

The Launchpad Focus Group will develop the necessary materials reguired by the Ubuntu Learning Project. Our goal is to give them high quality materials that educate users on Launchpad.

Release Note

Making information about the tools available to Ubuntu users easier to access and easier to understand. This Launchpad Lesson Plan, Overview, and Practical Sheet will drastically reduce the barriers for including this material in their overall Lesson Plan.


A teacher uses Launchpad as a part of their class and needs the materials to make short work of this task so they can begin the Lesson Plan required by the course. A teacher seeing the wide spread use of Launchpad in the community wants to include a section on Launchpad in his Lesson Plan.

User stories


Needs to be short, Launchpad is not perceived as something an entire class should be devoted to.


* Very efficient

* easy to understand

* Modular - Allow for cherry picking of particular topics. A teacher teaching a course on Bugs would not be interested in including materials on Launchpad Translation. Needs to be easy to customize by adding and dropping LP tools.

* I would like to see some screencasts done for this project. These could also be added to the Launchpad YouTube Channel.

* Can these be used in some way: Launchpad Frequently Asked Questions

Implementation (Plan of Action)

  • Ubuntu Lesson Plan sample

    • Overview
    • Materials

    Ubuntu Overview Sheet sample

    • If you would like to work on this let me duanedesign or PabloRubianes know and we can share the Google Doc with you. As the Overview Sheet progresses, it will be put on the OKWiki for peer review.

  • Code: source code hosting using the Bazaar version control system.
  • Bugs: a bug tracker that allows bugs to be tracked in multiple contexts (e.g. in an Ubuntu package, as an upstream, or in remote bug trackers).
  • Blueprints: a system for tracking Specifications and new features.
  • Translations: a site for localising applications into different human languages.
  • Answers: a community support site and knowledge base.

A significant but less visible component is Soyuz, "the distribution management portion of Launchpad."


As The materials reach their Beta stage
I will post them on the OKWiki for peer review.


BeginnersTeam/FocusGroups/Launchpad/DocsLearningSpec (last edited 2009-11-07 20:02:50 by ip72-213-131-215)