From The Art Of Community by O'Reilly ( by Jono Bacon

Striving For Clarity

When laying down the lines of communication for your community, our goal is to strive for clarity. Imagine if you will a world in which every communication is clear, accessible, and well understood by your community. You need to think carefully about the culture in which your community communicates and strive to build a highway and driving style that achieves that culture. You first need to lay the foundations, which can be found in clarity and transparency. Your members want to be able to hear, read, or experience each communication and understand it straightaway. When clarity is in place, contributions will begin to flow shortly afterward. When confusion, misunderstanding, and opacity set in, your members will either spend their days seeking clarification or move on, confused and frustrated.

Achieving clarity requires attention to two areas. First, a sensible choice of communication medium is required (mailing list, IRC, forum, etc.). This is relatively straightforward and actually fairly uninteresting. We will make some decisions about this over the following pages. The second, more complex part is picking communication channels that match the needs of the users while maximizing clarity. Let’s spend some time talking about that.

General Guidelines

Teaching great communication is complex, and many books have been written on the subject. Fortunately, becoming a great communicator doesn’t require an exercise in academically satisfying hand waving or an attempt to sound like a monocle-wearing intellectual, but to simply be clear, friendly, and straightforward in your communications.

BuildingCommunity/WritingwithClarity (last edited 2010-09-05 19:30:36 by ip98-182-50-39)