||<>|| = Meeting opened by itnet7 at 22:03 = <'''<>'''> Can we have a show of hands please?? <'''<>'''> 0/ <'''<>'''> RoAkSoAx zoopster pak33m tiemonster cjohnston <'''<>'''> dantalizing: <'''<>'''> o/ <'''<>'''> president <'''<>'''> of your own unreality? <'''<>'''> ChunkxZor: jtatum mhall119 <'''<>'''> pak33m how's work? <'''<>'''> tehe yes <'''<>'''> aren't you at ca now? <'''<>'''> o/ <'''<>'''> itnet7: what did I do? <'''<>'''> oh its great. getting ramped up for a big release. <'''<>'''> no, symantec <'''<>'''> ah <'''<>'''> tiemonster: meeting time if you have the time to stick around for a bit <'''<>'''> It won't take long only one agenda item <'''<>'''> we need to talk pak33m I need some names <'''<>'''> zoopster: np <'''<>'''> I might have time in half an hour. Will you be done already? <'''<>'''> next week...I'll hit you up <'''<>'''> [TOPIC] Speaker Request == Speaker Request == <'''<>'''> hmmm symantec in the cloud <'''<>'''> UK? <'''<>'''> tiemonster: probably <'''<>'''> nothing super important <'''<>'''> itnet7: type fast <'''<>'''> :-) <'''<>'''> speaker for what? <'''<>'''> I received an e-mail from Hewie Poplock on or around April 17th. <'''<>'''> "I would like to discuss several things with you. One of them would be to have you do a presentation of Ubuntu at one of our monthly meetings (3rd Sunday of every month). Another item might be to see if there might be enough interest in Orlando to have an Ubuntu SIG to help Caring Compy recipients & help support them." <'''<>'''> SIG? <'''<>'''> !google define:SIG <'''<>'''> tiemonster: No matches found. <'''<>'''> Special Interest Group <'''<>'''> ah <'''<>'''> It's kind of similar to what I do over here in Melbourne <'''<>'''> gotta go. bbiab. <'''<>'''> cool <'''<>'''> so, I replied and told him we would be interested. <'''<>'''> guessing you can't do it itnet7? <'''<>'''> Here is what I said, "Thanks for the quick reply. The July date has been booked, so we have September 19, October 17, or December 19 open. I would like to shoot for the September meeting. I think 1 presentation will be a good start. If the interest is there, we then can plan on either another presentation or perhaps forming a SIG." <'''<>'''> o/ <'''<>'''> zoopster: I can do the initial presentation, but doubt I can handle doing the SIG unless it's only once a month <'''<>'''> and hewie is with what group again? <'''<>'''> He is the Vice President of the Central Florida Computer Society, a Director of the Florida Association of Computer User Groups, and a member of the Florida Drupal Group. <'''<>'''> ah hah <'''<>'''> I have met him in RL, he is pretty cool! <'''<>'''> Hey there cjohnston ! <'''<>'''> hey <'''<>'''> cool...so you need a volunteer then possibly for the sept meeting and possibly to help drive it further in orlando <'''<>'''> i could help with the sig <'''<>'''> pak33m: Sweet! <'''<>'''> youre looking for volunteers, right? <'''<>'''> I was hoping to see if we could get one person to speak in September, and also see if more could show up in support <'''<>'''> Yes pak33m ! <'''<>'''> itnet7: where do i sign up? <'''<>'''> This is kind of a cool opportunity, because Chris Jones (CaringCompy) has started the ball rolling, and the people in the SIG are going to be the people he gives donations to <'''<>'''> pak33m: your wanting to do the presentation ? <'''<>'''> itnet7: i can <'''<>'''> well...there you go then <'''<>'''> itnet7: i can tell you now that september 19th is out for me <'''<>'''> itnet7: however, october 19th would work <'''<>'''> pak33m: do you mind if someone else does the initial presentation then, in case he absolutely wants it in September? <'''<>'''> itnet7: and what is the presentation about again? <'''<>'''> pak33m: he isn't really giving us a topic <'''<>'''> itnet7: np at all. thats the kidos birthday and you know how that worked out last year for ALF <'''<>'''> pak33m: omg, forgot :-) <'''<>'''> no you didnt you reminded throughout self <'''<>'''> hehe <'''<>'''> I am thinking that we could just do a presentation geared towards the Lucid Release, it's features, and why should they try it <'''<>'''> or something like that <'''<>'''> itnet7: anyway, i would be happy to do presentation(s) and volunteer in general <'''<>'''> oh thats a good one <'''<>'''> i can handle that <'''<>'''> sorry I'm late <'''<>'''> did I miss anything? <'''<>'''> hey mhall119 <'''<>'''> hey cjohnston <'''<>'''> Well even if you can't give the presentation on sept 19th, we can collaborate on creating it <'''<>'''> Hey there mhall119 <'''<>'''> not much, <'''<>'''> itnet7: oh sure thatd be fine <'''<>'''> [AGREED] Florida Team should get involved and at the least do a presentation for the Central Florida Computer Society ||<#FF5555>'' Florida Team should get involved and at the least do a presentation for the Central Florida Computer Society''|| <'''<>'''> [IDEA] Team