
16:06:11 < itnet7> is this logged here on this servrer?
16:06:17 < czajkowski> not logged
16:06:24 < itnet7> Okay I will get it
16:06:28 < czajkowski> we just joined for EMEA and this meeting 
16:06:36 < itnet7> thanks! *hugs*
16:06:53 < itnet7> I only have been here for this one... will that help?
16:07:17 < tjfontaine> OFTC would be willing to discuss a more permanent solution :)
16:08:20 < itnet7> :-)
16:10:36 < JanC> tjfontaine: you can guarantee to stay up during botnet attacks?  ;)
16:11:23 < tjfontaine> noone can, but I can tell you OFTC was pretty irked that OSUOSL didn't nullroute the FN server
16:12:01 < tjfontaine> not just OFTC, but Debian and SPI (and probably a lot of other people who use OSUOSL)

LoCoCouncil/Agenda/20091215/logs (last edited 2010-03-29 00:52:26 by 189)