This page describes how you upgrade your LTSP client chroot on an upgrade to the next Edubuntu version

Warning /!\ Before following the notes below, make sure you have an up to date system on the Server, follow the UpgradeNotes wikipage for that.

While it is easy to just upgrade your client chroot to the recent package set, it is recommended to rather recreate the chroot to take advantage of all new features (some of them are set up during chroot creation, so you won't see them with a plain package upgrade).

Upgrading the client chroot (not recommended)

After that procedure your LTSP clients have the most recent packages installed

Recreating the client chroot (recommended)

This will set up a new chroot automatically for you, after the command has finished you can just use your Thin Clients as usual.

Note: if you're using a deb repository different from the standard one you must specify it with the --mirror option of ltsp-build-client - see ltsp-build-client --help for more information

Make sure your client artwork environment is up to date through one of the above procedures and run:

Beside the themes it will give you a default configuration with:


If using a keyboard different from English, upgrading to edgy with the second method will obviously loose keyboard layout customization, and your clients' keyboards will be have the english layout. You will have to modify /opt/ltsp/i386/etc/lts.conf adding the line:


(es is the layout code for Spanish, change with you layout)

and you must reboot the clients (not the server).


EdubuntuLTSPUpgradeNotes (last edited 2009-07-24 02:10:36 by fupi)