
Differences between revisions 12 and 15 (spanning 3 versions)
Revision 12 as of 2008-09-01 09:12:29
Size: 10716
Editor: lns-bzn-48f-81-56-218-246
Revision 15 as of 2008-09-11 13:42:42
Size: 13768
Editor: lns-bzn-48f-81-56-218-246
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These patches apply almost cleanly to the version in Intrepid. A proof-of-concept package integrating them is available in [[|this PPA]].
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==== Proof-of-concept ====

The goal of this proof-of-concept is to be able to build a buildd-compatible debian package from a basic helloWorld maven2 project.

At this moment, we fail to run a basic 'mvn compile' command in JPP-mode on the helloWorld project. We have a [[|JPP-patched maven2]] and a tar file with everything that should have been installed by other packages. Then we hit an error, please help ! [[|MavenJppTesting]] describes how to arrive where we stand right now.
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=== Design 3 : the KISS solution ===

Design 1 requires a lot of infrastructure and also requires maintaining an important patch / Maven upstream. Design 2 requires no Maven mod but is a little magic, I'll believe it can be done when a proof-of-concept will be shown. Here is an alternative solution, that requires no pre-existing infrastructure in the java deps and is very simple.

The idea is to use Maven to download the necessary Maven items into a virgin Maven repository, then replace all JARs in that repository with links to the system-installed JARs. Package that, and run "mvn -o" in debian/rules to avoid any superfuluous download at build time.

In more details, to package a Maven-based software, you follow these steps:
 * Create a debian/m2_repo directory
 * Create a debian/mysettings.xml file with <localRepository>$SRCDIR/debian/m2_repo</localRepository>
 * Run "mvn -s mysettings.xml compile/clean/package..." normally to build the software. That will download everything required by maven (POMs and JARs) into debian/m2_repo.
 * Add a "create_links_in_repo" target to debian/rules that must run before any mvn call (build)
 * In the "clean" target of debian/rules, add a line to remove all links in m2_repo (after mvn clean calls)
 * For all JARs in debian/m2_repo, check that you have an acceptable corresponding JAR in an existing package (if not, you'll have to package that too). Remove the JAR from m2_repo, and add a line in the create_links_in_repo target that will create a link to the system-installed equivalent (example: ln -s /usr/share/java/plexus-utils.jar debian/m2_repo/org/codehaus/plexus/plexus-utils/1.0.4/plexus-utils-1.0.4.jar). Add the corresponding build dep to debian/control.
 * You are done when there is no more JARs in m2_repo !
 * Then you can use "mvn -o -s debian/mysettings.xml compile/clean/package..." in your debian/rules.

The obvious drawback of this approach is the size of the debian directory with all those useless POM files in it.

The obvious advantage of this approach is its simplicity. You know what JARs you have in m2_repo that you must have as proper build dependencies. You can have incremental builds with real JARs still in m2_repo to test if using a link to a slightly different JAR version breaks something or not. It doesn't require any structural change and can be used right now. Of course, we are missing a lot of basic build-depends that all Maven projects use (example: the maven-compiler-plugin) so the first packager will have a hard time packaging everything needed for even a basic project. But that's a common drawback for all the approaches.


A lot of Java applications use Maven (and associated maven plugins) as their build system. In order to package this software as appropriate Debian packages, a lot of changes need to be applied to the usual Maven process, in particular to avoid the online dependency resolving feature of Maven. The solution is to patch Maven so that it supports an offline mode, and to provide extra information needed by Maven in Java library packages.

Release Note

The infrastructure making it possible to package Maven-based Java applications like Geronimo or Glassfish in main or universe is now in place.


Most recent complex Java applications leverage ASF's Maven system and artifact repository to ease the dependency resolving and building of their software. Unfortunately the usual Maven process downloads/updates needed artifacts (JARs), Maven plugins and build/runtime dependency information (.pom files) from the Maven repositories on the Intenet into a local repository cache and works from there. This is incompatible with the way our buildd system works, and with the idea of repeatable builds in general. Given the power of the Maven plugins-based build system, working around Maven to build those complex packages without it is almost impossible.

Use Cases

  • Alan in an Ubuntu developer. He wants to package Geronimo in universe, but Geronimo uses Maven. He uses our modified Maven, the packaged Java libraries and Maven plugins to write a fully-offline and repeatable package, compatible with our buildd system.
  • Betty is a Java developer. She wants to use Maven to build her own Java software. Fortunately, the new Maven doesn't prevent her from using Maven the usual way, setting up a local repository that downloads and updates files from the online Maven repositories.


