<> ||'''Contents'''<
><>|| = How to file = Please fill all your bugs using "ubuntu-bug banshee" or from banshee menu. = Debugging procedure = 1. Debugging Banshee from a terminal, please run "banshee --debug" and attach all output information 1. Debugging latest release from daily ppa repository, url is at https://launchpad.net/~banshee-team/+archive/banshee-daily 1. Hardware not detected and further information at http://live.gnome.org/Banshee/LibgpodTransition or http://banshee.fm/support/faq/ 1. If the issue is an intermittent crash, create a file called ~/.config/banshee-1/always-debug, then the next time banshee crashes, copy out ~/.config/banshee-1/log and upload it. = How to Triage Issues related to UbuntuOne extension = If you are facing troubles while you are trying to sync your files from UbuntuOne store (7digital) all those reports should be reassigned to '''libubuntuone''' package instead banshee <
> For support issues, you can tell people to ask on https://one.ubuntu.com/support/contact/ as well, if you like so for "i paid for stuff, and am not getting it" complaints, you can send people there for the real support channel == Stock Reply == In case report doesn't have banshee log file or the user were not using apport 1) Please could you run in a terminal "banshee --debug" and attach all the output information as a separated file (while you are trying to reproduce this issue)? 2) Attach "~/.config/banshee-1/log" file into his report == How to Forward == You must file a new report at Gnome Bugzilla for product = "Banshee" or click on https://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=banshee to jump directly = Known bugs = '''Common Issues''' || '''Bug''' || '''Subject''' || '''Symptom''' || || [[https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/banshee/+bug/781824|781824]] || Pressing on the "Subscribe" button to download my purchased music didn't work || Banshee U1-extension problem || = Workarounds = '''Database Corrupted''' if your logfile has texts like: "Sqlite error 11: database disk image is malformed" run in a terminal: $ cd ~/.config/banshee-1 $ sqlite3 banshee.db ".dump" > dump $ mv banshee.db banshee.db.backup $ cat dump | sqlite3 banshee.db ---- CategoryBugSquad CategoryDebugging