The DesktopTeam uses git to manage its packages. Here's how to do some common things. You need git-buildpackage installed for most of this.

Suggested configuration is available in the end.

General concepts

Branches and repo layout

We will use a layout with 3 remote repositories:

$ git remote show
origin          # will point to salsa (default for pull and push without any argument)
upstreamvcs     # will point to upstream repository, to cherry-pick easily upstream fixes

Note: we named in the page the remote upstreamvcs, to not be mislead with local branch names (which are for instance debian/branchname and upstream/branchname) if any. Consequently, instead of having debian/latest, a local branch tracking debian/debian/latest remote, we end up with debian/latest tracking origin/debian/latest, which is easier to understand.

Note: debian/latest and ubuntu/latest were previously debian/master and ubuntu/master respectively, but were renamed to the current names on 4 September 2023 going forward to use more inclusive naming and more closely follow DEP-14.

As those remote name are local to your system, you can rename them as you see

Salsa remote branches


Let's look at the various branches in the origin (salsa) remote repository:

$ git remote show origin
* remote origin
  HEAD branch: ubuntu/latest
  Local branches configured for 'git pull':
    pristine-tar    merges with remote pristine-tar
    ubuntu/latest   merges with remote ubuntu/latest
    upstream/latest merges with remote upstream/latest
  Local refs configured for 'git push':
    pristine-tar    pushes to pristine-tar    (up to date)
    ubuntu/latest   pushes to ubuntu/latest   (up to date)
    upstream/latest pushes to upstream/latest (up to date)

We find back those 3 branches locally:

Basically, you will only interact with ubuntu/latest under that configuration, and let gbp handling the 2 other branches. When you gbp pull and gbp push, the 3 branches will be kept up to date if no conflict occurs. This is easier than checkout every branch before pushing them.

Maintenance branches

Once we have maintenance branches on a project (ensure you already followed #Create_a_maintenance_branch), additional remote branches are available:

$ git remote show origin 
* remote origin
  Remote branches:
    pristine-tar    tracked
    ubuntu/bionic   tracked
    ubuntu/latest   tracked
    upstream/latest tracked
    upstream/3.28.x tracked

Each one should have a corresponding local branch when working on bionic.

Debian remote branches

In addition, we'll have at least another branch tracking salsa debian remote repository. Their main (default) branch is named debian/latest:

Upstream remote branches

By default, we don't have upstream branches checked out locally. We added the upstreamvcs repo and have access to its content, which will be fetched when importing new upstream tarball thanks to the version tag, and inject the history in upstream/latest (or upstream/version, as explained before).

$ git remote show upstreamvcs
* remote upstreamvcs
  HEAD branch: main
    gnome-3-28                                  tracked
  Local branch configured for 'git pull':
    upstream/latest merges with remote main

You can ofc checkout any of those branch locally if you want We have upstream/latest tracking the upstreamvcs repo on main branch. We can track any additional branches as needed for cherry-picking fixes.

Let's checkout locally upstreamvcs/main branch and make it the current checkout:

$ git checkout -b upstreamvcs-main upstreamvcs/main
Branch 'upstreamvcs-main' set up to track remote branch 'main' from 'upstreamvcs'.
Switched to a new branch 'upstreamvcs-main'

We asked to create a new local branch named upstreamvcs-main (first argument), tracking the remote named upstreamvcs, on the branch main (second argument).

Local branches

To sum up all this, the minimal setup it the following ([] are tracked branch):

$ git branch -vv
  debian/latest   c02b29966 [origin/debian/latest] Revert "Don't recommend libnss-myhostname since it doesn't seem needed any more (LP: #1766575)"
  upstreamvcs-main    d814d9db0 [upstreamvcs/main] Update Chinese (Taiwan) translation
  pristine-tar    e59ab7422 [origin/pristine-tar] pristine-tar data for gnome-control-center_3.29.1.orig.tar.xz
* ubuntu/latest   63337a4cd [origin/ubuntu/latest] releasing package gnome-control-center version 1:3.29.1-0ubuntu5
  upstream/latest 0bd90ca34 [origin/upstream/latest] region: Show scrollbars if needed

With an ubuntu maintenance branch, and so, linked gbp buildpackage tarball branch, and upstream "main" branch checked out, with a local branch, we have in addition:

  upstreamvcs-main    d814d9db0 [upstreamvcs/main] Update Chinese (Taiwan) translation
  ubuntu/bionic   ba45348d3 [origin/ubuntu/bionic] debian/gbp.conf: use gbp-buildpackage for ubuntu.
  upstream/3.28.x 83b100dc9 [origin/upstream/3.28.x] New upstream version 3.28.3

Local changes

With the suggested configuration (see it at the end of the page), any non committed changes (file modifications, additions or removal) will halt the build, as they won't be included as a safety reminder.

