
Revision 10 as of 2007-02-05 21:49:08

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Launchpad ID:

[ ChrisOattes]


Seeker` on


MailTo(chris AT cjo20 DOT net)



About me

I am 20 and I am currently living in Basingstoke, Hampshire, UK. I am a student at the University of Bath, doing a placement year. I have been using Linux since late 2004, starting with Fedora Core and then briefly changing to Debian before starting to use Ubuntu about 9 months ago.

I regularly visit #ubuntu-uk on freenode, and try to contribute as often as possible within the channel, both by being active within the meetings and by trying to help anyone with support requests.

I have recently implemented an Eggdrop bot (which goes by the name of "Mootbot") to be used in meetings with the aim of making the process of chairing the meeting and compiling minutes easier. It does this by picking out important parts of the meeting - Topics discussed, ideas that have been suggested and any decisions made.

Sample output from the bot can be found [ here]

Ubuntu Scribes

As a result of MootBot's success in the UKTeam meetings, I decided to start the ScribesTeam (after much prodding from NikButler) with ausimage. The aim of this team is to provide a repository of high quality logs and summaries from as many meetings within the Ubuntu community as possible. This will hopefully provide somewhere people can go an review past meetings with relative ease.

I am hoping to add many new features to [:ScribesTeam/MootBot: MootBot], as described on the wiki page. Any comments / suggestions are more than welcome.