= LeslieViljoen = I am Leslie Viljoen, System Administrator, programmer and Linux user since around 1999. I stay in Centurion, South Africa and I work as a programmer for a development studio called [[http://www.zadic.co.za|Zadic Innovations]]. You can find my Live Journal blog [[http://lesliev.livejournal.com|here]]. My personal website and wiki (when up) is [[http://www.lesismore.co.za|here]]. I love programming and have developed software professionally in Assembler, Pascal, Visual Basic, VBA, SQL, Perl, C#, C++, and most happily, in Ruby. I also enjoy putting together websites in HTML/CSS on occasion. I am keen on contributing where I can to the development of Open Source software, but so far have only submitted very small bits and pieces. When I finally learn how to package software properly, I'll contribute there. My email address is leslieviljoen (at) gmail (dot) com. ---- CategoryHomepage