## page was renamed from Davide Homitsu Riboli ##master-page:HomepageTemplate #format wiki #language en {{http://goo.gl/npVru}} <> Versione di questa pagina in italiano: [[http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/DavideRiboli|qui]]. == Info == * My name is Davide Riboli, I was born in 1963 in Pesaro, Italy. * I've received the name "Homitsu" in 2001, after 7 years of Rinzai Zen at the Zenshinji Monastery of Zenshinji Bukkosan in Italy. * I'm a professor of "Information Processing" and "Multimedia Authoring" at IUAV University in Venice, at ISIA Urbino and at the Academy of Fine Arts Urbino [all in Italy]. == Ubuntu related == * All my actual Ubuntu activities are logged on [[https://launchpad.net/~davideriboli|my Lauchpad account]]. * All my courses are based on Ubuntu. * I took part in official italian groups "Ubuntu Promozione" and "Ubuntu Test". == Linux related == * I'm one of the founders of the [[http://urbino-lug.tumblr.com/|Urbino-LUG]]. * I've worked to the italian localization of Linux Mint [see my [[https://launchpad.net/~davideriboli|Lauchpad account]]]. * I contributed to the opening of the [[http://linuxmint.mirror.garr.it/mirrors/linuxmint/ | Italian Linux Mint Mirror]] on GARR. * I wrote [[http://community.linuxmint.com/tutorial/from/16902 | some tutorials]] for the Linux Mint Community. * I occasionally participate in the activities of the [[http://www.archlinux.it/ | Arch Linux]] Community. == PGP Public Key == * If you want to secure mail me, please [[http://davideriboli.net/void/?page_id=2587 |use this key]]. == Contacts == * [[http://gplus.to/riboli | Google+]]; * [[http:davideriboli.net | Blog]]; * [[https://twitter.com/#!/DavideRiboli | Twitter]]. ---- CategoryHomepage