Computers have been in my life since 'donkey kong jr' and Amiga500 now its laptops and GNU/Linux GPL Software.

ubuntu at davro dot net


- Contracting Programming.


- Contracting Programming.


- 01/2005: Senior Developer BESPOKE IMS/UKFS.


- 01/2004: Developer ENFIELD Linux ltsp network.

Some Interests

Computers, GNU OS/FS Programming, Civil Rights/Lefts, Climbing, Building.

Ubuntu Interests

Have now been using Ubuntu since the Warty Warthog release 4.10. one various architectures, x86: Intel (i386, i686), amd64

LaptopTestingTeam, Current Laptop, SonyPCG-Z1RMP, Helping as much as possable.

DesktopTestingTeam, maybe. testing, MiniITX EPIA-M11-12000 testing, MiniITX EPIA-5000

MiniITX x86 architecture compiles at i586 level could there be an optimised kernel for mini-itx's


DavidStevens (last edited 2008-08-06 16:34:52 by localhost)