can collaborate on a Presentation entitled (or at least something similar): "Lucid Release, Features, and Why you should try it" ||<#FF5555>'' Team can collaborate on a Presentation entitled (or at least something similar): "Lucid Release, Features, and Why you should try it"''|| <'''<>'''> itnet7: so, the sig is going to comprise of non linux users? <'''<>'''> [ACTION] pak33m, itnet7, and others will help collaborate and create the presentation. If the presentation can wait pak33m will do it on the October date ||<#FF5555>'' pak33m, itnet7, and others will help collaborate and create the presentation. If the presentation can wait pak33m will do it on the October date''|| <'''<>'''> might I suggest that the presentation not be too heavily geared towards Lucid a mere month and a half before Maverick is released <'''<>'''> [ACTION] If it has to be September, either itnet7 or another volunteer can give the presentation, It would aslo be good to get other members there in support ||<#FF5555>'' If it has to be September, either itnet7 or another volunteer can give the presentation, It would aslo be good to get other members there in support''|| <'''<>'''> mhall119: it's an LTS release and this is for beginner's, not sure how many people will even be Linux Users <'''<>'''> darn you bet me to it itnet7 <'''<>'''> true <'''<>'''> Plus if there is enough time, we can talk about some of the stuff that is landing in Maverick <'''<>'''> I keep forgetting it's an LTS <'''<>'''> even still, I think focus more on the Ubuntu name, and less on the Lucid name <'''<>'''> I did a presentation similar to this for a Space Coast Windows User group, and as soon as I started going beyond the LTS I got the Deer in the headlight look <'''<>'''> mhall119: +1 sounds good to me <'''<>'''> [IDEA] When creating the presentation keep it more Ubuntu Specific and don't hone in on Lucid ||<#FF5555>'' When creating the presentation keep it more Ubuntu Specific and don't hone in on Lucid''|| <'''<>'''> also be sure you talk about the community, and let them know that Florida has a large and vibrant LoCo team <'''<>'''> so they won't think they're on their own if they try it <'''<>'''> mhall119: Very good ideas, I made that suggestion, thinking that Hewie was wanting the SIG, and if we were given the floor we can try and convince his members to try ubuntu first <'''<>'''> but it would definitely be important to let them know the stuff that you mentioned too <'''<>'''> can we work collaborate on presentations on Google Docs? <'''<>'''> or in Google Docs, I should say? <'''<>'''> still dont we want to stress some importance on the support of lts? i mean what if there are users there starting a business and/or have one and want to use ubuntu? <'''<>'''> collaborate is tough, but do-able in google docs <'''<>'''> google docs is fine by me <'''<>'''> Any other sites similar to etherpad but for presentations? <'''<>'''> not that I know of <'''<>'''> pak33m: someone has also called me this week and asked about the next time the Loco is going to meetup at Stardust <'''<>'''> Well we have a couple of months <'''<>'''> since Sept. is the earliest <'''<>'''> itnet7: to do what at stardust? <'''<>'''> itnet7: you mean somebodyfro the team? <'''<>'''> well for a while there we were going there at least twice a month <'''<>'''> well at least once a month, sometimes twice <'''<>'''> that was a great summer <'''<>'''> itnet7: /me is going get the planning in motion <'''<>'''> Some guy must have been talking with us, and I must have given him my number, he called me out of the blue two days ago, and asked when the next time we plan to meet there and do an event <'''<>'''> if only you had tasque like me <'''<>'''> :-P <'''<>'''> itnet7: thats kewl <'''<>'''> itnet7: i got tasquswagger like that <'''<>'''> lol <'''<>'''> brb gg to the shed for a bit <'''<>'''> mhall119: I was thinking of possibly getting spreed <'''<>'''> if I do then we can do a couple of one hour conferences to work on the presentation remotely <'''<>'''> Hello mramige ! <'''<>'''> [LINK]http://www.spreed.com/us ||<#FF5555>''http://www.spreed.com/us''|| <'''<>'''> it has a free account that is limited to 3 participants for free <'''<>'''> but it's compatible with all platforms <'''<>'''> and if it's really good I amy invest in the Annual package <'''<>'''> [TOPIC] Open Meeting - Any questions, Comments, Concerns? Anthing good happen this week? == Open Meeting - Any questions, Comments, Concerns? Anthing good happen this week? == <'''<>'''> s/Anthing/Anything/ <'''<>'''> I was thinking earlier that maybe more people were able to participate on Tuesday Evening? <'''<>'''> swype beta opened up again <'''<>'''> zoopster: Cool! <'''<>'''> need some help in tampa to run meetings <'''<>'''> I can't do it anymore <'''<>'''> It was part of my ROM <'''<>'''> zoopster: Ok, I can e-mail