== Contact Information (and quite a bit too much of it) == Contact me any time on any of these; I'll get back to it if I'm not around (I'm usually set on away even if I'm there, so be warned). * Website: [[[http://www.ianmcorvidae.net/|http://www.ianmcorvidae.net/]]] * Email: <> * Jabber: <> OR ianmcorvidae@livejournal.com * ICQ: [[[http://www.icq.com/people/webmsg.php?to=306375398|306375398]]] * AIM (note that ICQ above is compatible with AIM): mcewenian2 * Yahoo: [[[http://edit.yahoo.com/config/send_webmesg?.target=ianmcorvidae&.amp;src=pg|ianmcorvidae]]] * MSN (Yeah, I know. Consorting with the devil and all.): <> * Skype: [[[http://ubuntuforums.org/sendmessage.php?do=im&type=skype&u=274476|mcewen.ian]]] * IRC: I sit in the channel all day, nick ianmcorvidae. * Old Blog: [[[http://ianmcorvidae.livejournal.com|LiveJournal]]] == Random Other Stuff == * "Converted," as it were, to Ubuntu in January, 2007 upon realizing his computer was getting too unstable and he might as well. * Member, in whatever extent he can be, of [[ArizonaTeam]]. Officially, leader of the [[ArizonaTeam/Teams/Membership| Membership]] subteam. * A native of Arizona; born in Flagstaff, now lives in Tucson. * Runs Feisty on Desktop and Laptop, with fluxbox as window manager. * High school student; University High School, for the reference of any Tucsonans who stop by. ---- CategoryHomepage CategoryArizonaTeam