
Revision 14 as of 2013-03-31 21:24:35

Clear message

This page is in progress, and is not yet complete. It is also not linked from anywhere yet.

This page contains tips, how-to notes and examples for documentation committers working with the serverguide. Intended as a supplement to, and not a replacement for, the generic Members page.

This page is not intended for serverguide documentation contributors, who should be using the serverguide documentation contributors reference wiki instead.

Executing a Merge Proposal

Once a merge proposal has been accepted, it needs to be merged into the main branch:

  1. Set up a local working branch:

    mkdir sguide-1204
    cd sguide-1204
    bzr branch lp:serverguide/precise mp_100000
    cd mp_100000 
  2. Always run the validate script before any changes, just in case something is wrong:

    scripts/ serverguide/C/serverguide.xml 
  3. Perform the actual merge and do some checks:

    bzr merge lp:~jdoe/serverguide/some-review
    scripts/ serverguide/C/serverguide.xml
    bzr diff | more   (some prefer 'bzr cdiff' (from the package 'bzrtools'))
    make serverguide-html
    make serverguide-pdf
    bzr status     (for a summary of the current merge proposal) 
  4. Once everything is in order, which it should be for an approved merge proposal, then complete the job:

    bzr commit --fixes lp:123456 -m 'Edits per MP: #100000; LP: #123456 some notes about whatever; by John Doe'
    bzr push lp:serverguide/precise 

Note that if working with the current release cycle branch the "lp:serverguide" can be used instead of "lp:serverguide/branch_name"

Note that multiple launchpad bug links can be done with one commit line. Example:

bzr commit --fixes lp:123456 --fixes lp:123457 -m 'some notes; by John Smith'

However, serverguide branches can also be linked to bug reports afterwards via the branch code web page (i.e. if forgotten during this step).

Updating the .po files

When the bzr branch .po files need to be updated (Based on reviewing other release cycles, typically this is done just less then 3 weeks after string freeze and before final release. It proably doesn't metter that much because most translations are way way way behind) :

  1. Create a working branch

    bzr branch lp:serverguide/precise precise_po_update 
  2. Ask for the entire po set via

  3. Wait for the e-mail to come saying that the .po set is ready.
  4. Get and unpack the file set to some location.
  5. The file names will be serverguide-LN.po (where LN is each lanaguage), but they need to be LN.po:

    rename 's/(serverguide-)(.*)\.po/$2.po/' *.po 
  6. Check that the po files are actually newer and that the number of files is the same.

    grep PO-Rev *.po | more 
  7. Replace the old .po files with the newer ones. (Do NOT copy the .pot file from the downloaded file set.)
  8. Check bzr status, commit and push the branch:

    bzr status
    bzr commit -m 'update the po files; by John Doe'
    bzr push lp:serverguide/precise 

Updating the .pot file

Simply run the script to generate a new .pot file and push the result:

example session, coming 

On a per release cycle basis, there are a few simple changes required. While they could be done by a documentation contributor via a merge proposal, they tend to fall to documentation committers. Update the various forms of distro information in libs/global.ent. Update the version in libs/ubuntu.xsl for the help link (Entity substitution can not used for libs/ubuntu.xsl). Check the .xml files for any needed version related changes and if automated entity substitution can be used instead.

New Series Set Up

For each release cycle, a new master branch needs to be created in launchpad....

I wonder if Peter Matulis would be willing to write this part, since he set up the raring branch.

New Series Translations Set Up

Note: not done for raring yet. these notes subject to change and/or completion.

After a new serverguide series has been set up, open the "Translations Tab" or go to and on that page, under the "All translatable series" area, there should be a "Set up translations for a series" area with the new series listed.

Manual input is preferred (input from Matthew East).

Doug Question: When is this done? At the same time as the series setup? At string freeze, when the first pass goes to the translators? Do Doc-committers even do this step?

New Series Initialize The Serverguide Contributors Wiki

On a per release cycle basis, the documentation contributors reference wiki needs to be intitialized.

UTF-8 Policy

There should be no multi-byte UTF-8 characters in the master .xml source files. Obvioulsy, multi-byte UTF-8 characters are essential for the translated documents. The only multi byte UTF-8 characters in the master source files are two in ubuntu.xsl defining the double >> character used in the HTML link trails, and such is consistent with other Ubuntu docs. To check for garbage bytes:

grep --color='auto' -P -n "[\x80-\xFF]" *.xml

Opening and closing quote characters can still be included via use of <quote> and </quote> tags within the .xml files.