* July 1st: LoCo Council contacted our LoCo for communicating they are working the "sub-locos" item, and we answered that it was OK but we are not a sub-loco. The gave two extra months to us for being a verified LoCo. We did not receive any candidates for the next utopic party on November, but from the TEB there was an interest, so we will contact them soon. * July 7th: Ubuntu solutions in restaurant del Prat Gran, La Massana (Andorra) https://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=19/42.54925/1.51192. * July 14th: conformed two Ubuntu speeches at the Casa Golferichs in Barcelona, Free Software, a matter of freedom (http://www.slideshare.net/josepgallart/elprogramarilliure) in October and Ubuntu installations in November.