
Ubuntu user since april 2005. Before that it was Mandrake, Fedora, SuSE, RedHat .. and Windows up til 1998

Contact information

Name: Hans Jørn Storgaard Andersen

Nationality: Danish

Location : Værløse

Email : post@hansjorn.dk

Web site : http://hansjorn.dk


IT-consultant at the Royal School of Library and Informations Science http://www.db.dk

Spare time

Digital photography and video with emphasis on football (soccer) and politics


I am impressed with what I saw at first sight !! - So I would like to promote this system to other non-technical persons preferably by translating the elementary things with new and fresh eyes. Although Linux-nerds can be helpful, they don't recognize Socrates and his philosophy of knowing less, the more you know.


HansJorn (last edited 2008-08-06 16:38:27 by localhost)