
Hello and welcome to the home page of Hervé Cauwelier.

Mail: hcauwelier(at)oursours(dot)net (but herve(dot)cauwelier(at)free(dot)fr on lists)

Website: http://www.oursours.net/

GPG key id: 0x9969394D

IRC nick on Freenode.net: herve

Who I Am (the big picture)

Ubuntu Involvment

I found the perfect system with Ubuntu: a Debian Sid with a high level of integration and configuration I had not to do. Moreover, Ubuntu combines software i like best: Debian, Gnome, Python... and Canonical works on a GNU Arch implementation (Bazaar).

Moving to Hoary when that branch was open was a good start to help. Obviously, I reported bugs, either on Debian's BTS (an old habit!), or on ubuntu-users. You can look at opened and archived bugs on the BTS from herve(at)oursours(dot)net or debian(at)oursours(dot)net (I can't make so many link with reST, sorry) and messages from herve(dot)cauwelier(at)nospam(dot)free(dot)fr (my correct address is set in Reply-to). You may also find me on ubuntu-users-french. I advocate for Ubuntu when I have the occasion, and I gave away all the Warty CDs I ordered.

Now I have moved in and have a stable job, I have more spare time to offer to Free Software and I think it's time I use my packaging knowledge in practice!

I especially now have the time to read and participate in ubuntu-users and ubuntu-devel, which helps a lot to participate in the whole project! You can find me posting but with my free(dot)fr e-mail address.

MOTU activity

I am a what is a called a Master of the Universe. Namely, I help to keep the universe archive (community-supported packages) in good shape. I am also part of the Python and Zope team. I also get my hands on anything I can help on.

More stars in the Universe

I have packaged software for Debian and Ubuntu I'd like to see them in both. These are:

Hey! there are people suscribed to my home page! Hi Daniel, how is your thesis going?

But enough of me, what about you? how was the day? Wink ;-)


HervéCauwelier (last edited 2008-08-06 16:16:11 by localhost)