
Revision 13 as of 2007-10-29 17:49:27

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Flavia Weisghizzi

About me

I am: Flavia Weisghizzi

Nick: Flavia (Deindre)

E-mail : MailTo(flavia@weisghizzi.it)

Sito web: [http://www.weisghizzi.it]

IRC: Deindre


My home is in: Rome (Italy)



  • I practice Karate, I love travelling e reading

My Work

  • I'm a literary critic, a writer and work as a journalist. At moment I'm working in radio, where I have a cultural program involving Italian contemporary literature and I work a a book reviewer, by writing critical essays introducing books.

My Books

  • I wrote a poetry anthology, "La piazza di Pietra", and two critical essay about comics, "Parlando di nuvole" (talking aboout comics) published by Il Marchio Giallo and "La frontiera immagine, poesia e fumetto dal 1960 a oggi" (poetry and comics in Italy since 1960) that will be published by Tunuè soon. I wrote a novel too, but I haven't published it still.

My Ideas

  • I believe in freedom, I believe in choice. I believe that we are what we made for. I believe that this isn't the best world possible, but if everyone try to do his better, nothing is really impossible. I believe in the power of ideas, and that’s why I chose Ubuntu.
