
This spec aims at improving the support of Ehcache in Ubuntu and drive toward the packaging of the full Terracotta stack (Terracotta Clustered Cache).

Release Note

Ubuntu 10.10.10 ships with an updated version of ehcache (2.1) and allows to install Terracotta Clustered Cache.


Ehcache is a standards-based cache used to boost performance, offload the database and simplify scalability. It is the most widely-used Java-based cache, and can scale from in-process with one or more nodes (ehcache library) to a mixed in-process/out-of-process configuration with terabyte-sized caches (Terracotta Clustered Cache server array). It makes perfect sense in our Cloud OS strategy.

User stories

As a Java application developer, I want to use ehcache as part of my system. I use ehcache 2.1 in Ubuntu and I get efficient in-process caching.

As the same developer sometime in the future, I want to scale out my cache. I use the Terracotta stack available in Ubuntu and I get efficient standalone caching.


This spec is about enabling Terracotta to deliver their stack into Ubuntu. We'll need their help in analyzing dependencies and making the upstream build systems behave, while we'll teach them missing packaging skills.



The plan would be to upgrade to 2.1.

Build dependencies:

Build system:


Build dependencies:

Terracotta server

Build dependencies:

Terracotta clustered cache

Build dependencies:


Early actions:

See server-maverick-uds-ehcache-integration whiteboard for details.

Test/Demo Plan


Unresolved issues

Missing the dependency analysis, which is necessary to set acceptable targets.

BoF agenda and discussion

UDS discussion notes

Current situation

Plan A: Move current to main

Plan B: Moving to ehcache 2.1



EhcacheSpec (last edited 2010-06-02 06:39:19 by lns-bzn-48f-81-56-218-246)