#format wiki #language en This is a list of pages which constitute documentation. '''Note that English documentation on this wiki should be moved to the new documentation wiki at https://help.ubuntu.com/community''' To help with this task, do the following: 1. Pick one of the pages listed below and consider whether it should be moved or left on this wiki. If in doubt, ask the DocumentationTeam for their advice. 1. View the raw text of the page and copy it. 1. Save a local copy of any page attachments (graphics) 1. Paste the raw text into an appropriate new page on the [[https://help.ubuntu.com/community|help documentation wiki]] 1. Attach any page graphics to the new page 1. Edit the old version of the page, delete all of the text, and insert the following text, replacing New``Page with the name of your new page. {{{ #REFRESH 2 https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NewPage This page has been moved to the Ubuntu Community Documentation Website. You are being redirected.}}} ''List of pages in this category:'' <> ---- CategoryCategory