The Colorado Ubuntu Linux Team is an Ubuntu "Local Community Team" (aka CoLoCo Team) that advocates the use of Open Source software and Ubuntu Linux in the State of Colorado, US. This is done through CD distribution, team expansion, user-base support, and outreach programs.

The Colorado Local Community Team is not meant to replace our local LUGs but rather enhance their overall experience by having a dedicated place to discuss, contribute, and gain support from local Ubuntu users.

While we were not the first Local Community Team in the USA, we were the first to complete the official process and become fully recognized by the Ubuntu Community Council.

More up-to-date information can be found at our website.

Key Details


In the past CoLoCo aimed to have a large event twice a year (generally, this was a release party) - we've found that, while this was certainly achievable, it was not engaging all members as frequently as possible. In response of our members' desire to have more frequent events for troubleshooting and general shop-talk, we've begun to co-host events with other local Linux groups. Casual meet-ups have become a great platform for the group to engage with both new and veteran members, in addition to providing a frequent point of contact for planning our larger events.

Overall Goal

To provide high-quality support and representation for Ubuntu within Colorado through events and relationships.

Planned 2011 Events

Previous Events


ColoradoTeam/ApprovalApplication (last edited 2010-10-17 15:16:42 by c-24-1-59-245)