You can either:

Check out a branch for the first time

1. Salsa remote

If the Vcs-Git field is correct, you can

$ debcheckout --git-track=* gnome-control-center
declared git repository at
git clone -b ubuntu/latest gnome-control-center ...

Otherwise, you can check out any git-buildpackage repository manually

$ gbp clone salsa-gnome:gnome-control-center
gbp:info: Cloning from 'salsa-gnome:gnome-control-center'
$ cd gnome-control-center

We want to push tags automatically, as gbp relies on them (this is a local configuration):

$ git config push.followTags true

2. Add upstream and debian remote

$ git remote add -f upstreamvcs

You should now have 3 branches correctly setup and tracking the correct branch with expected configuration.

$ git branch -vv
  pristine-tar    e59ab7422 [origin/pristine-tar] pristine-tar data for gnome-control-center_3.28.1.orig.tar.xz
* ubuntu/latest   ba45348d3 [origin/ubuntu/latest] debian/gbp.conf: use gbp-buildpackage for ubuntu.
  upstream/latest 83b100dc9 [origin/upstream/latest] New upstream version 3.28.1

And 3 remotes, we only use one right now.

$ git remote

3. Maintenance branches

If we want to track maintenance branches as well:

$ git remote show origin 
* remote origin
  HEAD branch: ubuntu/latest
  Remote branches:
    pristine-tar    tracked
    ubuntu/bionic   tracked
    ubuntu/latest   tracked
    upstream/latest tracked

Let's track ubuntu/bionic:

$ git checkout ubuntu/bionic
Branch 'ubuntu/bionic' set up to track remote branch 'ubuntu/bionic' from 'origin'.
Switched to a new branch 'ubuntu/bionic'

Warning /!\ this short syntax is only available because we create a local ubuntu/bionic tracking on the origin repo the matching named ubuntu/bionic. It doesn't work with any other repository name or when name doesn't match (and need an explicit git branch -u local-name remote/branch-name && git checkout local-name).

Let's check that:

$ git branch -vv
  pristine-tar    e59ab7422 [origin/pristine-tar] pristine-tar data for gnome-control-center_3.28.1.orig.tar.xz
* ubuntu/bionic   cf931abe4 [origin/ubuntu/bionic] debian/patches/privacy-panel-whoopsie.patch
  ubuntu/latest   dce53a3d2 [origin/ubuntu/latest] Change gbp option order to be more meaningful
  upstream/latest 83b100dc9 [origin/upstream/latest] New upstream version 3.28.1

Day to day operation

Building a binary or source package

$ gbp buildpackage

$ gbp buildpackage -S

With the proposed configuration, the artefacts will all end up in ../build-area (including tarball, which is reconstructed from the pristine-tar + upstream/latest branch) and build directory is cleaned up.

Useful tips

Some potential cases:

Refreshing branches

on ubuntu/latest:

$ gbp pull
gbp:info: Fetching from default remote for each branch
gbp:info: Branch 'upstream/latest' is already up to date.
gbp:info: Branch 'ubuntu/latest' is already up to date.
gbp:info: Updating 'pristine-tar': 2bed57f20816..e59ab7422a13

-> the branch pristine-tar has been updated as refenced in debian/gbp.conf.

If you have a separate ubuntu/bionic branch, with its own upstream/3.28.x branch:

$ git checkout ubuntu/bionic
$ gbp pull
gbp:info: Fetching from default remote for each branch
gbp:info: Branch 'pristine-tar' is already up to date.
gbp:info: Branch 'upstream/3.28.x' is already up to date.
gbp:info: Updating 'ubuntu/bionic': fe031c0214ba..59adb2d88983

gbp pull, contrary to git push, is a way for you to avoid checkouting each branch and git pull them one by one (as you need to have the branch as a current checkout for potential conflicts when pulling).

Pushing your git changes to salsa

Contrary for pulling, We are using git push for this. All branches tracking the origin repo will be pushed that way (no need to be on the correct checkout, contrary to gbp pull). Relevant tags as well (if you follow our advised configuration) will be pushed.

Merge a new upstream version

'''latest''' branch

On the branch you want to have version imported (like ubuntu/latest here).

As a first part, you need to create a patch/queue/ubuntu/latest branch with gbp pq that is useful in case you need to refresh patches later. If you have it already, just rebase it.