the list and ask for some help, if that's cool with you <'''<>'''> please <'''<>'''> [ACTION] itnet7 will e-mail the Florida Team and ask for volunteers that can help with the Tampa Meetup Group ||<#FF5555>'' itnet7 will e-mail the Florida Team and ask for volunteers that can help with the Tampa Meetup Group''|| <'''<>'''> I didn't really get too much of a chance to check out the news lately :-( * '''<>''' wishes he could participate... <'''<>'''> spreed? <'''<>'''> RoAkSoAx: no problem, we know you're studying <'''<>'''> mhall119: Webmeetings with remote controllability <'''<>'''> itnet7: if I had a car that'd be totally different story though.. :) <'''<>'''> RoAkSoAx: we need to try and get something together down your way still :-) <'''<>'''> When we can I mean... <'''<>'''> zoopster: I think the next Tampa meetup is going to be at the Panera on Fowler and BBD, I just need to get around to planning it <'''<>'''> itnet7: yeah we need to do something down here <'''<>'''> that Panera has an air-conditioned patio that is separate from the rest of the restaurant <'''<>'''> but no power outlets in there :( <'''<>'''> mhall119: cool...I just cannot find the time anymore... too many commitments <'''<>'''> so it's battery-only <'''<>'''> zoopster: I understand, Michelle and I have been talking about getting it going again <'''<>'''> I want to help, but will have to do it passively <'''<>'''> mhall119: should I still e-mail the team to get you and Michelle some help? <'''<>'''> zoopster: are saturdays still bad for you? <'''<>'''> itnet7: please <'''<>'''> zoopster: you can only do what you can do! <'''<>'''> every freaking day is bad for me <'''<>'''> man! sorry to hear that zoop :-( <'''<>'''> itnet7: what do you think abut possibly having an ubuntu hour on the weekend every once and a while? <'''<>'''> pak33m: no problem <'''<>'''> it's all good, but doesn't allow for many things that I like to be involved in! <'''<>'''> itnet7: we could have it at stardust even <'''<>'''> pak33m: I was thinking that that would be a good idea, but remember about the Monday evenings <'''<>'''> we wounldnt have chanynie :( <'''<>'''> Once Month, at Stardust Ubuntu Hour might be a good idea <'''<>'''> itnet7: not too sure folks have been making mondays <'''<>'''> itnet7: yeah i like that <'''<>'''> that way i can get my monthly cjohnston <'''<>'''> If you schedule it right some of us will come over and attend <'''<>'''> tehe <'''<>'''> itnet7: ok will do <'''<>'''> itnet7: its going to tasque right now <'''<>'''> :-) <'''<>'''> I keep meaning to bring up the ubuntu hour on mondays... <'''<>'''> I think it became too much for most <'''<>'''> +1 for once a month <'''<>'''> cjohnston: how far is stardust from where you live? <'''<>'''> where is it <'''<>'''> anyone in here use swype? <'''<>'''> ChunkxZor: o/ <'''<>'''> did you sign up for the beta already? <'''<>'''> cjohnston: 1842 East Winter Park Road, Orlando <'''<>'''> ChunkxZor: no not yet, I have it because it already came within my rom <'''<>'''> Oh nice <'''<>'''> cjohnston: i was just suggesting an ubuntu hour on the weekend and itnet7 suggested once a month. methinks that we could keep to once a week but wed prolly better to plan for a diff day of the week and a pick less dry of a bar <'''<>'''> cjohnston: stardust is on your way home <'''<>'''> 30 minutes <'''<>'''> once a week right now is too much for me i think <'''<>'''> i know me too <'''<>'''> pak33m: every three weeks? <'''<>'''> heh <'''<>'''> lol <'''<>'''> that would follow my work schedule <'''<>'''> pak33m: do you miss me already? <'''<>'''> cjohnston: did you read what I had typed earlier, Someone we had met at either the bugjam or global jab at stardust called me and asked me when the Florida Team was going to have their next meeting there again <'''<>'''> no.. i missed that <'''<>'''> Yeah, I thought that was pretty cool <'''<>'''> ya <'''<>'''> He called me on Tuesday while I was at work <'''<>'''> cool <'''<>'''> so even if you guys decide to rotate locations, let's try and do one at Stardust kind of soon if possible, and I will let him know we're gonna be there <'''<>'''> the next few weeks i cant plan <'''<>'''> but if someone can...... <'''<>'''> pak33m: ? <'''<>'''> Well we'll iron out the details later <'''<>'''> #ENDMEETING ---- = Meeting closed at 01:04 = == People Present == * itnet7 * zoopster * pak33m * RoAkSoAx * tiemonster * ubuntu-fl * cjohnston * mhall119 * ChunkxZor == Actions Recorded == * pak33m, itnet7, and others will help collaborate and create the presentation. If the presentation can wait pak33m will do it on the October date * If it has to be September, either itnet7 or another volunteer can give the presentation, It would aslo be good to get other members there in support * itnet7 will e-mail the Florida Team and ask for volunteers that can help with the Tampa Meetup Group