
Revision 1 as of 2009-05-26 10:51:21

Clear message


Work needing to be done to make Kubuntu ready for our users.

Release Note

Kubuntu is now fully KDE 4 based. It includes better integration with the cross desktop packagekit installer.


KDE 3 libs are unmaintained and should be deprecated.

User stories

Krissy runs open office and is pleased that it offers a consistent experience with her other applications.


Open Office

We will investigate the KDE 4 patches to Open Office and fixing those to apply. This should give us KDE 4 widgets and dialogues within Open Office and allows us to drop KDE 3 from the CD. If this proves successful we will create an Oxygen icon theme for Open Office to complete the experience. This is non trivial work so as a fallback we will re-enable the Open Office KDE 3 package for Karmic.


To be able to remove the install-package script we will change KPackageKit to allow for installing a named package from the command line, and offer the same simplified user interface as it currently uses for installing a local .deb.

Java should be blacklisted from KPackageKit as it can not install without debconf support.