# Create a patch/queue branch that will be useful for refresh patches later
$ gbp pq import # if you already have it, just use `gbp pq rebase instead`

Using upstream tarball

You need to follow this path in the case debian has not imported this version yet, although since we don't want to have duplicated upstream/x.y.z tags, in this case you should push the pristine-tar and upstream/<current> branches to origin

$ git fetch upstreamvcs
$ git checkout ubuntu/latest
$ gbp import-orig ../gnome-control-center-3.28.2.tar.xz # can be as well --uscan to let it download and import
What is the upstream version? [3.28.2] 
gbp:info: Importing '../gnome-control-center-3.28.2.tar.xz' to branch 'upstream/latest'...
gbp:info: Source package is gnome-control-center
gbp:info: Upstream version is 3.28.2
gbp:info: Replacing upstream source on 'ubuntu/bionic'
gbp:info: Successfully imported version 3.28.2 of ../gnome-control-center-3.28.2.tar.xz
$ git push

This will push all needed branches (ubuntu/latest for instance and pristine-tarball + upstream/3.28.x or upstream/latest if this upload is a new upstream release).

As said, now you should sync (or propose if not ubuntu developer) the affected upstream branch to (making sure you push the new tag too).

Note: If you get when importing:

$ gbp import-orig ../gnome-control-center-3.29.2.tar.xz
What is the upstream version? [3.29.2] 
gbp:info: Importing '../gnome-control-center-3.29.2.tar.xz' to branch 'upstream/latest'...
gbp:info: Source package is gnome-control-center
gbp:info: Upstream version is 3.29.2
gbp:error: Import of ../gnome-control-center-3.29.2.tar.xz failed: revision '…' not found

There are 3 cases:

Another error you could get is:

$ gbp import-orig ../gnome-control-center-3.29.2.tar.xz
What is the upstream version? [3.29.2] 
gbp:error: Upstream tag 'upstream/3.29.2' already exists

In this case, debian has already this tarball so you should follow the next chapter ("Using debian's upstream branch tags").

Using debian's upstream branch tags

If debian has already this version, you don't have to import the actual tarball but just merge with the latest upstream code, and so:

git merge upstream/3.28.2 -m "Update upstream source from tag 'upstream/3.28.2'"

Maintenance branch

There could be some additional steps involved, if main does have a newer version than the maintenance branch, and you are the first to deal with that case for that maintenance release.

Basically if debian/gbp.conf has upstream-branch=upstream/latest and the ubuntu/latest branch has a newer upstream version than the one you are importing (which was never imported), please read this. Otherwise, just follow the steps in the previous case, after eventually creating a maintenance branch (see corresponding section) and switching to it.

For instance, let's say: - ubuntu/latest is on 3.29.2 - ubuntu/bionic is on 3.28.1 and we want to update to 3.28.2 - we have pristine-tar having 3.28.1 and 3.29.2 imported - consequently the upstream/latest branch has upstream commits and tags for 3.28.1, 3.29.2 and corresponding gbp tags upstream/3.28.1 and upstream/3.29.2.

Ensure you are on your ubuntu/bionic branch.

1. Create a new upstream/<series> branch

Note that you need to check latest version of upstream/latest in your maintenance branch (upstream/3.28.1 in our case).

$ git branch upstream/3.28.x upstream/3.28.1

2. Update debian/gbp.conf to reference correct upstream gbp branch

# edit debian/gbp.conf and replace with '''upstream-branch=upstream/3.28.x'''
$ git commit -a

Using upstream tarball

3a. Then if this revision is not in salsa upstream branch yet

$ git fetch upstreamvcs
$ gbp import-orig ../gnome-control-center-3.28.2.tar.xz

3b. Remember pushing your changes, including the new branch that you want to track

$ git push
$ git push -u upstream/3.28.x

Using debian's upstream branch tags

3a. Then if this revision is already in salsa upstrema branch

git merge upstream/3.28.2 -m "Update upstream source from tag 'upstream/3.28.2'"

4. Remember to push the upstream and pristine-tar branches to salsa

You can push to your guest account and prepare a pull-request or directly on the gnome branch if you have the right.