Software using Maven to build is usually very large and requires lots of dependencies. In order to be useful, the modified Maven will require lots of external packaging work to have all the required Java libraries available. This might just be the visible tip of the iceberg.


Identified incompatibilities with buildd

  • Online dependency download/update: Maven downloads needed build/runtime dependency information (.pom files) and resulting artifacts (Java libraries and Maven plugins) from Maven repositories on the Internet. For each item already present in the local repository, it checks if the version is up to date. We need to provide all those dependencies as part of the source or as packaged build dependencies, and disable Maven freshness check.
  • Use of a specific repository: Maven doesn't use the libraries installed in /usr/share/java, it only uses its own local repository. Since the required Java libraries build dependencies will be pulled as packages, Maven needs to make use of those.
  • Maven relies on specific versions of libraries: in the .pom files, each artifact can depend on a very specific version of a given JAR, which is usually different from the one in the Ubuntu repositories. A dependency mapping system needs to be supported in order to match the very specific required version with the installed one while keeping Maven happy.

Additional issues

  • .pom files shipping: these files need to be available for maven to resolve dependencies and build order. We have to either ship them with each Java library we package, or as a big blob of .pom files together with the source, or have a way of reconstructing them from existing Debian Depends information before calling maven.
  • Maven plugins: we'll need to package the most common Maven plugins, and make Maven support the use of these system-installed plugins.

Design 1: using JPackage patchset to Maven

The Fedora implementation

JPackage patched maven to solve these issues. They provide a mvn-jpp wrapper that enables those patches:

  • Really offline run
  • JPP repository support: makes maven use system-installed JARs
  • depmap.xml: maps whatever is in the POM file to the location of the library in the filesystem. Each package adds its own dependencies in a central file that is used by mvn-jpp, so it rarely needs a specific dependency map spec.

Then they ship .pom files in various ways : in a big maven2-common-poms package for the libraries that don't ship them yet, and together with Java libraries in their package. The package-provided ones are preferred in case of conflict.

See the patches and the README here:

Each Java package must provides:

  • jars in /usr/share/java/...
  • .pom files corresponding to each jar as /usr/share/maven2/poms/
  • depmap file fragments in /etc/maven/fragments/ mapping .pom artifacts to the real jars
  • a postinst regenerating /etc/maven/maven2-depmap.xml from all depmap fragments in /etc/maven/fragments/

The maven2 package provides:

  • An /usr/share/maven2/repository/JPP -> /usr/share/java symlink

The maven2-common-poms package provides:

  • Various .pom files in /usr/share/maven2/default_poms/
  • A versionless depmap for all those poms /etc/maven/maven2-versionless-depmap.xml
  • A /usr/share/java/maven2/default_poms -> /usr/share/maven2/default_poms symlink

The patches we would need to port are: maven2-jpprepolayout.patch, and

Here are the extra options defined in the patchset:

  • maven2.offline.mode - This property tells maven to use the pre-configured jpackage repositories.
  • maven2.ignore.versions - This property tells maven to ignore versions when looking at the dependency map.
  • maven2.usejppjars - With this property supplied, maven will try to use jpackage jars whenever possible. It's main intention is to allow users to use /usr/share/java files when available, and fetch jars from the net if not. It may be combined with the above two.
  • maven2.jpp.depmap.file - This option tells maven where to find custom dependency mappings

To enable a buildd-compatible mode, you should run with the -Dmaven2.offline.mode -Dmaven2.ignore.versions -Dmaven2.usejppjars options. That is what the mvn-jpp wrapper does.

Known problems with the JPackage implementation

  • Fedora shipped a maven2-common-poms package as a workaround for existing libraries that don't ship the required .pom and depmap fragments. It's probably cleaner to fix all affected packages in the release cycle where this would be implemented.
  • Fedora uses a single maven-depmap.xml file regenerated at postinstall from fragments. It might be cleaner to patch the patchset so that it supports directly reading into a depmap.d directory.
  • Depmap fragments (and the resulting autogenerated maven-depmap.xml) are located in /etc/maven. Since those aren't configuration files but rather information needed to integrate the library with maven, it should probably be located somewhere in /usr/share to conform to FHS and Debian policy.
  • We might now want to make all Java libraries depend on maven2, so we might not want to use "maven2" for the poms and depmap fragments locations

Using the JPP patchset in Debian/Ubuntu

A new maven2 must be released with:

  • Modify the JPP patchset to fix the known problems above
  • Apply the JPP patchset to maven
  • (optional) provide a mvn-jpp wrapper or equivalent
  • Create /usr/share/maven2/repository/JPP -> /usr/share/java symlink

  • Built-in common maven plugins

Existing Java libraries must be modified to provide:

  • .pom files (one for each jar artifact)
  • a depmap fragment
  • Call the depmap regeneration script if we keep the Fedora way of handling fragments

Known issues with this design

.pom files and depmap fragments duplicate information found in debian/control and others. It's probably too complicated to patch the JPP patchset to look into /var/lib/pkg for dependency info. What could be done in the future is writing some dh_javapom helper that would help generating the pom and depmap fragment for a Java library package.


