## page was renamed from KubuntuUpgrade ## page was renamed from Kubuntu/Upgrade = Upgrade = One of the great features of Debian based systems is the ability to upgrade, from one version to the next, directly from the internet. This is a bit tricky from Kubuntu 6.06 LTS (Dapper) to Kubuntu 6.10 (Edgy), because some essential packages are changing names among other things. The purpose of this page is to document how I do the upgrades, to make it as painless as possible. * The official way to do this is documented at [[https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EdgyUpgrades|EdgyUpgrades]] == The process == I recommend doing this from a console session. At the login screen press Alt-N to switch to a console session. Login with your username and password. 1. Become root. {{{ sudo -i }}} 2. First ensure that ''both'' "main restricted" lines are uncommented before doing this, i.e., in /etc/apt/sources.list, the following two lines {{{ deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ dapper-updates main restricted deb-src http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ dapper-updates main restricted }}} do ''not'' have a comment character (#) in front. Then backup and change /etc/apt/sources.list from dapper to edgy. The backup will be: /etc/apt/sources.list.bak {{{ # cp /etc/apt/sources.{list,list.bak}; sed -i s/dapper/edgy/g /etc/apt/sources.list }}} 3. Update package indexes. {{{ # apt-get update }}} 4. Do the dist-upgrade {{{ # apt-get -u dist-upgrade }}} 5. Install some magic packages. {{{ # apt-get install kubuntu-desktop python-qt3 python-kde3 ubuntu-minimal }}} 6. Install all the held-back packages. (This can be evil if you have put packages on hold manually, as they will be upgraded.) {{{ # apt-get -s -u dist-upgrade | grep ^' ' | xargs apt-get -y install }}} NOTE: during this step, one user reports that his terminal screen showed what looked almost like a printer or screen test page, and then went blank. After about a half hour, he turned off the computer, rebooted, and redid the above two lines. Things worked fine thence. 7. Reboot to complete the upgrade. {{{ # reboot }}} Done. == Comments == Did it work for you? Did you experience problems? Please give me feedback! ---- For me it worked, although I had a couple of small problems because my hard drive get full during the install. (Hopefully you were online. :) ) To help the others to avoid this problem (or solve it alone) here comes the solution. (As I have learned from fdoving, all the packages get downloaded before install, so you really need free space for an upgrade.) First of all, if you run to a problem, you will get some description of it in the last lines of the program output. (ex: no space left on device). Then you can find out the source of the problem. In my case I had to run {{{ # apt-get clean }}} Then I tried to do the last step again, but get an error. The solution is the same: read the last few lines, probably you will even get a hint. Follow the hint, and if you get a new error then follow the next hint, etc. As long as you get some hints. Once you don't get more hints, start again the process from step 4. -- V7