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Revision 2 as of 2019-02-28 11:46:40
Size: 717
Editor: dry8r3ad-kr
Revision 3 as of 2019-02-28 11:47:54
Size: 778
Editor: dry8r3ad-kr
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 * At the booth of Ubuntu Korea LoCo Team, we had a laptop with a Ubuntu OS installed so people can try out.
 * We also had a online quiz, such as 'what is the code name of Ubuntu 18.04', or 'how long is LTS support for Ubuntu 18.04'. We gave some Ubuntu USBs to people who got it right. 
 * At the booth of Ubuntu Korea LoCo Team, we had a laptop with a Ubuntu OS installed so people can try it out.
 * We also had a online quiz event, which asks people about the Ubuntu related question, such as 'what is the code name of Ubuntu 18.04', or 'how long is LTS support for Ubuntu 18.04'. We gave some Ubuntu USBs to people who got it right.

2019 LoCo Events

Korea Community Day 2019

KoreanTeam/activities/19 (last edited 2020-01-29 00:12:32 by dry8r3ad-kr)