
Revision 1 as of 2009-11-26 20:46:21

Clear message


The current auto-open behavior of the restart required dialog is a bad user experience. It pops up out of the blue without much releation to the running upgrade.

Release Note

A restart required notification is now done in a cleaner way than before.


The restart required dialog should be in direct relation to the upgrade that was performed to not confuse the user.

User stories

Joe runs update-manager and gets a new kernel. After the upgrade process he is presented with a nice option to restart. He chooses to do so.


Removing a separate alert that suddenly pops up

  • Integrate the alert into the Update Manager window (and discuss with the design team how it should look like)
  • remove the restart required auto opening from update-notifier

Using the session menu as an extra indication

  • Change the power indicator to an alert state (the artists will provide icon)
  • change text of "Restart ..." to "Restart required ..." and possibly highlight this item


See work items in the blueprint.

Code Changes

Update-notifier, update-manager and session-indicator needs to be updated to implement the new behavior.

Test/Demo Plan

To test this functionality install a new kernel update via update-manager and check that the notification is show by update-manager itself. Verify also that the session indicator changes color.
