<> [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BelizeanTeam?action=AttachFile|{{attachment:ubuntu-bz-circle.png|More Ubuntu-bz logos in the Attachments page|align="right"}}]] Our goal is to offer Belizean users a less intimidating support group, as well as promote the adoption of Ubuntu at home in Belize. == Reasons to Become a Member == * Ubuntu-BZ is a local effort for Belizeans, and by Belizean, and as such it will offer a smaller and less intimidating support group for members. * We will have a wide range of support option for new users. Including Forums, IRC, Mailing lists, Wiki, and perhaps others yet to come. * We plan to hook into all of the Belizean User in Belize so the BelizeanTeam will be a great way for you to see just how large the Belizean Linux community is, and then enable you to join it. * We plan to also host links to any Belizean businesses that are Linux friendly. * We need '''your''' help, each member has the potential to add to this community in a positive way. Through new and interesting ideas as well as technical know-how and just general positive attitudes. Together we can make a difference. == Goals, Ambitions, Plans == If you have not already please join our growing mailing list, we would like to hear what you have to say and how you think Ubuntu can be better promoted and supported in Canada. You can see some of our current [[/Projects|projects]] == Members List == Please join us! Its fun, fast and easy. '''Just add your name to the growing list of our [[/Members|members]]'''. == Meetings == Ubuntu Belizean holds meetings in IRC, currently on the first '''Saturday''' of the month. Check the [[/Meetings]] page for actual dates, times and agendas. Minutes from previous meetings can be found on the individual meeting pages. == Community Resources == * '''Mailing list''': [[http://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-bz]] * '''IRC Channel''': * Server: irc.freenode.net * Channel: [[irc://irc.freenode.net/#ubuntu-bz|#ubuntu-bz]] * Webchat: http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=ubuntu-bz * '''Microblogs''': /* * Microblog: [[http://ubuntu.com/group/ubuntubz|!ubuntubz]] */ * Twitter: [[https://mobile.twitter.com/search/ubuntubz|#ubuntubz]] * '''Ubuntu Loco Team Directory''': [[http://loco.ubuntu.com/teams/ubuntu-bz]] /* * '''[[https://www.google.com/calendar/|Google Calendar]]''' * '''Forum: Belize Team''': [[http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=395]] * '''Ubuntu Belize on Facebook''': [[http://www.facebook.com/]] */ * '''Ubuntu Belize in Launchpad''': [[https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-bz]] /* * '''Google Plus''': [[https://plus.google.com/1|Ubuntu Belizean LoCo community group|rel="publisher"]] */ * '''[[/Conferences |Fests and Conferences]]''': We will also be trying to set up booths for Ubuntu at any and all technical events in Belize. We may eventually hold our own yearly conference. If you will be at a conference please let us know on our [[http://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-bz|mailing-list]]. * [[/TeamReports|Reports]] /* * '''Contacts''': [[hnoble|Harry Noble]], [[ismaelnoble|Ismael Noble]], and [[https://plus.google.com/|+Harry Noble]([[https://launchpad.net/~hnoble|hnoble]]) is the voice of [[https://plus.google.com/|Ubuntu on Google Plus]]; [[https://www.facebook.com/|Harry Noble]] ([[https://launchpad.net/|hnoble]]) curates the [[http://www.facebook.com/|Facebook page]]. */ == Why Does Ubuntu Belize exist? == Q: What is the point of a Local group for Belize? English is already very well supported. A: This is actually a good thing, because while many teams need to struggle with translation issues we do not. Instead, we can focus our efforts on the next logical step which is promotion and community building on a local scale. ----- All sub-pages: <> ---- CategoryLoCoTeams