Refreshing patches

When merging with an upstream release, the patches might need to be refreshed. In case your patch/queue branch is in sync with previous release you can just use:

gbp pq rebase

# Then use git rebase tools to refresh them

This is described better, for the case of using gbp import-orig in gbp documentation. This might won't work if you're instead merging with an upstream/x.z.y tag or if you didn't create the patch/queue branch first, so let's just write here one that should work in both cases, so you don't have to worry about too much:

# on corresponding branch…

# Remove the patch-queue branch, if any... Not needed if you don't have one
gbp pq drop

# This is a brute-force approach that will try to find the first point where the patches merge,
# so you can tune it increasing until when you won't find the previous release commit
gbp pq import --force --time-machine=30

# This will re-apply the debian/patches/series on top of new upstream code stopping for manual
# action if is needed.
gbp pq rebase

# If a patch doesn't apply cleanly, manual intervention is needed. In such case, just use
# classic `git add`, `git rm` to resolve the conflicts, and eventually just proceed with
# `git rebase --continue`

# Regenerate debian/patches data, ready to be committed and switch back to your ubuntu/ branch
gbp pq export --no-patch-numbers

Once back on ubuntu/latest or ubuntu/<series> branch, you need to commit the changes too.

Release a package

If this is a sponsored upload, the sponsor performs these steps.

Generate changelog for native packages

# Add debian/changelog entries based on git log
gbp dch

# You might need to manually edit debian/changelog
# to properly group changes per people

Finalise changelog

# on corresponding branch…
$ dch -r ""
$ git commit debian/changelog -m "Finalise changelog"
$ gbp buildpackage --git-tag-only
$ gbp buildpackage -S
$ dput ../build-area/….changes
$ git push

# Make sure you also pushed the tag(s) we care about:
$ git tag | grep -E '^ubuntu/|^debian/|^upstream/' | xargs -r git push

This will push all tracked branches to salsa if you made any change: ubuntu/latest, ubuntu/old-series, pristine-tar, upstream/lastest. Tags will also be pushed.

Working on patches

1. Ensure you are on the correct ubuntu/ branch (or your local experimental-feature branch).

$ git checkout ubuntu/latest # for instance

2. Turn each patches in debian/patches as commits.

$ gbp pq rebase
gbp:info: Switching to 'patch-queue/ubuntu/latest'
Current branch patch-queue/ubuntu/latest is up to date.

-> Now, we have every patch referenced in debian/patches/series applied as separate commits on top of ubuntu/latest, in a patch-queue/ubuntu/latest branch, and we switched to that current checkout.

For instance

$ git missing ubuntu/latest.. # git log would also show the commits
* 11a3a8cc6 - (HEAD -> patch-queue/ubuntu/latest) [PATCH] night-ligth-dialog: Avoid dereferencing invalid p
ointer (5 minutes ago)
* da06252e1 - [PATCH 4/4] thunderbolt: move to the 'Devices' page (5 minutes ago)
* 2c9f5bcbb - [PATCH 3/4] thunderbolt: new panel for device management (5 minutes ago)
* 660e9e633 - [PATCH 2/4] shell: Icon name helper returns symbolic name (5 minutes ago)
* a78ae89dd - [PATCH 1/4] shell: Don't set per-panel icon (5 minutes ago)

3. Hack…

We can git add/git commit. Any new commit will be a separate patch applied at the end of debian/patches/series. Commit description will be then converted to the patch description.

Remember previous tip of gbp buildpackage --git-ignore-new --git-export-dir="" to build a package with current content without having to switch branch.

4. optional: Reorder patches

If we don't want this patch to be the last one, we can use an interactive git rebase:

$ git rebase -i ubuntu/latest

That way, we only see the patches commit, can reorder them, amend or stash them. Removing one will also remove the patch from debian/patches/series

5. Reapply all changes to the original branch:

$ gbp pq export --no-patch-numbers
gbp:info: On 'patch-queue/ubuntu/latest', switching to 'ubuntu/latest'
gbp:info: Generating patches from git (ubuntu/latest..patch-queue/ubuntu/latest)

6. Modify changelog, git add, git commit

Note that gbp pq will unfuzz a lot of patches everytime you use it, creating some noise. Please add those changes separated from your new or modified patch hack.

And either push the change to your branch or to the main branches with a simple git push!

