##master-page:HomepageTemplate #format wiki #language en ---- CategoryHomepage ##Table structure by Silver Fox. Please leave this comment in place if you choose to base your work off it. :) ##This table has 8 rows hence <|8> , Change the number to reflect the number of rows in your table. ## http://www.serial-coder.co.uk/images/SilverFoxAvatar.gif is a link to my avatar. Replace it with your own. || Name || Keegan Myers || || {{https://launchpadlibrarian.net/16121192/gem-sm.png}} Location || [[http://www.uwplatt.edu/| University of Wisconsin Platteville]] || || {{https://launchpadlibrarian.net/9608570/ubuntu_emblem.png}} Ubuntu Forums Profile || [[http://ubuntuforums.org/member.php?u=1054230| kmm608]] || || {{https://launchpad.net/favicon.ico}} Launchpad Profile || [[https://launchpad.net/~keeganmyers608|KeeganM]] || || {{https://launchpad.net/@@/language}} IRC || Rykario || || {{https://launchpad.net/@@/language}} GPG key || 3F4C5D29 || == About Me == I am a computer science major at University of Platteville Wisconsin. I have been using Ubuntu and more specifically Mint for several years. I am interested in becoming involved with Ubuntu development and am searching for an opportunity to do so. I have been involved through school in a wide range of software projects. I know C++, COBOL, Java, SQL, and VB.net. I am also familiar with Ruby, and bash. Outside of school I have created and am maintaining a database system for my unit as well as writing small scripts and programs for my personal use. === Professionally === I began my career as a private E2 and am currently actively drilling with a local unit. I am also working toward attaining a commission through ROTC. My first MOS (military Job) was a 25C (radio operator). As part of the signal core I also became familiar with several systems the military uses that utilize various distributions of Linux. === Beginners Team === ## Note that headings with 3 = do not place a horizontal line across the page. Here is an example of what you may wish to ##write here: I am not a member of the Beginners Team yet. I am currently in the process of joinig it. I wish to join this team because I want to contribute in any way possible and learn more. I aim to become a team member as soon as possible. === Internet Relay Chat === :My registered IRC nickname is rykario. I can sometimes be found in the following channels 1. #linuxmint-chat 2. #ubuntu-beginners 3. ##linuxmint-help 4. #ubuntu-beginners-help 5. #ubuntu-us 6. #ubuntu-beginners-dev 7. #ubuntu-beginners-team ##== Goals For The Future == ## This should be a list of a few things that you would like to achieve in the near and far future. It can also be things ##that you would like to sustain. ## List items should be in the format demonstrated below. == Testimonials == ## If you decide to apply for Ubuntu Membership it is advised that you have some testimonials written by other people. ##You should leave this section empty. ---- CategoryHomepage