LinuxTips KeyBoard ShortCuts 1. The X can be killed by the key combinations: CTRL + ALT + BACKSPACE This can be enabled or disabled by changing the ''/etc/X11/xorg.conf'' file a) As root (i.e. via ''gksu gedit'', ''kdesu kate'', or even ''sudo vim''), first back up your ''/etc/X11/xorg.conf'' file (e.g. to ''/etc/X11/xorg.conf.bak'') b) Then, edit that file. Go to the section labelled "ServerFlags". c) Add or change the line ''Option "DontZap" "x"'' where '''x''' is "yes" or "no". The option "no" will enable it (the default), while "yes" will disable it. You can see more details regarding this file at the manpage for xorg.conf(5x) (''man 5x xorg.conf''). ---- CategoryNeedsExpansion CategoryLookMergeDelete