Pick some upstream commits

1. Refresh upstream repo if needed:

Remember that we don't have a local checkout, only a remote that we need to refresh

$ git fetch upstreamvcs

2. Find the commit(s) you want to cherry-pick

Look at log history with, for instance:

$ git log -p upstreamvcs/main

Many GNOME projects now use main instead of master, but some may still be using master, so you might need to use this instead:

$ git log -p upstreamvcs/master

3. Cherry-pick one commit as a patch (here on ubuntu/latest branch):

$ git checkout ubuntu/latest
$ git pull
$ gbp pq rebase # or, gbp pq drop; gbp pq import (this will delete your patch queue and re-create it from debian/patches, which can be useful if the patch-queue branch gets out of sync with latest)
$ git log -p upstream/latest
# get a hash commit you want to cherry-pick
$ git cherry-pick -e -x <hash>
# if there are no conflicts, edit the commit message to be DEP-3 compliant - this will end up as the patch header
# if there are conflicts, fix them (e.g. with `git mergetool`) and then `git cherry-pick --continue` - again edit the commit message to be DEP-3 compliant
$ gbp pq export --no-patch-numbers
# update changelog
$ git add debian/patches/* debian/changelog
$ git commit

See previous section for more info on gbp pq.

Import an out of VCS ubuntu upload

On the branch you want to have that ubuntu upload, after downloading the source tarball:

$ gbp import-dsc ../gnome-control-center_3.28.1-0ubuntu5.dsc
gbp:info: Version '1:3.28.1-0ubuntu5' imported under '…/gnome-control-center'
$ git push

This will push all needed branches (ubuntu/latest for instance and pristine-tarball + upstream/latest if this upload is a new upstream release).

Out of VCS upload while having changes in tree

Warning /!\ importing take latest tarball and will eventually revert any changes that were sitting in the VCS. You have 2 strategies:

$ git show <hash> | git apply
$ git commit -C <hash>

Create a maintenance branch

1. Find correct version

Fin latest version in common between the development release and that maintenance branch. Here, we'll use the version tag ubuntu/1%3.28.1-0ubuntu4

2. create a branch from start starting point, and push it to salsa

$ git branch ubuntu/bionic ubuntu/1%3.28.1-0ubuntu4
$ git checkout ubuntu/bionic 
Switched to branch 'ubuntu/bionic'

3. Adjust parameters in debian/gbp.conf and debian/control.

# Change `debian-branch` to '''ubuntu/bionic''' in debian/gbp.conf
# Change Vcs-Browser in debian/control to the branch's page on<package>/tree/<branch>
# Add `-b '''ubuntu/bionic'''` at the end of Vcs-Git
# Preserve debian Vcs-* values as XS-Debian-Vcs-*
$ git commit -a

4. Push your changes to salsa and track that branch

$ git push -u origin ubuntu/bionic 
Total 0 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)
To git+ssh://
 * [new branch]          ubuntu/bionic -> ubuntu/bionic
Branch 'ubuntu/bionic' set up to track remote branch 'ubuntu/bionic' from 'origin'.

Merge with debian


Convert a package to git for the first time from Debian

This section has been moved to DesktopTeam/git/NewPackageImport.



To easily access to salsa git repositories with git clone salsa:name-or-team/repo or git clone salsa-gnome:repo, you should add to your .config/git/config file the following paragraph:

[url ""]                                                                                 
    insteadof = salsa:

[url ""]                                                                                 
    insteadof = salsa-gnome:

See this gitlab doc for more information on git configuration with gitlab.

Useful aliases

    matching-tags = "!f() { git for-each-ref --sort=creatordate --format '%(refname)' refs/tags| grep \"$1\"| sed s,^refs/tags/,,; }; f"
    last-tags = matching-tags '.*'
    last-match-tag = "!f() { git matching-tags $1 | tail -n1; }; f"
    last-tag = last-match-tag '.*'
    last-debian-tag = last-match-tag debian/
    last-ubuntu-tag = last-match-tag ubuntu/
    ubuntu-delta = "!f() { git diff $(git last-debian-tag) -- ${1:-debian} ':(exclude)debian/changelog'; }; f"


git-buildpackage uses this file for its default configuration; some tweaks are recommended.

# use this for exporting first your directory in a ../build-area:
export-dir = ../build-area/
# automatically GPG sign tags with associated keyid
sign-tags = True
keyid = 0xGPGKEYID

See gbp.conf(5) and man of gbp-buildpackage for more options.

Automerging changelogs

To merge changelog automatically, dpkg-mergechangelogs can be used, so change ~/.config/git/config as follows:

[merge "dpkg-mergechangelogs"]  
    name = debian/changelog merge driver
    driver = dpkg-mergechangelogs -m %O %A %B %A

Then set it as the default strategy. Add this to your ~/.config/git/attributes file (the file probably doesn't exist yet)

debian/changelog merge=dpkg-mergechangelogs

WARNING: This may not work when ubuntu packages use an higher epoch than the debian ones, so will need manual fix


Work to be done:

DesktopTeam/git (last edited 2023-09-07 19:36:06 by bandali)