The goal of this proof-of-concept is to be able to build a buildd-compatible debian package from a basic helloWorld maven2 project.

At this moment, we fail to run a basic 'mvn compile' command in JPP-mode on the helloWorld project. We have a JPP-patched maven2 and a tar file with everything that should have been installed by other packages. Then we hit an error, please help ! MavenJppTesting describes how to arrive where we stand right now.

Design 2: Packaging Aware Maven Proxy

When building a package a proxy may be specified by launching maven with the "-s" command line option as follows:

mvn -s path_to_settings_file

Packages relying on maven in their build process would need to provide a settings.xml file with a proxies section as follows specifying a well know port (9567 in this example):


The maven proxy would be launched prior to launching a maven build process and would have the following features:

  • Generate pom.xml files upon request according to debian packaging dependencies
  • Map request artifact versions to existing artifact versions
  • Serve jar files from /usr/share/java
  • Block access to the internet

Design 3 : the KISS solution

Design 1 requires a lot of infrastructure and also requires maintaining an important patch / Maven upstream. Design 2 requires no Maven mod but is a little magic, I'll believe it can be done when a proof-of-concept will be shown. Here is an alternative solution, that requires no pre-existing infrastructure in the java deps and is very simple.

The idea is to use Maven to download the necessary Maven items into a virgin Maven repository, then replace all JARs in that repository with links to the system-installed JARs. Package that, and run "mvn -o" in debian/rules to avoid any superfuluous download at build time.

In more details, to package a Maven-based software, you follow these steps:

  • Create a debian/m2_repo directory
  • Create a debian/mysettings.xml file with <localRepository>$SRCDIR/debian/m2_repo</localRepository>

  • Run "mvn -s mysettings.xml compile/clean/package..." normally to build the software. That will download everything required by maven (POMs and JARs) into debian/m2_repo.
  • Add a "create_links_in_repo" target to debian/rules that must run before any mvn call (build)
  • In the "clean" target of debian/rules, add a line to remove all links in m2_repo (after mvn clean calls)
  • For all JARs in debian/m2_repo, check that you have an acceptable corresponding JAR in an existing package (if not, you'll have to package that too). Remove the JAR from m2_repo, and add a line in the create_links_in_repo target that will create a link to the system-installed equivalent (example: ln -s /usr/share/java/plexus-utils.jar debian/m2_repo/org/codehaus/plexus/plexus-utils/1.0.4/plexus-utils-1.0.4.jar). Add the corresponding build dep to debian/control.
  • You are done when there is no more JARs in m2_repo !
  • Then you can use "mvn -o -s debian/mysettings.xml compile/clean/package..." in your debian/rules.

The obvious drawback of this approach is the size of the debian directory with all those useless POM files in it.

The obvious advantage of this approach is its simplicity. You know what JARs you have in m2_repo that you must have as proper build dependencies. You can have incremental builds with real JARs still in m2_repo to test if using a link to a slightly different JAR version breaks something or not. It doesn't require any structural change and can be used right now. Of course, we are missing a lot of basic build-depends that all Maven projects use (example: the maven-compiler-plugin) so the first packager will have a hard time packaging everything needed for even a basic project. But that's a common drawback for all the approaches.


Choosing the right design

At this point we need to choose the right design, before going further in implementation.

Test/Demo Plan

In order to test the new maven features, we need a fake "hello world" maven project to package and (in case of Design 1) probably a few fake Java libraries dependencies packaged with the required .pom files and depmap fragments. Testing it on large packages will not be possible before most of the Java libraries are modified or packaged.

Outstanding Issues


I noticed the following tools which may be of some use too ? :

Hope this helps -- OlivierBerger

afaict those tools make installable debian binary packages but cannot be used to create packaging compliant with the buildd rules (no access to the Internet, all must be built from source and existing dependencies, no binaries in source) and therefore probably can't be used -- ThierryCarrez


JavaTeam/Specs/MavenSupportSpec (last edited 2009-01-07 18:40:18 by 121)