
Revision 84 as of 2006-05-21 19:27:12

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  • local action: press, network local users
  • translation, documentation and web support: refer people to nl, fr and de to ubuntu-nl, ubuntu-fr and ubuntu-de respectively


[ mailing list]

Why a Belgian Ubuntu Group ? Ubuntu-fr, Ubuntu-nl and Ubuntu-de are enough !

When talking about website, forum, documentation, we agree that Ubuntu-fr, -nl and -de are more than enough. They are doing a fantastic job and we will not compete with them. Our goal is NOT to do any kind of support or documentation on the web.

As Belgians, we speak several languages, but we are one country. The current Belgian community is divided in three and we lack cooperation for the organisation of local events, press contacts, etc. For example, if you organize an install party in Brussels as a member of ubuntu-fr, you will reach a lot of french people that are not interested in, some french-speaking belgian and that's all.

The goal of Ubuntu-be would be then to increase cooperation for:

  • organisation and advertising local events
  • contacts with the press, publication of Belgian specific press releases
  • helping people to find local Ubuntu related resources (commercial or not).
  • Increase the cooperation between the nl, de and fr Belgian community
  • On the web: redirect people to the best forum or wiki for their need (ubuntu-fr, nl, ...)
  • Contact local vendors
  • have a list of local resources (tutorials, ...)

There is Microsoft France, Microsoft Belgique/België, Microsoft Netherlands. Belgian people are watching Belgian TV and reading Belgian newspapers. Indeed, we believe that the only real country is "The Earth". But in our society, we think that Belgian people will want a Belgian Ubuntu group.


Mailing list : Ubuntu-be will have one and only one [ mailing-list]. We think only one mailing list is better so we also talk the "other" language from our lovely country. (LionelDricot : Ya, Ik moet mijn nederlands verbetern Wink ;-) ) This mailing list will not be a helpdesk mailing list.

IRC : The IRC chan will not be a helpdesk chan. We will send people to #ubuntu-fr or to #ubuntu-nl. The IRC chan will be only for administrative purposes. (like #ubuntu-fr-meeting)

Forum : Ubuntu-be will not have any forums or documentation. Instead, we will point to ubuntu-fr, ubuntu-nl, ubuntu-de and There is no need to divide the effort.

IRL ressources : Ubuntu-be will provide a list of real-life ressources: invidivuals, LUGs, commercial support firms, ...

press Ubuntu-be will publish press releases for all things related to Ubuntu in Belgium. Ubuntu-be will also provide a contact for journalists (in our different languages).


If you are intersted, write your name here with your "province", your first language. Your name must link to your Ubuntu wiki page so we can contact you.

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