Rationale -

The Ubuntu Kernel Team has found it necessary to bulk process bug reports due to the tremendous amount of bugs currently open in Launchpad. If you feel that the status, and/or request for further information is frivolous or unnecessary, please consider the following:

New Bugs

* New bugs are processed automatically to check for proper tagging of the release as well as to determine if all appropriate apport logging has been collected. These bugs are commented by the kernel-janitor to request the addition of testing to see if a daily build or mainline kernel are also affected by the bug. This helps the team narrow a bug for further investigation.

* tagging of bugs with kernel-series-unknown is a side effect of not being able to properly determine the affected release. These tags enable the Team to do targeted bug searching. If you know the release that you are reporting on and you see the kernel-janitor tag a bug with this, please remove the kernel-series-unknown tag and replace it with the release name. (lucid, karmic, jaunty, etc.)

Incomplete Bugs

* Bugs that have been untouched by the Kernel Team do not necessarily indicate issues that are not being worked. In many cases, there are upstream tasks being accomplished that will resolve a particular bug, so subsequent requests for further testing are an effort to determine if these tasks resolve the bug or if they introduced a new regression. In these cases, it is not always possible for the Ubuntu Kernel Team to provide links or information to the fixes unless there is already an upstream bug watch as part of the bug.

* For incomplete bug reports that are marked as Expired, if a request for information is not answered the bug will enter an expired state. The scripts are meant to mark these bugs as Invalid, and will do so, if there is a certain length of time since the last comment in an expired bug. This is intended as an easy way for bug reporters who are no longer experiencing an issue and have either forgotten that they filed a bug or have simply failed to provide resolution information to have their bug closed without their intervention. A secondary affect of this is to provide bug reporters an incentive to provide requested information

Triaged Bugs

* Bugs in a Triaged state with no additional confirmation from another reporter, or no additional comment from the Team, will be processed to request additional testing of newer daily builds and upstream or mainline kernels. This is an effort to determine if the bug was a minor regression that was fixed in a later -stable update. In many cases, minor issues encountered by users are resolved in this manner without the need for intervention by the Ubuntu Kernel Team.

Confirmed Bugs

* Bugs in a confirmed state that have not seen additional comments from the Team will be automatically asked, after a period of time, to retest on the latest daily or latest release. This is to allow the bug reporter to determine whether a -stable update has resolved their particular issue. Additionally, confirmed bug reports may also be asked to test against mainline kernel builds to verify the behavior in the upstream linux kernel.

KernelTeam/AutomatedBugProcessing (last edited 2010-03-16 14:38:15 by adsl-80-151-244)